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Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam

23 Oct 04 - 02:12 PM (#1304917)
Subject: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

So far we have made almost £400 that will go to the Radio Lincolnshire "Go For Gold" appeal, which this year is working in conjunction with "Wish Upon A Star" to send very ill children from Lincolnshire, to Lapland to see Father Christmas.

Each child will be accompanied by a carer and there will be trained medical staff on board.
The children that are unable to travel to Lapland, will go to a location, in Lincolnshire instead.

I am looking for Folk Clubs, to see how many CD's they can sell, and I will send them the quantity of Cd's required.

I would like to see us hit the £1000 mark. I am sure you mudcatters would like to help such a worthy cause.

Go to this link to see Dai Woosnam's review.

Anybody else that would like to review this CD, then feel free to do so.

23 Oct 04 - 02:42 PM (#1304936)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Sorry, didn't check my spelling. It's Dai Woosnam - he will kill me - you know what the welsh are like :-)

Only joking Dai, honest :-)

23 Oct 04 - 03:12 PM (#1304964)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: BusyBee Paul

Well done Les, it's all down to your hard work really. The rest of us are just trying to do our best to sell as many copies as possible.

Here's to that £1,000 - you'll get there!


23 Oct 04 - 03:35 PM (#1304992)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver

The thousand pounds will be relatively easy but what about the £2000?
How many catters throughout the counry could just sell a couple???
Is there a link Les where snips of the C/D can be heard as per Stitherums link??
Best wishes. Mike.

23 Oct 04 - 04:06 PM (#1305015)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Good idea Mike - I will look into that. £2000 the mind boggles.

Thanks for the nice comments Deirdre. In all honesty its a team effort. I might have had the idea, but the artists that donated and the people that have have moved Heaven and Earth to make this happen, are just as important. Keep it rolling along :-)

24 Oct 04 - 03:45 AM (#1305447)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Rolling along

25 Oct 04 - 01:41 AM (#1306340)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener


25 Oct 04 - 02:32 AM (#1306354)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Anglo

Are any of these in the US? Do you retail individual copies directly, perhaps through someone who can accept PayPal which those of us in the western reaches can use to send payment in sterling?

25 Oct 04 - 04:28 AM (#1306389)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver

Hi Anglo.
I suggest you PM Villan and see what can be arranged. The C/D is for charity but is of great quality with some trad and some newish songs on. As you can see I have suggested that Villan puts some snippets of the songs on a link so that you can hear what they sound like before buying ...but even without, I would recommend it to any Folk music lovers.
Best wishes, Mike.

25 Oct 04 - 01:24 PM (#1306742)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Got one hundred spanking new Yellowbellies CD's hot from the press tonight. So will be looking for folkies to buy them.

It would be possible to send you a cd but not sure of the delivery costs anmd if any taxes have to be paid. I used to have paypal, but not sure anymore if I still am in operation. Will check for you. It may well be possible to find a mudcatter that attends MRFC or knows me who has Paypal. Thinking about it, my next door neighbour has paypal, so he might just do that for me. Whatch this space.

Is there any Mudcatter that could put snippets of each number on a website for me. Its charity so wopuld not like to pay for anybody's time.

25 Oct 04 - 01:30 PM (#1306747)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver

Well Les, Mike and Sue obviously know how to put a musical link on as they have done so on the Stitherum thread. They will be at Gainsborough Folk Club on Friday night...refreshed after their holiday in the lake district.
Best wishes, Mike.

25 Oct 04 - 01:43 PM (#1306761)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

I will have to talk to them then won't I when I see them at Gainsborough Folk Club.

Contemplating going to Barrow on Humber tomorrow night

25 Oct 04 - 07:40 PM (#1307038)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver

Barrow is a great session get together Les...You will know some of the Folk who go there I'm sure.
Best wishes. Mike

26 Oct 04 - 03:36 AM (#1307371)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver

26 Oct 04 - 06:49 PM (#1308064)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Many thanks to those that bought the Cd at Barrow on Humber tonight.

Nice set up there. I was very impressed to see the youingsters playing away there. Good on yer Barrow:-)

Sorry I had to leave a bit early, but I have a new job and need to be alert tommorrow. Job must come first.

28 Oct 04 - 03:52 PM (#1309845)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener


29 Oct 04 - 03:57 PM (#1310852)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Gaucho

I picked up a copy at Gainsboro folk festival and it's full of quality. A great range of tunes and songs, and put together for a real good reason. A lovely snapshot of some of the best performers in Lincolnshire in the early 21st century! I think I'll bury a copy in the garden for future generations to enjoy!

We'll also push it at lincoln folk club on Monday.


29 Oct 04 - 07:22 PM (#1311027)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Travelling Audience

It's not often you can hear some of your favourite folk singers all on one CD. It's also good to hear our local singers on CD too! A real quality CD. which is giving some real help to poorly children.


30 Oct 04 - 03:59 AM (#1311253)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

I think Tom Lane has passed on some Cd's to be sold at your club - many thanks for that.

31 Oct 04 - 01:21 AM (#1311948)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

02 Nov 04 - 02:42 PM (#1314390)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Buy Buy Buy :-)

02 Nov 04 - 03:37 PM (#1314438)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Sooz

I sold two more today :-)

02 Nov 04 - 04:09 PM (#1314466)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

You are doing a great job their Sooz. many thanks. :-)

04 Nov 04 - 01:02 PM (#1316623)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener


04 Nov 04 - 04:54 PM (#1316877)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Sooz

Not today - but someone in the office gave me £3 for the appeal!

05 Nov 04 - 06:03 AM (#1317491)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: GUEST,Sooz (at work)

Another one this morning!

05 Nov 04 - 08:10 PM (#1318410)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Thank you so much Sooz for the money tonight. Another £7.30

The CD's are running out, so don't be too late or you will have missed the limited edition. :-)

06 Nov 04 - 04:41 AM (#1318653)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Sooz

I gave you £73! What happened to the other £65.70?

06 Nov 04 - 05:09 AM (#1318664)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Sorry about that Sooz. Typo error

I meant £73

shows you shoudn't type after midnight.

06 Nov 04 - 05:15 AM (#1318669)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Sooz

I'll let you off!

07 Nov 04 - 04:10 AM (#1319382)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Strollin' Johnny

Les, have you got a few for me to tout around with me on my travels? Could have sold a few at Bing'um on Friday. Sod!!

07 Nov 04 - 04:21 AM (#1319388)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

I appreciate that.
What if I let you have 10 on a sale or return basis. I will be seeing Mrs Sooz today so I could leave them with her and maybe you could pick them up from there.

07 Nov 04 - 04:38 AM (#1319395)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Strollin' Johnny

Okally Dokally. Sounds good to me. Cheers M'Dears.

13 Nov 04 - 11:11 AM (#1325649)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Your Yellowbellies Cd has been sent today.

The total cost is £12. Please let me know when you receive it, and that it is in good condition.

Many thanks for supporting such a wonderful charity.

I do hope you enjoy it.

21 Nov 04 - 06:52 AM (#1334321)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Latest situation.

Over £600 has been made, with sales still continuing.

Many thanks to everybody

21 Nov 04 - 07:52 AM (#1334352)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Sooz

I sold another one yesterday.

21 Nov 04 - 07:55 AM (#1334357)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Good on yer Sooz :-)

Managed to sell 3 at the ceilidh in Scunthorpe last night.

24 Nov 04 - 03:27 PM (#1337999)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam

WOW! What a great CD! I have just spent an hour listening to it, and another hour listening to it again with Vanessa, and I am ready for the third listen-through. The quality of recording and production is ACE. The quality of performances, well what can I say other than I'd travel to listen to any and all of the performers on it. Sure, John Conolly, Colin & Karen Thompson, Whaley & Fletcher, Winter/Wilson I already knew and they need no praise from me. Neither does Miranda Sykes, whom I'd like to call a mate now that we've collaborated, and whose talent is limitless (the bitch - and her only 26 years old!).

But I had not heard Cara before; or Simon Johnson (bastard! lovely song and wonderful voice). Or Kate Abbott....And Liam Robinson's track is such a fitting "closer"!

And then, what a glorious collection of songs! This CD should be a must for anyone wanting a good cross-style sampler of English folk music - never mind Lincolnshire.

Les, I bow to your achievement.

Everyone else: Contact Villan and get a copy NOW!
I was wrong in my opening sentence: This is a f***ing GREAT album!

24 Nov 04 - 03:54 PM (#1338016)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

have you been drinking again?

Thank you for such a nice review :-)

24 Nov 04 - 04:14 PM (#1338037)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: George Papavgeris

Yes, it was me - I'd inadvertedly lost my biscuit ("cookie" is so US-oriented, isn't it?)

Seriously Les, and I'm not "pissing in your pocket" as the Aussies say, you pulled a great piece of work there.

24 Nov 04 - 04:29 PM (#1338054)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

I think the artists did it George - I was only the instrument to make it work.

What it does show, is the quality of artists in Lincolnshire.

As I said before, many thanks for such a lovely review and so glad you have enjoyed it.

Just think George, your £10 has gone to a lovely cause, and you will be able to eat your christmas pud with pride.

11 Dec 04 - 03:41 AM (#1353761)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Its up to £750.

11 Dec 04 - 06:55 PM (#1354327)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Guy Wolff

I just got my copy of this wonderful CD . Any "Yanks" out there should get this great cross secion of English folk forth with !!! . Its like going to a great song circle and hearing tons of great tunes from the best sessoins all in one !!!!!! . . For the concertina lovers this thing is a must .
             Lots to say but I have to have the cd in front of me and at the moment it is my driving to the pottery CD .
            Thanks Les and lots more soon !!! HO HO HO !!!
               All the best , Guy

11 Dec 04 - 07:06 PM (#1354334)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Thank you so much for such smashing comments Guy.

The talent in Lincolnshire is just amazing, and the way that this project has been taken on by everybody is just mind blowing.

I listened to Radio Lincolnshire on friday giving commentary on the visit to Lapland for these children and it just brought tears to your eyes, and to be a part of it is such a proud moment.

11 Dec 04 - 08:07 PM (#1354369)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Guy Wolff

Les just to let you know .... my daughter Elizabeth had a very mean cansorus Brain tumor 6 years ago and has just entered the " Hero's Clinic ' at Yale hospitol for being a "servivor". In the first year after chemo and radiation Lizzy had a " dream come true hoiday " she took the family   to Disney World and a little ride on a carnival boat called the Big Red Boat. The work you are all doing gives so much to these kids . As a parent of a cansor kid I thank you all from the bottom of my heart !! Yours Guy

12 Dec 04 - 01:51 AM (#1354520)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

I am sorry to hear that Guy. It must have been a tough time for you all.

Thankyou for sharing that with us, and thank you for buying the CD.

12 Dec 04 - 06:08 PM (#1355014)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: BobtheBirder

Being a 'yellow belly' that now lives miles away and has just found this forum, cum chat room cum brilliant site, how do I get a copy of this CD. I also run a very small music business in Leamington Spa, maybe I could sell a few as an agent or whatever. Call me on
all the best,

26 Jan 08 - 08:26 PM (#2245815)
Subject: RE: Route 66 COMPLETE lyrics
From: GUEST,ian

Thank you fruitbowlsdad UK, but I have all that - as does everybody else. It's the other verses I'm after.

27 Jan 08 - 08:08 AM (#2246033)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Backwoodsman


27 Jan 08 - 08:12 AM (#2246039)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Georgiansilver


27 Jan 08 - 08:33 AM (#2246051)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Can the mighty Joe Offer please remove the post about Route 66. I thought I hadn't put the Rolling Stones on the CD.

27 Jan 08 - 02:25 PM (#2246318)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Backwoodsman


27 Jan 08 - 02:28 PM (#2246323)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Well they sang Route 66.

28 Jan 08 - 06:27 AM (#2246828)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Backwoodsman

Yep, they opened with it when they played Lincoln Drill Hall, New Year's Eve '63. You know, back when they were good.

(Exit, ducking and weaving............)   :-)

28 Jan 08 - 07:47 AM (#2246872)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Rasener

Thats a very good memory there BWM. Do you remember what you did yesterday :-)

28 Jan 08 - 11:31 AM (#2247070)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Chorusgirl

Don't be silly - he's slept since then!!

29 Jan 08 - 08:39 AM (#2247739)
Subject: RE: Review of Yellowbellies CD Dia Woosnam
From: Backwoodsman

What day was it yesterday? Where am I? In fact, WHO am I??
Musta bin drinking Molly's Home Brew agin! :-) :-)