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BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...

30 Sep 04 - 10:43 PM (#1285513)
Subject: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

Well gol danged! The Montreal Expos are on their way to D.C.!

I found my old Senators pennant and have it out gettin' a little sun to kill off 30 dome years of must and mildew... I am psyched... Yeah, I'm sorry for the folkls in Montreal but, hey, they've lost one team. We've lost two! And within just a few years of each other...

Play ball!............


30 Sep 04 - 11:08 PM (#1285544)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Too bad they won't be called the Senators this time around.   It will still be good to see baseball in DC!

30 Sep 04 - 11:11 PM (#1285547)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

Hey, Ron, they might! No kidding. A local TV station did a poll and found that the name "Senators" was the number 1 pick by some 51% against all the others... That's a purdy decent share....


30 Sep 04 - 11:30 PM (#1285569)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: pdq

This is a clever attempt by DC politicians to reduce street crime.

Yep, get criminals off the streets and into the bleachers where they belong!

30 Sep 04 - 11:34 PM (#1285572)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

Hey, hadn't thought about it that way but.....

30 Sep 04 - 11:43 PM (#1285587)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Bobert, unfortunately it doesn't matter what the fans want.   The Rangers retained the rights to the name. From what I've read, the forces behind getting back baseball, including DC's mayor, are not that interested in reviving the name, partly because DC has no representation in the Senate!

Besides, baseball is changing. They are trying to compete with sports that have kept up with the times.   The marketing brains won't take a step back.

I do agree with you though, I would LOVE to see the Senators return. I have my old Senators warmup jacket, which I'm proud to say still fits!

I am highly doubtful that MLB will go with that name.

01 Oct 04 - 12:56 PM (#1286194)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Peter T.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. yours from Canada, Peter T.

01 Oct 04 - 02:45 PM (#1286269)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Rapparee

I don't think that "The Washington Expos" will work. Too much like "unnamed sources." No, wait, that's a great name!

If not the Senators, my personal choice is either the "Nationals", which also has a venerable DC history, or the name of a bird.

The Washington Titwillows.
The Washington Bluebirds.
The Washington Sparrows.
The Washington Vultures.
The Washington Dodoes.
The Washington Archiopteryxes.
The Washington Nightengales.
The Washington Magpies.
The Washington, no. Not that.

Anyway, the list of possibilities is extensive and just consider the possible nicknames!!!!

01 Oct 04 - 02:52 PM (#1286273)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Once Famous

I think that they should bring back Harmon Killebrew.

01 Oct 04 - 03:04 PM (#1286279)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: PoppaGator

The Triple-A New Orleans Zephyrs recently lost their affiliation with the (nearby) Houston Astros, and hooked up with the Expos just a week or two ago when the move to D.C. was already a foregone conclusion but not yet official.

So, we'll have the new DC team's number-one minor league affiliate here in the Crescent City (actually, in suburban Metairie, LA); baseball fans in this area will have a special interest in the newly relocated team.

The Expos have always had a great minor-league farm system, and brought many great stars into Major League Baseball. Unfortunately, with such paltry ticket sales, they could never afford to keep their best players once they had established their market value. Maybe things will be different in their new home.

If they can't use the name "Senators," I hope they go with the equally time-honored "Nationals" (or "Nats"), a long-time unofficial nickname and alternative to "Senators." This will be Washington's first appearance in the National League, rendering obsolete the old ditty:

First in War
First in Peace
Last in the American League.

01 Oct 04 - 03:22 PM (#1286291)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I do like Washington Grays.

01 Oct 04 - 05:12 PM (#1286377)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: PoppaGator

"Grays" would have been an apropriate name for the Expos the last couple of years, while they played a number of their "home" games in Puerto Rico instead of Montreal.

(Baseball teams traditionally wear gray uniforms on the road, white at home.)

"Grays" is also an old-time Negro code-word for "white folks." In that sense, it would not be a good name for the ex-Expos, many of whom are black/brown Hispanics.

01 Oct 04 - 05:35 PM (#1286401)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: GUEST,chinmusic

Bobert-   I can certainly understand your enthusiam in getting a baseball team back in Washington, however, you did say something significant in your opening remarks. You mentioned that Washington has lost its clubs on two occasions. There must have been good reasons for that, so my question to you is, what has changed to make one think that big league baseball can survive there again? The only reason that the Expos went back to the DC area was that, for years now, they couldn't find another city to facilitate a major league team. The process of finally moving the Expos wouldn't have taken this long, had MLB had a decent alternative. Furthermore, politics had a lot to do with this move, as the Lords Of Baseball are still afraid of anti-trust legislation, and the move to Washington might help in that regard. Can the DC area truly support the Orioles and the new Washington francise? History says no, but perhaps, the population has grown substanially over the last decade. If I was in your shoes, I too, would be excited at the prospect of having the grand old game come back to your nation's capital, but be afraid, be very afraid. For your sake, I hope it works. I hope the Washington team is prepared to give out lots of free passes to free loading politicans.

01 Oct 04 - 05:44 PM (#1286409)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bill D

I heard one suggestion for a name the other night....*grin*

because we are getting a team that is likely to be ummmm....mediocre...for years...

The Washington Interns, "they really suck"

01 Oct 04 - 06:20 PM (#1286453)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Rapparee

One time, when I was in Boy Scouts, we had to have "woodsy" names for our patrols. Since the patrol I was in was usually called "That Bunch of Maniacs" or "You Guys Again!", we needed a name. Since stuff like "Cougar" and "Bear" were taken (and let's face it, the "good names" were pretty well used up) we called ourselves "The Wood Tick Patrol." We 'bout pooped our drawers, listening to how very, very carefully the leaders enunciated our chosen name at the campfire that evening.

Why are insects never used for team names?

The Washington Ants.
The Washington Cockroaches.
The Washington Tumblebugs.

Wasps and bees don't cut it.

01 Oct 04 - 07:05 PM (#1286492)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

Yo, GUEST chinmusic,

The first thing that has changed is DC's population, In 1971 there were only about 1,000,000 people in the metro area. Try about 7,000,000 these days and tons on money... I mean, like tons....


Yeah, I like the "Nationals" since the "Senators" name is owned by the Rangers... Then they could still; be called the "Nats"...


You said that yer old Sanators warm up jacket still fits but ya' didn't say on whom???... Awww, jus' funnin'....

Everyone else:

Hey, guess who is going to be bidding to buy the team??? Rudi Guilaiani and a bunch of rich Repubs!!!.... Now wouldn't that be something? Can you imagine the matketing opportunities... The "ProChoice Seventh Inning Stretch", etc, etc....


01 Oct 04 - 08:03 PM (#1286531)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Chinmusic - Bobert is right about the population, but also these are different times. This is the first franchise move (not counting expansion) since the Senators moved out. Baseball is an odd monopoly. I feel that baseball expanded much too far. That is one of the reason the entire sport is having problems.

Don't forget, just two or three years ago MLB was ready to dissolve both the Expos and the Twins.   That actually might have made sense, but the Players Union put a stop to that.

Frankly, it won't be the number of fans that show up that will determine the success of the team. It will be the number of corporations that buy luxury boxes, and DC has become a very appealing market for that.   They will surive.

Bobert- I actually bought the jacket in the early 80's - and yes, it does fit me. I bought it in Washington, and it was an actual team jacket from the last year of the Senators existence. I wear it once or twice a year.

I like the Grays because it honors the great Negro League team - The Homestead Grays that played in DC.   They featured one of the greatest players of all time - Josh Gibson.

01 Oct 04 - 08:24 PM (#1286542)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Rapparee

Yeah! The Washington Gnats!!!

01 Oct 04 - 10:03 PM (#1286594)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: GUEST,Donuel

I don't care what they are called as long as it doesn't follow the current trend and is named after Ronald Reagan.


Red white and Blue sox
Ball Busters

02 Oct 04 - 03:05 PM (#1286968)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: GUEST,chinmusic

Thanks, Ron and Bobert, for updating me on the expanded population of the Washington area, and the fact that there's big money going to be available to the Washingtons.   With respect, however, I still have a hard time believing that Washington didn't get the Expos by default. Montreal had been ready to pack it in for about five years now, but MLB couldn't find a suitable home for them. For example, Portland and Las Vegas didn't work out, so where else could they go? This is not a slight against Washington, persay, but more my own unexpert opinion. But tha's all water under the bridge now, so get set to welcome the Expos .Here's an idea for you guys. Why not put Washington into the AL East, so they could be natural rivalries with the O's? Makes sense to me. Here in Toronto, I wouldn't mind seeing some NL ball for a change, plus we wouldn't get our asses continually beat up by the Yanks and Bosox. I'm ready for your rebutals.

    As an aside, I think the Yankees starting staff, has them in big trouble for the playoffs. This is not same domineering team of years gone by. I'm not a Red Sox booster at all, but isn't it about time their long suffering fans got rewarded? Looks like the Cubbies are toast anyways.

02 Oct 04 - 03:36 PM (#1286981)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

IF DC did not have a suitable plan, they would have been in the list of other cities.    MLB would have made suitable arrangements to get stadiums for the right city.   MLB put the team in an area that they felt had the best chance of success. This was not an overnight decision and it did not go to the highest bidder.

DC has never had a National League team so this will be interesting.   Philadelphia is not really that far away, nor is New York, and Atlanta may even creep into the rivalry. Besides, DC will surely play the Orioles during interleague play which will create HUGE box office for the games.

02 Oct 04 - 04:52 PM (#1287001)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Gorgeous Gary

I'm definitely looking forward to baseball in DC. One of our best friends is Chicago-born and a Cubs fan, and a cousin who lives here in DC is San Francisco-born and a Giants fan. So there's two series right off the bat we'll be getting tickets for! 8-)

As for names, I can see a lot of sense in the suggestion of Greys. Unfortunately, in the science-fiction community, "greys" is the term we use to described the Whitely Streiber "Communion"-style aliens (short, grey, oval heads, huge oval eyes). So there would be chuckles among my crowd if we end up with the Washington Greys.

I like Senators or Nationals myself.

-- Gary

02 Oct 04 - 08:48 PM (#1287127)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

AL East works fine with me, chin... I would love to see them going against the O's tooth and nail every year... It would be good for baseball to have this kinda of rivalry and would mean more ticket sales.... Of course, it might mean that Peter Amgelo might have to fire himself and eventually put a better prodeuct on the field to keep up.... You can bet that the DC "Whatevers" ain't gonna a crappy team once the ownership issue is resolved... Give them a couple years and they oughtta be beating a few folks...


02 Oct 04 - 09:31 PM (#1287149)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...

Bobert... If I were the Washingtons, I'd try to keep as many of the Expo scouts as I could. After all, the Expos drafted some of the best prospects to come into the bigs over the years, but didn't have the coin to re-sign them. I think you going to have to be patient for a few years, while your farm system gets the chance to replenish itself. It's a shame that, among other players, Washington was a year late in being able to keep Vlady Guerrero. What a draw he would've been down there. I put this question out to you, and Ron. If you had your choice, who would you like to see hired, as your manager of the ballclub? The clubhouse in Montreal was in near revolt against Frank Robinson. It's also too bad Omar Minaya couldn't have been retained as the GM. Under terribly difficult circumstances, he earned his spurs with Montreal. I guess you're counting the days until Opening Day next season. It's going to be an exciting winter though, with new ownership, perhaps a few free agent signings and possible trades. One of my favourite Expos was Brad Wilkerson. I think you'll enjoy watching this guy play. Here's a last thought. Perhaps, if Mr. Bush finds himself out of a job, he can interview as head groundskeeper.

02 Oct 04 - 09:33 PM (#1287150)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: GUEST,chinmusic

Sorry, I forgot to sign in as Chinmusic on the last thread.

02 Oct 04 - 10:45 PM (#1287188)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I'm a Mets fan, and frankly I have a "wait and see" attitude about Minaya. (I live in the NYC area.) Aside from signing Sammy Sosa 20 years ago, I really haven't seen much of anything from Minaya.   I find it hard to credit him with much of anything in Montreal.   What the Mets did to Duquette is a shame, and frankly I am almost embarrased to call myself a Mets fan these days. I never felt this way, even in the dog days of the late 70's and early 80's when all we had was Lee Mazilli to keep the team going.

Who should manage the DC team? I really don't know. It will depend on what kind of team they will assemble with the new owners.

02 Oct 04 - 11:10 PM (#1287201)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...
From: Bobert

Well, chin, as fir a new GM of the new DC club, I really don't have a clue... But I'm hoping that the new owners will...

Of course I'd love to see them hire someone like a Harman Killebrew as GM but that's like old thinkin'...

As fir Bush as a ballboy? Way over his head...


03 Oct 04 - 12:26 AM (#1287229)
Subject: RE: BS: D.C. gets Baseball!!!!...

Ron- Here's a couple of more thoughts on the Mets, and their new GM. Usually when a team is in turmoil, such as the Mets have been, one looks to the front office. This year for example, they traded off some of their better young talent, for two middle of the road starters. Don't look for either Zambrano, or Benson, to enter the Hall Of Fame. They gave up Scott Kazmir, whom I think has a chance to be a good pitcher in Tampa Bay. Funny thing is, I don't think that the Mets were real contenders, even before the trading deadline. I recall they got swept by the Braves, immediately after the deadline deal.

    Consider the horrible mess that Minaya inherited in Montreal. For starters, a team owned by the rest of the league. Is that a conflict of interest, or what? The Expos were in contention for most of the '03 season. I don't follow the Expos situation that closely, but apparently, he had the respect of the players up there. In the Mets, he comes to a team with aging stars, and a murky future. He does have his work cut out for him, so time will tell. However, like any other organization, how much of a free reign will he get? I recall the best days of the Mets were as a team built around their pitching. Maybe Minaya should start from there. How 'bout Bobby Cox for manager of the year in the NL. I'm just not a LaRussa fan, but then again, the Card's record can't be overlooked this season. I like Scocia with the Angels in the AL, with Showalter a close second. Bobert, I liked your comeback line in regards to Bush.