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BS: God heard speaking to Bush

10 Nov 04 - 12:54 PM (#1322524)
Subject: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,donuel

Jesus speaks through the Republicans

I hope the election of George W. Bush is seen as a wake-up call to all the liberal Democrats who oppose God's will.

It is His doing that George W. Bush is still our president. Millions of born-again Christians helped win this election through our prayers and votes. Jesus speaks through the Republicans.

The Democrats will not be able to win elections until they renounce their sinful ways and stop encouraging abortions, gayness, and trying to take away our guns.

Earl Balboa

Washington Township


Ok Earl, here is a brief slide show that is not meant to deprogram you or assault your faith but it does deal with historic facts so put on your thinking cap...

10 Nov 04 - 01:20 PM (#1322548)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

Let this be a wakeup call to everyone who is not a right-wing fundamentalist Christian. Your time is up.

(I can't get your link to work, Donuel.)

10 Nov 04 - 01:24 PM (#1322556)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Fishpicker

"Millions of born-again Christians helped win this election through our prayers and votes."



10 Nov 04 - 01:26 PM (#1322559)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: DougR

No one recognizes a flamer anymore?


10 Nov 04 - 01:27 PM (#1322560)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Chris Green

"Gayness?" That's not a word is it?

10 Nov 04 - 01:41 PM (#1322573)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Wesley S

It's a new word invented by our Prez.

10 Nov 04 - 01:42 PM (#1322575)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Sure, "Gayness" is a word. It's how people down 'ere in Bubbaland pernounce th' name uh thet syrupy black beer stuff thet costs about as much fer jus' one pint as whut Bubba an' Jim Bob pays fer a whole six-pack uh Milwaukee's Best.

10 Nov 04 - 01:42 PM (#1322576)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

You're the flamer, DougR. Donuel is a political satirist.

You seem to think that because the guy you voted for appears to have won the election, you get to tell us what we can and cannot talk about here. Guess what. It doesn't work that way.

10 Nov 04 - 01:45 PM (#1322578)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Ebbie

Donuel is not a flamer, DougR. He is an artist with a point of view.

10 Nov 04 - 01:53 PM (#1322589)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,donuel

Earl's letter is real. I am for real.
(as for the slideshow, many dial up computer browser settings have their .gif display turned off)

Since the media in this country will do nothing to inform the masses of anything except corporate good news, I leave this story and video for you to decide if this is really happening in California ...

10 Nov 04 - 02:15 PM (#1322623)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
-- George Orwell, 1984

10 Nov 04 - 02:15 PM (#1322625)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

CarolC, as I told Amos, yes, we can talk about what we want here.

I will continue to do so.

BTW, anyone can call themselves an artist with a point of view.

10 Nov 04 - 02:16 PM (#1322627)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Geoff the Duck

If I remember correctly, didn't God in the desert speak through a Burning Bush?
Anybody got a gallon or two of petrol and a match?

10 Nov 04 - 02:23 PM (#1322635)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

BTW, anyone can call themselves an artist with a point of view.

True Martin. The critical part is whether or not others also call that person an artist. Donuel's work has a lot of respect from a lot of people.

10 Nov 04 - 02:31 PM (#1322644)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bill D

Donuel...I have 5 image editors which say that your GIF is one layer, one multiple images. Sorry, we see no slide show.

10 Nov 04 - 02:36 PM (#1322649)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

So does my art, CarolC.

And, I've have seen some so called art that is really complete crap, also.

10 Nov 04 - 02:39 PM (#1322654)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

Bill if you mean the original slide show mentioned in the opening post, it works for me.
Can't get anything in the last link though.

10 Nov 04 - 02:44 PM (#1322658)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

Why don't you show us some of your art, Martin?

10 Nov 04 - 02:46 PM (#1322660)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Cluin

I see a slide show using the link in the first post too.

10 Nov 04 - 02:47 PM (#1322662)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

How the heck do you think he is gonna download a toilet wall?

10 Nov 04 - 02:47 PM (#1322664)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

This is what I get if I try to open the first link:

"The image "" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors."

10 Nov 04 - 02:54 PM (#1322674)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

any good?

It is about ten images of Bush in Roman emperor garb. And accompanying flunkies.

10 Nov 04 - 02:56 PM (#1322676)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

No luck here. Ah well.

10 Nov 04 - 02:58 PM (#1322679)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

My art is my music.

My love of performance dwarfs your political weaknesses and agenda.

Deal with it.

10 Nov 04 - 03:20 PM (#1322686)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,peedeecee

I love dropping in on Mudcat, checking out a thread, and finding Martin Gibson -- he's just so pissy and cranky all the time!

10 Nov 04 - 03:23 PM (#1322688)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

Not really.

Just with certain boneheads who know who they are.

10 Nov 04 - 03:30 PM (#1322694)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,peaceful demonstrator

video of Bush America

Bush as Moses

I don't do pissing contests with morons but I might remind those who don't know I am also a cellist, fiddler and craftsman of fine instruments. But mainly a father of two young boys.

10 Nov 04 - 04:49 PM (#1322756)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

My love of performance dwarfs your political weaknesses and agenda.

Now there's an interesting statement. Yes I agree, my political weaknesses and agenda are not very significant. In fact, I would say that I don't really have any at all. So I'm sure your love of performance does, indeed, dwarf whatever it is I don't have.

10 Nov 04 - 05:10 PM (#1322770)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

Complete and total bullshit on your part, carol C.

No one spends as much time as you do trying to prove a political point they make by digging up every link you can to support their arguements.

You are one of the champions of agenda here.

You need a top hat and cane for your tap dance.

10 Nov 04 - 05:10 PM (#1322771)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bobert

Well, one thing is fir sure. Real Christains are going to have to stand up and expose these Christain wanta-bees for what they are which is a bunch of redneck Old Testament worshipers...

There *is* a New Testamant, you know...

And as an artist and musican, I appreciate Donuel's art...


10 Nov 04 - 05:17 PM (#1322782)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

I'm not a Christian.

What new testament? We've done just fine without it.

You can't beat the original.

And you spelled Christian twice like "Christ stains."

10 Nov 04 - 05:22 PM (#1322788)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Don Firth

Every kid needs a drinking uncle. A drinking uncle may be an embarrassment to the rest of the family, but he's usually the one you can count on to tell you the things you really need to know. Some weeks back, I suddenly remembered something my drinking uncle told me when I was a kid. My drinking uncle said, "Lad, don't ever get into a pissing contest with a skunk."

That's why I don't argue with Martin Gibson anymore.

Don Firth

10 Nov 04 - 05:25 PM (#1322795)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

I don't drink, Don Filth.

apparently you have a problem that I and others of my faith have no use whatsover for the New Testament or for that matter, Jesus Christ in general.

Your silly post gives you away beczause it really got to you enough to make your statement.

10 Nov 04 - 05:31 PM (#1322799)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Greg F.

Skunks all over North America are rising up in protest at being associated with Martin Gibson; the mustelidae have some pride...

An apology would be appropriate.

10 Nov 04 - 05:32 PM (#1322801)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

"BTW, anyone can call themselves an artist with a point of view."

And anyone can be a critic. What we learn from the history of art is that the critics are almost always wrong.

"My love of performance dwarfs your political weaknesses and agenda."

Maybe. But is the perormance itself any good? Lots of exhibitionists love to perform.


10 Nov 04 - 05:32 PM (#1322802)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: PoppaGator

Who would Jesus bomb?

10 Nov 04 - 05:36 PM (#1322804)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,Rising skunk

Damn right it would be appropriate. What have we ever done to deserve such villification? Huh, you didn't know skunks know big words did ya?

10 Nov 04 - 05:36 PM (#1322806)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

"performance." Excuse me.


10 Nov 04 - 05:40 PM (#1322809)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

I think he means he acts like a complete dickhead all the time.

10 Nov 04 - 05:42 PM (#1322812)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Com Seangan

The contributions to this thrtead show what a"civilising" influence religion can be. Peace on earth to all of you - especailly those of good will.

10 Nov 04 - 05:48 PM (#1322816)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

Typical sore losers.

You have no right to criticize without seeing the actual performance. but you do anyway because you are so lame and have no better way to argue than to start name calling on something you know nothing about. I find it quite entertaining.

apologize for what?

for saying what I believe?

Guest, clint Keller, looks like you are doing the biggest squirm.

10 Nov 04 - 05:50 PM (#1322819)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bill D

I still get no animated GIF ...I have Irfanview set to 'play animated GIFs', which says it was ".. the first Windows graphic viewer worlwide with multiple GIF support". It plays many other GIFs...

here is what ACDSee shows me.

My Opera browser shows me this GIF just fine. I have never been able to see one of your animated bits....wish I knew why...

10 Nov 04 - 05:57 PM (#1322827)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

Martin, you don't seem to be able to distinguish between "agenda" and "point of view".

However, on the subject of the election, I am doing my best to try to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, which is my duty as a US citizen.

You, on the other hand, appear to be trying to undermine the Constitution of the United States. Now that's a real agenda, and not just a point of view.

10 Nov 04 - 06:06 PM (#1322832)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

Who would Jesus bomb?

Interesting question. We've got a president who considers himself to be on a messianic mission that involves end-times prophecies.   Doesn't look good for the Middle East.

10 Nov 04 - 06:23 PM (#1322842)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bill D

when you have a conflict between TWO societies, each run according to extremist, absolute religious principles, it is a recipe for ongoing tragedy.

10 Nov 04 - 06:44 PM (#1322854)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Ebbie

MG, I doubt many people here have a problem with your not being christian - there are many religions out there and there is no way I would say that one should prevail over all others. That includes the Jewish faith.

I must say though that I think one's belief in a faith might inspire one to be a good proponent for it. And frankly, you are a horrible example. I dare you to show your posts to your Rabbi. We'll leave your wife out of it; she has my pity.

10 Nov 04 - 06:54 PM (#1322860)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush

Ebbie you spelt rabbit wrong.

10 Nov 04 - 07:18 PM (#1322871)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,Boab

Getting right back to the opening posting ----George Bush wouldn't recognise Jesus Christ if He fell into his lap. Like many another dummy before him--and one or two who are contemporaries--, when he looks in a mirror he sees a messianic figure looking back at him. When a twisted mind gets delusions like this, it becomes a dangerous entity. The fact that it has been placed in a position of civic power is something that should concentrate the minds of all who want a future for the kids of the world.
   Martin G,---please, when you very occasionally manage to present us with more than four lines of print, try to produce something which is better than vitriolic drivel. Or take a leaf from the book of your fellow-Bush-baby, Doug R., and confine yourself to single-line derogation of the opinions of those who genuinely seek decency.

10 Nov 04 - 07:50 PM (#1322899)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: The Fooles Troupe


I used my background downloader to put the image "breadcircus3.gif" on my desktop. Size 1.27Mb. My IrfanView version 3.92 says there are 15 images 256 colours - 500x305 pipxels - and plays it OK - there is a noticeable delay between each image.


10 Nov 04 - 09:48 PM (#1322990)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Don Firth

My deepest apologies to all skunks everywhere.

Don Firth

10 Nov 04 - 10:02 PM (#1323003)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: CarolC

I rebooted my computer, and now I can get into the first link without any difficulty.

10 Nov 04 - 10:17 PM (#1323015)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: dianavan

Some people are so deprived that after spending a lifetime trying to win positive approval they simply give up. For them, negative attention is better than no attention at all.

MG doesn't sound like a very entertaining performer to me.


10 Nov 04 - 10:20 PM (#1323020)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Ebbie

Guest 6:54, this is muic sigh, nto speelin sight.


10 Nov 04 - 10:46 PM (#1323035)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,donuel

nor does one recognize the poet anymore.
In these dark days of deception the truth becomes revolutionary;
and the people who claim goodness put the flame to art, ideas and love.

Good times , End times
As events turn worse
It's too late to learn
If you're breathing the curse
It may be our turn
With sorrow to come
Still the Dark Ages
Were Golden for some

We never call wars

a war anymore.

They are operations.

The careful, skillful,

sterile removal

of infected foreign matter.

We shall call this one


Moment of truth.

Bless the "Father"

the "son"

and their holy roast.


Remember the Maine
Main what?
Remember the Alamo?
I thought you had it!
Remember the Revolution?

If we lived 700 years
instead of 70
Wars would be few
but Veterans day
would be HUGE


every last one
and burn
their ideas
you will find
you're still not done.

what you fear
darkly descends
from the womb
of religion
born again
the son of immortal revenge.


A wish for peace
is like a poem
no one understands
it is a watercolor in the rain

To die for peace
is a delusion
seen clearly by the soldier
on his last ragged breath

To live for peace
is a wish some die for.
That we dream of
while at war

The prayer for peace
is for hypocrites
it is always for "our side"
whoever those killers may be

Realists and idealists
prey upon each other
The certainty of war
verses a hope for peace

The years no nation
has been at war
since 1776
is none

Some distance themselves
from the facts of war
and others pass it down
from weary father to anxious son

The shortest distance
between two points
is a marvelous invention
and its weapon application

Again it is the season
For whatever it is worth
for good will to men and Peace on Earth
Quote the poet honestly

"It Never was, It'll Never be".


The baby's thrilled to walk
Her eyes surprised
with earthly delight.
I melt with pride at her first free flight.
On TV Dick Cheney chokes
"We'll lose more lives here
than those overseas"
I believe he speaks of disease.
A briefing at work today
would make an athiest pray
I am but bare brittle bone
"Hon, can you put her on the phone?"
An age of conquistadors
When tribes were murdered
9 out of 10 from disease
That cold history, now makes me freeze
In sane times the insane mom
would drown a helpless child.
"Sweetie you're fine" I pretend
Could I watch her agony to the end?
Behind lead eyes I keep secret
If she's a victim
And the crime is small pox
Could I end her torture at all costs?
Baby remember when you walked?
Shhh it'll be fine.
Here honey take this, you will sleep.
I'll be next, I'll not have long to weep,


Think of your fellow man
Cut off his thieving hand
Put a lil Allah in your heart
You see it's getting late
Oh please don't hesitate
Put a lil Allah in your heart
And the world will be a bitter place
And the world will be a bitter place
For you and me
You just wait and see

Another day goes by
Circumsized children cry
Put a lil Allah in you heart
If you want the world to know
Just let our jihad grow
Put a lil Allah in your heart
And the world will be a bitter place
And the world will be a bitter place
For you and me
You just wait and see
Wait and see
Take a good look around
And if you're lookin' down
Put a lil Allah in your heart

I hope when you decide
Islam will be your guide
Put a lil Allah in your heart
And the world will be a bitter place
And the world will be a bitter place
For you and me
You just wait and see
Put a lil Allah in your heart


I'd like to build the world a mosque
And furnish it with faith
Bring Africans and Chinamen
And every other race

That's the call I hear
That's the call of Islam
That's the call of Iman
That's the word of God

I'd like to see the world for once
Without a single Jew
Hear an echo through the hills
"Islam Is pure and true"

That's the call I hear
That's the call of Islam
That's the call of Iman
That's the word of God

I'd like to teach the world the truth
And hear them praise their Lord
To work and pray all God dam day
And earn their just reward

That's the call I hear
That's the call of Islam
That's the call of Iman
That's the word of God


Thank heaven for little guerres
For little guerres get bigger every day
Thank goodness for little guerres
They grow up in the most delightful way

Those little lies
So helpless and appealing
One day will flash
And send you crashin' thru the ceilin'

Thank heaven for little guerres
Thank heaven for them all,
No matter where no matter who
For without them, what would little boys do?
Thank heaven...
Thank heaven...
Thank heaven for little wars.


Hypochondriac's heaven

I paid a toll, I got some change, I went to town and bought some stuff and then I took the train I ate a burger, a soda and crap I shouldnt oughta cuz now I got the anthrax and I'm wondrin where its from...

Anthrax is easy if you're startin to sneeze your gonna wonder if you're gonna grow old.

Anthrax is easy cuz its cured with Cipro and not contagious like the uncommon cold.

I went to work, and like a jerk, I used the water fountain and got somthin on my shirt and in a letter, I opened, I really should know better but Ed McMann just said I'd won and now I'm wonderin where its from ...(chorus)

I came home ,I used the phone, I called my doc in quarantine and asked him for some pills and in the bathroom, later, I used some toilet paper and I've got a sore not there before I'm wondrin where its from.(chorus)

I watched the news, took off my shoes, I took a shower for an hour then I went to bed but in my dreams, I screamed , and then woke up Irene and then told her not to breathe the air I don't know where its from

In the morning, I got changed, I went to town and bought some stuff and then I took the train I ate a pizza, eclair, and some stuff that had grown hair, but now I got the anthrax and I'm wondrin where its from...

Anthrax is easy if you're startin to sneeze your gonna wonder if you're gonna grow old.

Anthrax is easy cuz its cured with Cipro and Its everywhere ,,,I'm telling ya they got anthrax every wheeeeere
Thanks to our Fort Dettrick,,,,
they got anthrax,

10 Nov 04 - 10:55 PM (#1323041)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bill D

foolestroupe: hmmmmmmmm!!!??...ok, I gotta figure out what is going on. I will go RE-download it to a different location and look again.

10 Nov 04 - 11:19 PM (#1323057)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Bill D

very strange indeed...105.96KB, current memory size, 149.96KB...1 page/image....

but I have figured out part of it. I have a program..'Proxomitron', which filters lots of web content, and it was set to 'freeze GIF animation', and I guess it allows only the first frame to be downloaded....I cleared that setting, and tried to re-download the file, but couldn't, as it says "file is being written to--choose another name"- a message I have never seen before!.....but with Proxomiton filter turned off, it now works on the web.

So...I have seen it, and Donuel, it is quite effective. Lots of stuff there.

11 Nov 04 - 03:27 PM (#1323643)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

"squirm?" Just pointing out what your narcissistic love of your own performance don't mean.*

After all, you love your Mudcat performances, and they're unpleasant, and intended to be unpleasant. A stench on the screen, to paraphrase Bierce.


*It don't mean shit, in case you have trouble with the American idiom.

11 Nov 04 - 03:47 PM (#1323681)
Subject: RE: BS: God heard speaking to Bush
From: Once Famous

dianavan, and you don't sound like much of any kind of person at all to me. i wouldn't expect you to be at a performance of mine.

I also wouldn't expect myself to use a restroom after you, either.   sheesh.

and guest,Boab try this one liner on. a simple "eat shit." OK?

donuel, don't quit your day job just yet.

do you also work as a mime?