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BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!

19 Nov 04 - 08:42 AM (#1332210)
Subject: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

I heard on the radio this morning that, a council inspector in [I think ] Bradford, visited a muslim owned indian restaraunt, and asked the oner to remove the christmas decorations, as they might cause offence to ethnic minorities.

what bullsit, havent council idiuts got nothing better to do?

PS=I work in an indian take away, we decorate the place every year, [tree, lights etc], never had no complaints from ethnic minorities or anyone else.

19 Nov 04 - 08:45 AM (#1332218)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: kendall

Your government officials have too much authority! No wonder they spawned this rabble called the USA, we got sick of it 230 years ago.

Now we have our own assholes to deal with.

19 Nov 04 - 08:50 AM (#1332225)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: MBSLynne

No jOhn, council idiuts haven't got anything better to do...they have to justify their existence or they might be out of a job!

Love Lynne

19 Nov 04 - 08:52 AM (#1332231)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: GUEST,Blackcatter

Have them say they're Ramadan decorations and it's required in their religion.

19 Nov 04 - 08:59 AM (#1332238)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Strollin' Johnny

So no Christmas decorations in the streets of Bradford's city-centre this year the? Bet there are! They should tell those PC-Pillocks to extract their heads from their own anuses and mind their own business.

19 Nov 04 - 09:00 AM (#1332239)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: MaineDog

Or Solstice decorations?
Or Winter Decorations?
Or simply to cheer those suffering from S.A.D. (lack of seasonal light)?

19 Nov 04 - 09:03 AM (#1332244)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Sttaw Legend

"Christmas Decerations Banned"

When is their next gig?
What instruments do they play?
What style?

19 Nov 04 - 09:07 AM (#1332249)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: MaineDog

Last year my recorder group was banned from a Maine elementary school, a gig we "always " do.   They said it was because the modern Maine curriculum doesn't include early music, but really it was because we always play Silent Night and everyone knows what THAT is --

19 Nov 04 - 09:17 AM (#1332261)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Dave the Gnome

So they should be. Christmas? Bah, humbug! I expect that Cratchet bloke will want an extra lump of coal again and if them f%^&ing ghosts come back they will find out what having a turkey stuffed up their arses is like...

(Christmas) Cheers


19 Nov 04 - 02:02 PM (#1332585)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Michael

Strollin' Johnny - people with their heads up their anuses ARE minding their own business.

19 Nov 04 - 04:14 PM (#1332724)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Cats

Goes with Bodmin Town Council who have banned Punch and Judy!

19 Nov 04 - 04:21 PM (#1332734)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Liz the Squeak

Should someone point out to them that that staple of Christmas decorations ~ the tinsel ~ was invented in India?

I'd be happy to see a ban on decorating the outside of the house with lights and inflatable snowmen and such..... poo, bah, humbuggery......


19 Nov 04 - 05:35 PM (#1332812)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decorations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Well, maybe it's true - but one hell of a lot of those type of stories turn out to evaporate, when examined closely.

I remember there used to be regular stories in the tabloids about Harlow Council banning the Union Jack - and what it would be would be someone trying to stick a monster-sized flag so it flapped across the road and caused a traffic hazard, or something like that.

Meanwhile, every day of the year the council would have a Union Jack flying in the main square in the town centre, but that never got a mention in the stories.

19 Nov 04 - 06:23 PM (#1332877)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: GUEST,jacqui.c

Sounds a bit like Birmingham City council changing Christmas to the Winter Holiday or something so's not to offend their ethnics.

19 Nov 04 - 06:45 PM (#1332895)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

And that was another one which wasn't actually true, I believe.

19 Nov 04 - 07:45 PM (#1332958)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Sorcha

Well, religious decorations...creches, etc, have been banned on Gubmint property here for years.....Me, I'm all for it...since I ain't a Christian....the Jesus thing does seriously offend me. Trees, lights, snowmen, no....

19 Nov 04 - 08:09 PM (#1332977)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Peace

Unless it's in breach of a law, tell 'im to fuck off.

19 Nov 04 - 08:11 PM (#1332978)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Peace

Even better, tell 'im they are NOT Christmas decorations. Wot's 'e gonna do? Tell you they are?

19 Nov 04 - 08:52 PM (#1333012)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

We like to hang things from the ceiling sometimes. "I see you've got your Christmas Decorations up early" said the gasman. We hadn't.

"Multicultural" is supposed to mean celebrating all our cultures, not getting rid of them. More celebrations the better.

I've never heard that Muslims have any worries about Christmas anyway - the Koran has a version of the story, and Jesus is reckoned as a major prophet, second only to Mohammed.

19 Nov 04 - 09:04 PM (#1333024)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Big Al Whittle

Bodmin banned Punch and judy? What was that about?

20 Nov 04 - 01:00 PM (#1333701)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Megan L

It offends me that people who do not believe in Christ expect Christmass presents :)

20 Nov 04 - 01:09 PM (#1333715)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!

It offends me that Christians took over a perfectly good pagan holiday, filled it full of their own mythology, and then objected to the originators of the feast practicing it their own way.

20 Nov 04 - 04:46 PM (#1333887)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Eric the Viking

Bloody well said Sinsull!

20 Nov 04 - 05:01 PM (#1333901)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Season of goodwill", please!

12 May 08 - 01:36 PM (#2338500)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: GUEST,Edgey

what aload of bollocks!! no other religion has the right to ban a christian celebration in a fuckin christian country!! thats the most ludacris thing i have ever heard!! expect to see me and a few others down in bradford with decorations and singin good old christmas songs this year!!!!

12 May 08 - 01:44 PM (#2338511)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Donuel

I think Christmas lacerations should be banned.

12 May 08 - 04:33 PM (#2338664)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Anne Lister

They're known in our family as Christmas desecrations, because of a young nephew's mistaken use of language ... works for us ...Anne

12 May 08 - 06:29 PM (#2338752)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

"what a load of bollocks!"

Yes, it was indeed. You really shouldn't swallow all the crap you read in the crap papers, Edgey.

12 May 08 - 06:34 PM (#2338759)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Little Hawk

Plenty of things offend me. That doesn't mean I think they should be banned or leglislated out of existence by some stupid town council that is trying to prove how politically correct it is. I don't expect to live in a town or a society which has nothing in it that offends me! Nor should anyone else expect to.

Everything offends somebody. So if you were to ban everything, then what?

12 May 08 - 06:49 PM (#2338774)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: artbrooks

Anyone see a real reason to revive a thread that was argued to a well-deserved death four years ago?

12 May 08 - 06:53 PM (#2338776)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Amos




12 May 08 - 07:02 PM (#2338785)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Melissa

Popping up old threads is just part of early browsing/exploring mudcat. I've seen some scathing comments on the subject, but I really don't understand why anybody would be bothered enough to feel like negative input was necessary.
I can't imagine why it matters.

LH, if all potentially offensive things were banned, activists and ranters would implode!

12 May 08 - 07:35 PM (#2338814)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: McGrath of Harlow

Opening up an old thread when there has been some subsequent development, or when there's a new angle on a discussion, can be an excellent thing.    It gets a little bit irritating in cases when the person reopening the thread clearly hasn't bothered to read it, and has nothing new to say.

13 May 08 - 04:22 AM (#2339023)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Geoff the Duck

I can't understand why he would want to put up christmas decorations in the middle of May?

13 May 08 - 04:37 AM (#2339037)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Rasener

I wish Mudcat would ban all guests as they invariably offend the members of Mudcat.

Now where is that Town Councillor when he is needed.

13 May 08 - 08:42 AM (#2339177)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Geoff the Duck

There's plenty of Mudcaters who also offend people, but at least we have some idea who or what they are and can avoid if necessary.

14 May 08 - 06:12 AM (#2340090)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: GUEST,Sapper on TRU near Scunthorpe

The Villan
Date: 13 May 08 - 04:37 AM

I wish Mudcat would ban all guests as they invariably offend the members of Mudcat.

Now where is that Town Councillor when he is needed.


So what the hell do I do when I'm meandering about the country?

14 May 08 - 08:26 AM (#2340160)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Decerations Banned!
From: Donuel

roast beast works for us as well.

as for banning, excluding or otherwise banishing people's words that you alone (who could be a finer judge?) find offensive...

I propose we use the PMT thread filter. otherwise known as the Protestant Milk Toast web filter.

comments such as "up yours fish face", come out "nice weather I am having today".

In most cases word substitution is the primary function: evolution becomes creation etc. but for truely viscious comments the transformation could be total and profound.

For example "what we need is a new creation of what is sacred now that we have found that things do happen in our universe at the quantum and macro scales that defy all known laws of physics, we need an understanding of an all natural God and not a supernatural exclusive god."

becomes... "lambs of mercy sakes, what do you suppose is his problem, Satan?".

check out the PMT filter and buy one for mudcat that can be used exclusively on the BS section. ITs not cheap. They want 10% of your income per week but you might find a pirated copy for less elsewhere.