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Okthen (Bill Stephens) from his daughter

08 Sep 04 - 03:41 AM (#1266579)
Subject: Okthen (Bill Stephens)
From: okthen

Dear all

This is Chantal Stephens (Bill stephens daughter) 24 Years old.
I would just like to say thankyou so very much for all the lovely messages that were posted about my dad. WE MISS HIM SO MUCH. He was a very speical person. He loved his music espically and I hold on to the days where I would be dancing with dad and swinging around the front room listening to all sorts music. Thankyou again and take care.
Chantal Stephens

08 Sep 04 - 03:57 AM (#1266585)
Subject: RE: Okthen (Bill Stephens)
From: Liz the Squeak

Thank you for posting - it means a lot to us, as he did.

Hold on to those good days, and the others will not seem so long. You were lucky to have such a lovely man for your father.

If you want to share more or just need someone to talk to, we're always here!


08 Sep 04 - 05:52 AM (#1266649)
Subject: RE: Okthen (Bill Stephens)
From: alanabit

Kind of you to call. You are as welcome here as he was.

08 Sep 04 - 07:26 AM (#1266683)
Subject: RE: Okthen (Bill Stephens)
From: wysiwyg

Chantal, he must have loved you so much.


08 Sep 04 - 10:55 AM (#1266802)
Subject: RE: Okthen (Bill Stephens)
From: katlaughing

How kind of you to stop in. Thanks very much. May you find solace in those memories and in knowing that your dad was well-liked amongst us.
