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Best October and fall songs

04 Oct 04 - 01:48 AM (#1287992)
Subject: Best October and fall songs
From: mg

I like fall songs..just thinking of best October ones and I guess November and generic fall...

October Roses by Linda Allen
Cliffs of Baccelieu
October Winds
Connemarra by the Lake
Three score and ten boys and men..Grimbsby

Turning toward the morning by Gordon Bok
Raglan Road

Autumn General:
When I mowed Pat Murphy's meadow in the sunny long ago
Road to Dundee
I still miss someone by Johnny Cash
Bells of St. Mary's..the young loves the true loves to come from the glen
Wild Geese..Ian Tyson?
Red Velvet Ian Tyson
Way down in east Cape Breton where they knit the socks and mittens

that's all for now. mg

04 Oct 04 - 01:49 AM (#1287994)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: mg

I forgot the last Halloween in France by Violet Jacobs..also her Geese one..oh yes..Westrin??? Winds by Robert Burns. mg

04 Oct 04 - 02:54 AM (#1288008)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: nutty

The Long and Lonely Winter by Dave Goulder

Summer comes October, the green becomes the brown

04 Oct 04 - 04:54 AM (#1288053)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: Geoff the Duck

"Old Father Fall" - written and sung by Sally Rogers on her 1982 LP "In The Circle of the Sun". Also "Fall is Here" written by Charlie Maguire and sung by Sally Rogers on the same LP.
Both excellent songs from a record which does not have a poor track on it.

04 Oct 04 - 05:10 AM (#1288058)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: Splott Man

Autumn Song by Harvey Andrews, about the struggles of growing old

04 Oct 04 - 05:47 AM (#1288068)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

My Lady of Autumn by Dave Webber

04 Oct 04 - 05:50 AM (#1288078)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: fat B****rd

Call me old fashioned but "Autumn Leaves" does it for me.

04 Oct 04 - 07:44 AM (#1288142)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: A Wandering Minstrel

Just a fraction late but "All among the Barley" is always worth a singing in the autumn.

04 Oct 04 - 10:17 AM (#1288254)
Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
From: Alonzo M. Zilch (inactive)

Urge for Going by Joni Mitchell.

Who Knows Where the Time Goes by Sandy Denny.

Changes by Phil Ochs.

Four Strong Winds by Ian Tyson.

October Song by Robin Williamson.

Grey October Clouds, sung by Tommy Makem & Liam Clancy.

04 Oct 04 - 12:44 PM (#1288357)
Subject: ADD: The Best of Autumn (Mike O'Connor)
From: Polly Squeezebox

The Best of Autumn, composed by Mike O'Connor, as recorded by Martin Wyndham-Reed. Just like an advanced art class - every stanza paints a picture:

(Mike O'Connor)

The sunlight blazing through the trees in flames of red and gold
The leafy carpet underfoot as crisp as nights are cold
The stubble field new put to plough, the hedgerow growing thin
They mark the turning of the year, the harvest gathered in

These are the best of autumn, these are the best of autumn

The coals new burning in the hearth, dusty damper down
The firelight glinting on each glass of amber and of brown
The voices raised in songs of praise, the tales in trust retold
They mark the passing of the year, the season's roundless roll

These are the best of autumn, these are the best of autumn

And as the silent stars survey the sleeping hills around
The frosty moon casts shadows laced with silver on the ground
And deep within the earth itself the land its strength renews
To bring to each and everyone the gifts none can refuse

These are the best of autumn, these are the best of autumn

The seven stars are in the sky, the wind is in the west
The weary ploughman's to his bed, the hawk is to his nest
And all along the rolling downs the clouds like hunters ride
The winter days will not be long, from joys we should not hide

These are the best of autumn, these are the best of autumn
These are the best of autumn, these are the best of autumn
                                                ((c)Mike O'Connor)

04 Oct 04 - 05:40 PM (#1288583)
Subject: ADD: When Fall Comes to New England-Cheryl Wheeler
From: Bill Hahn//\\

When Fall Comes To New England---Cheryl Wheeler
75 Septembers--------------------Ditto

Bill Hahn

When Fall Comes to New England

A beautiful song about fall in New England. This song contains some of the most beautiful visual pictures that Cheryl has painted. She started writing this while on a little island called Cuttyhunk, which is part of the Elizabeth Islands in September of 1990. When Christine Lavin first heard this song, she insisted that Cheryl record it. It first appeared in the Christine's compilation album When October Goes.

Cheryl recorded a version for Driving Home, but didn't like it that much. She got the original from When October Goes and remixed it to produce the version on Driving Home.

There are several clips on YouTube with fall pictures that use this song as a background. Here is a live version that you can find on YouTube.



  • When Fall Comes To New England
  • Words And Music By:
  • Cheryl Wheeler
  • When fall comes to New England
  • The sun slants in so fine
  • And the air's so clear
  • You can almost hear the grapes grow on the vine
  • The nights are sharp with starlight
  • And the days are cool and clean
  • And in the blue sky overhead
  • The northern geese fly south instead
  • And leaves are Irish Setter red
  • When fall comes to New England
  • When fall comes to New England
  • And the wind blows off the sea
  • Swallows fly in a perfect sky
  • And the world was meant to be
  • When the acorns line the walkways
  • Then winter can't be far
  • From yellow leaves a blue jay calls
  • Grandmothers Walk Out In Their Shawl
  • And Chipmunks Run The Old Stone Walls
  • When fall comes to New England
  • The frost is on the pumpkin
  • The squash is off the vine
  • And winter warnings race across the sky
  • The squirrels are on to something
  • And they're working overtime
  • The foxes blink and stare and so do I
  • 'Cause when fall comes to New England
  • Oh I can't turn away
  • From fading light on flying wings
  • And late good-byes a robin sings
  • And then another thousand things
  • When fall comes to New England
  • When fall comes to New England

  • 04 Oct 04 - 07:12 PM (#1288631)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Ron Davies

    From "Schoolhouse On the Hill"---Carter Family

    There climb the vines and there the berries grow
    Which once we prized so high
    And there the ripe nuts glistened in the glow
    Of rich October skies

    04 Oct 04 - 09:28 PM (#1288733)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: leeneia

    A song I learned from a CD by Martin Wyndham Read. I guess it's public domain.

    The hills are clad in purple, and the trees are clad in gold.
    The autumn wind is sighing for a beauty growing old.
    The grey grouse in the heather and the wild deer in the glen
    are longing for the summer, when they'll see their joy again.

    The merry, laughing summer, with its mantle cloak of green,
    the trees and all the flowers, such a beauty to be seen!
    But autumn, gentle autumn, with its quiet eyes of grey,
    enwrapped me in the twilight and stole my joys away.

    04 Oct 04 - 09:36 PM (#1288739)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Cornflake

    I second Urge for Going and Four Strong Winds. October does seem to bring out the songs about changes.

    05 Oct 04 - 06:02 AM (#1288982)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST,milk monitor

    Sorry this isn't a song, but a poem by Ted Hughes....we had to learn it at school and I still love it now.

                          OCTOBER DAWN.

    October is marigold, and yet
    A glass half full of wine left out
    To the dark heaven all night, by dawn
    Has dreamed a premonition
    Of ice across its eye as if
    The ice-age had begun it heave.

    The lawn overtrodden and strewn
    From the night before, and the whistling green
    Shubbery are doomed. Ice
    has got its spearhead into place.

    First a skin, delicately here
    Restraining a ripple from the air;
    Soon plate and rivet on pond and brook;
    Then tons of chain and massive lock

    To hold rivers. Then, sound by sight
    Will mammoth and sabre toothed celebrate
    Reunion while a fist of cold
    Squeezes the fire at the core of the world,

    Squeezes the fire at the core of the heart,
    And now it is about to start.
                                     TED HUGHES.

    05 Oct 04 - 06:31 AM (#1289008)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: muppitz

    The House Band have an album called October Song, and if I remember rightly it is titled from the track.


    05 Oct 04 - 07:38 AM (#1289045)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Grab

    A friend at a local club does "Sunday morning, Saint-Denis" which is a classic. The opening lines are great: "Autumn was waiting in the street for me/Blown by the cold wind from the river".

    Same guy also does "Urge for going". I'd rather listen to him than some of the people you pay to go and see. :-)


    05 Oct 04 - 03:19 PM (#1289477)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: breezy

    'When fall comes to New England'
    is my favourite and I am familiar with most of those posted here with
    'My Lady of Autumn' a close 2nd

    I heard the former played mid way thru a news programm whilst in Boston Mass 10 years ago almost to the day.
    I couldnt believe it , a song half way thru the news!

    the video that went with it contained images depicted in the song.
    The following morning we drove to Cambridge and bought the album.
    My wife still has the cassette in her car.

    Its still brilliant with its lyrical imagry and bring back a memory of a pleasant holiday touring around.

    aint it windy on top of Mt Washington!!!!!!

    05 Oct 04 - 04:45 PM (#1289538)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST,Seaking

    Mary, it's Westlin Winds (Forever Autumn). Dick Gaughan does a great live version.


    05 Oct 04 - 05:45 PM (#1289580)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST,Bernie

    "On a day like today" [in the first golden days of October...etc.] Missouri's Bob Dyer.......first heard it from my friend Anne Dodson in's on Cathy Barton & Dave Para's recording of the same name on of the loveliest seasonal songs ever.....

    05 Oct 04 - 06:06 PM (#1289596)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST,milk monitor

    Forever Moody Blues.

    06 Oct 04 - 05:19 AM (#1290003)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: breezy

    '...and leaves are Irish setter red...'

    'When the acorns line the walkways,
    then winter cant be far'

    06 Oct 04 - 07:19 AM (#1290060)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: fat B****rd

    ......and not forgetting "September Song" 'cos it's a long, long time......

    06 Oct 04 - 07:15 PM (#1290695)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs

    Glad to see that one person (though only one so far!) submitted "October Song" by Robin Williamson of the Incredible String Band (on their 1st, 1966, album). This gets my vote not just for being the best Octobe song but the best song of all time (and I don't just say this because I was born in October). Mind you, though fortunately I haven't heard anyone do a cover version of it I think it would be very disappointing by comparison, as I don't think they could emulate Robin's voice and guitar playing.

    06 Oct 04 - 07:59 PM (#1290737)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Stewie

    Not a song, but Hopkins' 'Spring and Fall' is magnificent. I posted it HERE some time ago. Paddy Reilly recorded a beaut song, titled 'Autumn Has Come' by S.Healy, on his 'The Town I Loved So Well' album.


    06 Oct 04 - 08:29 PM (#1290758)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Celtaddict

    Also Danny Quinn's "Lady of the Autumn" on his "For Friends and Family" CD.
    And "Castle of Dromore" (The October winds lament around the castle of Dromore...)
    And the poem I learned in school with the evocative verse
    A mist on the far horizon,
    The infinite, tender sky,
    (something; OK, I almost learned...)
    And wild geese winging by,
    And all over woodland and meadow
    The charm of the goldenrod;
    Some of us call it autumn,
    And others call it God.

    06 Oct 04 - 10:04 PM (#1290831)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: bbc

    Gold upon the trees by Lui Collins is a beautiful fall in New England song. It's on her Stone by Stone cd. Just heard her recently in Stockbridge, Massachusetts; she sounded great! Her website is:


    06 Oct 04 - 10:23 PM (#1290845)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Eric the Streetsinger

    My all time favorite has always been "Harvest Home"

    "Come ye faithfull people come
    sing the song of harvest home!
    All is safely gathered in, ere
    the winter storms begin.
    And the maker doth provide
    all our needs to be supplied
    come ye faithfull people come,
    sing the song of Harvest Home!" (this song has a pagan root!)

    "John Barleycorn Must Die" (the last verses deal with harvesting!)

    "The Dancing of the Sheets" (always brings a smile!)

    "Burning Times"

    03 Oct 23 - 06:20 AM (#4182930)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

    October Roses by Linda Allen

    03 Oct 23 - 06:20 AM (#4187372)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

    October Roses by Linda Allen

    03 Oct 23 - 08:28 AM (#4187374)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GerryM

    But October is Spring, not Fall.

    03 Oct 23 - 08:28 AM (#4182937)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GerryM

    But October is Spring, not Fall.

    03 Oct 23 - 08:39 AM (#4182940)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST

    “The Autumn Leaves” (Les Feuilles Mortes”) must be up there as one of the best.

    The falling leaves drift by the window
    The autumn leaves of red and gold
    I see your lips, the summer kisses
    The sun-burned hands I used to hold

    Since you went away the days grow long
    And soon I'll hear old winter's song
    But I miss you most of all my darling
    When autumn leaves start to fall

    03 Oct 23 - 08:39 AM (#4187371)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: GUEST

    “The Autumn Leaves” (Les Feuilles Mortes”) must be up there as one of the best.

    The falling leaves drift by the window
    The autumn leaves of red and gold
    I see your lips, the summer kisses
    The sun-burned hands I used to hold

    Since you went away the days grow long
    And soon I'll hear old winter's song
    But I miss you most of all my darling
    When autumn leaves start to fall

    03 Oct 23 - 12:33 PM (#4187373)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Tattie Bogle

    Westlin' Winds by Robert Burns has the alternative original title of "Song Composed in August"!
    But fair enough, those westlin' winds (and slaughterin' guns) bring Autumn's pleasant weather. It's a double-edged song - love and the beauty of nature in parts, with the contrasting middle verse protesting against the game-shooting season!

    03 Oct 23 - 12:33 PM (#4182963)
    Subject: RE: Best October and fall songs
    From: Tattie Bogle

    Westlin' Winds by Robert Burns has the alternative original title of "Song Composed in August"!
    But fair enough, those westlin' winds (and slaughterin' guns) bring Autumn's pleasant weather. It's a double-edged song - love and the beauty of nature in parts, with the contrasting middle verse protesting against the game-shooting season!