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BS: Kendall's operation

31 Oct 04 - 10:04 PM (#1312658)
Subject: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jacqui.c

Kendall goes into hospital in Boston on Tuesday morning for the laser operation to remove the cancer from his vocal chord. If all goes well it will be an overnight stay and we'll be back home on Wednesday. If they can't access the area by going down his throat it will mean a temporary tracheotomy and four to five day stay in hospital.

We would appreciate good thoughts from our friends on the Mudcat that this finally does the job and maybe gives him back a singing voice.

We'll keep you posted on progress.

31 Oct 04 - 10:07 PM (#1312662)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Clinton Hammond

Get 'em Ken... we're rootin fer ya!

31 Oct 04 - 10:14 PM (#1312669)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Jeri

There are just too many things going right for you for this operation not to go perfectly. My thoughts will be with you, pal.

31 Oct 04 - 10:14 PM (#1312670)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bobert

Now I know how Kendall feels about the Big Guy or the unBig guy, Jacgui, but Iz all hooked up the Big Guy an' Iz gonna pray my boney Wes Ginny butt off...

(Ahhh, Bobert? If yer butt is allready boney then what's you got left to pray off?)

Okay, Jacquai, jus' know that the Capt'n is in my thopughts and my prayers... He'll do fine...


31 Oct 04 - 10:22 PM (#1312679)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Alaska Mike

You get all our bestest and goodest thoughts Kendall. Can't spell 'em but sure will be sending 'em. Love to you buddy.

Mike and Tawmmie

31 Oct 04 - 10:22 PM (#1312680)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Stilly River Sage

The best of luck to both of you--but don't let him slip into that hospital gown until AFTER he votes!

(Kendall has given himself the best inoculation of good luck and endorphins beyond what we can send, what with falling in love and marrying.)


31 Oct 04 - 10:22 PM (#1312682)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ebbie

What Jeri said. I can't imagine a cloud dimming the radiant faces of either Kendall or Jacqui. Come through swimmingly, OK? W3e'll be thinking about you both.

31 Oct 04 - 10:23 PM (#1312684)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Janie

Jacqui thanks for posting this. As I was catching up on the Getaway thread (great photo of the two of you at your wedding) I found myself wondering about this. Both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.


31 Oct 04 - 10:43 PM (#1312696)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: freightdawg

What everybody else has said, Kendall.

Bright spirits and positive thoughts! That's the ticket.

I'll howl a special prayer to the big Dawg in the sky for you before going to bed tonight.


31 Oct 04 - 10:58 PM (#1312706)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Amos

We're beaming you loud and clear, Skipper--flashing 3 second gold healers coming your way!! :D


31 Oct 04 - 11:11 PM (#1312713)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Deckman

O.K.! Here goes the candles again! ... Be thinking @ ya. Bob

31 Oct 04 - 11:13 PM (#1312714)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: artbrooks

Knock wood.

31 Oct 04 - 11:54 PM (#1312736)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Nancy King

Good thoughts and much love to both of you!


01 Nov 04 - 12:04 AM (#1312740)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: open mike

i have been enjoying your stories,
and i am visualizing you telling
many many more...and songs too!
may the day be a good one for you and
for the whole country!!

01 Nov 04 - 12:09 AM (#1312744)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: katlaughing

Well said, opne mike! I second all of the above!

Giving thanks for the perfect outcome for the highest good of all concerned.


01 Nov 04 - 12:13 AM (#1312745)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: karen k

Seeing Kendall at the Getaway looking so well and so happy I completely forgot about the surgery. NOMAD can wait another year. Will be thinking of you both as you celebrate they surgery success Tuesday night and hopefully the election of a new president.

My love to you both and I look forward to seeing you soon.


01 Nov 04 - 12:45 AM (#1312761)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: KT

Know that we're all with you....
(Now that would be a sight wouldn't it? All of us crammed into the back seat of your car)
Aw, you know what I mean.....
You're being held in the hearts of good folks all over the globe..........Lots of love winging its way to both of you from this far corner of the world.

01 Nov 04 - 12:49 AM (#1312766)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Shanghaiceltic

All the best Kendall

01 Nov 04 - 01:16 AM (#1312774)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Joe Offer

Gee, Kendall, I want this operation to work right and all, but I don't know if I can spend all Tuesday thinking smarmy good thoughts about you. Do you think it would help if we would all tell one bad joke in your honor on Tuesday?
Good luck with your surgery, Kendall. Take good care of him, Jacqui. We love him too, you know.
-Joe Offer-

01 Nov 04 - 01:48 AM (#1312784)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Seamus Kennedy

Kendall, I'll be in Ireland, but I'll be sure to tip a few to your complete recovery. And if you promise to get well quickly, I might just bring a bottle back for you.


01 Nov 04 - 02:07 AM (#1312790)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Mudlark

I've already voted, so I can devote the entire day to this. Good thoughts to you both and the surgeon as well.

01 Nov 04 - 02:46 AM (#1312802)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Jeanie

Thinking of you and sending very best wishes for Tuesday and for a swift recovery.

- jeanie

01 Nov 04 - 02:55 AM (#1312807)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Amos

I think that's a wonderful day for an operation!! Two evil growths struck away in one day!! Vote first!


01 Nov 04 - 02:58 AM (#1312809)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Catherine Jayne

Good thoughts and energy coming your way from accross the pond.

01 Nov 04 - 03:56 AM (#1312838)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dave the Gnome

You know you will be OK, Kendall - How else will you be able to visit us again! :-)


Dave the Gnome

01 Nov 04 - 04:05 AM (#1312841)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ellenpoly

Amos said it for me as well. I needed to focus on something positive for Tuesday, and I can't think of anything better than the idea of the removal of two unwanted cancers amongst us. I've already voted, so you'll get the lion's share of my healing energy on the day.

DO PLEASE let us know how it goes.


01 Nov 04 - 04:08 AM (#1312844)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: John MacKenzie

Me too! I subscribe to all the good thoughts and wishes. Hope they don't have to go the tracheostomy route, had one myself last year, and although they're not painfull, they seem to take a while to heal up. Plus it means you've got to block the tube to speak, so all Jacqui needs to do to silence you, is tie your hands down, and although bondage can be fun, they frown on it in hospitals.

01 Nov 04 - 04:36 AM (#1312856)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: fat B****rd

All the best, Kendall.

01 Nov 04 - 04:50 AM (#1312865)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: McGrath of Harlow

I knew there was something important happening in the States on Tuesday. We look forward to seing you both on that visit jacqui promised us at the Millstream.

01 Nov 04 - 05:20 AM (#1312878)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Hrothgar

Prayers for both of you.

01 Nov 04 - 05:45 AM (#1312887)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Tinker

Holding you both closely and dearly. Will raise a glass tonite in anticipation of good things to be achieived and spend some serious time with the Mister tommorrow (It is my anniversary) anticipating better things to come.

Love Ya both


01 Nov 04 - 05:47 AM (#1312889)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Healing light and love flowing your way, old salt.
This much love's gotta be for the good!


01 Nov 04 - 05:51 AM (#1312892)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bassic

Good luck for tomorrow to you both.

1 you WILL be ok,
2 you WILL be rid of it,
3 you WILL sing,
4 you WILL be in the UK again soon,
5 you WILL have lots of babies,
6 you WILL make that million dollars,
7 Bush WILL be deposed,
8 you WILL own your own fleet

............errrrr, am I getting a bit hyper on the old "positive thinking" here?

Oh what the heck! Its an un-stopable tidal wave of positive energy from all over the world. It WILL come true!! :-)

01 Nov 04 - 06:46 AM (#1312911)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: LilyFestre

What else can I say that hasn't already been said here?
I'm thinking all kinds of good things for you and multiplying all the good wishes and prayers MANY times over.
Breathe deep, both of you.
Lots of love and prayers headed your way,


01 Nov 04 - 06:54 AM (#1312921)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Leadfingers

In between a two hundred mile each way drive to a gig I will endeavour the odd healing thought your way , all the way across the pond .

01 Nov 04 - 07:42 AM (#1312944)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Big Mick

Cap'n, don't be a crotchedy old bastard about this. Let that wonderful woman you married take care of you on this. Do exactly what the Dr. sez, heal well, rehab well. That damn Trickett isn't the only guy that gets to sing with you, y'know. I noticed that you and I sang nary the first song at Getaway, and I want to rectify that.

Prayers headed your way.

All the best,


01 Nov 04 - 07:55 AM (#1312951)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Sandra in Sydney

best wishes from this side of the pond


01 Nov 04 - 09:01 AM (#1313006)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Rapparee

Hey, Jacqui. I had a friend who had a permanent stoma in his throat. His wife said it was TERRIFIC, 'cause he could kiss without stopping to breathe. She, on the other hand....

Kendall'l make it, with help like you and everyone.

I'll be in Portland (Oregon), but I'll be thinking of Some Dude in Boston.

01 Nov 04 - 09:13 AM (#1313018)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Keith A o Hertford

Good luck mate.

01 Nov 04 - 09:45 AM (#1313045)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: greg stephens

I've had these knife-happy thugs down my throat earlier this year, and while it wasnt very nice I can assure you I am as right as rain. So will you be, Kendall.I have plenty of time to think good thoughts for you on Tuesday because I am pig-sick of the bloody American election.

01 Nov 04 - 09:59 AM (#1313059)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation

I will join in the chorus - I am glad to have some positive thinking on the books for Tuesday to distract me from the polls. Now Jacqui - DO NOT allow him to turn on a TV until you are sure Kerry has won the election. Kendall will not be able to restrain a few grumbles or worse and he CAN NOT speak. Good luck, girl!

01 Nov 04 - 10:01 AM (#1313061)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dave Swan

All the very best wishes, sir. Sending good thoughts toward you and the docs.


01 Nov 04 - 10:05 AM (#1313062)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Roger the Skiffler

Everything crossed here.


01 Nov 04 - 10:12 AM (#1313068)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Stilly River Sage

Those of us in the U.S. are sick to death of all of this election stuff also. Good point, all of you, to spend the day focussed on Kendall instead of the election!

01 Nov 04 - 10:57 AM (#1313127)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Áine

Hey there, my favorite Yankee! I'm sending beaucoups of hugs and snogs to ya up there. And don't forget to share half of 'em with your very significant other!! ;-)

Holding you both in in our hearts down here in Texas, Áine and family

01 Nov 04 - 11:20 AM (#1313151)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Tannywheeler

sselB doG, K & J. Let's have Curtains for the C word. And voices are individual things. Apparently Kendall's has been inspiring many to live and do right. That's a beautiful voice whatever it sounds like.

Greg S, is "pig-sick" anything like "sick as a dog"? If so, you get to a doc, too. All 'Catters need to be well.   Tw

01 Nov 04 - 11:32 AM (#1313160)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Alba

Kendall, you will be in my Thoughts tomorrow.
Healing Light and Love to You and to Jacqui.
Nothing but Positive Energy and Strength coming your way.

01 Nov 04 - 11:33 AM (#1313161)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,bbc at work

I'll be praying for both of you.



01 Nov 04 - 11:42 AM (#1313174)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Paco Rabanne

Cheers from sunny Beverley.

01 Nov 04 - 12:06 PM (#1313212)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dave Bryant

All the best Kendall - I hope it all goes well. Keep your chin up Jacqui.

01 Nov 04 - 12:10 PM (#1313217)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bert

Best if flippin' Kendall.

I dunno, I didn't think that anything would upstage the election but you sure managed it y'ol fart.

01 Nov 04 - 12:11 PM (#1313219)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Hollowfox

You've got my prayers and good thoughts now, and a couple of nice @$#%-reduction candles (can't forget post-op) lined up. See you two next June at Old Songs, ok?

01 Nov 04 - 12:33 PM (#1313247)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bat Goddess

What Jeri and Sinsull said . . .

Good thoughts and energy aimed at you from this neck of the woods, too.

Love you both.


01 Nov 04 - 05:58 PM (#1313609)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Skipy

Fingers crossed for you, sure you will be on line soon.


01 Nov 04 - 06:09 PM (#1313616)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bill D

open wide, Kendall, don't make 'em do it the hard way!...and tell 'em to tune everything to "D" while they're in there.

we'll be watching for the good news about YOU, as Bush supporters cry in the background.

01 Nov 04 - 06:09 PM (#1313618)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Peg

Good luck! Lighting a candle for ya, Captain....

01 Nov 04 - 06:22 PM (#1313632)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Liz the Squeak

Give the old bugger a kiss from us.... take care of both of you!


01 Nov 04 - 07:50 PM (#1313677)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: RangerSteve

My thoughts are with you.

01 Nov 04 - 07:52 PM (#1313679)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,jacqui.c

We're in the hotel - just got back from a meal - loud music so we had to cut & run once hunger was satisfied!

Thanks from me for all the wonderful messages - himself is doing a message on the other machine as I type, complete with expletives when he gets it wrong!

I'll try and get in here tomorrow once the op is done and update.

01 Nov 04 - 07:52 PM (#1313680)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,kendall

Just want to thank everyone for your support. You are all just great.
I have every reason to be optomistic, but I'm still nervous as a frog on a freeway with a busted hopper.

01 Nov 04 - 07:54 PM (#1313682)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Morticia

thinking of you both.....and will be waiting for news.Lots of hugs and much love,

Terri xxxxxxxxx

01 Nov 04 - 09:19 PM (#1313744)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: YorkshireYankee

We haven't met yet, but I've hearead so much about ya that I definitely have to meet you one of these days – so guess you'll have to make a 110% recovery simply in order to oblige me. Cheers!

01 Nov 04 - 09:41 PM (#1313757)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: JennyO

Yes Kendall - you are one of the people I have heard so much about that it almost feels like I have met you, but I haven't. I really wished I could have met some mudcatters in the UK like my friend freda underhill did a few months ago, and I am saving like mad to try and make it somewhere next year.

Meanwhile, I really hope it goes well for you, and that you have the easiest time with it. Everything else is going well, so you are on a roll, I think. It's all good.


01 Nov 04 - 10:23 PM (#1313774)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Susan A-R

Much love and best wishes to you both. we'll play a tune and drink a toast tomorrow at Jam session and hope that all goes magnificently. I can feel that tomorrow's gonna be a good day, and good things come in threes, World Series, Kerry and Kendall's operation. YES!

01 Nov 04 - 10:39 PM (#1313786)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Brían

What everyone else said...


01 Nov 04 - 11:05 PM (#1313795)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Cruiser

Good luck Kendall. Heck with the doctors tuning everything only in "D" while they are in there, as Bill said; ask for a sonorous 3 octave range.

Your sense of humor at a time like this is indicative of a fine man.


01 Nov 04 - 11:39 PM (#1313824)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: DougR

Kendall: I hope all goes well.


02 Nov 04 - 12:28 AM (#1313860)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: georgeward

Good thoughts and a prayer from here too, Kendall.

- George

02 Nov 04 - 01:13 AM (#1313878)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: CarolC

Best thoughts and wishes to both of you for the best possible outcome.

02 Nov 04 - 03:21 AM (#1313897)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Micca

Kendall, you know your friends are all pulling for you both, I will be thinking of you today and this evening especially, Micca

02 Nov 04 - 07:20 AM (#1313999)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Pete Peterson

Strike the banjo, join the chorus. . . all to go well with a speedy recovery and no more problems with malignancies! So mote it be!

will be thinking of you! (probably already out cold, you won't read trhis till you're back in your room and all well!)

02 Nov 04 - 07:55 AM (#1314013)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: KathWestra

Much love and good wishes to you both. You will each be much in my thoughts this day, as will your surgeon. Jacqui, I can't wait to meet you. I'm so happy that you are there for my buddy. What a difference that makes. Kendall, this has been quite a journey. I'm glad you have Jacqui by your side. All shall be well again.

02 Nov 04 - 09:21 AM (#1314064)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Partridge

lots of love and healing light beaming in your general direction Kendall.

take care,

Pat x

02 Nov 04 - 09:32 AM (#1314074)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dani

I like Joe's idea. I'll be telling bad jokes in your honor all day... and sending love to you both.

And, you DID vote already, right?


02 Nov 04 - 10:36 AM (#1314126)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: eleanor c

Bestest Cheshunt good luck, may you be right as rain in no time,
come & see us at the Millstream both very soon


02 Nov 04 - 02:50 PM (#1314395)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Pauline L

My best wishes to both of you. Jacqui, you're quite a lady, helping your new husband get through this crisis. Kendall, I hope you appreciate her. I used to be married to a man who couldn't tolerate imperfections in me because he was perfect. However, he must have been one of a kind. Not everyone lives up to the standard of "for better or worse, in sickness and in health..." Bravo for the two of you as a couple!

I'm waiting for more news from Jacqui and hoping for the best. Blessings to both of you.


02 Nov 04 - 03:09 PM (#1314412)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Áine

Hey there, my favorite Yankee,

Just wanted to let you know that this evening, every time I check the voting results, I'll be sending you and the missus a big hug and a wish for a healthy, worry-free future. And since I've become a closet election junkie (hahahaha), you might want to get ready, 'cuz you're fixin' to get a bunch of both tonight!!

All the best to you both, Áine

02 Nov 04 - 03:09 PM (#1314415)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ebbie

Both of you are on a lot of minds and hearts today wishing you the best of outcomes.

02 Nov 04 - 04:42 PM (#1314496)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Stilly River Sage

Any news?

02 Nov 04 - 04:46 PM (#1314498)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Megan L

keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers.

02 Nov 04 - 07:07 PM (#1314630)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Mudlark

Thinking of you both, wishing you the best.

02 Nov 04 - 10:46 PM (#1314733)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jacqui.c

OK - we've just got back from a meal and a couple of drinks after spending most of the day waiting to hear what happened in surgery.

Everything went OK - Kendall's surgeon is really happy with the results and tells us thay he has removed the tumour completely. Kendall took some time to come round (catching up with the sleep he missed last night, I reckon) and was looking very well when we finally got to see him at about 4.00 pm, having been at the hospital since 5.30 that morning. Luckily, SINSULL kept me company all day, which made the wait much easier.

He was still a little knocked out when we first got there but, by the time we left at 8.00 pm he was back to his usual irascible self again and that was a great relief. He's sassing the nurses as well so they will be glad to let him loose tomorrow.

We'll keep you posted once we get home.

02 Nov 04 - 10:49 PM (#1314735)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: katlaughing

That's great news, Jacqui, thanks!

02 Nov 04 - 10:51 PM (#1314736)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bill D

*smile*...great! About as good as we could hope......look forward to even better news soon....thanks, Jacqui....and SINSULL...

02 Nov 04 - 11:35 PM (#1314755)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: KT

GREAT news!!   Thanks for the update Jacqui! I'm so glad you were there, too, Mary! Now both of you get some much deserved rest! YAHOO!!!


02 Nov 04 - 11:44 PM (#1314757)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Julia

Hooray- so great to have good news!kendall yer a tough ol' bird
Fred and I will look forward to visiting with you two when we land from our current orbit. Meantime, blessings on you both
Julai & Fred

02 Nov 04 - 11:47 PM (#1314758)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: catspaw49



02 Nov 04 - 11:52 PM (#1314763)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Rapparee

Yeah, like Spaw said.

03 Nov 04 - 12:30 AM (#1314798)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Susan A-R

Thanks for the update Jacqui,   So glad for good news. Keep it coming.

03 Nov 04 - 01:58 AM (#1314841)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ellenpoly

Guys, you have no idea how much I needed to read this good news.

It makes this day not completely sucky.


03 Nov 04 - 02:01 AM (#1314843)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Catherine Jayne

Great news! Deliver him some hugs from us!!

03 Nov 04 - 03:40 AM (#1314902)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Roger the Skiffler

Best news to come out of America for weeks!

Take it easy, Cap'n, listen to Jacqui!


03 Nov 04 - 04:05 AM (#1314924)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Escamillo

Much better news than those coming from the US elections. Please someone tell Kendall that this friend very far away sends a big hug for him.

Un abrazo,
Andrés (in Buenos Aires)

03 Nov 04 - 04:11 AM (#1314928)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Jeanie

So glad to hear the good news.
All good wishes for a speedy recovery,

- jeanie

03 Nov 04 - 04:30 AM (#1314938)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: fat B****rd

Excellent news, all the best from fB

03 Nov 04 - 05:13 AM (#1314963)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dave Bryant

That's fantastic news, Jacqui.

Incidently, catching up with the sleep he missed last night, I reckon

Don't you mean every night since you two got together Jacqui   ;-)

03 Nov 04 - 07:21 AM (#1315032)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Jeri

Jacqui, great to hear it!

03 Nov 04 - 08:21 AM (#1315075)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: bigchuck

That's great news Jaqui and a true relief. Onward and upward.


03 Nov 04 - 08:26 AM (#1315084)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

get well soon kendall.

03 Nov 04 - 08:28 AM (#1315088)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Brían

I am glad to hear things are going well. I will be thinking of you today.


03 Nov 04 - 08:41 AM (#1315101)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jeffp

Great news!!!!!!!!!

03 Nov 04 - 08:56 AM (#1315122)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Morticia

that's great!!! ( finally lets breath she was holding out)

03 Nov 04 - 08:59 AM (#1315124)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Alba

Great News Jacqui.
Way to go kendall.
You are in my Thoughts.
Heal well.
Brightest Blessings from the Northern Backwoods
Maine awaits your return..:>)

03 Nov 04 - 09:29 AM (#1315152)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Big Mick

Jacqui, while he was out did you have them tighten up those wrinkles in his arse? OH, I forgot, ..... you already did that!


Tell the Captain that I am so relieved and that the prayers for a full recovery will continue.

Love to both of you,


03 Nov 04 - 09:42 AM (#1315169)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Amos

Well, ya gotta know he's mending nicely if he's lipping off to them nuhses!! It's a shuah soign!! LOL!!

Thansk Jacqui, thanks SINSULL, and thanks Skippuh!! Give 'em hell. Once you get out see if you can arrange for a few more electoral votes for Maine, woud ya? It's pathetic that such a smaht place should only get fouah.


03 Nov 04 - 09:45 AM (#1315172)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bat Goddess

Whooooosh! That's the big sigh of relief. I was more worried (concerned, CONCERNED!) about the Captain's surgery and results than the election and its results (so that's saying something).

Glad Sinsull was there with you, Jacqui. (Somehow I knew she would be.) Having recently gone through 7 hours in the ICU waiting room waiting for postings on the progress of surgery on the most important person in my life, I appreciate how important it is to not be there alone.

Cosmic hugs for everybody concerned -- and "real" ones in person soon. All the best for a complete and easy recovery.


03 Nov 04 - 09:50 AM (#1315181)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Kim C

Hurrah! Good thoughts headed your way!

03 Nov 04 - 09:58 AM (#1315191)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: karen k

I'm so glad for the news.   Wish I could have been there with you. But I was there in spirit. Thanks SINS. Glad Jacqui didn't have to wait alone.

Gotta start figuring out when I can make a trip up north.

Be well, Kendall. Listen to Jacqui and whomever else tells you what to do. We'll miss you at NOMAD.

Much love to you both,

03 Nov 04 - 10:19 AM (#1315208)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Tannywheeler

AAAWWwwwRAAHHTTT!!! (Texian term; in English, usually spelled "alright")

Now some quietness for early recovery; then gradually, and carefully, retry the voice, use it sparingly, then more and more. Rebuild carefully. I was raised by storytellers/folklorists. If I can make Getaway next year for your anniversary I want the benefit of Kendall being in full voice.

I'm selfish. I believe I'm better off with healthy storytellers functioning "awlll over my" world.    Tw

03 Nov 04 - 11:15 AM (#1315286)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Mrs.Duck

Great news! Love to you both.

03 Nov 04 - 11:26 AM (#1315301)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,bbc at work

Yay! So glad to hear the news! Keep up the good work!


03 Nov 04 - 11:59 AM (#1315340)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Stilly River Sage

Good news!

03 Nov 04 - 12:13 PM (#1315357)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: RangerSteve

What Spaw said, only in bigger letters.

03 Nov 04 - 01:51 PM (#1315473)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Leadfingers

Yee-BLOODY-Hah ! ! ! ! . So when I get over to the Getaway we can have a duet on Banjo mate !!

03 Nov 04 - 02:03 PM (#1315487)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation

Home again home again jiggity jig.

None of us is jigging but I did just deposit two very worn out Mudcatters and their belongings in South Portland. Bet the neighbors think the Captain has been drinking again - hasn't quite got his sea legs. What a relief to see him looking alive and healthy even if he is a bit worse for the wear. Jacqui looks as if a good night's sleep is in order.

All the brothers were valiant.

03 Nov 04 - 02:37 PM (#1315515)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,Dave Swan at work

Great news! All best to all involved, with wishes for a speedy return to full operation of the pipes.


03 Nov 04 - 02:46 PM (#1315525)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: annamill

Thank Goodness! Now rest. Hope to read your postings soon.

Love, Annamill

03 Nov 04 - 02:48 PM (#1315527)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jacqui.c

Well folks, the deed is done. Doctor Shapshay says it went off without a hitch, no tracheotomy, and he sent the samples to the lab to be sure he got all of it. He says I will have a speaking voice but as for singing, no guarantees there. At the same time, he said, and my regular ENT said that vocal cords have been known to regenerated, so, who knows? All your prayers and positive thoughts must have carried great weight with the Great Spirit. In the next bed in recovery was a middle age woman who had had radical surgery and was breathing through a hole in her neck; disgusting sound when she coughed, poor soul.
Anyway I have to go back for a follow up on November 17th, and the Doctor says there is no reason to not go to England in December.
Thasnks so much for all you have done to keep my spirits up. Speaking of spirits, I have a jug of Duggan's Dew o' Kirkintilloch Scotch to help celebrate.

03 Nov 04 - 03:28 PM (#1315576)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Leadfingers

Make sure we know the dates in December !! I am working every weekend but should be able to get up to Newark Mid week without any problems !!

03 Nov 04 - 03:32 PM (#1315578)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Alaska Mike

GREAT NEWS Kendall!!

03 Nov 04 - 04:16 PM (#1315616)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: DougR

Good news, Kendall. The Llamas will rejoice!


03 Nov 04 - 04:19 PM (#1315618)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Catherine Jayne

So glad it all went well. Let us know the dates when you are both in the UK...perhaps we can have a mini gather to celebrate the success and your marriage to Jacqui.

much love

Khatt x

03 Nov 04 - 05:06 PM (#1315661)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jacqui.c

This one really is me - not him pretending to be me!

We're back home, exhausted but happy to be here. The Cap'n has a ton of writing pads and gets a real telling off if he tries to speak - you wouldn't believe how peaceful it is here (says she getting ready to duck flying notepads).

We'll be starting a separate thread in the next couple of days for the UK trip. Just got to get the travel arrangements organised now, but maybe not today.

Love to you all for the good wishes, I'm sure that recovery will be much faster knowing that so many people care for him.

03 Nov 04 - 05:36 PM (#1315683)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Joybell

Great! So glad it all went so well. Thoughts from way down here. Cheers and love Joy

03 Nov 04 - 05:48 PM (#1315700)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: YorkshireYankee

Thanks for the updates – so very pleased for both of you! Like Ellenpoly said, at least this news has seriously cheered up an otherwise crap day...

03 Nov 04 - 06:02 PM (#1315716)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: George Papavgeris

Really Great News!

On the regeneration of vocal chords - I remember seeing some research 2 years ago about certain antibiotics and foods reversing colon cancer. Now, I don't mean to suggest that the two ends of the Cap'n's alimentary canal are the same, but there could be tissue similarities. It could be worth pursuing.

Very happy for you both


03 Nov 04 - 06:09 PM (#1315724)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Deckman

You know Kendall, I've been meaning to speak to you about something. I've heard that some people will do ANYTHING just to get attention, but did you REALLY have to go this far? CHEERS, BOb

03 Nov 04 - 06:34 PM (#1315745)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Mudlark

So very glad to hear the good news. What an upper on a downer day! Now you can really look forward to your trip (I was going to say w/o reservations...but that doesn't sound right!).

03 Nov 04 - 06:48 PM (#1315765)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh Kendall, just so relieved that you are talking through the correct orifice, rather than anything south of your chin.... And if Julie Andrews can sing again after being told she never would, then you can too....

Take care, get plenty of rest and I promise I will drive the length and breadth of the country to see you in December, providing it's not the 4th.....!


03 Nov 04 - 07:01 PM (#1315777)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Hollowfox

*Whew!* But I'm still firing up that post-op @#$%-reduction candle for the two of you.

03 Nov 04 - 07:05 PM (#1315785)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: kendall

I was hoping to get rid of TWO tumors, but one will do for now. It's only 4 more years (if he doesn't get impeached.)

03 Nov 04 - 07:13 PM (#1315788)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Deckman

Kendall ... Perhaps we can keep "him" in remission? Bob

03 Nov 04 - 08:22 PM (#1315845)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Carly

What fantastic news on a gloomy day! Take good care and rest up; we keep you both in our hearts.

Sent with much love from Carly

03 Nov 04 - 08:37 PM (#1315854)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: curmudgeon

Good on you, Kendall! Looking forward to seeing you again, with your lovely bride. But I don't want to HEAR from you untill the medcs give the ok. It will be worth the wait, no matter how long -- Tom

03 Nov 04 - 08:47 PM (#1315866)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Áine

Hey Kendal and jacqui,

This is such great news!! As bad as last night was, knowing that 'it' is all gone means so much more to me than anything else. Just hope you all didn't scrunched too much from all the hugs I was sending to ya last night ;-)

One more batch of hugs and snogs to y'all up there, Áine

03 Nov 04 - 09:16 PM (#1315899)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Pauline L

Bravo! Kendall and Jacqui, you were right when you said that everyone's good wishes helped. Now just take it easy for a while and recuperate.

Jacqui, thanks for taking such good care of Kendall. I'm sure that has helped him immensely.

Sinsull, thanks for taking good care of Kendall and Jacqui.

Lots of hugs.


03 Nov 04 - 09:55 PM (#1315934)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Bobert

Well said, Kendall... Now go write your congressman to get that impeachment rollin'...

Glad everything worked out well fir ya, my friend..


And a big ol "sniff" from the Wes Ginny Slide Rule, as well...


03 Nov 04 - 10:01 PM (#1315937)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Rapparee

Well, good.

'T'ain't much else ta say, is there?

03 Nov 04 - 10:15 PM (#1315950)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Nancy King

No question this is the best news of THIS day!

I'm so glad all went well and they didn't have to go the drastic route. Now, sit back and let it mend! You are so lucky to have Jacqui with you -- so listen to her and don't try to do too much! We'll all be delighted to hear you talk when you can, and if you can sing, well, so much the better! But the important thing is that you're still with us, and we're counting on you stick around a good while.

Much love to both of you --


04 Nov 04 - 01:56 AM (#1316077)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: KT

Hooray!! So grateful for such good news!!

04 Nov 04 - 02:10 AM (#1316082)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ellenpoly

"I have a jug of Duggan's Dew o' Kirkintilloch Scotch to help celebrate."

Yup, Kendall, gotta say that'll taste a whole lot better being swallowed in the the traditional way, rather than through a trachea tube!!

I've now got something to look forward to in December. Please do start that thread as soon as you've both gotten the R&R you need.

Sinsull, Kendall and Jacqui, and all the other folks on this thread have been the most up-lifting part of my week.

Now to us all, onwards and upwards!


04 Nov 04 - 02:29 AM (#1316087)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Herga Kitty

Hurray! Wonderful news!

Best wishes


04 Nov 04 - 09:57 AM (#1316393)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: JennyO

Wow, excellent news Kendall. Maybe I will get to hear you sing some time after all! I'm so pleased for you both.

The body's healing abilities are amazing, I find. A few months ago, I had the third of three operations on my wrist after breaking it badly nearly three years ago. It was very slow healing, but the metal plates in there were damaging the tendons and needed to come out. The doc said that if I wanted to have full use of my thumb, which wouldn't bend properly, I would probably need to have another operation some time to fix some of the damage to the tendons as they don't grow back - but there has been so much improvement beyond what was expected, that I've decided not to bother now.


04 Nov 04 - 10:01 AM (#1316398)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: sledge

Good to have you bouncing back, take it easy.



04 Nov 04 - 12:01 PM (#1316557)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Tinker

My computer went down the last two days and I've been "expectantly confident" but thrilled to see this none the less. Kept the Mister home all day and sent off all the best energy I could find....

Love Ya,


04 Nov 04 - 12:38 PM (#1316594)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Janie



17 Nov 04 - 07:58 PM (#1330550)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: kendall

Well folks, I had my 200 mile checkup today, that's another story. I had my first two week follow up with the laser surgeon today, and he says everything is good. No sign of infection and healing is coming alone right on schedule. Looks good. I have a little bit of voice, but it is a long ways from here to singing again.
Thanks for the prayers...don't stop now!

17 Nov 04 - 08:13 PM (#1330563)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's good - so nothing to stop you coming on over next month. Jacqui can do the singing for the two of you for now.

17 Nov 04 - 08:16 PM (#1330565)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Tinker

Great news Kendall, thanks for the update. Definately keepin' the love light and prayers all flowin' your way.


17 Nov 04 - 08:17 PM (#1330567)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Alba

Great News Kendall.
How can you say don't stop sending you the old positive if we could:>)
Need to get you back singing so relax, heal and let Jacqui work her magic.

17 Nov 04 - 08:22 PM (#1330571)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Amos

Not to worry SKippah -- we're pumping like mad things down heah!!! LOL!! Good on ya!


17 Nov 04 - 10:23 PM (#1330662)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: YorkshireYankee

More good news – hurrah! Will look forward to meeting you & Jacqui in/near Sheffield. BTW, if you want positive energy, you should come to the Sheffield/Village carols – they'll fill you with energy and blow any remaining toxins clear out of your system!

17 Nov 04 - 10:29 PM (#1330668)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Stilly River Sage

Sounds like everything is set for you to have a fine holiday season, Kendall! Good news! Keep healing.

17 Nov 04 - 10:33 PM (#1330671)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: pdq

It's understood that Kendall had a special agreement with the doctor. The man with the scalpel was not allowed to come near Kendall's sense of humor!

17 Nov 04 - 10:45 PM (#1330681)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ebbie

Great news for both of you and for all of us. Smiles all around.

17 Nov 04 - 11:22 PM (#1330722)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Rapparee

Good. Ain't much else to say, and that pretty much says it all, don't it?

17 Nov 04 - 11:37 PM (#1330737)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Shanghaiceltic

Good news Kendall. Hope to see you in the UK next month.

17 Nov 04 - 11:59 PM (#1330749)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: karen k

Keep the good news coming, Kendall. This is greeat. Hello to Jacqui.


18 Nov 04 - 12:33 AM (#1330766)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Amos

It is a miracle of our time that some music lover who has stranded himself in the Dark Interior of the Chinese land mass willstill be able to hear about and wish well to the tribulations of a New England skipper bound for Blighty!! Wonders never cease.

Awful glad yer healing apace, Skippah!


18 Nov 04 - 01:58 AM (#1330794)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Ellenpoly


;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D

;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D ;-D :-D :-D


18 Nov 04 - 03:06 AM (#1330828)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Keith A of Hertford

Good on yer mate.
See you soon I hope,

18 Nov 04 - 10:20 AM (#1331072)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Dahlin

Sounds like there's clear weather on the horizon. Fair winds to you and Jacqui on your upcoming voyage.

Dick D

18 Nov 04 - 10:46 AM (#1331089)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: jeffp

Great news, Kendall! Keep up the good work.


18 Nov 04 - 11:03 AM (#1331103)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Áine

Wonderful news, Kendall!! Now, keep doing what the men in the white coats tell ya (!), and I'm sure you'll be right as rain real soon.

Big hogs and snugs, Áine

18 Nov 04 - 11:33 AM (#1331125)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: GUEST,bbc at work

Yay! Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work.


18 Nov 04 - 02:53 PM (#1331382)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Hollowfox

Thanks, I love good news!

18 Nov 04 - 03:00 PM (#1331388)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall's operation
From: Janie

Jacqui, Enjoy the quiet while you can!

Glad to hear all is going well so far. Have a good safe trip.

Hugs to you both.
