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BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?

23 Nov 04 - 03:15 PM (#1336734)
Subject: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Just read 'Lirael' in 2 days and thought it was wonderful! I know it is the middle one and I should have read Sabriel first but from what I understand Sabriel is pretty stand alone anyway. I am going buying it and the last one, Abhorsen, tomorrow.

Anyone else read them? Views?

And should I continue the story, reading Abhorsen next, or should I go back a step and read Sabriel?

Decisions, decisions...


Dave the Gnome

23 Nov 04 - 03:56 PM (#1336777)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

I like some of the things Garth Brooks has done, but not all.

23 Nov 04 - 03:59 PM (#1336783)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: GUEST,Charmion at work

Ignore that man, Dave the gnome, and read "Sabriel" before finishing with "Abhorsen".

23 Nov 04 - 04:06 PM (#1336792)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous


23 Nov 04 - 05:20 PM (#1336899)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Thanks Charmion - I'll take your advice.

You know, Martin - You are getting too predictable but keep up the good work and bad jokes;-) What was the last bit from btw? (Man behind the curtain) Is it a film scene? Seems to ring a bell.

(No Garth Nix pun intended to those in the know!)



23 Nov 04 - 06:02 PM (#1336949)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

It's from the classic 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz" Dave

23 Nov 04 - 07:03 PM (#1337024)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Of Course! I knew I knew it from somewhere!

Thanks Martin


23 Nov 04 - 07:30 PM (#1337048)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: GUEST,sandra in sydney @ work

I borrowed 'Sabriel' from the library & loved it so, bought it & the rest of the series, and I don't buy many books due to lack of places to fit them in my very crowded apartment.

I borrowed another book of his (can't remember it's title) & took it right back to the library after reading a bit of page 1, and have also read the blurbs of others & not borroweed them.


24 Nov 04 - 01:42 AM (#1337309)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: JennieG

They are very popular books at the girls' high school where I work. We have few copies of the trilogy which are always out on loan, and he has started another series - "Mr Monday", "Grim Tuesday" are out so far.


24 Nov 04 - 02:43 AM (#1337323)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Ellenpoly

Do go back and read Sabriel before going on to Abhorsen. I think it will lend more to the last book, and also make sense of some of the things that happened in the second.

I loved these books, especially the second one you just read. What a wonderful imagination Nix has!

I've skimmed the Mister Monday, Grim Tuesday...etc series, but they didn't catch me the way the other books did. Perhaps because I wasn't as caught up with the protagonists.

If you want to read some other books of this calibre, check out Peter Dickinson's "The Ropemaker" and " Tears of the Salamander", and also books by Diana Wynne Jones "The Year of the Griffin" and "The Merlin Conspiracy."

Again, these are considered "children's books" but who's kidding who? They are just wondeful pieces of literature...and I'm assuming you've read the "His Dark Materials" series by Phillip Pullman? Not to be missed!


24 Nov 04 - 04:50 AM (#1337392)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

I have indeed read Mr Pullman - I enjoyed them but thought that the first was far better than the others. Felt he ran out of steam a little and started to go a bit downhill with the ideas. Loved the Dutch/East Anglian Gypsies though. I intend looking up things to do with the Dutch in the Broads.



24 Nov 04 - 08:27 AM (#1337544)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: A Wandering Minstrel

You should definitely read Sabriel first. I predict that remembering the names of the seven bells will become one of those memory challenges like the seven dwarves, the nine wizards and wonders of the ancient world

The disreputable dog is on of the more inventive literary characters I've encountered.

24 Nov 04 - 08:55 AM (#1337569)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Been and bought 'em:-) Start on Sabriel tonight I think.

Disreputable dog is good and so is Mogget - Nice to see something there for dog and cat lovers! Mr Nix certainly knows hos marketing if nothing else;-)



24 Nov 04 - 10:07 AM (#1337617)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

Did you sa Mogget or maggot?

24 Nov 04 - 10:19 AM (#1337624)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Midchuck

Read Sabriel; got most of the way through Lirael and bogged down near the end. I'll get back to it.

How did the damn Ozzies take over sci-fi/fantasy all of a sudden, anyhow? You got this guy; you got McMullen's Greatwinter trilogy and his new fantasy series; and I just read a great alternate-history WWII thing by a guy named Birmingham, called "Choice of Weapons," which is evidently the start of a new series. Am I going to have to emigrate in order to get access to good reading?


24 Nov 04 - 10:24 AM (#1337635)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

Ozzie from Ozzie and Harriet?

24 Nov 04 - 04:05 PM (#1338028)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Could be Ozzie Osbourne - He has always been far out enough to be classed as sci fi and fantasy...


25 Nov 04 - 01:18 AM (#1338464)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: JennieG

Another popular writer at work is Juliet Marrillier - a Kiwi who now lives in Oz, in Western Australia. She wrote the Sevenoaks trilogy, and we also have Wolfskin and Foxmask.


26 Nov 04 - 12:00 PM (#1339785)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: GUEST,Jupiter Knight


26 Nov 04 - 03:01 PM (#1339935)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

I hat them. They suck.

26 Nov 04 - 03:08 PM (#1339942)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

I like hats! And have never sucked one...


26 Nov 04 - 07:39 PM (#1340124)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Once Famous

sheeeee-itttt, Dave. Want to buy an "e?"

26 Nov 04 - 07:49 PM (#1340134)
Subject: RE: BS: Any Garth Nix fans out there?
From: Dave the Gnome

Just finished Sabriel - This stuff is good. Where did that Nix bloke get his imagination?
