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Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III

24 Aug 04 - 11:31 AM (#1255331)
Subject: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Some people have been asking, and I am happy to reply: okay!

Venue: Portaferry, Co. Down, N. Ireland (home of the previous gatherings)

Dates: tentatively Fri 4th - Sun 6th February 2005

Brief description: Great place, and hopfully even more music this time round as there's some well-established sessions there these days. Come along, meet up with other members, guests and anyone else in the vicinity. Play music. Sing songs. Participate in some interesting culinary activities. Drink Guinness.

One thing - there have been requests for separate sessions in terms of songs and tunes... It might be an idea to do this on one of the nights just so as everyone gets to do their thang.

T'would be great to see everyone again, with hopefully some new faces too. Think of it as a warm-up for the ever-fantastic Eurogathering. No 57 quid charge, and a distinct lack of whelks, though.

date corrected per request - joeclone

24 Aug 04 - 11:43 AM (#1255340)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

If I don't make it this year I'll be ever so cross, I may even stamp my foot and say "gosh darn it"
Looking forward to it already.
Only 164 days to go yaaaaaay.

24 Aug 04 - 11:57 AM (#1255358)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

yes please!

24 Aug 04 - 11:59 AM (#1255360)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Just realised I wrote 2004 in my opening post. Doh! It's 2005. Of course

24 Aug 04 - 12:02 PM (#1255368)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Dear Kate,

We both expect to be able to come to Portaferry in February and are already looking forward to it!


Richard and Patricia

24 Aug 04 - 02:11 PM (#1255465)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Leadfingers

All things being equal I will be along to drag the whole thing down to my level too Kate .

24 Aug 04 - 03:18 PM (#1255520)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Funny you should say that Kate, but flights from Leeds Bradford to Belfast are at this very moment £57.00 for those dates. Please count Lardboy and Viking amongst the attendees. Something to look forward to at last (since the last thing to look forward to) Huzzah!

24 Aug 04 - 03:55 PM (#1255546)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Eric/Greg: share a room with me again?

24 Aug 04 - 04:46 PM (#1255581)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: My guru always said

Well Done Fibs Me Dear!!!!
Will pop dates in diary.... Pancakes anyone?

24 Aug 04 - 04:47 PM (#1255582)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Hillary, may I be your pancake assistant again?

24 Aug 04 - 05:02 PM (#1255602)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

If there is going to be another pancake workshop, count me in. I might even persuade Manitas to come! We could leave the Limpit at home though..... just have to find some poor sod silly enough....


24 Aug 04 - 05:08 PM (#1255610)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: My guru always said

Andy: I was counting on you being Chief Assistant & that you'd help me out with your Other Pancake as & when necessary!

LtS, hope you & Manitas can make it - will start practising pancake hurling now......

24 Aug 04 - 07:08 PM (#1255730)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

My "Other Pancake"? Is this something I do not understand because of my poor English?

24 Aug 04 - 07:11 PM (#1255732)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Sorry Andy-I'm bringing Aragon! (Only joking) That should not be a problem. I'm just waiting to hear from Lardboy.

24 Aug 04 - 08:11 PM (#1255787)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Catherine Jayne

Micca and I will be there too!!

25 Aug 04 - 04:06 AM (#1256013)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

Sounds like we could make up quite a party from London - anyone want to investigate block bookings for cheaper fares?


25 Aug 04 - 07:59 AM (#1256146)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Great to know there'll be enthusiastic attendees. I believe skarpi will also be doing his best to make it over from Iceland. I hope Kate-who-is-Kate and Sarah(Shrek) and Letty are also able to make it. I willl do the usual information providing at some stage soon.

25 Aug 04 - 08:32 AM (#1256174)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: My guru always said

Andy your English is Fantastic! My memory is useless! I vaguely recall that you instisted that your extra pancake was called your 'other one', I was trying to be a little quiet about that. A Chief Assistant of course you would be entitled to your 'other one' anyway!!!

25 Aug 04 - 08:37 AM (#1256177)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Skipjack K8

Couldn't we hold it somewhere more convenient on a different date? The Yardley Gobion Toad Licking Festival has always been held on that weekend, and I haven't missed one since Cecil Sharp was clapped in irons for illegal recording.

25 Aug 04 - 08:53 AM (#1256194)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

I didn't have an extra pancake! That is a lie! ;-)

Fibula, I am willing to pose as a Februarypole or Februarybavarian (whatever you prefer for dancing around nekkid) ;-)

25 Aug 04 - 08:56 AM (#1256197)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Letty

Count me in (if I'm doing nought)!
Could you order some sunshine for that weekend, Fibs?
If Skarpi comes, he'll have to help me do my Old Icelandic homework (Hrolfs Saga Kraki at the moment) :_)


25 Aug 04 - 08:58 AM (#1256202)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

That should be "nowt" Laetitia. Spreken Sie Northerish?

I hope Skarpi can come....that would be brilliant!



25 Aug 04 - 09:03 AM (#1256208)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Letty

Mooman, that was official Cork spelling, of course.
I'll be the official delegate of the People's Republic of Cork, so langers beware!


25 Aug 04 - 09:08 AM (#1256212)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Oi, Lard Skipjack of 'Umberside - the date is non-negotiable unless you are willing to pay an administration fee of 57 pounds. I have checked the calendar and the toad licking thing isn't til the following weekend (unless you're referring to the Yardley Gobion Toad Liking Festival - that might indeed clash, but shouldn't be an issue to a whelk-fancier like yourself).

By the way, Dumigan's back room has been done up beautifully and is all clean and cosy and cushy and lovely and just ripe for the playing.

25 Aug 04 - 09:59 AM (#1256264)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Skipjack K8

They haven't ruined the shithouse by roofing it, have they, Fibs? That is the only khazi I know with a satellite dish on an inside wall with an unemcumbered view of the stars. It is a tad rusty from the rising steam, but it adds to the character of the Dumigan's Lavatory Experience. I even rang and woke Oaklet in the early hours so he could enjoy live commentary.

25 Aug 04 - 11:27 AM (#1256364)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Has Dumigan's back passage been done up too?

Letty,I fought yew culd spaek Hullish! beeein naer Hull9 from de Nederlands.

If Skarpi comes he'll only have to row south for a few miles, so it'll be easy for him to get there.

And Richard it will be great to see Pat again, as she didn't make Barrow last May.

Skipjack, I remember you ringing Oaklet. There we were with two intertwining streams of glowing fluorescent processed orange and Guiness with the stars above us and you spoil the moment by ringing someone else!! When I said ringing, I meant on the telephone-stupid!

25 Aug 04 - 11:31 AM (#1256372)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Oaklet

Have you chosen a location and a date yet? If not, we can have Stourport at a knock-down rate as it is an unwanted gift. Just a thought.

25 Aug 04 - 01:43 PM (#1256511)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Den

Fibs why can't it be in the summer? I'm planning a trip to the ould sod next year, probably around August. Would love to meet up with a few folks I've talked to around here.

26 Aug 04 - 02:04 AM (#1257104)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Den - Question Not the Dates of Meets! (see Eurogathering threads infinitum). Besides, it has to be that weekend as tradition dictates, because then in 2006 it will correspond with my 30th birthday when we'll have one hell of a hoolie.

26 Aug 04 - 02:10 AM (#1257107)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Right, listen up!
Upon arrival, participants will be herded into one of two groups: those carrying instruments externally and those carrying theirs internally. Those with external music-making equipment will accordingly be shepherded into a cosy barbed-wire enclosure where they will be branded with a big "T" (for tunes) on their forehead, and will spend the rest of the weekend plucking forlornly at said equipment in a melancholy manner. Those who prefer the dulcet tones of the human voice will be penned into a seconding holding area and branded with a large "S" (for songs) and can while away the remainder of their visit raising their voices in tuneful protest. Those who can both play AND sing will be pelted with shaky eggs by both groups silmultaneously (better start ducking, Terry!).

26 Aug 04 - 04:37 AM (#1257136)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Morticia

I'd love to be there but having aimed for it and missed twice now, I am not commiting myself ( although someone may do it on my behalf) until I see the white of their melodeons!!

Put me down as a "if I have nowt better to do and enough dosh and am still in gainful employment and not in the hospital or having my wicked way with another folk festival" possible.

26 Aug 04 - 04:55 AM (#1257142)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Skipjack is always plucking his instrument, he also plays with his chest organ as well.He tells me he's looking forward to the barbed wire. I told him that he'd only get a little prick from it. He replied that he'd put a little prick on it, but I didn't understand that at all.

26 Aug 04 - 05:56 AM (#1257160)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

I'd heard that about Skippy. His instrument's never out of his hands. When he said he had greasy plams I thought he meant money, not a fistful of dripping.

26 Aug 04 - 08:01 AM (#1257209)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

I'd prefer if those who sing and play would be branded with S and t.

St. MudGuard ;-)

(is "plams" a typo or is it a word missing in my dictionary?)

26 Aug 04 - 09:40 AM (#1257268)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Plams is definitely an unmentionable - as if I would make a typo...! ;-)

26 Aug 04 - 11:21 AM (#1257340)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

I think Kate means he has greasy plums.

26 Aug 04 - 11:22 AM (#1257341)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Greasy plumes?

26 Aug 04 - 11:28 AM (#1257342)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Oh dear, I've just checked the fares. If we go via Dublin on RyanAir it is going to cost an extortionate €3,60 for the two of us return (plus taxes) from Brussels. I shall have to seriously think about this!


26 Aug 04 - 11:35 AM (#1257347)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Letty

I could sponsor you. Or maybe you could ask them if Pat can sit on your lap, so you'll only need one ticket.

Fibula: starting to duck right now. What if you don't sing and don't play either? Do we force those people to use the shaky eggs?

Letty (off to the fleadh cheoil tonight!)

26 Aug 04 - 12:01 PM (#1257382)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Good idea Letty! It would only cost me one Euro eighty cents then!


26 Aug 04 - 12:04 PM (#1257384)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

Is that 'de ma tante' Fibs?

26 Aug 04 - 04:14 PM (#1257572)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Ou est la greasy plumes de ma tante, giok? Je ne sais pas.

Letty - rock agus roll at the cheoil.

26 Aug 04 - 05:32 PM (#1257633)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: GUEST,herge

Count in members of Haste to the Wedding, were doing nothing else in Feb, so will enjoy the 'craic'


26 Aug 04 - 05:36 PM (#1257634)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: skarpi

Okei, Eric i am not gona row a little south, not at this time year
hahahahah , but I am gonna do something to morrow and that is call the " Iceland Express Airline and ask them to do a plan for me so can be you all , so what are the days ? in Jan/Feb ?
please let me know so I can tell the airliner.
Maybe i can take band with me ?????
Who know still plenty of time to do this .
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

26 Aug 04 - 05:50 PM (#1257651)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: skarpi

Oh men I am not right those day the days are on top sorry didin´t see it.
but I mean it just talking to my wife and i might come.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

26 Aug 04 - 06:11 PM (#1257670)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: My guru always said

Wow! It would be Fab if you could make it Skarpi....

26 Aug 04 - 06:35 PM (#1257687)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: skarpi

jabb, I know to morrow.
Skarp Iceland.

26 Aug 04 - 08:34 PM (#1257750)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Peter K (Fionn)

In that case, Herge, Sorch (White Tiger) and I will definitely be there. Skarpi's coming from Iceland, for goodness sake, and the journey down from Bangor can't be much worse than that.

No takers from stateside? I think InOBU certainly should make the effort, if only to admire my splendid new chanter.

27 Aug 04 - 02:07 AM (#1257888)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

"Haste to the wedding"-you've got a great website!(Will ye be flogging yer CD?) Please be gentle with us who are crap players, but if you give DADGAD lessons, you'll be more than welcome to sit on Skipjack's knee while he plays with his instrument.

Richard. I've decided in the interests of economy, to fly to Belgium, and get one of your cheap seat returns, as it's£57.00 from here. How does that sound?

Skarpi-it would be great to met you, Mrs skarpi and yer band. I can't swim, or else I'd help you row. Skipjack has a boat though, so he could sail up and get you.I've heard that he's often looked for the north west passage.

And, I have had it confirmed that Skipjack does have greasy plums.

27 Aug 04 - 03:20 AM (#1257903)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

This is wonderful! It's set to be a cracking weekend.
I will put all the relevant information online in a couple of hours time.

27 Aug 04 - 03:58 AM (#1257919)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: JudeL

So Kate: if they have given Dumigan's a face lift does this mean they have removed the tapless bath from the ladies loo?

27 Aug 04 - 04:10 AM (#1257923)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: JudeL

It's been established that people want the pancake workshop again .... so who's still likely to be about to join in the "that's not going to fit in the oven" Sunday Roast Extravaganza ?

27 Aug 04 - 04:17 AM (#1257925)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Jude, as one of my major hobbies is eating, I think I will join!

27 Aug 04 - 04:50 AM (#1257944)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Ah...but will your food ever arrive Andy?


27 Aug 04 - 05:03 AM (#1257950)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Hiya Jude - no, I think the bath is still there, but it's now clean!

The nice thing about cooking (and music) events next time is that there won't be a mass exodus off on the rocky road to Dublin to see Planxty. Full turn out at all times!

27 Aug 04 - 05:20 AM (#1257955)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Richard, at Loughstock II I made sure I get food by helping to prepare it ;-) I guess I will do the same next time ...

27 Aug 04 - 05:58 AM (#1257967)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: JudeL

ah but will Raven ever find his pint?

27 Aug 04 - 06:08 AM (#1257972)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

It's still sitting on the bar getting cold I hear. Yes yes, I'm all in favour of a joint [wink wink]

27 Aug 04 - 06:13 AM (#1257976)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

But Jude, his pint stands exactly where he put it down ;-)

27 Aug 04 - 06:25 AM (#1257997)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: My guru always said

Sounds like we'll need 2 or 3 pancake pans on the go all through Saturday then!!!

Jude: Happy to assist again - that makes 3 in the kitchen - room for one more to spread the load????

27 Aug 04 - 07:16 AM (#1258057)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Leadfingers

It would be really good if we could get a few Transponders over this time - Shame easy Jet doesent seem to do transatlantic flights . At the moment its less than £15 return from Stanstead !

27 Aug 04 - 07:42 AM (#1258064)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Skipjack K8

Hilary, as well you know, I am the doyen of Loughstock chefs, so I can direct operations, which will be all the help you need. So that's sorted.

27 Aug 04 - 07:58 AM (#1258079)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III

HAlló all , it is gonna cost me about 308 evr. to come both ways,
so i´ll guess I am coming.
all the best skarpi Iceland

27 Aug 04 - 08:06 AM (#1258087)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: manitas_at_work

from descriptions I've heard this event should be call "Loughstock and draining two barrels"

27 Aug 04 - 08:07 AM (#1258088)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Back at work already, Paul?
You forgot the last two words: "per hour" ;-)

27 Aug 04 - 08:19 AM (#1258096)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: JudeL

If it's fib's birthday does this mean we need to bake another cake?

27 Aug 04 - 08:23 AM (#1258102)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

No, not in 2005 but in 2006.

And then it will be her duty to bake LOTS of cakes ;-)

27 Aug 04 - 08:28 AM (#1258106)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: manitas_at_work

I've had two days of laying in a bed. I need some mental stimulation so I'm back at the office.

27 Aug 04 - 08:29 AM (#1258107)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Excellent news that you're coming Skarpi!

We'll all look forward to meeting you and playing music with you.



27 Aug 04 - 09:12 AM (#1258149)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Of course it's Phibs birthday! It's just that she'll only be a sweet young wench of 29 and 30 the year after. But it's not Skipjacks until 1st of March and him the xxxxxpert at marzipan and sheep brain sandwiches.When he say's he can cook, he means; Eric, Kate, Letty, get on with breakfast!

27 Aug 04 - 10:32 AM (#1258201)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

As a witness to the event I will second what The Viking said!


27 Aug 04 - 10:34 AM (#1258203)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

What do you second? That Eric, Kate and Letty should get on with breakfast? Then I third it ;-)

27 Aug 04 - 10:53 AM (#1258218)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

And you ate it! (And survived)

27 Aug 04 - 07:04 PM (#1258533)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Is the hostel still going? Is it bed bug free? Have they fixed the roof on the conservatory?

28 Aug 04 - 05:17 AM (#1258759)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Just to let you all know that I should have a webpage up by Monday detailing all the details. I just have a lot of work to do before then...

31 Aug 04 - 10:24 AM (#1260715)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: White tiger

Hi all

I think that me and my dad will definately be going so we'll probably see you all there.

White tiger

31 Aug 04 - 11:17 AM (#1260763)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Hi Sorcha! Excellent news.

My Loughstock web page isn't up just yet - I'm busier than I thought - but I'll post a link when it's ready.

31 Aug 04 - 02:20 PM (#1260905)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

We're all booked on RyanAir now...please don't cancel it Kate!

Looking forward to meeting friends old and new again.



01 Sep 04 - 02:28 AM (#1261346)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

Whoo hoo!! Manitas says he wants to come too!!

Count us both in and we will persuade the Limpit she wants to stay with nanny and grandad or some other poor unsuspecting mug!


01 Sep 04 - 02:47 AM (#1261351)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

About time he came to. ;~)

01 Sep 04 - 06:25 AM (#1261451)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

It's the three days of lying in bed that did it.... he's bored witless and says if he's going to be lying down for three days, he might as well do it in a pub in Ireland!

By the way, as a novice at this, what does one do for accommodation there?


01 Sep 04 - 07:12 AM (#1261483)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Catherine Jayne

There is a hostel....fibs will probably post details later!

01 Sep 04 - 07:40 PM (#1262091)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: GUEST,Big Mick on a neighbor's computer

I will be checking on airfares tomorrow. Aer Lingus should be starting their winter specials any day and I am going to book it if it is available. Fingers crossed to make it and meet Skarpi all in one trip.

All the best,


01 Sep 04 - 08:06 PM (#1262100)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: GUEST,Laura Plummer

If any of you ever venture across the fjord to St Patrick's country check out Paddy's Barn, Saul (near Downpatrick) on alternate Tuesday nights

singer's session meets @9.30 then and plenty of greengrass and bluegrass songs featured in Mudcat are sung by a good wee fire with tea & sandwiches @ midnight.


02 Sep 04 - 11:48 AM (#1262606)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock


There is now a website for all relevant information. Find it at:

03 Sep 04 - 04:31 AM (#1263222)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

Excellent website Kate!

Knickerelastic! I shall now have to do one for the EuroGathering!



03 Sep 04 - 05:47 AM (#1263253)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Leadfingers

I am booked on easy Jet and have e-mailed the hostel for a room , so it looks as though I wil be there too . Looking forward to it .

03 Sep 04 - 06:00 AM (#1263263)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Hurray! it's getting underway.

Richard - grab that domain name, quickly!! ;)

03 Sep 04 - 06:57 AM (#1263291)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman's possible I already have something similar!

Anyway, what's with this "Malarky"? That was my mother's name! (Well... Mullarkey actually!) (;>)


03 Sep 04 - 07:06 AM (#1263293)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

ain't a malarky a bit like a palaver?

04 Sep 04 - 06:48 PM (#1264409)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

I thought you woz bright Kate, a palaver is a jumper wot goes over yer head!

04 Sep 04 - 07:40 PM (#1264423)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

That means that a palaver is a helmet?

04 Sep 04 - 07:47 PM (#1264426)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Amos

Palaver is a talk, derived from Spanish palabres.

Malarkey -- at least over here -- means nonsense, an intersecting set, I am sure.


05 Sep 04 - 03:56 AM (#1264587)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

I went to school with a boy called Mullarkey. His dad was a teacher.

I believe it has Irish roots. And so everything returns - not even 7 degrees of separation in this one!

Manitas has agreed!!! All we need now are cat and Limpit sitters.


05 Sep 04 - 04:43 AM (#1264602)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

It might be easier to find cat sitters ;-)

Liz, see also PM that I am going to write in a moment ...

05 Sep 04 - 05:51 AM (#1264626)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Flights are booked, hotel in London is booked!
Portaferry, here I come again!

05 Sep 04 - 12:16 PM (#1264740)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Me again.

Kate who is Fibs, on your Loughstock webpage, under Accommodation, you give as the email address of Barholm hostel.

On the web page of the hostel, is given.

Do you know which one is correct?

06 Sep 04 - 03:44 AM (#1265107)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Paco Rabanne


07 Sep 04 - 05:45 AM (#1265832)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Just got an answer from Barholm:

I am in a bit of a dilemma - you will remember that I am in the throes of
acquiring funding to refurbish the house, I need £200,000 and I have
successfully acquired £180,000, but the deadline is that the work commences
before the end of the year. The work is going out to tender as I write this,
but by the time the tenders come back and the grantors agree it, it will
probably mean a November start, and it is estimated that it will take 12
weeks to complete (I am closing the house down during this period). I
cannot guarantee that it will be re-opened by the time that you all wish to
come over.

On the other hand if the tenders do not come in under budget the work will
not get done, and I would be able to put you up in February.

Now you see my dilemma. Do you wish to wait and see what the tenders bring
in, of is there any chance you can change the dates until March. That way
you could probably be my first guests in a brand new refurbished house.

Let know your thoughts.

07 Sep 04 - 05:56 AM (#1265835)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Did I mention that some of us have already booked flights?

HoustonLoughstock, we have a problem ...

07 Sep 04 - 05:58 AM (#1265836)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

I've purchased our tickets already so will be coming to Portaferry 4-6 February anyway come rain or shine!


07 Sep 04 - 08:46 AM (#1265877)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Skipjack K8

I do wish people would stop trying to change the date! Now even the landlady's having a go!

There will be room available in my mobile Peugeot 406 capsule hotel at £57 per seat, including Ulster Fry breakfast and extras.

07 Sep 04 - 08:50 AM (#1265880)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Snuffy

Why not have it in France on the May bank holiday ?

07 Sep 04 - 08:54 AM (#1265883)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Skipjack K8

Only if those Johnny Come Latelys at the Moron Cursed move their festival off our May Day weekend.

07 Sep 04 - 08:55 AM (#1265885)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: alanww

Fibula: I got the same response from Barholm as MudGuard, which certainly poses me a dilemma too. I am keen to come again (along with Sandy) BUT I do not think that I can afford the extra cost of a B&B. I feel that it would be the last straw on the cost of the trip.
Including B&B, car parking at Birmingham Airport, cheap bmibaby flights to Belfast International Airport at off peak times, car hire (incl insurance excess waiver and petrol) and spending money for the two of us, the total comes out at a minimum of around £450 and it starts to get too expensive for me, a poor pensioner! All together now "Ahhh"!!
However, unlike Leadfingers, mooman & MudGuard, I have not yet booked the flights, so I await your advice on whether you will be:
(1) sticking with the February dates nomatter what (but possibly considering alternative cheaper accommodation, such as large self catering houses*, if Barholm is not available?) or
(2) looking at a change of date to March, as suggested by Linda at Barholm (but that would obviously mean extra costs for those who have already booked flights!).
Perhaps it would be best to wait and see whether Barholm's tendering arrangement actually results in the work will be carried out this winter. If not, I presume there should be no problem!
"For I am free** to go abroad ...!"
For instance, I see from the Ards Borough Council Accommodation List that there are three cottages at Barr Hall Barns which could put up 12 people but I have not contacted them yet to check availability and whether they would do a long weekend, rather than a whole week.
** But unfortunately it isn't free!

07 Sep 04 - 09:01 AM (#1265888)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

Need we say that some of us have booked the same flights? Manitas is looking at nearby cottages for rent so we might be able to share something, if only the information....


07 Sep 04 - 09:12 AM (#1265897)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Is there a community hall that could be used for indoor camping in case the hostel is not available?

07 Sep 04 - 01:21 PM (#1266070)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: GUEST,Fibs in Newcastle

Hello there you lot - I'm typing this from a public terminal in Newcastle City Library (this is a fantastic city, by the way). I'll be back home tomorrow night and will have a good read of stuff and a think about things then, but I'm thinking we should try and keep the date the same, but have a look at self-catering venues, perhaps.

I'm off to St. James' Park for the conference dinner now! Talk to yous later.

09 Sep 04 - 08:26 AM (#1267508)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

Ok, more E-Mails to/from Barholm

I replied to the above mail:

We are discussing options right now - but as we are spread over Ireland,
England, Scotland, Wales and Germany, this is not a too fast process
and can take some days.

Kind regards,

Linda just answered:

Thank you for replying to my email. Tenders are going out within the next
few weeks, I should know in approx 6-8 weeks whether the work will be going

Will that give you enough time to find alternative accommodation if we are

09 Sep 04 - 09:25 AM (#1267543)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Let's hope, in the kindest possible way of course, that Linda's plans don't materialise. But if they do, maybe Linda could offer advice about any possibilities for indoor camping, and if that's in short supply then I'd gladly settle for outdoor camping. (Which would mean White Tiger settling for the same, but maybe not so gladly.)

Either way, I think those who have booked already can be assured that enough local musicians can be rustled up to ensure some cracking sessions on the original dates.

Alan, are you anywhere near any of the National Express services to Birmingham airport? Even rail could be cheaper than car-parking fees, but maybe you live way out in the wilds. As it gets nearer the time, it's more than likely that I or someone could work something that saved you having to hire a car. (You may be big, but your instrument is small!)

09 Sep 04 - 03:33 PM (#1267816)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Liz the Squeak

Alan, are you anywhere near any of the National Express services to Birmingham airport?(You may be big, but your instrument is small!)

Do we need to know how you know?

There are some B&B places in the main street & the Square, one or two of them are quite reasonable.


09 Sep 04 - 03:52 PM (#1267837)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Noreen

Outdoor camping at the beginning of February, Peter???? You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!


10 Sep 04 - 05:31 AM (#1268394)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Hi all,
Well, since people have booked tickets already, let's go ahead on those dates anyway - we can definitely scrape together enough for a session. I will make more enquiries about accommodation.

More links:

Another accommodation website

12 Sep 04 - 07:56 AM (#1269866)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: skarpi

Dear Kate , I hope this will be happening ? I am working hard to get me a money for this travel.
So let me know if this is not gonna be.
I have not booked a flight but I am booking the bed, the flight will be booked in November it will cost less then.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.....
p.s The band is thinging about this avent and the trip to Portaferry.

13 Sep 04 - 05:51 AM (#1270914)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

Well here's a fine stramash an' no mistake! I go away to furrin parts, and youse yins try to make me miss Loughstock for the third year in a row! Is it just me, or do things like this happen to other people? Well I'm going to look into taking the motorhome over the sea to Norn Iron, the land of my fathers. It will probably cost an arm, and several legs, but if I don't manage it this time I will scream, and probably stamp my foot, and say "Gosh darn!"
PS. Kate, Newcastle always was great craic, nice peeps too.

13 Sep 04 - 05:29 PM (#1271422)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: JudeL

We have had the same message from Linda about being able to let us know what's going on in about 6 weeks time. So by that reckoning we should know by the beginning of November if the hostel will be available if not does anyone fancy sharing the cost of the 6 person flat in the Barr Hall Barnes

13 Sep 04 - 05:40 PM (#1271431)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

I'll share. At least the flat. Maybe the cost ;-)

14 Sep 04 - 04:44 AM (#1271848)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

How much? [I'm a Scot you know!]

16 Sep 04 - 10:26 AM (#1273158)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: GUEST,EtV@work

So........... what appening now?

16 Sep 04 - 10:40 AM (#1273162)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Since some people have already bought their tickets, it looks like the weekend will go ahead, though with potentially fewer attendees. Sorry I can't help more with accommodation, other than to provide links to websites. There are definitely B&Bs, but we're short on places for indoor camping, I'm afraid. I am still trying to think of a cunning plan, so I will keep trying to sort things out.

16 Sep 04 - 07:18 PM (#1273587)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Would it be cunning enough to send a rat up a ferrets hole?

03 Oct 04 - 11:09 AM (#1287417)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Have you a cunning plan yet Fibs?

03 Oct 04 - 01:33 PM (#1287502)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Possibly... I am still thinking though! I've also found another self-catering place in the town:

Anchor Cottage                
3 Steel Dickson Avenue
County Down
BT22 1LE                
Telephone:        (01273) 304638

03 Oct 04 - 03:07 PM (#1287552)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Steady with that thinking Kate, it'll make yer brains stretch.

03 Oct 04 - 03:33 PM (#1287561)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Catherine Jayne that a cottage or a hostel?? many people would be able to stay there?..

03 Oct 04 - 03:51 PM (#1287581)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

I'm still trying to get an on line quote for taking the motorhome, but 2005 doesn't exist as far as on-line bookings are concerned.

03 Oct 04 - 07:56 PM (#1287735)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Leadfingers

IS this a possible replacement for Barholm ?? If so let us know so we can book in !!

04 Oct 04 - 04:09 AM (#1288029)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

It's a cottage, although they might perhaps be conducive to people "indoor camping". It's pretty much at the shore (past the Narrows and turn left), so it'd be handy to the pubs and the like.

Aha - found it online. It sleeps 4-6:
Anchor Cottage                
3 Steel Dickson Avenue
County Down
BT22 1LE                
Telephone:        (01273) 304638

Oooh, I've just found another TWO on the same street:

Inisharoan Cottage NITB approved 3 Star rating ***
7 Steele Dickson Avenue,
BT22 1LE
Owners: Colin & Elma Hagan, 16 Shore Road Portaferry, BT22 1JY
Tel: 028 4272 8512

and Camomile (terrace cottage - sleeps 4)
9 Steel Dickson Avenue
Portaferry, Co Down
Northern Ireland BT22 1LG
Telephone: +44 - 012477 - 28541

04 Oct 04 - 04:51 AM (#1288051)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: John MacKenzie

Dr Phibes girl detective!!


04 Oct 04 - 07:44 AM (#1288143)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

god help the neighbours at number 5...!

04 Oct 04 - 11:43 AM (#1288302)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: mooman

They could always be invited to take a couple too Kate!

Looking promising!



16 Oct 04 - 02:27 PM (#1298542)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: MudGuard

I just emailed Linda at Barholms asking whether she has any news about availability of the hostel in February ...

Waiting for an answer now ...

20 Oct 04 - 03:56 PM (#1302087)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

Did you get an answer yet Andy?

25 Nov 04 - 05:22 PM (#1339150)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Eric the Viking

All quiet on the western front?

26 Nov 04 - 04:21 AM (#1339488)
Subject: RE: Ireland Mudcat meet: Loughstock III
From: Fibula Mattock

Update on this - hostel closed for repairs.
New thread dealing with the consequences:
Loughstock III