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BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

04 Oct 04 - 01:15 PM (#1288388)
Subject: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

For those interested in such things, there's the USDA Forest Service's Webcam, updated every 5 minutes or so. I've been watching it, and though it was pretty quiet less than an hour ago, there is a great cloud of stuff coming out of it at the moment.

More interesting than watching paint dry, but I hope everybody got out of there!

04 Oct 04 - 01:17 PM (#1288393)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

poor helen - she gets a sniffle and the whole world watrches her blow her nose!

04 Oct 04 - 01:36 PM (#1288411)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

That's one of the parks I'd have really enjoyed working at, but silly me, I turned it down to stay with the (now ex) boyfriend-later-hubby in Texas. The subsequent kids were worth the career detour, but that park would have been a great place to use the skills picked up all over the country. I was a mountain climbing naturalist with an earlier forestry background who had worked in caves and geologically active areas--that's the first job offer where the supervisor called back later to ask if I was really sure that I didn't want to go there to work. [sigh]


04 Oct 04 - 01:41 PM (#1288414)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: wysiwyg

She's gonna blow, Jim!


04 Oct 04 - 01:52 PM (#1288431)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's as close to it as I want to get. I was watching this news bulletin with al these rubberneckers trying to get as close to it as they could...

04 Oct 04 - 02:36 PM (#1288461)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Ebbie

When St. Helens blew in 1981, it was a remarkable thing. (There were a number of blows, by the way, but just one magor one.) I was going to school in Portland at the time and you wouldn't believe the grit- pumice on bushes, cars, walkways, window casings. It was stuck on everything.

My brother's family lived just 30 miles from the mountain on a small farm, and they found themselves in their pasture at 3 o'clock in the morning to bring the cows in so they wouldn't feed on the cement-consistency slop.

Later, when the ash blew, I remember the car filters, the airplane rerouteings, the news reports...

I actually "saw" the top of the mountain blow off, even though I was about 70 miles away. I saw the force field in the sky, I guess. I was driving over the top of an overpass on the Sunday morning when I looked north just in time to see the sky shiver violently, you might say. When I got home, my daughter met me with the news that it said on the radio that the mountain had just blown.

I think we all had visions of how it must have been at Pompei!

04 Oct 04 - 03:28 PM (#1288495)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Deckman

Once you've seen and felt and heard and tasted a mountain blow it's top, you've seen 'em all. I actually climbed to the summit of that mountain in 1960, 20 years before she blew. She's just hiccupping now and probably will for months to come. But to those of us that went through the May of 1980 explosion, we don't have to be told twice to get the heck out of there. Bob

04 Oct 04 - 03:30 PM (#1288498)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

so someone should tell that to the people in the helichopper buzzing by.

04 Oct 04 - 04:07 PM (#1288517)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

They're the same ones who stand on the beach to watch a tidal wave--this is Darwin's answer to defective "common sense" genes.

There was an old guy who refused to leave his home on the mountain in the first eruption--Harry Truman. One hopes his death was fast and painless. Many of the others who died in the first eruption probably weren't so lucky. Only fools intentionally get so close to something that big, hoping they live a charmed life.


04 Oct 04 - 04:21 PM (#1288531)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Deckman

Maggie, My family knew Harry Truman well. At the time the mountain blew, my brother was negoiating with him to buy his famous pink cadillac. They never found hid body, but I think he died happy. Bob

04 Oct 04 - 04:49 PM (#1288552)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Bill D

from what I read, Mt. Ranier is best watched closely for you guys out there. There is one small town that practices evacuation on a regular basis.

04 Oct 04 - 04:50 PM (#1288554)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Sorcha

Neat, Jeri...I marked it! That's as close as I want to be too!

04 Oct 04 - 05:19 PM (#1288568)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,amergin

I was only 5 when it blew. I do remember going to Spokane for an air show at Fairchilds Air Force Base where my uncle was stationed. It turned black as night.

04 Oct 04 - 05:24 PM (#1288573)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: katlaughing

We had a LOT of fallout ash in Wyoming when it blew last time. It was so bad, they told folks with heart and respiratory problems to stay inside and our cars were coated with it.

04 Oct 04 - 05:44 PM (#1288586)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

Mt. St. Helens popped her cork at 8:32 a.m. PDT on May 18th, 1980. I was working at the telephone company as an operator at the time. In fact, I plugged into the board at 8:30, just two minutes before she blew.

Bulletins went out on the radio and on television asking people to stay the hell off the telephone lines because they were needed for emergency calls. But that didn't stop them. Within half an hour after the news went out that the mountain had erupted, the phone lines were jammed. No calls could get through. There were about fifty operators in Unit 5 at the time, and our boards were inundated with people complaining that their calls wouldn't go through and asking for operator assistance. Almost all of these calls were in the nature of "How are things out your way, Aunt Martha?" Real crucial! Genuine emergency calls simply couldn't get through, and there was not a damned thing we could do. I think these people probably have about the same number of brain cells as the people who want to climb up the mountainside and peer down her throat when an eruption is imminent. Or the people who walk out and examine tidal pools when the water recedes prior to the arrival of a tsunami.

Interesting to note that the mountain is behaving almost exactly the same way it did prior to the May 18, 1980 eruption. They keep saying that they're not expecting anything that big this time, but. . . .

When Mt. Baker, east of Bellingham, Washington, started rumbling and venting steam somewhat prior to Mt. St. Helens stealing Baker's thunder (so to speak), an interesting bumper sticker began to appear on Bellingham. It said, "Vote No on Mt. Baker Eruption!" Shortly thereafter, the rumbling and venting subsided.

Whoa! As I sit here at the computer listening to my marvelous Tom Swift electric radio, I hear that they have just recorded an earthquake under Mt. St. Helens' close neighbor, Mt. Hood. The geologists are saying that there is no relation, but hey! Both mountains are in the Cascade chain, and they're part of the so-called "Ring of Fire" that encircles the Pacific rim. How can they NOT be related?

Fasten your seat belts.

Don Firth

04 Oct 04 - 06:03 PM (#1288593)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Benjamin

Mt. Saint Helens has been pretty active since it's eruption. You can see inside the crator that it has been building up a new peak. Interestingly enough, that peak contained the only glacier in the world that was growing, instead of receding. It looks like the new peak to the Moutain won't last too long.
Don, if you haven't yet seen the IMAX film on the Ring of Fire, I highly recomend it.

04 Oct 04 - 06:35 PM (#1288612)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

I haven't seen that particular one, but a couple of years ago, Nova ran a series of programs on the Ring of Fire.
I guess terra firma ain't so firma after all!

Don Firth

04 Oct 04 - 06:37 PM (#1288613)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Sorcha

I've been watching the cam Jeri posted.....not much activity for the last hour....maybe she has decided to calm down?

04 Oct 04 - 07:58 PM (#1288672)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: mg

oh shoot. I was going to Mount Hood in a couple of weeks. Of course they are all

04 Oct 04 - 08:13 PM (#1288683)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

Sorcha, it seems like she's calm most of the time, but the pressure builds and she lets loose. I just picked the right time to watch earlier today.

04 Oct 04 - 10:55 PM (#1288776)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

When Baker was threatening to erupt they closed the Baker River side of things all the way down the mountain. I wonder if I still have any of those old Forest Service maps with the red zone? They might be collector's items. Baker had a warm lake at the top for a while. It's kind of flat up there on Sherman Peak, and it melted in the middle of it. They were afraid all of that warm water would melt glaciers and bring a wall of mud and rock and water down on the Skagit Valley. At the time it was a serious threat. How soon we forget!


04 Oct 04 - 11:51 PM (#1288812)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: dianavan

I know Mt. St. Helens well. I was born in Kelso. She was 'our' mountain. She was also called 'Fire Mountain'. Spirit lake was a favorite place and my aunt had a horse ranch on the Toutle River.

When she blew, I was sleeping in my peaceful, B.C. island home. I jumped out of bed and screamed, "What was that?" I ran to the radio and turned it on. When I heard that Spirit Lake had filled with lava and was no more, my knees went out from under me.

I had no idea that I was so connected to that mountain until then. I still wonder at the impact it had on me from so far away. I guess you tend to think that something that big has some kind of permanence. Was I ever wrong! It actually felt like my world was slipping away.


05 Oct 04 - 02:01 AM (#1288846)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

on npr all things considered today there was a radio report with details of a USGS project (Geological Service) telling about a GPS and siesmic weather station that got blown away by a steam venting incident, and a team of sepcialists landed a helicopter, ever so briefly on the rim of the volcano to replace it with a new weather would you like to be on that team??
radio story link
i think that 5-10 years ago a couple of vulcanologists perished
while studying a seems as if it might have been in
the southern hemisphere...i donot remember their names but they
routinely wore asbestos suits in order to go into areas that were
much too hot to stand without protection and places with deadly vapors
also. any one remember this couple's names? they might have been French.

05 Oct 04 - 02:24 AM (#1288852)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

i live a couple of hours away from Lassen Natl Park Volcanic Area.
which erupted in 1914 Lassen National Park Volcano..northern California and on the other side of me is a plateau which was formed by a lava flow....Table Mountain.
In Oregon there is a huge lave flow -- an Obsidian deposit. which the natives used for arrow heads...

05 Oct 04 - 09:57 AM (#1289165)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: HuwG

open mike, the French volcanologist couple you may be thinking of were Maurice and Katya Krafft. They were killed by a pyroclastic flow on Mt. Unzen in Japan in 1991. (As they had done before, they had positioned themselves on the flank of the predicted path of the flow, but they were taken unawares by an unexpected collapse of the lava dome and a change in the wind direction.)

05 Oct 04 - 11:55 AM (#1289290)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,Skarpi Iceland.

Halló , i had to go away from my home 1973 becouse of an Eruption
In Vestmannaisland, and i have not a happy memory about that event.
So people watch out this is a danger, go away from it as far as you can mother nature does not give any change.
All the best Skarpi Iceland.

05 Oct 04 - 12:17 PM (#1289318)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

There seems to be something happening now. Just more steam, probably.

05 Oct 04 - 12:19 PM (#1289321)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

yup - a wee bit different then this morning! Much thicker cloud then when I watched yesterday too...

05 Oct 04 - 12:24 PM (#1289327)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

It also appears there's more pressure behind it, and the base of the cloud's bigger.

05 Oct 04 - 12:33 PM (#1289339)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

The redness is possibly due to weather conditions and lighting, but it sure looks ominous. By the way, I saved yesterdays images, and I'm saving today's. Yes, I know I'm weird.

05 Oct 04 - 12:37 PM (#1289343)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: McGrath of Harlow

Looking quite exciting now. Starting to boil over...

05 Oct 04 - 01:49 PM (#1289414)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

cloud almost gone at this point. I wonder if there is any relation to the position of the moon?

I know I've only had a two day sample - but it almost seems to be a tidal pattern.

05 Oct 04 - 02:16 PM (#1289434)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I have difficulty in getting the photo to reload. Just hitting the refresh button doesn't work. I have to open a new browser window.


05 Oct 04 - 03:08 PM (#1289472)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

yes that was it..the Kraffts. here is what a search for them finds:
"Saw a TV documentary on volcanoes and pyroclastic flows a few months ago. Part of the program referred to a scientist who was killed when trying to photograph a pyroclastic flow as it was rushing down towards him...Maurice and Katya Krafft. They, and about 20 others were killed by a pyroclastic flow on Mt. Unzen in Japan." I did not realize that 20
other people lwere involved in teh same incident, too!

from a promo script for Nat'l Geographic Mountains fo fire:

"The documentary National Geographic's Volcano was an hour-long National Geographic documentary relating the story of volcanologists Katya and Maurice Krafft as they pursue the study of active volcanic eruptions at numerous sites worldwide. '

interview with vulcanologist couple the Kraffts--published posthumously

Pele Dancing photo by Katya Krafft...for sale memorial benefit
the Kraffts produced an educational video about volcano risks..
anhd this stunning photo is for sale..the proceeds benefit educational least copoies were available at one time...

latest report says mt. st. helens had erupted..

see hereA:

05 Oct 04 - 06:55 PM (#1289640)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: McGrath of Harlow

Really smoking now!

05 Oct 04 - 07:04 PM (#1289651)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes, it is! The photo seems to load better now. But let's hope the mountain behaves with restraint--I'm flying up there in a couple of days and don't want to be rerouted via Hawaii. (That is, unless I have to get out and spend several days in Hawaii. . . )

The trip is last minute and spontaneous. I found a round trip ticket from Dallas to Seattle for $122. Wow! Someone down here has suggested that maybe the price indicates the dearth of flying passengers now that St. Helens has taken up smoking again. :) I figure that I can keep an eye on it up until the time to depart, and check again before I fly to Denver before Seattle. In the two hours from Denver to Seattle, what are the odds that the mountain will do something catastrophic (don't answer that!)


05 Oct 04 - 07:21 PM (#1289663)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Thomas the Rhymer

so... SRS... do I finally get to take you out to dinner? Or are you all booked up while you're up here in the misty moist?

06 Oct 04 - 10:13 AM (#1290225)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

seems to be clouds in the picture right now rather then steam or "smoke"

06 Oct 04 - 10:46 AM (#1290258)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

The cloud I'm looking at now seems to be IN the crater. Not that that couldn't happen. It sorta would be nice to be able to zoom out a bit, or find another webcam a wider shot, but I already spend too much time watching the earth fart.

06 Oct 04 - 11:08 AM (#1290276)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JenEllen

It's chilly and supposed to be rainy (off'n'on) all day here today. Weather service is thinking maybe it will chase some of the bozos off the mountain. I doubt it. These are the same people who brought both their kids AND their gas masks. Smarts ain't what they's known fer.

06 Oct 04 - 11:13 AM (#1290283)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

nice cloud/fog/something. grey.

06 Oct 04 - 11:16 AM (#1290285)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amos

Stand in the path of a volcano, but run from a rainfall?? LOL!! Hmmmm....


06 Oct 04 - 11:50 AM (#1290316)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: McGrath of Harlow

Totally grey screen. It's either a whole lot of smoke, or maybe it's just a heavy mist.

06 Oct 04 - 11:55 AM (#1290325)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: katlaughing

That's what I saw, too, McGrath. Wondering if it spewed some more?

06 Oct 04 - 11:57 AM (#1290329)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JenEllen

Rain, people. It's cloudy and rainy today.

06 Oct 04 - 12:19 PM (#1290340)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

So the Earth may be farting in woolen underwear? It was a bad analogy, anyway.

06 Oct 04 - 01:38 PM (#1290414)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

when i saw the grey screen i thought there was an eruption in progress

07 Oct 04 - 07:47 AM (#1291150)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Mr Red

it was 4=39am when I looked and far from watching paint dry it looks more like a carpet right now

07 Oct 04 - 08:44 AM (#1291186)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

it a bit before the sun comes up there still

07 Oct 04 - 08:53 AM (#1291196)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amos

"Webmaster Notice - October 06, 2004 at 12:40 pm PDT - There is an apparent network failure between the VolcanoCam and the Forest Service national web server. We've traced the failure to an area outside of the Forest Service network. We are working to get the link restored as soon as possible."


07 Oct 04 - 09:34 AM (#1291220)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

it's almost dawn - you can see the silhouette (spelling?) of the mountain

07 Oct 04 - 10:06 AM (#1291251)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: McGrath of Harlow

It'd be great to see this all put together as a speeded up film clip.

07 Oct 04 - 10:15 AM (#1291261)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

just a wee plume in the crater at the moment

07 Oct 04 - 10:57 AM (#1291296)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

the light of dawn is illuminating the steam/smoke now...gorgeous!

07 Oct 04 - 10:59 AM (#1291299)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

Amos, that problem was fixed long before you posted that. I got in last night (or last evening, Pacific Time). The notice had been on the photograph, which remained the same for several hours. It's updating now.

MMario, it's hard for me to tell if a wee plume is a wee plume, or a bit of atmospheric fluff. It does look like a nicer day there than it was yesterday. The alert level has been decreased, but they say it's not uncommon for it to fluctuate, and it could erupt with out much warning.

07 Oct 04 - 11:30 AM (#1291333)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

what I've been finding fascinating is the changes in the landscape as the light angle and levels change.

07 Oct 04 - 11:35 AM (#1291339)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JenEllen

Y'oughta get your butt out here and see it in person. *bg* Beautiful doesn't even begin to cover it. You ever want a tour, lemme know.

07 Oct 04 - 11:43 AM (#1291343)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,milk monitor

It's gorgeous at the moment. Like it's shining from the inside out.

07 Oct 04 - 11:55 AM (#1291352)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amos

I don't think so, Jeri -- all I could get was a pixellated array of blodgy red and blue spots -- that's why I posted it. But I can be wrong, as many of my best friends know!! :)


07 Oct 04 - 12:12 PM (#1291373)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

during the hours of darkness (when the sun don't shine) all you see is pixilated arrays of blodgy red and blue spots.

07 Oct 04 - 01:01 PM (#1291409)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amos

Well, ok., and learn. Sorry about the mis-timed report.


07 Oct 04 - 01:01 PM (#1291411)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

five more volcano cams from New zealand

07 Oct 04 - 01:09 PM (#1291414)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JennyO

It looks quite pretty at the moment, and is that a bird I see flying past?

07 Oct 04 - 02:05 PM (#1291475)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

The cam updated just a few minutes ago. 10:49:01 PDT. There is a visible jet of smoke or steam rising from the dome.

Don Firth

08 Oct 04 - 11:08 AM (#1292331)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

rain makes for an interesting image.

08 Oct 04 - 03:22 PM (#1292543)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

rain drops keep falling on my thread.......

08 Oct 04 - 04:30 PM (#1292585)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,heric

OH, I'm pining for the Northwest! EXACTLY as I remember it! Washington from a child's eyes.

08 Oct 04 - 04:35 PM (#1292591)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Janie

Looks like raindrops on the camera lens.


08 Oct 04 - 04:45 PM (#1292599)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Peace

Maybe something under a microscope?

10 Oct 04 - 01:29 PM (#1293857)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Alice

Cool photo right now on the link posted in the first link!
Straight column of steam shooting up like a geyser, clear blue sky.
(I took a screen shot of it if you go there too late. Let me know, I'll email it.)


10 Oct 04 - 02:02 PM (#1293879)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Alice

That should read, the link posted in the FIRST MESSAGE of this thread.


12 Oct 04 - 01:52 PM (#1295362)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

300 foot uplift on the lava cone inside the crater? WOW! saw some great live shots yesterday on the news - but all looks peacful in Helen's crater at the moment.

12 Oct 04 - 02:23 PM (#1295382)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Alice

This is what it looked like on the 10th when I refreshed the thread.

12 Oct 04 - 02:40 PM (#1295397)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Ebbie

MMario, keep in mind that the mountain does not have a female name. She/it was named for English Baron St. Helens. ;^)

12 Oct 04 - 07:19 PM (#1295614)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,milk monitor

Lovely clear day over there. That definitely looks like smoke or steam coming out of the crater?

12 Oct 04 - 07:33 PM (#1295631)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,heric

USGS has set up a new camera to the left of this one, for an even better view (hard to imagine). I haven't found a link to it yet.

12 Oct 04 - 10:29 PM (#1295778)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Well, darn! I should have logged on and read Mudcat while I was in Seattle! (I did post a couple to the MOAB just to keep her from sinking). I missed the opportunity to meet another Mudcatter! Sorry, Thomas--I was slogging around Seattle and Everett and Marysville and Sumas and Darrington and didn't check in often. Next time!

I had a very clear view of Mt. St. Helens on the Oct. 6 flight in--it was dark and large, but not visibly smoking (we were considerably north, so unless it had sent a large plume we wouldn't have seen it anyway). I was on the wrong side of the plane and it was too dark this morning to see anything.


13 Oct 04 - 12:40 AM (#1295861)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Thomas the Rhymer

Oh the sadness, SRS... ;^(

We had some good weather while you were here! I hope it made you homesick...;^)

Maybe next time...

13 Oct 04 - 09:01 AM (#1296090)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Alice

Dark at Mt St Helens this time in the morning, but the web cam screen shows a red glowing spot where lava has surfaced in the dome.


13 Oct 04 - 09:58 AM (#1296139)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

pink smoke - I am assuming reflection from something below?

13 Oct 04 - 10:42 AM (#1296189)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

Sunrise, filtering through a bit of emission. The camera faces SSE, so I think sunrise would be at about your 9:00-10:00. Purty, ain't it?

13 Oct 04 - 10:44 AM (#1296192)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

faded to white - but now ORANGE

13 Oct 04 - 10:59 AM (#1296204)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

Should have said 10:00-11:00.

Sunsets are lovely too, as the light reflects off the river and the side of the mountain that's visible.

13 Oct 04 - 10:59 AM (#1296205)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I see a little smoke rising from it. The photo is considerably backlit at this point in time, but the white smoke is clearly rising.

Yes, Thomas, there was some beautiful weather. I drove from Sumas to Darrington on back roads (Hwy 9) on Sunday, and it was breath-taking. The fields are still so green, but the deciduous trees that dot the edges of fields (mixed in with mostly evergreens) were bright yellows and oranges and reds. If the roads had been wide enough to have shoulders I'd have pulled over a few times for photos, but since it wasn't safe to stop, I've committed the views to memory!

We also had a very wet Friday, a continual downpour.


13 Oct 04 - 03:33 PM (#1296299)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

there's a bright shining haze in the crater!
There's a bright shining haxe in the crater;
the plume is as high as the camara's eye!
And it looks like it's gonna blow up in the sky!

Oh what an active volcano! What a geological event!
Oh what an active volcano! Who cares what the scientists say?

14 Oct 04 - 10:50 AM (#1296925)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

Nice rosey glow at the top. Current picture shows some "red spots" in foreground, but can't tell if they're real or just reflections off something. (07:34:01 PDT image)

Refresh anyhow.


14 Oct 04 - 11:00 AM (#1296931)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

That's the sun coming up, the photo is backlit.

14 Oct 04 - 01:55 PM (#1297044)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

there is an image archived on the page below the current camera image
that shows a glowing at night...the comment says this may be the
light coming form the crater at night.
wasn't there a second camera set up>
can anyone send a link i can't find it..
and good one guest 3:33...i recognize that
song form Oklahoma, the musical.
th original says the corn is as high aas an elephant's eye/..
and it sings something about a haze in the meadow...
\for those of you not familiar with the U.S. musical drama...

14 Oct 04 - 03:43 PM (#1297133)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,puppy

when do you think it will erupt?

14 Oct 04 - 11:04 PM (#1297483)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I saw that glow last night, but without more information figured it was the moon (but I see by my calendar that the moon is completely out of sight right now).


14 Oct 04 - 11:12 PM (#1297491)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Peace

The moon's in Alabamy.

15 Oct 04 - 06:27 PM (#1298208)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It looks like it's raining or fogging in Southwestern Washington this afternoon. Here is a page with some answers about the most common viewing problems (such as no photo). Today I refer you to "Is the VolcanoCam Broken? Part II"


20 Oct 04 - 03:06 PM (#1302025)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Check it out today! It's glorious fall weather, they had some snow, and the mountain is putting out a beautiful puff of steam. I saved this image for my desktop.

Here's the link again.


20 Oct 04 - 03:24 PM (#1302056)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,milk monitor

That for me is the best image yet. It looks like a yeti is hugging the top of the mountain.

20 Oct 04 - 06:03 PM (#1302207)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It's already socked in, but that earlier shot was marvelous. I'm glad someone got there in time to see it!


25 Oct 04 - 09:45 PM (#1307149)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

satelite photos

25 Oct 04 - 10:18 PM (#1307169)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: open mike

another aerial view from satelite..

25 Oct 04 - 11:54 PM (#1307268)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

Mt Rainier Disaster Plan might be of interest while watching the smoke rise at St. Helens. Actually a much more dangerous situation, (Not minimizing the risks from St. H., of course).


26 Oct 04 - 12:18 PM (#1307700)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Leadfingers

Must try to remember to have a look at a different time of Day !!

And thats as close as I would want to get to a volcano as well !

26 Oct 04 - 12:19 PM (#1307702)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Leadfingers

And has Ted been in ??

27 Oct 04 - 10:15 AM (#1308630)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Just now when I checked the volcano cam there was a bright glow at the top that isn't part of the background light from the rising sun. Real interesting effect. Looks like the dome is giving off some light as well as heat this morning.


27 Oct 04 - 05:02 PM (#1308982)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

Gorgeous picture at the moment - 13.53.27 PDT.

27 Oct 04 - 07:55 PM (#1309105)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

16:48:27 also has a very nice view. A nice steady column of smoke is drifting straight up then to the southwest. Lovely afternoon!

31 Oct 04 - 04:37 PM (#1312461)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

The top is socked in, but the mid and low reaches of the mountain are exposed. It looks like they had snow much lower down recently. (The camera was out of commission for a while, but I'm glad to see it back online).

I do love looking at that snow and the seasons changing. This is a link to one of my favorite cameras, in this case, it is on the BLM office in Fairbanks, Alaska. Poke around in here and you'll find lots of great images from around the area, including a bunch of aurora borealis photos.


05 Nov 04 - 12:20 PM (#1317881)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Another beautiful day on the mountain, with a nice little puff of smoke at the top. Snow has melted in the lowlands but remains on the peak.

09 Nov 04 - 03:15 PM (#1321780)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,Darryl

I have been posting enhanced images/movies of the night time glow from the mountain on my webpage - its amazing how a little image processing can remove most of the noise and clean up the view!

13 Nov 04 - 05:34 PM (#1325983)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

Seems to be something happening again now with Mount St. Helens. Could be just cloud - but I don't think so this time.

What news of the volcano in Iceland, and did Skarpi get to Ireland okay?

17 Nov 04 - 11:38 AM (#1330010)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

Beautiful view at the moment - sun-gilding on clouds and plume.

18 Nov 04 - 12:30 PM (#1331194)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Here is a marvelous photo that was in the Seattle P.I. this morning. The caption says "Mount St. Helens experiences a minor steam eruption as viewed from the Johnson Ridge Observatory five miles from the crater. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) (November 17, 2004)"


20 Nov 04 - 04:00 PM (#1333858)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,milk monitor

Wow! That's gorgeous. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

23 Nov 04 - 11:26 AM (#1336546)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

in what contry is mout st helenas volcano in?

23 Nov 04 - 11:30 AM (#1336551)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

Washington. Asmall country loosely associated with the Pacific West coast of North America.

23 Nov 04 - 12:10 PM (#1336598)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage


23 Dec 04 - 01:58 PM (#1364300)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

nice clear view today with a small plume.

23 Dec 04 - 04:31 PM (#1364408)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I took a look earlier (no plane in my glimpse), and it is indeed beautiful. They've narrowed the focus on the camera--it has less of the area now. Consequently the mountain looks larger, but I liked seeing more of the foreground to keep an eye on the Toutle River.


23 Dec 04 - 06:10 PM (#1364467)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

Yes, a beautiful view today - but I too miss seeing the sun reflecting off the river as it used to do in the wider angle view.


09 Mar 05 - 04:30 AM (#1430326)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

My local news report says that Mt. St. Helens began spewing a significant new plume at about 17:00 PDT (20:00 EDT – 00:00 GMT)Tuesday. The realtime crater watch camera of course doesn't show anything now due to local darkness, but some Tuesday afternoon plume shots are up at the USGS Mt St Helens site.

Also spotted on the fly, an Amateur Phonecam that looks like that's what it was, probably sometime Tuesday afternoon.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of excitement about it yet, but the USGS has raised to "hazard code" to 2d level, and some roads in the vicinity have been closed. Most interior USGS hiking trials, etc., are of course closed – as of a day or two ago.

Most of the interesting stuff seems to be at the USGS site, rather than at the realtime camera.


09 Mar 05 - 04:37 AM (#1430329)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh dear... let's hope she's not as angry as last time... Mother Nature is a tad restless so far this year....


09 Mar 05 - 06:33 AM (#1430382)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Micca

As a (still) working Scientist, Can I thank Jeri and all others who have contributed to this fascinating thread? It has provided me with hours of interest and enjoyment!! as a now Sadly Ex- climber and life long volcano fan It has become an old friend that I visit regularly(at least every 2nd day) Many thanks to you all and the USGS

09 Mar 05 - 11:29 AM (#1430647)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JenEllen

Yeah, she erupted again about 1730 local time. It was absolutely GORGEOUS from here. They said on the local news that the ash cloud went up to about 36K feet. Against the sunset, it looked like a bird in someone's hand. Nothing but a light dusting of ash out this far. Theory around the educated water-cooler says the lava dome probably collapsed. Won't know for a while because the weather was supposed to turn crummy today and it's hard to get a look-in with clouds. At least should the worst happen, we're better prepared now for emergencies.

09 Mar 05 - 11:35 AM (#1430655)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

the central dome still seems to be there in the volcano-cam. there wasn't any visible activity earlier today when I looked - but a small plume now.

09 Mar 05 - 10:42 PM (#1431176)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: goodbar

my chemistry teacher said the media are pussies and all it did was burp when in the 80's it threw up everything it had. then he went on to say it wasn't even a burp, but more like crap evaporating out of a pore.

09 Mar 05 - 10:55 PM (#1431184)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Hey, Micca, I climbed Mt. St. Helens back in the mid-1970s before all of this ruckus started. It was a long slow walk up a steep hill. :)


11 Mar 05 - 09:52 AM (#1432192)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Is that fire or sun? Never seen it like that before.

11 Mar 05 - 09:57 AM (#1432194)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,MMario

Sun glare.

11 Mar 05 - 11:46 AM (#1432282)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

phew. I'll stop running then.

01 Aug 05 - 04:33 PM (#1532848)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Metchosin

Mt. St. Helens has been up to some interesting stuff in the last couple of days. There's been a few earthquakes in the 3.0 range, but what I find intriguing aside from the main hotspot, is the new little glow that has showed up on the night pictures since May on the western flank.

There are some movies of it at this website if you scroll down the page to the Hall of Fame.

01 Aug 05 - 07:10 PM (#1532962)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Nancy King

Interesting stuff, Metchosin -- thanks!


01 Aug 05 - 07:26 PM (#1532979)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: DougR

Our plane flew over (not directly but near) Mt. St. Helen's a couple of weeks ago and it looked pretty dead at the time.


01 Aug 05 - 10:59 PM (#1533095)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Metchosin

Earthquakes are difficult to experience when you're in the air, DougR.*BG* Sorry, couldn't resist.

01 Aug 05 - 11:15 PM (#1533107)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Donuel

I was watching a nova show on the excavation of Herculanium. It has the only complete ancient library to be encased/preserved 90 feet down in solidified pyroclastic flow.

The burned scrolls are now being read with NASA inspired digital imaging.

02 Aug 05 - 11:14 AM (#1533370)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: EBarnacle

The Museum of Modern Art [MOMA] in New York City has a really great exhibit of photos of Mt.St. Helens. This a real blowout, especially those showing at or close to the time, compared with the same view 10 years later. If you can get there, go.

02 Aug 05 - 04:50 PM (#1533569)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: DougR

True, Metchosin, however, one should expect to see some smoke or steam escaping, right?


02 Aug 05 - 05:51 PM (#1533633)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Metchosin

It is intermittant DougR, she's letting off a little bit today. Although you really have to look hard to see it.

I wonder if the small light on the western flank could be ignited gas escaping through a fissure? I know this happens in parts of Greece and Turkey.

02 Aug 05 - 05:55 PM (#1533637)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Metchosin

And the area is still under orange alert, which advises the following potential ash hazards to aviation: Under current eruptive conditions, small, short-lived explosions may produce ash clouds that exceed
30,000 feet in altitude. Ash from such events can travel 100 miles or more downwind.

03 Aug 05 - 01:42 PM (#1534083)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

There seems to be quite a bit of smoke today----8/3/o5


03 Aug 05 - 01:44 PM (#1534087)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

may be an optical illusion due to cloud - but appears to be two sources - one low on the left, one high on the right.

11 Sep 05 - 10:39 AM (#1561030)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

I've just returned from my annual trip to Austria and clicked on the webcam in my favourites to see how she's doing - LOOKS VERY MUCH LIKE SOMETHING IS HAPPENING. Any news anybody?


11 Sep 05 - 10:47 AM (#1561034)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It looks like there's something on the camera lens.


11 Sep 05 - 10:55 AM (#1561038)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

A definite orange blob, but it does look like a drop shaped blob on the lens to me too.

11 Sep 05 - 11:44 AM (#1561070)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

Yes, I agree about the orange 'blob' - but now that the cloud has cleared that does look like a sizable plume also (08.36 PDT)???


11 Sep 05 - 03:35 PM (#1561224)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

Hard to tell from the picture I just looked at (12:32 PDT). I haven't heard anything on the news.

The blob. I have a horrible feeling that it's the kind of thing that can appear on your windshield if you happen to drive under a flight of pigeons.

Don Firth

11 Sep 05 - 03:42 PM (#1561231)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage


You seem to be looking at times where there is some visibility. I haven't had such luck. The orange blob is more defined now, the blurry area smaller, but nothing helpful regarding the top of the mountain behind it. I did find this activity report:
    Growth of the new lava dome inside the crater of Mount St. Helens continues, accompanied by low rates of seismicity, low emissions of steam and volcanic gases, and minor production of ash. During such eruptions, changes in the level of activity can occur over days to months. The eruption could intensify suddenly or with little warning and produce explosions that cause hazardous conditions within several miles of the crater and farther downwind. Small lahars could suddenly descend the Toutle River if triggered by heavy rain or by interaction of hot rocks with snow and ice. These lahars pose a negligible hazard below the Sediment Retention Structure (SRS) but could pose a hazard along the river channel upstream.

Different type of "SRS" there!

And the chart with the most recent seismic activity can be found here to show a heating up of conditions. Unfortunately, that only shows until early August. There is obviously some lag time in filing and posting these monthly reports. If you poke around you can find some static photos taken in September. See if this works to give you more information.


11 Sep 05 - 04:00 PM (#1561241)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Check out the biggest fly in the world!

11 Sep 05 - 04:09 PM (#1561245)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Sorry he's gone to be a fly somewhere now. He had more than a passing interest in the orange blob.

11 Sep 05 - 04:12 PM (#1561247)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

Hmm. . . . Tends to reinforce my theory about the blob.

Don Firth

11 Sep 05 - 06:15 PM (#1561312)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Deckman

Hmmm? Maybe has President bush been in the area? Bob(deckman)Nelson

12 Sep 05 - 12:56 PM (#1561870)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

From Webcam 12th September:

"Webmaster Update @ 9:24 am PDT - We are well aware of the grime on the VolcanoCam lens. We are planning to clean the lens later this week once we have our maintenance team ready. We apologize for the messy view."

Still looks like a good plume though.


12 Sep 05 - 01:45 PM (#1561910)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I wish they'd twist the lens to back up the view so we could see more of the mountain again. I liked being able to look at the foreground.


12 Sep 05 - 02:06 PM (#1561930)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

Yeah, me too. There used to be some stunning shots of the sun reflecting in the stream/river in the foreground, trouble is I can't now remember whether it was as it was rising or setting.


12 Sep 05 - 11:12 PM (#1562438)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I think the view you have from this camera is across the Toutle River valley, correct? I'm guessing the camera is northwest of the peak, so you get the evening glow (Alpenglow) effect of the sunset.


13 Sep 05 - 01:36 PM (#1562860)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Polly Squeezebox

"looking approximately south-southeast across the North Fork Toutle River Valley" - correct again SRS. I've just returned from Austria, so am more familiar with the term Alpengluhn. But whichever term you use, it's spectacular when you get a good one and the mountain (or volcano) seems to light up from inside. I guess in the case of volcanos though, it could have a more sinister outcome.


13 Sep 05 - 02:26 PM (#1562909)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Lovely clear view today. Sure looks like plumes but then again could be low wispy cloud? I miss the glittering river too, shame that . Any one know what the orangey looking large rock looking thing is just above the word VOLCANIC at the bottom of the picture?

26 Nov 05 - 01:10 PM (#1614168)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Are they icicles?

26 Nov 05 - 03:15 PM (#1614228)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Looks like it. I haven't been able to see anything the last couple of times I checked.


27 Nov 05 - 01:19 PM (#1614797)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: tarheel

i have several of the National Geographic Magazines that featured the day the moiuntain blew it's top... to this day it's probably one of the most collected issues!
we see a lot of National Geographic Magazines for sale at flea markets and yard sales... woul be surprised sat the folks today still looking for copies of that particular issue!
incredibile photos and story!!!!
would take anything for my issues i have collected....yet!!!!

27 Nov 05 - 02:29 PM (#1614848)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Man that looks chilly.

18 Feb 06 - 08:25 PM (#1672458)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

Wow. For anyone who wants something beautiful in their head.

18 Feb 06 - 09:13 PM (#1672489)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,sass

Back when Mt. St. Helens blew in '04, there was a family who didn't know about it, 'til some relatives in another state saw the news and wondered if they were all right!

18 Feb 06 - 10:04 PM (#1672520)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amos

At this hour of night the webcam is all a purply black except for one small light across the valley.

This page archives the last few hours of shots from the webcam. You can watch the fall of darkness (depending on what time you look at it!).


19 Feb 06 - 01:36 AM (#1672608)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It's too late now to see anything but darkness (12:35am CST) and one bright spot on the last 180 minutes of shots. That spot must be a light on the mountain? The moon or any stars would have moved out of range after a few panels.


19 Feb 06 - 10:58 AM (#1672837)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

Right now, as the sequence of photos shift from total dark to daylight I can see that the light spot must be something that turns up due to infrared camera features, because it is at the top of the mountain and the top of the dome forming in the crater. Even showed a nice little puff of smoke this morning to illustrate what it is about.

19 Feb 06 - 01:07 PM (#1672972)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Don Firth

Neat site, Amos!

As of the time I post this, it looks like the mountain may have burped a bit 150 minutes back, unless it's just a small cloud drifting by. At least there is a small, bright cloud hovering there.

Don Firth

10 May 06 - 03:08 AM (#1736919)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Cluin

Mount St. Helens is slowly developing some sort of erection.

Best be far away when it reaches its climax.

10 May 06 - 11:40 AM (#1737242)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I saw a small version of this image last week--thanks for linking to the large one, I hadn't thought to go to the volcano watching site for a while. This is marvelous for a desktop photo.

10 May 06 - 11:44 AM (#1737247)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: MMario

Maybe the name should be changed to Mt. Saint Hank?

10 May 06 - 11:48 AM (#1737250)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for posting, Cluin. A meter a day is an impressive figure!

Let's hope for continued, slow growth.

11 May 06 - 06:12 AM (#1737857)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Hawker

Amazing site, for those of you who are interested in this sort of thing, I also like the earthquake site here:
anybody who is cleverer than me is welcome to make it a clicky!!!
it is interesting how the volcanic and earthquake activity correlate and one can be used to predict activity in the other one!
Also amazing how many 'big' earthquakes there are every day!
Cheers, Lucy

clicky made; link-faery

18 Jan 08 - 07:02 PM (#2239642)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

New reports of recent changes in seismic activity have appeared.

A typical report is at MSNBC.

Since the report doesn't indicate an "expected major event" I'll omit posting the article; but I don't know how widely the news will be reported outside areas with "connections to Washington state."

No indication of cause for concern - but "mild interest" is appropriate for some.


18 Jan 08 - 07:43 PM (#2239673)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

They have new camera features -- classic and HD.

USFS Mt. St. Helens Cam


18 Jan 08 - 09:02 PM (#2239731)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

But do they have one with a windshield washer and wipers yet? It is WA after all.

(I'd have looked for myself, but I suspect it's dark there now. Tomorrow for sure.)


19 Jan 08 - 03:10 AM (#2239847)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I watched the mountain for a few minutes this afternoon. It was spectacular. Clear sky behind it, snow-covered peak, and alpenglow just as the sun was going down.

19 Jan 08 - 08:46 AM (#2239940)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Micca

My sincere thanks to JohninKansas for putting this back up, I had lost my tag for it in a crash and rebuild and am glad to have it back!!

19 Jan 08 - 01:29 PM (#2240079)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It's a white out right now.

20 Jan 08 - 11:11 AM (#2240592)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Jeri

There is a beautiful rosy glow crowning the snowy lavender-tinted mountain which is behind the icicles decorating the camera. Very pretty sunrise!

20 Jan 08 - 03:35 PM (#2240767)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: JohnInKansas

I haven't caught the new camera show with a clear view of the mountain yet, but the new Hi-Def camera does have an incredibly sharp view of the icicles on the roof. Much better, although slightly fewer hangie-downs, than the view with the older camera.


21 Jan 08 - 02:18 AM (#2241053)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

The moon is almost full tonight, I noticed that when I took the dogs for a late walk. I just clicked on the link now (it's about 11:15pm out there) and you can see the mountain on the high def camera. You can barely detect the outline on the classic view. Interesting! And those icicles are quite clear.


21 Jan 08 - 02:43 PM (#2241472)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: gnu

Wow. That looks like a long walk up and back.

21 Jan 08 - 05:09 PM (#2241581)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

It is. I did it years ago. Of course, it used to be longer. :)

20 Oct 08 - 05:52 PM (#2471174)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

My Mt. St. Helens link vanished with a desktop crash, so I'll re-up now that I've found this thread again. But I'm posting here to offer a link to other web cams:

Glacier National Park, Montana

My Earthlink newsletter offered several others. This has a whole bunch of camera links:

EarthCam Fall Folliage Cams


20 Dec 09 - 12:31 PM (#2792845)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I was looking for something else and landed on a long page of Gifford Pinchot National Forest photos. They include, down at the bottom, color photos from the eruption. But the ones above are fascinating as well.


20 Dec 09 - 12:39 PM (#2792863)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: katlaughing

Those are incredible, SRS, esp. the older ones. I am partial to them, anyway. Thanks for the link.

20 Dec 09 - 12:55 PM (#2792881)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Wonderful series of pictures. Thanks for posting.

Will St. Helens blow again in time for Christmas?

20 Dec 09 - 05:59 PM (#2793137)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I haven't heard anything about it rumbling at all lately.

20 Dec 09 - 08:06 PM (#2793227)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Ebbie

I must have subliminally seen this thread before because I just got back in from walking my dog in which I found myself thinking about Mt. St. Helens' Big Blow and thinking about Spirit Lake's Harry Truman.

Truman had toured a number of Washington schools earlier that school year and assured the youngsters that "his" mountain wouldn't harm him. Then of course, when it blew it not only *harmed* him but obliterated Spirit Lake as well.

I hope he went quietly and without regret.

I would guess that the kids will never forget him.

21 Dec 09 - 01:46 AM (#2793347)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Genie

I believe Harry said, not long before St. Helens blew him to kingdom come, words to the effect that he'd lived there such a long time and buried his wife there, that if the mountain blew he was gonna go with 'er.
I don't think that, at least in the last few days, he really expected "his" mountain not to erupt or that he would survive it.
He was kind of like a captain going down with his ship.

21 Dec 09 - 02:01 AM (#2793349)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

From what I read, Harry sounded like a stubborn fool. I don't think he expected it to go, either, but he was so busy enjoying his 15 minutes of fame that he missed the opportunity to escape.


21 Dec 09 - 08:37 PM (#2793974)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Genie

I think he was a stubborn cuss, too. I'm just not convinced that he'd have felt like going on if he'd had to leave his beloved mountain, at his age.

22 Dec 09 - 03:06 PM (#2794475)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: GUEST,leeneia

I think the Harry Truman affair was shameful, shameful behavior on the part of journalists. They publicized this old man's foolishness so much that he got to thinking he could not back down.

He probably died a terrible death, and so did his animals.

Media assholes!

22 Dec 09 - 06:23 PM (#2794620)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Deckman

I actually met Harry several times in my younger years. My parents used to take my brother and me to fish in Spirit lake, in the 40's and 50's. We'd camp in his campground and rent his rowboats. At the time of his death, my brother was in serious negotiations with Harry to buy his pink caddilac. My brother had offered $5,000 ... he had the money and Harry was ready. Unfortunatly, so was the mountain! I wonder what that car looks like now ... or even where it is? bob(deckman)nelson

23 Dec 09 - 12:29 AM (#2794790)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage

I think leeneia has a point--that 15 minutes of fame probably went to his head. But rest assured--if nothing else, death by volcano would have been fast. He probably barely knew what hit him. And that is a good thing.


23 Dec 09 - 09:18 PM (#2795348)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Donuel

There is a simple honesty to freely giving back to mother earth your ashes. Harry seemed like a guy who would have planned to have his ashes on set adrift on the mountain.
People who need a concrete lined grave or vault are holding back the loan of Earthly atoms. In life they probably lived in a gated community.

Harry's ashes stood a good chance of making it around the world.

Yellowstone may make an incredible show in the next year or two.
I hope its not a full eruption but it sure needs watching.

23 Dec 09 - 11:44 PM (#2795398)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Amergin

Mount St. Helens

24 Dec 09 - 01:20 AM (#2795413)
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
From: Stilly River Sage
