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BS: the real john kerry...

27 Oct 04 - 08:06 PM (#1309115)
Subject: BS: the real john kerry...
From: red_clay

Three surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries
they had performed.

One of them said, "I'm the best surgeon in Massachusetts. A concert pianist
lost 7 fingers in an accident. I reattached them and 8 months later he
performed a private concert for the Queen of England!"

The next one said, "That's nothing. A young man lost both arms and
legs in an accident. I reattached them, and 2 years later he won a gold
medal in field events in the Olympics."

The third surgeon said, "You guys are amateurs. Several years ago
a fellow who was high on pot and alcohol rode a horse head-on into a train
traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the horse's ass and
a large nose. Now John Kerry is running for president of the United States."

27 Oct 04 - 08:10 PM (#1309119)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Jack the Sailor

Why don't you just delete this please folks? Didn't this man already start a recycle tired old jokes to Kerry thread?

27 Oct 04 - 08:11 PM (#1309122)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Bobert

Sorry, I read the "pot and alcohol" part and all I could think of was Bush.


27 Oct 04 - 08:25 PM (#1309136)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Ebbie

I was trying to get my head around that too, Bobert. I thought, Bush ran head on into the train and what was left was Kerry??

27 Oct 04 - 08:38 PM (#1309148)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Alba

ROFL Ebbie.......

27 Oct 04 - 08:41 PM (#1309153)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Censor a thread because it has a Kerry joke in it?

God, you Anybody But Bushies need some serious R & R.

Or a humor transplant.

And possibly a laugh track to your pathetic little lives.

27 Oct 04 - 08:47 PM (#1309157)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

Now see what I mean? In another thread you indicated that you were tired of the attacks and nastiness. You seemed to indicate that you wanted it to end. Then you come here and tell Kerry folks that they have "pathetic little lives". Just what I was talking about when I said that you need to see someone about your martyr complex.


27 Oct 04 - 08:51 PM (#1309159)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Ah. Return of the Stalker King.

Thy kindness freezes.

27 Oct 04 - 08:55 PM (#1309160)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

Red Clay:

DOes the word "puerile" mean anything to you? No?

How about the word "jejeune"? No, again?

Hmmm...How about "callow", does that ring a bell? Still no?

Oh dear, let's see...ingenuous? naif?

Or green, guileless, inexperienced, infant, jejune, jellybean, juvenile, kid, low tech, naive, puerile, raw, sophomore, unbaked, unfledged, unripe, unsophisticated, untrained, untried, young?

How about dumb, half-baked, uncivil, low-brow, crude, low-class, ill-formed, uneducated? Any of those sound familiar?


27 Oct 04 - 09:03 PM (#1309169)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

So, shift the issue. Typical tactic. Answer the question. How is it that you make a commitment on one thread and break it on another? What does that say about you? And how is it stalking when it is your posts, put out there by you for all to see, that I am responding too?


27 Oct 04 - 09:04 PM (#1309171)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Joe Offer

I think there's some sort of psychological inadequacy in people who compulsively start threads. They don't have what it takes to join in ongoing discussions in a constructive manner, so they sometimes start several new threads a day.
If you look at their kindergarten report cards, expect to see a check mark at "does not play well with others."
The general practice around here is to start new threads only when you have something new to say or ask on a new subject. Otherwise, post to existing threads. I know an election is coming up, but the number of Bush/Kerry threads is ridiculous. So is the number of copycat threads, like the "arrogant asshole" series.
-Joe Offer-

28 Oct 04 - 10:36 AM (#1309552)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Does this mean we can't have joke threads about the candidates because the Democrats for Kerry don't have a sense of humor?

Or just that the Democrats for Kerry clones like Big Mick and Joe Offer are going to censor Kerry jokes? Because I have plenty of Bush jokes I can tell.

I'm guessing you clones are just going to harrass and censor Republicans and Nader supporters, am I right about that? That is what you are doing in this thread, of course.

At least, that would be consistent with the way you've been running things around here lately. You make your censorship decisions and decide who you will harrass based upon your political allegiances to the Democrats. That much is clear.
    Well, no. We don't intend to censor Bush or Kerry jokes. The point is that you can actually put two or more such jokes in the very same thread, if you have a shred of intelligence.
    -Joe Offer-

28 Oct 04 - 10:40 AM (#1309555)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: jacqui.c

The problem with these political jokes is, they are all so f*****g OLD!

28 Oct 04 - 10:48 AM (#1309568)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Well, yeah but they still can give you a chuckle. Last night, Conan was a rerun, but he did this hysterically funny "here is my John Kerry face". It was stupid, but it was visuslly very funny.

If we can't laugh at politicians, what in god's name is the point of living?

28 Oct 04 - 10:54 AM (#1309575)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Ellenpoly

Maggiethecat started this thread back in August...maybe it's just time to consolidate them..xx..e

Political Jokes Thread

28 Oct 04 - 10:57 AM (#1309576)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well I suppose that this GUEST might be the same one as the one who keeps on popping up here and there claiming to be against Kerry, for right-on, as opposed to "Right" reasons. But then again, it might be someone entirely different, though depressingly similar.

Taking it to be the former, it strikes me as strange to wish to carry on protracted arguments in such a way as to make it impossible for the people you are arguing with to know it's the same person from moment to moment.

Yes, it does seem a bit silly to start up a new thread like this, rather than posting to one of the existing threads on the same lines. Even if it had been a remotely funny joke. If it had even been about Kerry's chin...

28 Oct 04 - 10:59 AM (#1309580)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: jacqui.c

That complaint about the age of the jokes was mine (Kendall) not Jacquis.

28 Oct 04 - 11:03 AM (#1309585)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

I thought the joke WAS funny.

28 Oct 04 - 11:16 AM (#1309598)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Pat Buchanan, Newt Gingrich, & George W. Bush are in a boat in the middle of the ocean. The boat is sinking.

Who gets saved?

The American People!

28 Oct 04 - 11:17 AM (#1309599)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

What were George W. Bush's three hardest years in school?

A: Second grade.

28 Oct 04 - 11:18 AM (#1309600)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

But you still haven't answered the question. What is it that motivates you on one thread to say that you want to end the nastiness, then on another thread be nasty? And this after you committed not to. This is relevant because I don't believe you really care about any political cause. I believe you have a compulsive need to be disruptive, so you can have attention. If I am wrong, please say so. But do so while answering the question.

Seems to me that you only want to end the nastiness when someone challenges you.


28 Oct 04 - 11:24 AM (#1309608)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Bush Unveils New, Compassionate Foreign Policy

Will provide funds for grief counseling, sensitivity training after all future invasions.

28 Oct 04 - 11:25 AM (#1309609)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...


"Bagged some nice foie gras," he tells reporters.

28 Oct 04 - 11:26 AM (#1309610)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Chris Green

GUEST - don't give up the day job, mate....

28 Oct 04 - 11:27 AM (#1309611)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous

John Kerry is going as Herman Munster for Halloween.

He lost the mask and just said "Oh well. No one will be able to tell."

Isn't much of the nastiness is what keeps people entertained here?

28 Oct 04 - 11:28 AM (#1309612)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

You're right there duellingbouzoukis.

The best humor is always real life. Which is why I laughed my ass off when I heard some guy in Florida tried to run down Katherine Harris with his car yesterday.

Best laugh I've had in months, and I spit my wine all over the TV, while dining to the network news!

28 Oct 04 - 11:30 AM (#1309614)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Chris Green

Personally speaking, no. An informed discussion - even if it's a heated one - is enjoyable and thought-provoking. Puerile mudslinging isn't.

28 Oct 04 - 11:39 AM (#1309620)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Here is where I go, when stupid Kerry "liberals" and their Nader bashing gets me down (this one's for you Bobert):


We wouldn't censor this because you appropriately linked instead of cutting and pasting. Thanks.

28 Oct 04 - 12:16 PM (#1309641)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Don Firth

"Does this mean we can't have joke threads about the candidates because the Democrats for Kerry don't have a sense of humor?"

No, GUEST, the problem is that your joke is so goddam old.

Don Firth

28 Oct 04 - 12:16 PM (#1309642)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Joe Offer

I always kinda liked Herman Munster....

28 Oct 04 - 12:19 PM (#1309646)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Don Firth

Actually, I guess it was the joke that red_clay posted.

"One Neanderthal says to another Neanderthal. . . ."

Don Firth

28 Oct 04 - 12:23 PM (#1309648)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

Everything Bad Fault Of Rumsfeld

Scientists have found Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, genetically culpable for every contrary event and effect in modern history, including morbid obesity, the Philadelphia Phillies' 23 game losing streak in 1959 and Carrot Top.

Studies revealed even more daunting scenarios as the Rumsfeld-effect not only results from direct contact, but that second-hand liason with the Secretary of Evil can cause severe conservative conjunctivitis. Los Angeles restaurants and bars have recently banned Rumsfeld, and any talk of Rumsfeld, except for restricted outdoor areas.

(From GUEST link above)


28 Oct 04 - 02:07 PM (#1309734)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Frank

Aside from the joke being not funny, the joke really should finish like this:
"The third surgeon said, "You guys are amateurs. Several years ago
a fellow who was high on pot and alcohol rode a horse head-on into a train
traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the horse's ass and
a large nose. Now George W. Bush is running the United States into the ground."

And that's not even funny.


28 Oct 04 - 02:50 PM (#1309781)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

I note I haven't been admonished by the Kerry Democrats for the REAL LIFE threat to put Republican Katherine Harris' face on the front of Dodge. Apparently black humor is only tasteless when applied to THEIR SIDE.

No hypocrisy there.

And you all wonder why Democrats can't win elections, and have been booted out of their century long choke hold on political power.

Well, maybe one big reason is you fellas are all a bunch of hypocrits.

Glad you liked the joke about Rummie there, Amos. We do aim to please by being equal opportunity black humorists.

So sorry that some of us dark, ironic types offend the dainty sensibilities of you Dems. NOT!

28 Oct 04 - 02:52 PM (#1309782)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Frank

The real John Kerry is a man of integrity. He has been consistent (not a flip-flopper) with his position on Iraq. He has maintained consistently that he supported the authorization (and this is crucial to understanding him) as long as the UN inspections continued and were in place. Bush tricked him.

The real John Kerry can be counted on to be honest with the American public. His role as a senator involved the investigations of the BCCI bank in the Iran Contra scandal,
and behind the scenes working for passages of bills that he believed in. Often senators don't get credit unless their name is on the bill. Bush's contention that Kerry didn't do anything significant as a senator is a lie. Bush also must be judged in his limited political experience as an inept governor of Texas
where he fudged the test scores of the school system to make it seem as though it were a "Texas Miracle". Texas Fraud is more like it. For Bush to say Kerry was ineffective in the Senate is ludicrous.


28 Oct 04 - 02:59 PM (#1309794)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Chris Green

Thank you, GUEST, for proving my point. You won't be seeing me on this thread again - I work with kids all day and have no desire to continue to do so in my leisure time.


28 Oct 04 - 03:15 PM (#1309804)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Stuff a sock in it Frank.

duellingbouzoukis, I just want to scare you further, and let you know I work with kids all day too--high school kids. They at least keep me honest, which is more than I can say about your phony indignation.

28 Oct 04 - 03:24 PM (#1309815)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous

Frank, of course you know Kerry oh so personally, have had long talks with him into the night, and he has poured out his sole to you in fact just yesterday over dinner.


Sorry sir, I can't believe a man of your age can be so naieve to make such statements.

Guest, I do so wish you would post under your usual posting name, or get one and I might be able to get behind you.

I have my own philosophy here about what is phony.

28 Oct 04 - 03:48 PM (#1309836)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

Here you go, Martin -- an introduction to the actual fellow.


28 Oct 04 - 03:50 PM (#1309838)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

So.... Martin ..... Frank gives you specific cites for the position he is taking and the best you can do is demean him. Makes you sound like an intellectual lightweight. But then again, that seems to be your modus, which is to belittle folks instead of debating the point. There is one candidate being honest in this election and its not the avowed compassionate conservative.

I do, however, agree with you on the GUEST. And I do respect that what one sees is what one gets with you. You are not a phoney. You absolutely call it as you see it.


28 Oct 04 - 04:07 PM (#1309860)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,petr

whats the difference between Vietnam and Iraq?

GeorgeW Bush had an exit strategy for Vietnam.

28 Oct 04 - 04:26 PM (#1309871)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Uh, this is a joke thread, not a debate thread, so why all the phony righteous indignation anyway?

Oh right, I forgot. Kerry's Anybody But Bushies have been instructed to censor all humor where Kerry is the butt of the joke, until at least November 3rd.

Or until they get back into power, and can start rounding up the Republicans and Naderites who so greatly piss them off, and putting them with the interned Muslims being held incommunicado by the Bushies.

You Dems sure are giving the neo-cons a real run for the money this year with your censorship and intimidation tactics.

28 Oct 04 - 04:30 PM (#1309875)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

See, there you go again. You try and blame others for what you do. Because you are Irish, you will understand, in fact you exemplify, the definition of Irish Alzheimer's. You forget everything but the grudges.


28 Oct 04 - 04:51 PM (#1309889)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...


Stalker King gets it wrong. Not Irish.

Best get in touch with your higher druid bad bard himself there, Mickey boyo. Your psychic internet stalker skills seem to be slipping.

28 Oct 04 - 05:00 PM (#1309897)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

I'm actually a West Texas WASP workin' undercover here for the White House, yer Irish Bardness Stalker King Clone, SIR. Wouldn't want to piss off the BIG MICK!!! He might blow my cover, or expose me IP pee pee.

Or is it your wee pee pee you wish to expose, Mr. Stalker King sir?

28 Oct 04 - 05:07 PM (#1309905)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous

Big Mick

frank talked he knew the guy and what was going on in his head.

Frank's post was a great piece of heresay speculation and I would think that you might be smart enough to realize that.

28 Oct 04 - 05:14 PM (#1309910)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

Yeah, but GUEST, you still haven't answered the question. It was you that wanted to get rid of nastiness. And it was you that then restarted the nastiness on another thread. And when called on it and asked why, you resort to this. It seems that your only response when called to task on your lies is to resort to crude humor.

Martin, I just went back and re-read the post of 2:52 PM. I don't see him doing that. I see him giving his opinion, supported by cites. I would think, in fact I know, you are smart enough to see that. I don't understand your need to be patronizing and sarcastic.


28 Oct 04 - 05:18 PM (#1309911)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Naw, Martin Gibson, these folks volunteered for the Lobotomies for Kerry program.

If what you are mutterin' around here ain't pro-Kerry propagnada, the Mudcat clones are now programmed to censor your posts, or in cases like this, send the Kerry Swarm after you for having the audacity to start a thread with a Kerry joke.

28 Oct 04 - 05:31 PM (#1309924)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous

Quite true, Guest.

If Bush wins, there should be enough sour grapes here that a barrel of sugar can't help.

In a way, I hope that it happens if only for that reason to bind the undies of those you mention.

28 Oct 04 - 05:47 PM (#1309943)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Yeah, but you shouldn't trust me, Martin. I'm a Naderite. The only thing I can be trusted to do is vote based upon my principles and conscience. That's A Bad Thing, you know. At least, it is according to the Lobotomies for Kerry camp.

28 Oct 04 - 05:52 PM (#1309952)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous

well go ahead and vote for Nader. I really don't care.

Each time a vote is registered for him, and airhose that is connected to his skull continues to inflate his ego.

28 Oct 04 - 06:06 PM (#1309966)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

I love Nader's ego. If he didn't have it, he would never have accomplished all the things in his lifetime that he has. So when it comes to Ralph and his big ole ego, I'm OK.

28 Oct 04 - 06:11 PM (#1309970)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Unfortunately, there aren't very many good jokes going around about my guy Ralph. I do like this one though:

"Ralph Nader choose the man with whom to share the responsibility of running a distant third, California activist Peter Camejo. You may remember that Camejo ran for president in 1976 on the Socialist Workers Party ticket. Actually, you might only remember that if you run a lesbian, vegetarian, bookstore." —Jon Stewart

28 Oct 04 - 06:18 PM (#1309976)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Oops! Hit the send button too soon.

Here are a couple more Nader jokes I liked too:

"Ralph Nader announced his running mate for the upcoming presidential election. ... The guy's name is Peter Camejo – an investment advisor from here in California . He ran for Governor in the recall election and finished just below Gary Coleman, but 200 votes ahead of Gallagher — so that's a strong addition to the team. Nader says the election is theirs to lose, and that's their plan." —Jimmy Kimmel

"Earlier today, John Kerry had a meeting with independent candidate Ralph Nader. Afterwards, Kerry said 'The meeting didn't go as well as I had hoped, because my gun jammed.'" —Conan O'Brien

"Ralph Nader announced he's running for president after a new poll found he'd get .5% of the vote. Nader's slogan: 'Eat my dust Kucinich.'" —Craig Kilborn

"'Conservatives for Nader.' Not a large group. About the same size as 'Retarded Death Row Texans for Bush.'" —Jon Stewart, on Nader's claim that conservatives who are furious with Bush will back his candidacy

"Ralph Nader says he is testing the water and hasn't decided on whether he'll run for president in 2004. Actually, he doesn't really need to run because I think the Democrats feel they can lose without him this time." —Jay Leno

28 Oct 04 - 07:33 PM (#1310034)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Lepus Rex

Dammit, Mick. Seriously, the other day, after another one of harpgirl's insane attacks against me, I was thinking, "Well, at least Mick seems to be over his paranoia thing." And then you go and open this big fucking can of worms again. Why? I was so proud of you... And I hate repeating myself.

What you're doing, once again, is stalking. Although I'm positive that you'd never dream of actually hunting our GUEST down, eating GUEST's parakeet, etc., there is an implied threat when you tell someone that you know who they are and you know where they live. That you realise this is demonstrated when you attempt to silence GUEST by releasing (what you believe to be) his/her personal information. "Because you're Irish." What was that? I friendly tip of the hat to a fellow Irish-American? Please. When will you understand that you have neither any special information about posters, nor any mystical mick-sensing intuition? How many times have you been totally fucking wrong with your accusations? And how many public apologies have you been forced to make because of these accusations? (I remember at least three of those, one delivered to me)

This GUEST isn't particularily "nasty" or disruptive. Much less so, in fact, than many other GUESTs and members, myself included. You claim that our GUEST doesn't "really care about any political cause," but only posts out of a "compulsive need to be disruptive." Quite the contrary, as far as I can tell. GUEST has eloquently expredded his/her views, in a consistent manner, for years. Even you have expressed admiration for this GUEST at times. Yet this GUEST is pretty much the only target of your attacks, even though there are plenty of more deserving targets. But in this very thread, you heaped praise upon a porn-addicted racist, a hugely disruptive, abusive, and anti-social individual, who also just happens to be anonymous. So it's not even the anonymity thing, is it? You've just got some crazy-ass Ahab complex when it comes to GUEST... Why?

You're better than this, Mick. I truly believe that. Please stop creeping me out.

---Lepus Rex

28 Oct 04 - 08:06 PM (#1310060)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: PoppaGator

Hey, the original joke is not at all "unfunny" -- it's actually fairly witty and, if delivered effectively, should get a big laugh.

Of course, in the ORIGINAL version of the joke -- or at least the earlier version I heard (and retold repeatedly) a couple of years ago, before the Democratic party had nominated a candidate for this election -- the punchline was "..and now the sumbitch is president of the United States." GWB, in other words. The third surgeon had nothing to work with but half a human brain and a horse's ass.

Anyway, the joke should not be considered more or less offensive for substituting one politician's name for another's. Except that whoever adapted it to bash Kerry should have had the wit to work in some reference to a "horse face" -- wouldn't you think?

28 Oct 04 - 08:24 PM (#1310071)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: McGrath of Harlow

How can you stalk someone who may not even be there? I mean, it might not be the same one the next time. I mean, it might be possible to stalk nameless GUESTs in general, but you can't really stalk an individual one.

No, Kerry doesn't seem to have a particularly big nose, definitely not his most noticeable feature - I assume the "joke" was lazily recycled from some politician who did have what was seen as an outsize hooter.

28 Oct 04 - 08:47 PM (#1310085)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

Lepus, I accept that you are sincere. I hope you will believe me when I say the "Irish Alzheimers" was nothing more than an attempt to make a joke.

As to the rest of what you had to say, I understand what you think is happening. The simple fact is that this poster is so easy to recognize. And when this person takes polar positions one can only presume that it is being done to pick on folks. I don't like that, never have, and never will. I note that you never criticize when GUEST uses vile sexual references, or demeans people. I know you to be an opinionated, controversial, yet sincere, and always interesting member of the 'Cat. We disagree often, but that is part of it.

I maintain that stalking is not possible when one is simply replying to the statements and positions that another takes. Were I to be sending personal emails, and visiting the city, then you could claim stalking. But just because this person, in their arrogance, leaves clues all over the posts, and I call GUEST on those positions, does not constitute stalking.

And GUEST, do your own fighting. I repeat, why would you ask for civility on one thread, and launch uncivil attacks on another? Could it be that your sincerity is suspect? Could it be that you are attempting to manipulate?


28 Oct 04 - 08:59 PM (#1310095)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

By the way, Lepus, where did I heap praise upon a "porn addicted racist"?


28 Oct 04 - 10:18 PM (#1310144)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Johnjohn

Favorite song: Bruce Springsteen, "No Surrender."
Favorite Books: 'Flags of our Fathers' by James Bradley and Ron Powers. 'Undaunted Courage,' by Stephen Ambrose Pierce.
Books about Kerry: 'Tour of Duty:John Kerry and the Vietnam War', by Douglas Brinkley.
Pets: Yellow Canary: Sunshine.
Hobbies: Skiing, windsurfing, snowboarding, playing hockey, playing acoustic guitar. Kerry also enjoys riding a Harley.
Favorite Food: Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Preferred computer: PC.
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius.
Smoked marijuana in past: Yes.
Favorite President: Abraham Lincoln."

"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." -- President Abraham Lincoln

"At the "Rock the Vote" debate, the moderator inevitably asked,. "Which of you are ready to admit to having used marijuana in the past?""Yes," said John Kerry, leading off. "Yes," said John Edwards . "Yes," said Howard Dean."


29 Oct 04 - 11:26 AM (#1310571)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Fred

So, JohnJohn, How many college educated American males in their fifties do you think you could find who haven't smoked marijuana at some point in their past? My guess is about three. It's also my guess at least two of them will show up shortly on this thread proclaiming their moral superiority.

29 Oct 04 - 12:31 PM (#1310655)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: PoppaGator

Back to the original post -- isn't it obvious the joke was orignally written about Bush? It concerns a rowdy, drunken, coked-up full-of-himself frat boy pretending to be a cowboy! Is this Kerry? Obviously not.

Kinda sad, actually, that someone felt the need to "steal" a joke representing a point of view opposite his own and then to recycle it so clumsily. Especially since the "horse's ass" reference so basic to the joke's structure makes it so hard to incorporate the obvious "horse-face" jab at Kerry that would, well, at least help a little bit.

If you wanted to make a similar joke about Kerry, you'd have to take a whole different tack, perhaps depicting the bass player in a prep-school rock band as some kind of nerdy wannabe-hipster.

29 Oct 04 - 03:05 PM (#1310794)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Frank

In my defense of John Kerry, I can only go on the evidence that is presented to me. If any of his detractors have what they consider to be valid evidence that he is not any of these things that I say he is, I would like to hear about that.
I am open to new information. I am not open to being insulted by obfuscating personal attacks. I tend to dismiss them as being nonsense and I will not respond to any of them.


29 Oct 04 - 03:29 PM (#1310812)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Arnie

"Unlike Bush, Kerry has done interviews with popular youth-culture media like Rolling Stone magazine, noting that he didn't think Bush would "fuck it up as badly as he (Bush) did."

"And you said, Fuck it? You're damn right.
I said, "I'm going to be who I am" -- I think people care about authenticity. There are much bigger issues."


29 Oct 04 - 03:44 PM (#1310829)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Once Famous


There is no evidence of anything that you say Kerry is, either.

It's all just your heresay.

It just can't be what you say Kerry is just because YOU say it.

Two way street, huh, frank?

29 Oct 04 - 04:11 PM (#1310867)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Arfie

"Senator John Kerry Asks Public to Vote, Holla Back
June 23, 2004

Shoreline, MD , Speaking from the deck of his docked yacht in Maryland, yesterday, Presidential hopeful John Kerry delivered a rousing speech beseeching the American public to vote in the polls this coming November.

"Now, more than ever, it is time for people to stand up and be counted. I want each and every eligible American to be at the polls this year, casting their indemnable vote for whomever they think will do the best job." said Kerry before a crowd of four-hundred. "Of course, if you think I am that person," he added with a smirk, "then by all means, holler at your boy."

This comment comes on the heels of similar slang-infused remarks that Kerry has made during recent weeks of his campaign. Detractors see it as a transparent ploy to get the Black vote, but Kerry denies it. "Fools is player hating, plain and simple. This is just the way I talk, I can speak before a room full of dignitaries and carry myself with the standard grace and aplomb, or I can kick it with the homies." As an afterthought, Kerry added, "These homies be they Black, White, Latino, or Asian they are all quite thorough."

Kerry insists that the cornerstone of his campaign is to get young people more involved in politics. "Voter apathy is the scourge of this great country," Kerry said from his boat, "and if I can incite more people to vote, even for the other guy, then I will consider my job done. I ain't gonna front, though, I would like to be president." After some light laughter from the crowd, Kerry added, "Feel me, fam? No" homophobia."

Arf Arf

30 Oct 04 - 07:44 AM (#1311320)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

(2004-03-29) -- Without mentioning Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry by name, President George Bush today responded to Mr. Kerry's use of the Bible to attack his "compassionate conservatism."

Speaking in a church service Sunday, Mr. Kerry criticized "our present national leadership" by quoting a passage from the New Testament book of James: "The Scriptures say, what does it profit, my brother, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?" Kerry said. "When we look at what is happening in America today, where are the works of compassion?"

When asked what the president thought of Mr. Kerry's comment, chief White House spokesman Scott McClellan released the following written statement:

"But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."
-- James 1:5-8

30 Oct 04 - 10:37 AM (#1311387)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

"For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

Well that's Bushie to a T. Huh! Woddya think of that!

These two leaders of the free world spouting Scripture at each other is pretty lame, you ask me.


30 Oct 04 - 02:01 PM (#1311520)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

IF you want to see the real John Kerry, see "Going Up River" which lets you see him from all angles.


30 Oct 04 - 02:31 PM (#1311546)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

So, when Big Mick acts like a big dick, no one is supposed to say that because the word dick is "vile"? Gimmee a break.

Mr. Big Dick has been stalking me in this forum for years, and gets away with it because he is a Joe Clone. Pure and simple. Big Mick swings his Joe Clone big dick at me all the time. He makes threats that he will "expose" me, which is ridiculous, because he can't. He makes threats to come after me to "defend" other people in the forum he claims I am hurting. Sure. As if.

Only a stalker would claim I'm leaving "clues" in my posts. How ridiculous is that? Clues? Just what the fuck is that supposed to mean? What "clues" am I leaving? That I live in St Paul and work in a high school? I do know this. Big Dick certainly thinks I'm someone I ain't, because he goes off on these ridiculous tangents about me, that leaves me here going "whaaaaa?"

Lepus is rights. Big Dick's stalking me has nothing to do with the way I treat others. It is totally about me not playing along with his maudlin, over the top warrior worship bullshit one Memorial Weekend--what was it now Mick, three years ago now? Three god damn years ago.

If that ain't stalking, then it is most certainly the longest grudge anyone in Mudcat has ever held.

As to the "vile" language charge, another big "oh come ON people!" I'm using everyday American jargon, which is to say I regularly use swear words. Jon Stewart called Tucker Carlson a dick on Crossfire the other day. On Crossfire, people--an afternoon talk show. Get a grip, will you?

Since when are all the grown adults here so dainty and prudish that they swoon when someone swears in a chat forum? C'mon, this is as ridiculous as Big Dick's three year grudge, and his constant power tripping me by swining his big Joe Clone dick everytime he disagrees with something I say.

Now, all of Big Dick Clone's friends can come rushing to his rescue here, but it won't change the fact that Big Mick abuses his Joe Clone powers here when he singles a person out based upon a personal grudge, and stalks and harrasses them FOR YEARS.

30 Oct 04 - 02:38 PM (#1311548)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

Personally, Little Dick, I think your complaints are paranoid. But I wqpould appreciate it if you would adhere to the theme of the thread. The only Big Dick that has any bearing on this thread is Big Dick Cheney. May he fall from grace smartly and soon.


30 Oct 04 - 03:51 PM (#1311612)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Big Mick

I rest my case.


31 Oct 04 - 08:34 AM (#1312096)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Pickles

"War and 'Competence'
What Abraham Lincoln could teach John Kerry about Iraq.

America's liberal elite concurred in the Administration's view that the choice America faced in Iraq was between Saddam Hussein's eventual rehabilitation or his destruction"

31 Oct 04 - 08:57 AM (#1312110)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos

The Wall Street Journal obviously has little or no insight into Kerry's character -- it sounds like it is nervously trying to make a case with very little ground. It is understandable that hhe WSJ should be distrustful of democrats, being the capitalist tool that it is :D. But their editors should do a better job on behalf of clearer writing.


01 Nov 04 - 07:02 AM (#1312930)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: GUEST,Pickles

RD Approved this source. Do you have a list of approved sources?

01 Nov 04 - 10:45 AM (#1313117)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...

Yes, Pickles there is an approved list of sources for the Kerry supporters, but it is a secret list. Out of necessity. You see, one day they will approve a source that has a glowing testimonial to Kerry. Then the next day, when a critical piece appears from the same source, the source is denounced. This is especially true of jokes at Kerry's expense.

These are the people who, once Kerry is elected, will accuse anyone who disagrees with them as being "anti-American" the same way the Bushies do. They use the very same tactics as the neo-cons to crush and silence dissent in the ranks.

Those who engage in this game of self-delusion the most are: Amos, Ron Davies, Don Firth, art thieme, Big Mick, Guest Frank, and a few others.

I refer to them now as "Brownshirts for Kerry."

01 Nov 04 - 10:56 AM (#1313125)
Subject: RE: BS: the real john kerry...
From: Amos


Go suck a lemon. Your diatribes are redolent with timidity and nasal victimhood, inaccuracies and vagaries, malicious ambiguities and innuendo. You are not trying to communicate but to intimidate, and I am about sick of the nounless generalizations and arm waving.