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Songs for a midlife crisis

11 Oct 04 - 08:03 PM (#1294724)
Subject: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Fergie

Many of us aging hippies are going throught that midlife crisis. Me, I'm trying to remember my moves to "satisfaction" du du do do do de dodo du du de du du du du I can't get no etc. etc. what's your remedy for YOUR midlife crisis.

11 Oct 04 - 11:34 PM (#1294859)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: mg

Buck up and don't have one. mg

12 Oct 04 - 12:31 AM (#1294891)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

A bottle of Night Train Wine ~ a sharp razor ~ a large bathtub with plenty of sheets and towels.

You don't want to be a burden to anyone ~ and after age 28 it is pretty well down-hill.... anyway.....why not go a couple of years early??????

Sail on, sail on, Sailor.


12 Oct 04 - 12:38 AM (#1294894)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Peace

I had mine when I was twenty-two years old. I should have been dead thirteen years ago, so that's overdue. But, hey, this is Canada, and at least the trains run on time.

12 Oct 04 - 01:07 AM (#1294905)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Muskratpete

I guess mine hit a couple of years ago when I found an old motorcycle just like the one I had when I was young (Honda CB 350). So, I bought it. To firmly convince everyone I was, indeed, afflicted, I also bought an old old '72 Mercury Comet for my son's first car. It was in great shape and looked just like the one I bought new in '73! I have since decided to just face middle-age head on and enjoy the hell out of it. By the way, I love Jimmy Buffett's ode to middle age, "A Pirate Looks At Forty."

12 Oct 04 - 08:15 PM (#1295664)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Bat Goddess

I think I have a midlife crisis about every six months or so.

Then something comes along to kick me in the ass.

It's an interesting cycle . . .

I'm young at heart . . . slightly older in other places.


13 Oct 04 - 02:16 AM (#1295891)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: GUEST,Gerry

At the risk of spoiling the punchline for anyone who hasn't heard the song, The Red Corvette, as recorded by John McCutcheon, could be said to be about a mid-life crisis. Maybe the guy in White Collar Holler is headed for one, too.

13 Oct 04 - 04:06 AM (#1295936)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Georgiansilver

IMHO...if you have reached that stage where you feel your life is in crisis.....STOP!!!! Look at what you have, who you are with, where you are going.....think about how you can change things without harming yourself or anyone's not just your affects all those around you also.
Two of my male friends have lost their lives after rejoining the biker set in middle age, leaving wives and families in bereavement.
A few men I know have left their wives and a woman friend her husband for someone younger...none of them have ultimately found the happiness they thought they would.
Enjoy what you have...and if you must change things...don't do it on a are old enough and responsible enough to know better!
If you want to change things, please just aim to change the things you have for the better...actively work at all you have to improve it...that way no-one gets hurt. Share all the new joys with the ones you love..not furtively behind their backs.
From someone who has been hurt.....Best wishes,

13 Oct 04 - 04:07 AM (#1295937)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Georgiansilver

Can I suggest that this thread would be better in BS. Best wishes.

13 Oct 04 - 04:32 AM (#1295948)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE OTHER SIDE OF FORTY (Jack Hudson)
From: Big Al Whittle

Here is a song written by the wonderful Jack Hudson - easily the greatest country music voice England has ever produced. Cruelly neglected by Mike Yarwood and the rest of the great 1970's folk conspiracy on the folk radio. If you need the tune PM me, I've got a version kicking round somewhere. Sing it to yourself, and be grateful that those powers that be, can't silence the human heart with their bloody music industry completely: -

Jack Hudson

On the other side of midnight
Is when your thoughts begin to clear,
And the other side of forty
Is when you start to lose your fears.
Good guitars and broken hearts
Get better with the years.
You learn to know what's worth the love
And what ain't worth tears.

All those years of misspent youth
I recall sometimes and grin.
Some mistakes I'm still ashamed of,
Especially those I made again.
Ah, but that's the way it goes.
It's what they call the learning curve.
And I've wound up in some ditches
Because of those bends and nerve.

Some of my friends mortgaged their future
And got no change from the past,
Spent like there was no tomorrow,
But that day breaks all too fast.
I have wasted my share of time,
Hanging in for the rock 'n' roll,
But the band went and called in sick,
But sick of what, we were never told.

All the rocks you write your destiny on
And lay in your foundations
Get crushed under the wheels
On that road of good intentions.
The road goes on forever.
I thank whoever for not too much harm,
But curse those who waste your time,
Crimes of the heart and false alarms.

C x 2.

Repeat lines 1 & 2 of 1st verse.

13 Oct 04 - 06:23 AM (#1296011)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: Dipsodeb

Wow Gargoyle haven't heard of Night Train Wine for ages. Can you still buy it? I was told that they took it off the market due to damage to brain cells which explains alot to me LOL. A friend and I used to start a Saturday evening off with a blue Thunderbird, then move on to the red label with a grand finale on the the old Night Train. Those were great times I think! Memory isn't what it was, or is that brain cells aren't what they were ;-)

Georgian Silver what a lovely way of looking at things, it certainly gave me food for thought and reinforced some things that I have been thinking about lately. Thankyou x It was obviously heartfelt advice.

Wee little drummer, great song I would love the tune and the chords.


13 Oct 04 - 07:10 AM (#1296027)
Subject: Lyr Add: NIFTY WHEN YOU'RE FIFTY (Tony Winn)
From: Jeanie

Here's a song by Tony Winn from his CD "Singing in the Bath" :


There's a time you reach in life
That some may find slightly depressing
But a salad when it's old
Can be revived with some french dressing
Now you've reached the age of L
There's a myth I can dispel
And though I can't speak from experience
There's a truth that I can tell:

You can still be talking dirty when you're thirty,
You can still be rather naughty when you're forty,
And if you get past forty-five
And you find you're still alive,
You can still be nifty when you're fifty.

When it comes to romping randily or being rather rude,
The young folk have more energy and look neater in the nude,
But don't discount maturity, there's nothing wrong with ageing,
It doesn't lead to purity, you still can go rampaging.

You don't have to lose libido just because you're getting slower,
Even though your joints are creaky, you can still be quite a goer,
And although your hair is greying and you're glad to be alive, it's
True a touch of romance can still stimulate your privates.

But you'll still enjoy carousal given suitable arousal
And a two week convalescence on completion.

So don't throw out those sexy undies just because you're getting older,
And when you're naked these days somehow all you feel is colder,
You've still got one or two good years left yet in which to be promiscuous,
Just don't go overdoing it or you might slip your discuous.

If you haven't come across Tony Winn, check out the link above. He's good !

- jeanie

13 Oct 04 - 03:35 PM (#1296302)
Subject: RE: Songs for a midlife crisis
From: GUEST,ossonflags

Not midlife but it will do:



"never to late to start livi'n
get out and have sume fun

the day will be just as shiny in the morni'n
as the first day the world begun"