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BS: How The London Review views Bush win

07 Nov 04 - 02:52 PM (#1319741)
Subject: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Frank

Here's how the London Review views the election of W. This might represent a world view that Americans need to know about.


for those of you who didn't care for the Mirror's editorial on Bush, here's one from the more genteel and literary London Review. Do be forewarned about the precision of the precise British use of language.

Subject: Election commentary, articulated with impeccable British reserve

From The London Review

George Bush? Again? May the saints and angels preserve us.

November 03, 2004

Oh America, what have you done?
You've put him back in.


Depending upon which way the Ohio recount goes. And
anyway, whatever the final tally in Ohio, the 2004
election result means one thing for certain: great
swathes of America are as DUMB AS FUCK. Too dumb to
live, let alone vote.

You stupid, good-for-nothing, hick fucks, sitting
there in your stretchy trousers, wrapped in your stars
and stripes, clutching at each others' fat hands and
singing God Bless America while your blessed
commander-in-fucking-chief sells the world for a quick
buck. You whooping twits, sucking up the lies like
mother's milk. You stupid stupid fucks. You deserve to
die. Choke on your fat-burgers you cretinous losers.
Fuck you all. Sorry - fuck y'all. Do you understand
that? You cow-brained pricks.

Are you really so violently thick that you can't get
beyond thinking: Yup, we's at war, and the President
he's a good man and he's gonna whip those commie
Arabs?? --- oh whatever --- Christ, there's no point
in trying to peer into your minds, you sack of shit
morons. Might as well poke a beached jellyfish with a

It is almost impossible, for an outsider, or in fact
anyone who isn't educationally subnormal, to imagine
what it must be like to be a Bush voter. Amanda
McLoughlin, a London News Review contributor, was in
the States to see the madness unfold:

"I'm in the unfortunate position of being on the West
Coast and watching the horrific results as they come
in. Who the hell are these bastards who vote for Bush?
I don't understand it at all."

So, thanks to you stupid bastards, the world has to
suffer another four years of Bush. How many more wars
will that mean? How many pipelines? How much SHIT do
we have to swallow?

To heck in handcart, that's where we're heading.
To heck in a big fat, red-white-and-blue,
star-spangled handcart.

God bless America.


07 Nov 04 - 03:08 PM (#1319755)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Metchosin

of course Guest Frank, one should remember that this eminates from a country that will in all probability also re-elect Blair, W's handmaiden.

07 Nov 04 - 03:10 PM (#1319757)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

LOL Frank and Metchosin.

07 Nov 04 - 03:42 PM (#1319780)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: DougR

Frank: what leads you to believe that Americans care a tinker's dam about what the London Review thinks of Bush? Any other out of country newspaper for that matter!


07 Nov 04 - 03:47 PM (#1319782)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Metchosin

I don't know what Frank thinks, but IMO the very fact that you bothered to read the title of this thread and respond DougR.

07 Nov 04 - 04:22 PM (#1319821)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: dianavan

At least The London review tells it like it is.


07 Nov 04 - 04:25 PM (#1319824)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

Quit whining, DougR.

07 Nov 04 - 04:36 PM (#1319841)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: frogprince

Well, Doug, you've just about put Bush's view of the world in a nutshell: If anyone outside the U.S. is concerned about the actions of our current administration,

   God Bless Us

   Fuck them.

07 Nov 04 - 04:38 PM (#1319843)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Metchosin

However, in my heart of hearts, I believe Americans don't give a tinkers damn what the rest of the world thinks and if anything, strident criticism of them and their country by outsiders only causes a closing ranks with an equally strident, Fuck Off! The same effect applies in any country, not just the US.

07 Nov 04 - 05:06 PM (#1319875)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

Maybe so, but not every country is intent on destroying great swathes of the world. Do these voters have a responsibility by-pass?

07 Nov 04 - 05:26 PM (#1319892)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Advice Department

You Limeys need any advice on who to vote for?


07 Nov 04 - 05:28 PM (#1319894)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

I'm more comforted by this 'London calling', thank you very much. But imagine how I'm not surprised at Frank's predictably hypocritical Old Leftie view.

Like that gets us somewhere.

Thank god there are journalists like George Monbriot who can still think independently and critically, and have the guts to take a stand BEFORE the election, instead of screaming their Democrat partisan poison into the shifting global political winds safely AFTER it, as the Kerrycrats like Frank keep doing.

Cowards. The whole lot of you Kerry supporters are nothing more than cowardly lion Democratic party securocrats.

07 Nov 04 - 06:34 PM (#1319939)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

And Bush is going to make such a mess that the country will be in a state of revolution by next summer. So it's great he got elected.

07 Nov 04 - 07:08 PM (#1319967)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,05:28 PM

Nice try with the Bushie boy anti-progressive fear mongering there, 6:34.

Here is hoping the Mudcat electorate isn't as gullible as the American electorate this year to that sort of thing.

07 Nov 04 - 07:15 PM (#1319974)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,07:08 PM

Kerry would have been even worse than Bush. At least with Bush you know what you are up against.

07 Nov 04 - 07:32 PM (#1319987)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,5:28

I don't think there is a dime's worth of difference between the two, if you are currently on the receiving end of the American artillery and aircraft bombardments. Both Bush and Kerry have been equally bad for the Iraqi people in that regard, now haven't they?

Lest we forget, Bush couldn't quite so easily have gone bombing his way into the Baghdad night without authorization by the US Congress, including the loser Senator Kerry.

From today's Christian Science Monitor:

"FALLUJAH, IRAQ – Dust-coated US forces are encircling the Iraqi rebel stronghold of Fallujah, awaiting final assault orders, as insurgents dramatically escalated their own attacks elsewhere in the Sunni triangle over the weekend, leaving more than 50 dead.
American aircraft and artillery bombarded targets in Fallujah as US commanders prepared for a major urban conflict that they compare in scope to the costly but victorious 1968 Vietnam battle for Hue City...

...More than 10,000 US troops are poised for the Fallujah fight. US intelligence estimates that up to 3,000 insurgents - with a core of several hundred well-trained foreign fighters waging an anti-American jihad, and led by Al Qaeda affiliate Abu Musab al- Zarqawi - have prepared layers of booby-trapped defenses that make heavy use of suicide car bombs and even entire buildings rigged to explode...

...Six battalions of US Marines, backed up by Army tanks and armor and newly trained Iraqi troops, sealed off Fallujah at midday Sunday. Leaflets dropped in the city warned residents to leave by then, if they were to avoid the fight.

"This is the Hue City of our generation," says Lt. Col. Michael Ramos, commander of the 1st Battalion, 3rd Marines, which is expected to play a key role in Fallujah...

...Political tension is already growing over the expected assault. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Friday warned that any assault on Fallujah could spark so much violence that elections slated for January could be impossible.

Clerics from Iraq's Sunni minority have vowed to boycott those elections, if US troops enter Fallujah. On Saturday, an open letter to the Iraqi people from 26 Saudi scholars and clerics said armed resistance to US and allied Iraqis is a "legitimate right."

"Fighting the occupiers is a duty for all those who are able," the fatwa, or religious edict read. "It is a jihad to push back the assailants."

Sort of concentrates the mind on what truly matters on the ground to the Iraqis caught in the middle of all that, doesn't it?

07 Nov 04 - 08:00 PM (#1320007)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Sad and Disheartened

Here is a love song for the Iraqis and Americans tonight

Music/lyrics by DOUGIE MACLEAN

Our voice made silent
our hands made still
But deep and violent wait
the ones who wait to kill

The desert's burning,
their reasons pale
For there's no returning
with some golden holy grail

What have they done?
What have they done?
The blood will run to everyone
Oh what have they done?

Is it for freedom?
Or is it for truth?
That father's fall
and all those young men trade their youth?

Or are they moved by
deception's hand
That rank and reckless
scatters death across the sand?

07 Nov 04 - 08:10 PM (#1320012)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Diogenes

GUEST (however many of you there are), you're a real pain in the ass. Sort of a "Johnnie One-Note."

07 Nov 04 - 08:17 PM (#1320015)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Once Famous

I saw the name of this thread and read what it was about.

It was about someone who continues to whine and justify how bad he feels that his candidate lost.

Yes, I like many Americans really don't care what is published in some second rate British newspaper.

07 Nov 04 - 08:27 PM (#1320028)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

Diogenes, good cynic you, thy governance of thyself shows you have long since sold thy self to the masters of the highest bid.

But then, what more could we hope to expect from a self-annointed philosopher who sold himself to the highest bidder in order to spend his indolent life in the bath of a rich man's house, eh? Of course you, great cynic, favor the practical side of the coin of corporate rule.

08 Nov 04 - 04:19 PM (#1320679)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: DougR

Carol C: whining? Surely you jest. Want to read some REAL whining? Look up the posts you and JTS have posted SINCE Bush won the election!


08 Nov 04 - 04:30 PM (#1320689)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Little Hawk

Whoosh! Just read that editorial. My, my, I must say the British certainly do know how to express themselves when they're upset. :-)

The World cannot afford to not give a tinker's damn about American elections, Doug, because the American government invades places and kills people in large numbers and steals their strategic resources. Expect the World to continue to give a tinker's damn.

Now, Belgium...we can afford not to give a tinker's damn about Belgian elections. (Who did they elect last anyway?) :-) Or Iceland. Or Lichtenstein. But we WILL continue giving more than a small damn about American elections and commenting upon them, be assured. Many lives hang in the balance.

09 Nov 04 - 10:02 AM (#1321413)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Padre

The Review sounds like one of the papers you get in the supermarket checkout line, with headlines like: "Ghost of Elvis clone reveals secret UFO diet to Calista Flockhart"    Not exactly the Times of London or the Manchester Guardian.

09 Nov 04 - 01:57 PM (#1321688)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

Yes whining, DougR. You've been doing nothing but whining about the fact that those of us who voted for Kerry aren't slinking off with our tails between our legs ever since the election. You wanted to get some sadistic pleasure from what you percieve to be our "defeat" and we're just not giving it to you. And you just can't stop whining about it.

I bet you enjoy poking caged animals with sticks, too. Too bad for you we're not falling for your juvenile crybaby antics.

09 Nov 04 - 02:30 PM (#1321723)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Amos

This election is the sort of event that gives democratic republics a bad name, just as the last one was, but more subtle -- nuanced, like.

And no less murderous.

Good luck with all your killing, George. So glad the farmers are behind you.


09 Nov 04 - 02:38 PM (#1321735)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

Yeah Padre, it's real National Enquirer sorta stuff. But I guess that's where the ABB's heads are at these days.

Give 'em some time. They may sober up yet from their Coors lite election binge, and smell the fair trade coffee.

09 Nov 04 - 02:48 PM (#1321744)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Pete_Standing

Yes please Guest Advice Department. We have a conservative party that is worried about immigration, asylum seekers, giving up the pound, wants to integrate private health care and education into the state systems, relax on climate emmissions and depose despots, unless they are bigger than us. The tories are even worse. What should I do?

09 Nov 04 - 03:00 PM (#1321758)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

Find your Nader under the radar, just like we did, stop voting Labour, and get to work on building a new progressive party.

We gotta make this new progressive thing global, like the oligarchy and securocrat sectors.

09 Nov 04 - 04:02 PM (#1321837)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

The other thing I'm noticing is that the anti-democracy people like you DougR, who want to have secret and unverifiable elections, seem to whine the loudest when the pro-democracy people who want open, honest, and verifiable elections talk about how to proceed with making that happen.

09 Nov 04 - 04:03 PM (#1321838)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Greg F.

... my overwhelming feeling is one of deep relief. Relief that despite all the shortcomings in Indian elections, they are nothing like elections in America.

Another Viewpoint HERE

09 Nov 04 - 04:07 PM (#1321842)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

The Republican strategy for wooing rural voters! Sussed out!

But is this writer really suggesting bribery has no place in Indian elections? Please!

09 Nov 04 - 04:23 PM (#1321861)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Once Famous

It's not about being sadistic, CarolC.

It's just fun saying Kerry lost and seeing the denial, the excuses, and the same old same old.

09 Nov 04 - 05:30 PM (#1321924)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

Sure, Martin.

09 Nov 04 - 05:53 PM (#1321941)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Once Famous

I knew you would agree, you are such a brilliant toad, I mean broad.

09 Nov 04 - 05:59 PM (#1321954)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Frank

"It's just fun saying Kerry lost and seeing the denial, the excuses, and the same old same old."

Votergate may be the biggest crime of the century. Right-wing theives
are gloating now but that will change.


09 Nov 04 - 06:22 PM (#1321971)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Richard Bridge

Oh hell do some yanks here show their ignorance...

If the London Review is what it used to be, it has been published since at least 1865 and is the arena of high literary culture...

Not exactly the National Enquirer ("Aliens ate my babies...")

10 Nov 04 - 11:25 AM (#1322411)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win

Richard, the letter reads exactly like aliens ate my babies ranting, regardless of the "high literary culture" arena.

Actually, the high literary culture doesn't usually suffer from aliens eating their babies, because they love to eat their own babies. That's high art for you.

10 Nov 04 - 11:52 AM (#1322440)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Ellenpoly

And a letter from the YANKS.....xx..e

10 Nov 04 - 12:03 PM (#1322450)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: kendall

Do I care what some foreign newspaper says or thinks? YOU GOD DAMN RIGHT I DO! Unlike that moron in the White House, I have a passport, and I travel. Now my work is cut out for me, when I travel I have to try to convince people that we did not all vote for that wanker, Bush, and their thoughts and opinions ARE important to all except those right wing, judgemental anal retentive Bible pounding assholes who support Bush!
(Strong statement to follow)

10 Nov 04 - 12:12 PM (#1322460)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

We're sorry everybody

10 Nov 04 - 12:18 PM (#1322472)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Once Famous

Kendall is a sore loser. There are more than you realize who are moderates who voted for Bush and AGAINST Kerry. You are a sore loser and quite ill informed if you think all Bush supporters are how you described them above.

I'm not right wing, frank.

I'm a gloating moderate, one degree just right of center who could not, like others in that growing moderate category vote for a loser like Kerry.

The whining is no longer a news story anywhere.

Just on-going fodder for right-wing talk show hosts. You keep feeding them and they are loving it.

10 Nov 04 - 12:19 PM (#1322473)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: GUEST,Frank

Go get 'em Kendall!

10 Nov 04 - 02:01 PM (#1322604)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: DougR

NO problem, Kendall. When you and jacqi get off that plane in Heathrow, you should hang a large sign around both of your necks proclaiming, "Yes, I'm an American, but I voted for Kerry!" That should get you lots of attention and win yourself some solid friends in the doing! :>)

Carol C: please point out one post I have made that constitutes whining. None? I thought so.


10 Nov 04 - 02:10 PM (#1322615)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Ellenpoly

Please let me introduce you all to Betty Bowers...(and Kendall and Jacqui, you might find some useful buttons from this site)



10 Nov 04 - 02:18 PM (#1322631)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

Just about every single one of your posts since the election, DougR. Indluding all of your posts to this thread except your last one. You think you get to shut everyone up just because the guy you voted for appears to have won the election, and when we don't shut up you whine and whine about it.

10 Nov 04 - 04:48 PM (#1322754)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: Once Famous


This is a dead issue in the media for a reason.

Get a grip on reality, Cleopatra.

10 Nov 04 - 04:56 PM (#1322762)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

The only reason anyone could possibly have for wanting to stifle discussion on the subject of the election results is because they know Bush couldn't have won without cheating, and they feel a need to try to help make sure he doesn't get caught.

If there's nothing to hide, you won't object to any amount of scrutiny. If you want to discourage people from scrutinizing the election results and methods, it means you have something to hide.

10 Nov 04 - 09:51 PM (#1322992)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: DougR

Carol C: I have no wish to stifle discussion. I figure the whining, moaning, and groaning from people such as yourself is some sort of much needed therapy. Rave on, I say.


10 Nov 04 - 10:39 PM (#1323030)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: dianavan

DougR - Do you think electronic voting is a fair and transparent process when there are so many hackers about?


10 Nov 04 - 10:42 PM (#1323033)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: CarolC

You're the expert on whining, moaning, and groaning, DougR from your 12 years of doing it about Bill Clinton. However, that whining, moaning, and groaning you hear is not coming from those of us actively engaging in participatory Democracy. It's actually your own voice rising up in protest against our activities.

10 Nov 04 - 11:25 PM (#1323062)
Subject: RE: BS: How The London Review views Bush win
From: LadyJean

In May, I spent a Saturday roaming housing projects in Pittsburgh's Hill district registering voters.
Asked what they believed to be the most pressing issue, the new voters, all low income African Americans said national security.
Frankly, I'd bet Bush wets his pants every time he hears a loud noise. But he talks like a hero. So he sold himself to voters as the man who will protect them from Al Qaeda.
If they'd crashed airplanes into London's financial center, I don't like to think who'd be Prime Minister now.