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El Greco or Jez Lowe ?

12 Oct 04 - 08:39 PM (#1295689)
Subject: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: GUEST,Flatcap

Will George outstage Jez ?
You won't know unless you're there; that's
Sunday, 24th October at
The Star Inn
Church Street

There's also a traditionalist in the form of Brian Peters, and a
couple of all-rounders in the form of Elaine & Sam Bracken.
So who's the best, George or Jez ?
Answers on a thread.....

13 Oct 04 - 06:30 AM (#1296015)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: muppitz

George Whom?

13 Oct 04 - 08:00 AM (#1296044)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Alio

George Papvgeris - singer / excellent songwriter.

They're both super aren't they, but in different ways? I'd find it very hard to choose - so just enjoy them both!


13 Oct 04 - 08:21 AM (#1296059)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: George Papavgeris

Not worthy...not worthy...(prostrate, face North East and pay homage)I am not worthy...! Not even to change his strings!

Perhaps after I have written a "Salonika Big Meeting", or "Athens Jail", or "Last Widow of the Peloponnese", or "Athens Danny", or "Latchkey Jigolo"... Or, to reverse the analogy, a "Durham Lightning". Perhaps never, and that's fine by me. See, Jez is a songwriting hero of mine. Plus, I look crap on a pedestal (looks not being my strong point, plus my fear of heights).

The sentiments are appreciated nevertheless, Flatcap ;-) And gratefully accepted. And thank you too for the good words, Ali.

I must say, I am really looking forward to coming "oop North" again, I value my good friends there and miss them. Plus I get to listen to Jez and Brian (whom I love both) and to Elaine & Sam (about whom I have heard very good words).

Been a long time, Bernard. Get the squeezebox out and let's bash out some tunes!

13 Oct 04 - 08:35 AM (#1296066)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Murray MacLeod

Andy Irvine gave George Papadovogeris a BIG namecheck in both his concerts in Edinburgh and Dunkeld a couple of weeks ago. I think he sang one of his songs (and very tasty it was too)...

13 Oct 04 - 08:40 AM (#1296068)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: The Unicorn Man

Hello George. How easy is that song about the windmill? I hope it is one of the GCD ones.

13 Oct 04 - 08:47 AM (#1296070)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: freda underhill

Andy Irvine sings a song George has written about the farmers and the banks (the money banks) in australia, it is a great song.

13 Oct 04 - 08:58 AM (#1296082)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Cllr

Ah ha this is simple. Bedford Folk club has George Papavgeris on tomorrow night (see other thread) and then he has Jez Lowe (and bad pennies) in December So the answer is go to both
You see you can have your cake and eat it. Cllr
PS I am going to both nights as they are both excellent.

13 Oct 04 - 08:59 AM (#1296084)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: George Papavgeris

Andy Irvine is generous and a gentleman; yes, he sings "Empty Handed", and he has stamped it with his inimitable style. Thanks Murray.

Martin, "The Mill" is not on the new CD - I decided to leave it out, as Cloudstreet were releasing their acapella version of it on their own new album ("Fiddleship") around the same time as "Ordinary Heroes" was being recorded. But one can find it of course on "Countryside Like This", my first album.

Two other "adopted by big names" songs are in OH however: "Flowers & Guns" (Garbutt), "Friends Like These" (Bailey); as well as "Empty Handed" (mistakenly announced as "Empty Headed" at a club recently - I feel a parody coming on (can you write your own parodies?)!

13 Oct 04 - 09:12 AM (#1296102)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: mooman

An unfair question Flatcap.

Both are absolutely excellent...



13 Oct 04 - 12:10 PM (#1296237)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Georgiansilver

We should really not be making is unhealthy..especially since I am not a patch on the other two..LOL.
Jez Lowe at Trinity Arts Centre, Gainsborough 7-11pm Saturday 16th Oct
Be there or be square...There is also a concert at same venue on Sunday 17th from 3pm to 6pm with "Cara"(hopefully sporting the new CD, John Conolly, Mark Campbell and Paul Bellamy..and Bill Whaley and Dave Fletcher....also worth a visit.
Best wishes.

13 Oct 04 - 12:36 PM (#1296256)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

For those who seem to have missed the point... we'll have both El Greko and Jez Lowe (and the Bad Pennies) at the Open Door on Sunday October 24th - so you won't need to choose!!

More information and updates on the main Extravaganza Thread!

George - you do yourself an injustice! Of course you're fit to change Jez's strings, and maybe he'll even employ you as a guitar technician?!! Yes - my accordion is ready and waiting! Looking forward to it immensely!!

One of these days Alio is going to learn how to spell 'Papavgeris'!! Still, what can you expect from an ex-headteacher of infants (runs away, chuckling hideously, ducking a flying fist!)?! ;o)

13 Oct 04 - 02:51 PM (#1296274)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

at least you can understand George's accent.

What a compliment for the bfg from Chesham to be talked of in the same breath as Jez Lowe.

Is all this pressure getting to him, thats why he's off to the States this w/end then Australia for Christmas?

Dont think george plays darts as good as Lowe

If you can do come along to george papavgeris's CD launch in St Albans on Fri 29th Oct at the 'Windward' Folk-song club at the Duke of Marlborough with John Spiers and others in support, the previous launch was a truly magical evening

I go for George as his songs have a wider appeal and are not so regional.

but Jez has easier choruses

Both are fantastic contributors to contemporary folk and we are all the richer as a result.

George Papavgeris and the naughty drachmas

13 Oct 04 - 03:28 PM (#1296291)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

And if you miss any of those, you can come to Market Rasen Folk club

November 19th Guest:- George Papavgeris (new CD launch)
Support Artists
Mick Pearce, Stitherum, Lucy Wright and Paul Young, Steve Newton, hissyfit
£4 entrance

This is going to be a cracking evening - so don't miss out.

13 Oct 04 - 03:54 PM (#1296317)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: GUEST,Guest

This time next year, George will be held in as high esteem as Jez.
In two years....???
We can but hope !!!1

13 Oct 04 - 04:30 PM (#1296339)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: GUEST,Alan

Folk music is not a competitive sport , each and every performer adds to the rich tapestry that is Folk Music.

To pitch one against another is wrong , comparing ability or content is subjective and devisive.

Only my opinion .

13 Oct 04 - 04:54 PM (#1296357)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: webfolk

As one who used to sing on the same stage as Jez when we were both 'bairns' at the Nursery Inn, Hartlepool I don't understand what all the fudd is about his accent.
Ah Diven't haave nee problem wee-it!

13 Oct 04 - 04:56 PM (#1296359)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

Guest Alan

You are so right

13 Oct 04 - 05:25 PM (#1296387)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Cllr

Villian oooh Mick pearce I dont know the others but you can very easily run out of superlatives when discribing Mick's guitar playing.

I must ask him to do ampthill Cllr

13 Oct 04 - 05:53 PM (#1296406)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

cllr, please note

Lucy and Paul have already played the Spotlight and very well received they were too, didnt you know? I was most impressed.

Stithers are booked in for the new year so check it out and come on down and see how it all works.

Mick Pearce play us this week on Friday and Sunday

Maybe the North south divide is already being bridged

had away, gan on.

13 Oct 04 - 06:13 PM (#1296422)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bill D

well, El Greco ought to be THOROUGHLY jet-lagged by the time he gets there....Whether he is caught up on sleep after his trip to the US is anyone's guess...*grin*...

we (the FSGW Getaway) promise not to keep him up more than 20-22 hours a day....we are eagerly anticipating his visit!

13 Oct 04 - 08:53 PM (#1296528)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

"Folk music is not a competitive sport ... comparing ability or content is subjective and devisive."

Lighten up, Guest Alan (and Villan)!! It's only a bit of fun to publicise the Extravaganza! We have a lot of respect for BOTH performers, which is why they are on the same bill - and why they are BOTH making return visits to our club!!

If you are so lacking in a sense of humour that you didn't see the point, can I apologise on behalf of all concerned!!

13 Oct 04 - 09:10 PM (#1296539)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

I wonder if Jez and the Pennies will do 'Greek Lightning'?!

14 Oct 04 - 01:58 AM (#1296665)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

Just because I happen to agree with a comment made, does not mean that I do not understand the purpose of the thread and go along with it.

I happen to agree with Alan for other reasons. When you run a folk club and put 6/7 artists on a night as I do, I treat all artists as equal because they are one unit in terms of entertaining the audience. I try to make sure that the less experienced artists do not feel that they competing, but contributing to the evening.

So, think a little more before you reply. PM a person first before making such comments publically (I assume you know how to do that) - it saves FLAMING situations occurring.

Breezy, can you make sure Goerge brings his passport with him when he comes up North, otherwise they might not let him through the border control. :-)

What about George singing
Jez ster a song in Twilight
Bad Penny blues
Pennies from heaven


14 Oct 04 - 03:36 AM (#1296692)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

regard yourselves as being part of the extended herga-greek empire, since your ambassadors Lucy and Paul came down these parts
Not to mention the return of Mick Pearce from these parts.
So borders have been breached and secured.
Such fine outstanding missionary work dont you think.

14 Oct 04 - 03:45 AM (#1296698)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: GUEST,Mingulay

Breezy, why aren't you out annoying people in person instead of on line **grin**, or is the weather too bad?

14 Oct 04 - 03:54 AM (#1296701)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: George Papavgeris

It's pissing down and his beard gets soggy...

14 Oct 04 - 04:21 AM (#1296715)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

Villan - lighten up!

14 Oct 04 - 04:43 AM (#1296722)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

I've got a beard!

14 Oct 04 - 05:39 AM (#1296748)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Georgiansilver

Sorry but I agree with the Villan...this thread should never have been brought into existence...making comparisons of any artists is inflammatory whether done light heartedly or not. Live music, particularly Folk music is not a is an effort to keep music "Live". Please live with that thought and don't use this thread to attack others views.
Best wishes, Mike.

14 Oct 04 - 06:25 AM (#1296772)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

El G has been paid a compliment of the highest order and he could well be flattered.

Bit like sex in the city really

we know a good songwriter when we hear one.

beard dry now

14 Oct 04 - 01:09 PM (#1297010)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener


Why don't you come to Market Rasen Folk Club on November the 5th.

We could do with a person to be guyfawks

I could guarantee that you that we could certainly lighten you up.

:-) :-) :-)

14 Oct 04 - 01:57 PM (#1297049)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

Send (Email) me a map!! ;o)

14 Oct 04 - 02:41 PM (#1297081)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Wuzzle

Great news
You can see George on the 2nd Nov and Jez on the 16th
Both at the Great Knight in Northampton now you don't have to choose :-)

14 Oct 04 - 02:46 PM (#1297087)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

Thats a strange email Address Bernard

Not sure if I want you to come incase you try and blow us up LOL :-)

you can always have a look at the website which has a map on it.

Whereabouts are you based ?

Seriously, you would be very welcome.

14 Oct 04 - 04:52 PM (#1297190)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: treewind

It's a perfectly sensible address for a mail link. It makes it clear to the recipient how the sender came to send the email (unless the sender's sneaky)

Bernard's in Manchester, and low-risk w.r.t blowing you up (IMHO)


14 Oct 04 - 07:59 PM (#1297333)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

Thanks for those kind words, Anahata! That's exactly why I use my email forwarding that way!

As for blowing people up, well... I know my accordion is big, but...

I'll try to get there sometime (I'm available for gigs, hint!!), though Friday is a bit tricky, what with work an' all! 115 miles... should take a couple of hours... can you recommend any good B&B places nearby? I've a friend in Louth I could visit on the Saturday!

15 Oct 04 - 01:40 AM (#1297558)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

I agree it is a bit of a jaunt.
I have just sent you an e-mail. Have a look at that and see what you think.
How do you set that e-mail concept up, as I am not familiar with that approach.

15 Oct 04 - 07:16 AM (#1297708)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: GUEST,Boat song

"Will George outstage Jez"? What a crap way to plug a folk concert. I would suggest that Flatcap has s serious rethink about promotion techniques. And Bernard - stop being so patronising - if you don't want people to comment on a thread don't put it on in the first place or be careful how you phrase it.

15 Oct 04 - 08:10 AM (#1297737)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: breezy

yeah he probably meant 'upstage'

enter into the spirit boat-sing

15 Oct 04 - 08:35 AM (#1297758)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Bernard

To be fair to Pauline (Flatcap), the last Extravaganza barely covered costs, and she's seriously worried about not covering costs this time.

Okay, maybe the subject of this thread was somewhat contentious, but it has had far more 'hits' than the original 'plug' thread I started (see link above).

Interesting... it suggests that sensationalism is more effective than fact... ;o)

Didn't someone once say 'Bad publicity is better than no publicity'?

Villan - thanks for your email, I'll reply when I'm home this evening... and thanks for your generous offer, which I'll be taking you up on!

I set my own name up as a 'domain name', which is how I can have mail forwarding to suit my needs. Take a look at Easily for more details... it's cheap - a tenner for two years with a address! There are other people offering this service, but Easily are cheap and reliable.

15 Oct 04 - 12:50 PM (#1297976)
Subject: RE: El Greco or Jez Lowe ?
From: Rasener

Okey dokey