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BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!

27 Sep 04 - 03:23 AM (#1282013)
Subject: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

New list of crappest towns just been published, Hull is no longer number 1, it is Luton.

put "crappest town" in your seacher thing for full details.
it said Hull is violent and depressing, but thats a load of rubbish, anyone else says that, and we'll bust their nose.

27 Sep 04 - 03:36 AM (#1282020)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Paco Rabanne

Yes it is! Did you hear on Radio Humberside last week that Gaylord woofta Inglis is in trouble for dubious sexual practises?

27 Sep 04 - 03:40 AM (#1282022)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

yep, see my post on the David Westwood thread.
This is the 5th time he has been accused of fiddling with little boys, I see Hull Daily Mail are not covering the case in as much detail as The Yorkshire Post, Hull Mail do not mention the previous allegations made against him or the fact he was suspended from the council a few years ago.

27 Sep 04 - 03:57 AM (#1282032)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Dave the Gnome

What's going on with your spelling, jOhn???

I'm disappointed!


27 Sep 04 - 05:07 AM (#1282080)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,Mingulay

I think jOhn muste av fownd is spel chekkr bye mistkae. Eyethir thatt or itts a impostre.

27 Sep 04 - 05:26 AM (#1282084)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Skipjack K8

Anyone would think you lot had never heard of a multiple personality disorder.

27 Sep 04 - 06:09 AM (#1282102)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,Mingulay

I'd give up three of my personalities to be schizophrenic. The trouble is that they would never agree which ones should go.

The only difference between Hull and Luton is that Luton has more seagulls. Something to do with a better class of rubbish in the tips.

27 Sep 04 - 07:13 AM (#1282127)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,noddy

Good God ! How did That happen???

27 Sep 04 - 07:50 AM (#1282148)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Mr Red

Hull may not be the crappiest town but you can see a lot of it from the Ex-Lax factory!

27 Sep 04 - 11:48 AM (#1282333)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: The Beast of Farlington

This is disastrous news for Hull, which is now only the 19th crappest place to live in the UK, because NOW it has NO DISTINGUISHING FEATURES AT ALL!

27 Sep 04 - 12:02 PM (#1282344)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Paco Rabanne

Hiya beast. give everyone in farTington a kiss from me.

27 Sep 04 - 12:49 PM (#1282373)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Les from Hull

No distiguishing features, Beast? What about the Super Ted Museum of Fingernails?

27 Sep 04 - 12:50 PM (#1282374)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Little Hawk

Maybe you're not trying hard enough, jOhn, and that is why Hull has fallen into second place. Get off your duff and do something about it, mate. Bust some noses. Deface a few more public buildings.   Hull has a reputation to maintain.

27 Sep 04 - 02:03 PM (#1282434)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Sttaw Legend

"Hull has fallen into second place"

Little Hulk, it's worse than second place, Hull has dropped to 19th. Radical thinking and action is required.

jOhn, ull is looking to you to champion this cause.

27 Sep 04 - 03:23 PM (#1282473)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Little Hawk

That is truly shocking. Hull has lost ground more seriously than I had suspected. Meanwhile, Crouch End is apparently moving up the list rapidly.

27 Sep 04 - 04:37 PM (#1282520)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: s6k

must be the big screen in town and the new stadium that ruined our rank.

but the bloody stadium is being crap.

REM are playing there next year, i wanted to see them, but then i found out the seating plan.

usually in stadiums you have the rectangular arena, and the stage is at one of the short ends of the rectangle. not so with idiots at KC. the stage is at the long side of the rectangle, so about 3000 seats wasted, probably more, and then loads of people standing in the middle.

bluddie crap seating plan.

27 Sep 04 - 08:02 PM (#1282667)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Little Hawk

Sounds like the stadium seating plan is right in tune with getting Hull back at the top of the list by next year. Jolly good! With any luck, the wretched seating arrangements will provoke a bloody riot among the R.E.M. fans, and that should do it.

27 Sep 04 - 08:07 PM (#1282671)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Cluin

Hull in Quebec is pretty crap too.

27 Sep 04 - 08:45 PM (#1282690)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Little Hawk

Yes. We should see if we could move the Canadian city of Hull to the UK and make a conglomerate of the two Hulls. This would result in Kingston-upon-Hull having a sizeable French enclave in the middle of England...and I can hardly imagine a better recipe for civil disorder and hatred in the UK than that. It would be like the 100 Years War all over again.

28 Sep 04 - 08:12 AM (#1283067)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,noddy

Ive worked out why Hull fell from first place...... John moved to Luton:))

28 Sep 04 - 09:04 AM (#1283104)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,The Beast of Farlington

"Hiya beast. give everyone in farTington a kiss from me."

I'll have to draw the line at Nick, Ted!

When will I see you again? (Doo, dooo, doo, doo, dooo) When will we share precious moments......

28 Sep 04 - 09:20 AM (#1283112)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Sttaw Legend

How long was the 100 year war?

28 Sep 04 - 12:09 PM (#1283245)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: s6k

83 years or something, which kind of defeats the object really...

29 Sep 04 - 06:23 AM (#1283873)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Paco Rabanne

PLEASE don't send any Frenchies here, they are 90% woofta as a race, and we have enough of our own. (Usually holding high office)

29 Sep 04 - 09:45 AM (#1283989)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,'ezzleroader

Well, Hull's one redeeming feature is that is home to that splendid band "Punch The Horse".

29 Sep 04 - 09:55 AM (#1283995)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!

Yeah right

29 Sep 04 - 10:02 AM (#1283998)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: The DeanMeister

What about the second longest single-span suspension in the world? The worlds ONLY submarium? The fact that it's not full of peasants on their way to somewhere else? The beer is cheap. It's near the sea. It has a posh Marina. A fish walk. Numerous free museums. Some of the best Guinness this side of the Irish Sea. And a really friendly population, on the whole.

As somebody who's lived all over europe, I reckon it's not such a bad place to be. Anybody watch that documentary last night on the worst sea-side resorts in the UK? Christ, I'd rather be here than in any of those.

I'll just get me coat.

29 Sep 04 - 10:09 AM (#1284003)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Paco Rabanne

Peter Darling, you live in BEVERLEY not HULL. Try living there, I have , and I ain't going back!

29 Sep 04 - 10:27 AM (#1284022)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: muppitz

Can you give me a direct link to the page you're on about Sir John, as I have found pages on the subject of "The crappest town in Britain" but I don't think it's the same one. I would be really interested to know how bad the fair city I live in really is!

Muppitz x

29 Sep 04 - 10:42 AM (#1284036)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: The DeanMeister

Sorry, Love. But I do spend quite a bit of time in 'ull.

29 Sep 04 - 10:50 AM (#1284041)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Big Al Whittle

Hull .....home of The watersons, The Hull Truck Theatre Company, poets, songwriters, a long bridge, a long stretch of motorway with nowhere to stop for a wee on the way there - if it was American they'd call it the sunshine state (or something)and build a theme park - Hullywood.
welcome to Hullywood - home of the Hully Gully - gateway to Cleethorpes - miles of sunkissed sand - sensual delights for everyone - visit The Court of Sir jOhn!

Keep a place like that quiet if I were you - they'd all want to come there for holidays

29 Sep 04 - 11:09 AM (#1284057)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!

Sun spot of the north, I've been many a time, excellent place nice people (I'm sure there are one or two exceptiones to that like everywhere else) no wonder they keep trying to frighten us away.

30 Sep 04 - 04:03 AM (#1284701)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: GUEST,noddy

last time I was in hull I went out on my brother in laws fishing boat... got a bit windy and splashy to say the least but managed to hold on to my breakfast. Dont remember any sun.

30 Sep 04 - 04:21 AM (#1284714)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

we goy Hull Fair as well, it starts in 2 weeks, and its the biggest fair in Hull.

30 Sep 04 - 04:32 AM (#1284720)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: The DeanMeister

It's the biggest Fair in Europe, isn't it?

30 Sep 04 - 04:33 AM (#1284721)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Sttaw Legend

05 Oct 04 - 01:59 AM (#1288845)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

s6k-I was going to see REM and The Bueatiful South in Huddersfield a few years ago, I was given free tickets off Paul Heaton [he's a singer in the Beautiful South], but the drummer in REM decided to have a brain heammorage a few days before the gig, and it was cancelled.
I was pissed off!

05 Oct 04 - 02:55 AM (#1288864)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: s6k

beautiful south should BLOODY PLAY HULL STADIUM.... they are from hull for gods sake!!

05 Oct 04 - 02:58 AM (#1288868)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Big Al Whittle

did a band called Red Guitars with a memorable single -Good Technology (or something similar)- come from thereabouts - I seem to remember them and being very impressed at the time?

05 Oct 04 - 03:03 AM (#1288872)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Wee-Red guitars had the same guitarist as Bueatiful South [Dave Rotheray], he still lives in Hull, [Off Newland Ave].

05 Oct 04 - 03:16 AM (#1288878)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Ignore my last post, it's rubbish! [i'm getting mixed up with someone else],
Not sure who was in Red Guitars, but some of the oldtimers here [Les, Bassic, Ossonflags etc] will probably know.
I know Lou Howard [now known as Lou Duffy Howard] was a bass player, not sure who else was in the band.

05 Oct 04 - 03:37 AM (#1288896)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Paco Rabanne

hello from an old timer. Yes, red guitars did come from Hull. The guitarist, whose name is something "hallam" is still playing at the Adelphi etc

05 Oct 04 - 06:04 AM (#1288984)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Hand-Pulled Boy

My missus's cousin played guitar and sang in the band. I'll have to ask her his name as I've forgotten it. I think he lives in London working on producing other artists. Leave it with me, I'll be back.

05 Oct 04 - 06:46 AM (#1289016)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

05 Oct 04 - 07:56 AM (#1289062)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Mr Red

Hull Fair weather - and foul

Old North Humberside saying.............

ducks and runs for cover along Chanterlands.

05 Oct 04 - 11:47 AM (#1289279)
Subject: RE: BS: Hull not Crap Anymore!
From: Big Al Whittle

brilliant jOhn. I really enjoyed that.

08 Oct 04 - 02:13 AM (#1292027)
Subject: Hullywood
From: GUEST,Mr Hullywood

check this out,