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Elections Biggist Winner?

04 Nov 04 - 12:23 AM (#1316038)
Subject: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

This one is easy, if I do say so myself...Ms Rodham-Clinton!

04 Nov 04 - 02:34 AM (#1316090)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Ebbie

How do you figure?

04 Nov 04 - 02:35 AM (#1316091)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: chris nightbird childs

Yes, i'd like to know as well...

04 Nov 04 - 06:22 AM (#1316199)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: BanjoRay

Because when she stands in 2008, the world will have had another four years of the worst ever American president - she'll walk it,

04 Nov 04 - 07:06 AM (#1316235)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: GUEST,BlueJay

Probably folks in Colorado are the biggest winners. Because, in spite of the fact that Colorado voted for Bush, our state legislature has changed hands for the first time in many years. Democrats now control both the state Senate and House, where Republicans ruled before.

Our legislature hasn't accomplished much at all in the last four years, except moralistic bullshit like trying to force the pledge of allegiance and flags on the walls of every classroom. All supported mightily by our dickhead Republican Governor Bill Owens, (repeat dickhead).

Not up for re-election, dickhead Owens is going to have a much less comfortable second term. Maybe some of the actual work of the State of Colorado will actually begin.

It is difficult to understand the schizophrenic nature of Colorado voters. The same folks who elected a Democratic state house and senate also voted to send Marilyn Musgrave, a real whacko reactionary anti-gay zealot, back to Washington. And all nine of Colorado's electoral votes went to The Shrub in Chief.

Things are turning around. Maybe four more years of disasterous GOP policy will be enough to make the voters see through these goddam wanna-be-messiahs, and throw these idiots out completely. Thanks, BlueJay

04 Nov 04 - 07:53 AM (#1316263)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Bobert

Christain right, no two ways about it...

Hillary Clinton is not electable. Period. Too much baggage has been heaped on her by the right wing, most of which undeserved...


04 Nov 04 - 10:15 AM (#1316413)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Ms Rodham-Clinton will win as the surrogate for Bill; many will consider it a de facto third term for him. But she's the smarter one, and will pursue her agenda, tho' without his charm and finesse.

Colorado may be an interesting, particular case, but I was really thinking nationally with this thread.

04 Nov 04 - 10:18 AM (#1316417)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Bill D

oh, piffle!, John...

You may quote me...

04 Nov 04 - 10:18 AM (#1316419)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

I mis-wrote in my last post. I meant to say that HRC would 'run' as a surrogate, I certainly don't know if she'll win.

04 Nov 04 - 10:21 AM (#1316428)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: sledge

It would be worth watching an election race with her going President of the US, even from afar. She has the brains I reckon, and if its charm she needs more of then she has a few years to work on that.



04 Nov 04 - 11:02 AM (#1316481)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: John on the Sunset Coast

Bill D - Is it "oh piffle" that she will be Bill's surrogate? Or is it "oh piffle" that she is smarter than he is? I wish to quote you correctly. -JSC

04 Nov 04 - 11:29 AM (#1316519)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?

She is charmless, in that M. Thatcher sort of way.

There were bright signs of Republican fanatacism waning here in Minnesota too--Kerry did very well here, and our Republican controlled state house's majority slipped from 68 to 2. That was a TREMENDOUS repudiation of the dickhead Republican governor who slid into office in 2002, on the wave of anti-Democratic sentiment over the Wellstone thing, and sheer, utter frustration with the corporate politician the Democrats ran for governor here.

This truly cheers me up, as I hope it means we can sweep out a lot of our Republican office holders at the top in 2006--both Pawlenty the governor, and Coleman the weaseldick senator that took Wellstone's seat.

I hold out absolutely no hope whatsoever for our other senator--Democrat Mark Dayton--a local millionaire to the Dayton family fortune (Daytons were the original owners of Target stores) who has bought his way into the senate. He is TERRIBLE. And will be easy to beat with Republican billions being flooded into his race. Hell, the corporate party leadership doesn't even like him. I'd like to see him challenged by a decent Democrat!

04 Nov 04 - 01:38 PM (#1316665)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Bill D

"oh piffle" that she will run OR be nominated...she has a spot in congress, and there are way too many negatives to get her elected...

is she capable of DOING the job?..sure....

04 Nov 04 - 04:20 PM (#1316846)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Ebbie

I agree with Bill D. I have never understood the animosity toward her but it IS there. It's certainly not going to go away in the next couple of elections.

04 Nov 04 - 04:29 PM (#1316857)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: GUEST,Blackie

Bobert: Please don't tell the DNC. I think she is devine.

04 Nov 04 - 04:34 PM (#1316861)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Mudlark

At this point, given the fantastic power base the GOP continues to build and add to, I think it will be difficult for any dem. to win, particularly HRC. The GOP sharpened their knives on her husband, can't imagine they wont use them on her. I surely hope the coming years prove me wrong. I doubt Canada would welcome a 66 yr old in questionable health!

04 Nov 04 - 05:08 PM (#1316887)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: GUEST,petr

You have to admit that the GOP ran a remarkable campaign - usually
during the presidential elections candidates tend to move to centre for wider appeal - in this case they didnt, Rove decided to appeal to his 'base' (to quote the Non-arabic term) the evangelical christian right, and brilliantly got them out to vote by putting the gay marriage ban on many state ballots.
Fear tactics, and the wound of 9/11 still added to a lot of other support. Plus the fact that Kerrys incoherence and unwillingness to attack the same way the Republicans do didnt help.

the plus side (if you can call it that) is that Bush will currently have to deal with the mess that he created, (Mess-o-potamia, the economy, The prisoners at Guantanamo will ultimately have to be dealt with.

Its not likely that there will be much support for another regime change somewhere else, when the White HOuse has no credibility.
and of course theres all those Bush effigies that people have invested in in the Middle East. Theyre not going to waste.

04 Nov 04 - 05:18 PM (#1316897)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Terry Allan Hall

The Elections biggest losers will be the American people...4 more years of Bu$hAdminInc is almost too horrible to contemplate!

04 Nov 04 - 05:20 PM (#1316901)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: Cluin

When 2008 rears it's ugly head, Hillary better start greasin' up her hand, wrist & forearm, because the only way she'll be wielding any executive power then will be by taking up another position behind another dummy.

04 Nov 04 - 09:39 PM (#1317128)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: dianavan

Bush is the weiner, we are the losers.


05 Nov 04 - 12:56 AM (#1317276)
Subject: RE: Elections Biggist Winner?
From: GUEST,peedeecee

The reason for the folly