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BS: A plea to American voters

01 Nov 04 - 06:49 AM (#1312917)
Subject: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Stu

Please don't vote for George W. Bush for the sake of us all.

01 Nov 04 - 08:08 AM (#1312962)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Bobert

I didn't..

I voted *for* Ralph Nadar but am suggesting to my Green friends in states where the outcome is less certain to think about brokering their votes...


01 Nov 04 - 10:20 AM (#1313081)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Ellenpoly

Thank you Bobert...about the vote trading, I mean.

Stigweard, good luck changing minds at this point in the game.

The folks here at MC are a mixed bag. Me, I've voted, and I hope it'll do as much good as it can do in an outdated, outmoded Electoral system, with each state able to decide its own voting method, and millions of truly ignorant people going out on Tuesday to cast their ballots.

The more I think about it, the more I really wonder how Americans have managed to get anything done, and anyone elected, over all these past years.


01 Nov 04 - 10:23 AM (#1313086)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters

Not to Bush, yes to Nader.

01 Nov 04 - 10:25 AM (#1313091)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Paco Rabanne

I voted for Mr Bush.

01 Nov 04 - 10:43 AM (#1313115)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Maryrrf

For what it's worth, I'll cast my vote for Kerry although I doubt he'll carry Virginia.

01 Nov 04 - 10:48 AM (#1313118)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: katlaughing

We did our bit here in Colorado.

I am choosing to believe it will count for victory despite some of what I've read in this Dieboldt thread and this one about dubya's Messianic *mission*.


01 Nov 04 - 10:53 AM (#1313123)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Amos

Super TEd, you are a lying sack of shit. Confess!


01 Nov 04 - 10:59 AM (#1313128)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Amos

I second this urgent request. For all our sakes, please don't vote for W. HE is harmful.


01 Nov 04 - 11:00 AM (#1313131)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Paco Rabanne

Errrh..... You are correct Amos. As an Englishman I am not eligible to vote in the colonies.

01 Nov 04 - 11:18 AM (#1313147)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Sttaw Legend

Is he related to Mr Bush the optician on Holderness Road, Hull, England, World, Universe etc - he can't see beyond the end of his nose.

01 Nov 04 - 11:25 AM (#1313156)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

Is he the optician who fell into his lens grinder and made a spectacle of himself?

Plesae, get Bush gone.

01 Nov 04 - 12:13 PM (#1313222)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Ebbie

Our main hope of success is in getting out the vote. I would dearly love a landslide skidding the Bush Administration out of town but if the vote is just decisive enough that they have to accept their defeat that's OK too.

Kick out the ASSES of EVIL.

01 Nov 04 - 12:34 PM (#1313248)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Amos

Click here


01 Nov 04 - 12:39 PM (#1313254)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: akenaton

Brucie....Large Scotch...Ake

01 Nov 04 - 12:40 PM (#1313255)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: CarolC

We're working on it, but there's no way to know if our votes will be counted, considering the blatant election tampering efforts of many people here in the US (katlaughing's reference to Diebold being one example).

Although in the past, I have said I would write in a vote for Kucinich, I have decided to vote for Kerry instead (for several fairly complicated reasons).

HOWEVER. Kerry's going to owe me for my vote, and I fully intend to hold his feet to the fire the whole time he is in office if he gets elected.

01 Nov 04 - 12:40 PM (#1313256)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Big Mick

Loved that, Amos.


01 Nov 04 - 05:19 PM (#1313565)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Cool Beans

Is Bush the optician any relation to the butcher who backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work?

01 Nov 04 - 05:59 PM (#1313610)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: CarolC

...which of course leads us to the old saying about Politics and sausage - if you enjoy either, avoid observing its production.

01 Nov 04 - 06:02 PM (#1313612)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Bill D

Carol....even those of us who were not touting Kucinich intend to lean on Kerry....he has a LOT to do to make us glad we voted for him.

01 Nov 04 - 06:08 PM (#1313615)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Don Firth

I'm with Carol on this one. Already voted. Kerry.

Don Firth

01 Nov 04 - 06:20 PM (#1313629)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,peedeecee

I agree heartily with those who voted for Kerry -- but please don't expect miracles, at least not too soon. The mess that Bush has created in four years is complex and expensive, and cleaning it up is fraught with risk. I think Kerry will need two terms, and given the difficulty of bringing the US back to sanity, he may not accomplish enough in the first four years to get a second term. We just have to hope, and trust the American people to help him.

01 Nov 04 - 06:24 PM (#1313634)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: CarolC

The first and most important promise I want Kerry to keep is his promise to not lie to us. If I catch him at it, I'm not going to cut him any slack.

01 Nov 04 - 06:42 PM (#1313645)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

Every politician in responsible government should act responsibly. Why? Because that man or woman is responsible to ALL THE PEOPLE, not just his friends or his business buddies. The US has had too much of that, as has Canada, Australia, UK, Ireland (Erin)--hell, name a 'democracy'. I think Kerry will win. Because I think the American people are smarter than George W Bush. We'll find out soon.

01 Nov 04 - 07:59 PM (#1313686)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Ragnar


Do you need any advice on who to vote for?


01 Nov 04 - 08:03 PM (#1313690)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: saulgoldie

Isn't it a big part of why (some of) the American people like him so much is that he ISN"T smarter than they are?

BTW, already voted absentee. At least, that way my vote has a better chance of being counted. I understand that many other voters joined me. Serves them right--that they'll have all that extra work--at the Board of Elections for not going with paper printouts for individual vote validation. But the outcome may not be known for days, weeks, even months, what with all the looming challenges.

And also BTW, don't forget to vote for Congress, and any local issues and candidates. Remember that today's fundamentalist School Board candidate is tomorrow's Tom DeLay. And even as "only" a School Board member, they may try to install creationism into the curriculum, and promote a sex-ed program that consists only of the word "Don't!"

01 Nov 04 - 08:44 PM (#1313719)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Pogo

Maybe some blowjobs will sway the American vote.


01 Nov 04 - 09:32 PM (#1313750)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

It might sway Fuzzy. He's in dire need of one.

01 Nov 04 - 09:34 PM (#1313753)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Ragnar

Lucky Brucie, the man in the middle.


01 Nov 04 - 09:40 PM (#1313755)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

Yeah. You are soooooo sweet, Ragnar, but sometimes your thinking is Fuzzy. Get it? LOLOLOL

01 Nov 04 - 09:41 PM (#1313758)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

Well, they ARE a cast of thousands.

01 Nov 04 - 10:20 PM (#1313773)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Ebbie

With President Kerry in office is when the hard work will begin. With the complex mess waiting for him - and for us - it's hard to know where we can first expect a sign of improvement.

The things I want John Kerry to address, in no particular order:

* Send out the message immediately to all the world powers that a new day has dawned. Start talks immediately on how the powers can work together toward creacting a safer world.

* Send a clear message to Iraq that this new day entails hard work for them, work that the US is willing and able to help with but will not take ultimate responsibility for.

* Rescind the tax cuts to the ultra rich and on down to all those people who will never have to wonder where the money for next month's utilities will come from. Send a clear message to our poor and/or struggling citizens that they can expect a hand up, not a handout. Reinstate and fully fund training programs, complete with revitalized day care funds. Reinstate the funds that have been taken away from Head Start, the Job Corps and so many others.

* Keep us informed. Let us know our progress, monthly if possible. We already know that the next two generations will be paying for a great many of the debts we have incurred, so let us know with what means and to what measure we have brought down the numbers. Eventually we will start paying on the principal, not just interest.

* Along with being informed comes our obligatiom to participate in the sacrifices that making times better will take. Let us know what the remedial figure is for each individual ar family based on annual income- this is the COMPUTER age and there is no reason why accurate records cannot be kept.

* If the figure for an individual for that year's track is $200, let each person decide for themselves whether they want to be taxed for it at the end or perhaps beginning of a year, or if they prefer to send a $200 check on account and get it out of their hair; the figure will diminish steadily and we will all feel part of the solution.

With John Kerry in office there is hope for this country. If the bush got back in, I fear for our country.

01 Nov 04 - 10:32 PM (#1313778)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Ragnar

You forgot to mention the trumpets blaring, The doves flying around the toga clad Mr. Kerry's head which is adorned by a wreath of olive leaves and the cherubs looking down in admiration.


01 Nov 04 - 11:10 PM (#1313799)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

I think that should read ". . . looking down WITH admiration." That's an opinion, sweetums, just an opinion. Also, it would be nice if you'd get this "toga clad" changed to this: toga-clad. It would make your words of wisdom so much more than they are. At present, I fail to see how they could possibly be less.

01 Nov 04 - 11:13 PM (#1313801)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Ragnar

With little winged Brucies looking down with admiration.


01 Nov 04 - 11:14 PM (#1313802)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Peace

There, now ya got it. Good thinking Fuzzy.

01 Nov 04 - 11:19 PM (#1313806)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: chris nightbird childs

John Kerry definitely has his work cut out for him, but he's a very level-headed man. Let's hope that he can fix Bush's mess...

01 Nov 04 - 11:48 PM (#1313834)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: Amos

Ragnar --

With such a Norse name, how come your eyes are brown?


02 Nov 04 - 12:39 AM (#1313864)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: dianavan

Perhaps this is the way disgruntled Bush supporters express themselves.


03 Nov 04 - 12:41 AM (#1314803)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Advice Department

Who needs advice on who to vote for in your country?

We offer 24x7 service cheap.

03 Nov 04 - 03:09 AM (#1314879)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: DougR

Stigwerd: Jeeze, if you had only written sooner! :>)

03 Nov 04 - 04:52 AM (#1314955)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Anymore T Vicar

Your plea fell on deaf ears stigweard. Watch out Iran! The rapture can't be far off now.

03 Nov 04 - 08:39 AM (#1315098)
Subject: RE: BS: A plea to American voters
From: GUEST,Advice Department

Attention Citizens of Iran: Please do not vote for Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamanei for the sake of us all.