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BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs

29 Nov 04 - 02:45 AM (#1341728)
Subject: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Shanghaiceltic

I cannot believe that Jimmy T missed this.......

Have to be carefull you're not wearing the thong whilst charging, especially if you get pulled over by the police.

M-B-A student develops glow-in-the-dark thong

A Texas M-B-A student was designing a glow-in-the-dark jogging suit when he got distracted.

Now Beau Carpenter is marketing a neon thong that's so far attracted eager customers at a strip club. The Houston Chronicle reports that Carpenter had no trouble enlisting help in his venture from a chemistry lab manager and electrical engineering student.

The GloThongs have batteries that, when fully charged, illuminate the straps for two hours in various neon colors. Customers can use a wall adapter to charge them up, but car chargers are also available.

They'll be available next month and cost about 50 dollars.

29 Nov 04 - 02:46 AM (#1341730)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: chris nightbird childs

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! no... really.

29 Nov 04 - 07:11 AM (#1341885)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: freda underhill

thith callth for a thong challenge..

29 Nov 04 - 08:13 AM (#1341911)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Micca

"Thing a Thong of Thunshine
let the lines fall where the may
Thing a Thong of Thunshine
in the most fantastic way
life is never perfect
but it isnt always wrong
so the only thing to do
is wear a New Glo Thong"

29 Nov 04 - 08:20 AM (#1341918)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: freda underhill

In australia, thongs are what you wear on your feet in summer. here's a tragic thing song from the great ......peter willey!

Inside Thongs - Peter Willey

Verse 1:
I've seen trouble in my life
I've three kids and a wife
A house to fix and edges to maintain
I've put kids on the potty
The carpet there is spotty
And I know which kid caused each and every stain

Verse 2:
I've lived through two world wars
And the one against the Boers
And of pain, my knees have given me my share
Sometimes when things got tough
You'd think it was enough
To hasten the degrading of my hair
But, there is something you should know
That many years ago
I did something that made me sick inside
When I think of it, I wince
And I've regretted ever since
The day I wore my inside thongs outside

Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.

Verse 3:
T'was a fine & sunny morn
And outside on the lawn
My kids were playing in the bright sunshine
I said to Jude, "Bye bye,
To the backyard I must fly
To hang these plastic bags on the line."
In my haste I'd forgot
To check which thongs I'd got
To put on to foil the bindi-eyes
I'd stepped into a pair
That lay innocently there
Inside-thongs in outside-thong disguise

Inside thongs - outside,
Inside-thongs in outside-thong disguise
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.

Verse 4:
I cannot help it if
My skin is sensitive
And coarsely woven fabrics I can't bear
And I can feel the snag
From that sharpish nylon tag
They sew into my Target underwear
It gets me quite upset
If the get my bathmat wet
Cos' that is not what God made bathmats for
But the strife wet bathmats give
Is nothing compared with
The pain of mixing thong types at the door

Inside thongs - outside,
Don't get your thong types mixed up at the door
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.

Last Verse:
But now I'm getting old
And my feet are always cold
There's only one thing that I can't abide
Is that when I'm in a hurry
I'll cause myself some worry
I'll go and wear my inside thongs outside
Now I visit my sons
And my daughter just for fun
And you know the thing that fills my heart with pride
Is to see on the floor
Next to each back door
A special pair of thongs just for outside

Chorus: (twice)
Inside thongs - outside,
A special pair of thongs just for outside
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.
Inside thongs - outside,
The day I wore my inside thongs outside.
© Peter Willey - 1992

29 Nov 04 - 08:49 AM (#1341946)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Rapparee

Shine little glow-thong, glimmer, glimmer
Shine little glow-thong, glimmer, glimmer
Show us where our minds do wander
Love's sweet glow is glowing yonder
Shine little glow-thong, glimmer, glimmer
Hey there, don't get dimmer, dimmer
Light the stuff below, above
And lead us on to...WHOA!

29 Nov 04 - 11:37 AM (#1342159)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: John MacKenzie

If you've got to glow you've got to glow. I've never seen a girl fitted with a fanlight before. Is that a glow in your underwear, or are you just pleased to see me?
Giok [I'll get me glocoat]

29 Nov 04 - 12:03 PM (#1342184)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: JennyO

As freda was saying - in our part of the world, the thong is a piece of casual footwear, worn by many Aussies - a national icon, in fact!

And here is everything you ever wanted to know about the Aussie thong

And here is a poem, by another one of our Aussie icons, Blue the Shearer:

The Thong - By Col Wilson ('BLUE THE SHEARER')

Let's talk about the Icons that are worshipped by us Aussies.
Akubra hats, the Opera House, meat pies and swimming Cossie's.
Some would say our Icon is that famous waltzing song,
I reckon that it's something else. I reckon it's the thong.

I've thought a thousand thoughts of thongs, and I think that the thong,
Is more an Aussie Icon, than the swagman's billabong.
Just as real men don't eat quiche, the dinkum Aussie male,
Will wear his dinkum Aussie thong, come rain, or sleet, or hail.

You can keep your Nikes and Reeboks. It's the thong that should be put,
With Aussie pride and dignity, on every Aussie foot.
I'm going to start a business. Like Bond, I can't go wrong,
I'll market it throughout the world, as Blue's designer thong.

A thong for each occasion. It's just sound commonsense
To make a tough, all purpose thong, to wear to all events.
Simple, sturdy, comfortable, my Blue's designer thong,
Will let the foot breathe evenly, and dissipate the pong.

It's good for killing blowflies on the barbecue or stove,
And it's great for crushing garlic. Just belt it on the clove,
And wipe the garlic laden thong on chicken, beef, or pork,
Inhale the pure aroma of that garlic when you walk.

A thong for early evening, to wear with hipster tights,
I can see the Jingle in my mind, as though it were in lights.
Just a thong at twilight, when the tights are low.
With a string of diamantes, 'twined artistic around each toe.

A thong to wear to worship. I'd call it even thong.
The strap is very holy, and the soul, so very strong.
A thong to wear to football, to cricket, or the shops,
To shearing sheds, to factories. Steel capped thongs for cops.

I'd move away from footwear, create a new design,
For a chocolate coated thong, to give my valentine,
And way into the future, when the years have moved along,
She will show her grandkids, love's old sweet thong.

And when we go republic, and we're looking for a song
To celebrate our Icon, let's hear it for the thong.
Forget Waltzing Matilda, Advance Australia Fair,
A brand new National Anthem will be wafting through the air:

God save our gracious thong.
Make our feet safe and strong,
And free from pong.
Wear them instead of shoes,
To pubs and barbecues.
Health, happiness to all of youse,
God save our thong.

29 Nov 04 - 01:33 PM (#1342271)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: John MacKenzie


29 Nov 04 - 01:44 PM (#1342279)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Rapparee

In the US, the end of every train is now indicated by a bright red light called (officially) an End-Of-Train Indicator. Unofficially, it's called a FRED -- for F*****g Rear End Device (and no, the word is not "flashing"; one of the guys who worked to create it told me what it means).

Would such a thong be a FFED -- or F*****g Front End Device? Will you be able to glimpse the light between the...nevermind. Forget I mentioned it.

29 Nov 04 - 06:09 PM (#1342499)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Liz the Squeak

Wee Willy Winker running through the town,
Upstairs and downstairs, he's flashing all around.
Shouting at the windows and calling through the locks
'Come and get your neon thongs to wrap around your cocks!

Sorry, it's late and I had a long day.

Jimmy, I'm sure we could work on the franchise for the UK..... we may have to change the names though.... Glo-nads and Gladbags is catchy but then so is the Clap.


29 Nov 04 - 06:21 PM (#1342522)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

Liz, I am working on two or three new things, Plutonium Hemmorhoid cream, Exploding condoms (gag gift) but this is still in litigation, and a floral scented thong but my R and D girls quit their jobs after an unfortunate African Bee incident that I had no control over.

I do think the Glow idea is nice but damned if the battery installation isn't a bit tricky. (Oaklet is the only one who insists on changing his own batteries and he also wants D cells)

I think a lightening bug, faint on and off biolumenescence is a lot more intimate though!

29 Nov 04 - 06:45 PM (#1342555)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Liz the Squeak

Durex have the market on luminescent condoms... presumably so you can see where it is when the lights go out. I think crotchless panties with an arrow pointing down and the words 'in here, stupid' would be a bigger seller....

Personally, I think the sight of a luminous willy wafting around the bedroom would put the mood right out........


29 Nov 04 - 07:05 PM (#1342579)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Emma B

the trouble with those glow necklaces etc is that you have to "crack" them first and I'm not sure I can clench that hard!

29 Nov 04 - 08:10 PM (#1342639)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

You can, Emma, you can.

30 Nov 04 - 01:24 AM (#1342895)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace

"you have to "crack" them first and I'm not sure I can clench that hard!"

jimmyt tried that on the contents of his glowing thong and indeed the scream could be heard all the way to Canada. You can do that too, Emma. (May have to pet him first . . . .)

30 Nov 04 - 02:29 AM (#1342919)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: open mike hp/content/gen/ap/TX_GloThong.html

30 Nov 04 - 04:51 AM (#1342979)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: John MacKenzie

LtS I'm a bit worried by the crotchless panties idea, only because some girls are so dim that they need to have C&A on their knickers so's they know which way round to put them on. They could end up in the poop if they got that wrong!
Does this mean that 'the man in the boat' will at last be able to see where he's going?
Tripping the light fannytastic up here in Scotland

30 Nov 04 - 07:34 PM (#1343778)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Liz the Squeak

The man in the boat? Now I'm confused!

What's the difference between a golf ball and a G spot?

Men will actually go and look for a golf ball...


30 Nov 04 - 07:35 PM (#1343780)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace

Yeah. And what's yer point, Liz?

30 Nov 04 - 07:42 PM (#1343791)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Can i have some glow in the dark nipple tassles? *whooosh, whooosh, whooosh!*

30 Nov 04 - 08:33 PM (#1343822)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

I had some prototypes of the tassles, Blissfully, Ignorant, but I have sent them to Liz to try them out. She says they are smashing!

30 Nov 04 - 08:35 PM (#1343825)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace


30 Nov 04 - 09:57 PM (#1343880)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: artbrooks

Now, in the states we call those things thongs, and have since long before the name was stolen for underwear that isn't quite there. Depending on the part of the country, they are also often called "flip-flops," after the sound they make when you walk in them. Maybe that name would be better used for the undies...especially Jimmy's.....

30 Nov 04 - 10:13 PM (#1343902)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Rapparee

How's about glow in the dark codpieces? Nothing fancy, perhaps with glow in the dark pinstripes or something...

30 Nov 04 - 10:40 PM (#1343924)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Shanghaiceltic

So long as they are not animated glow in the dark codpieces, might get arrested for something! And they might scare the cats!

30 Nov 04 - 11:10 PM (#1343950)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Blissfully Ignorant

There's a thought...i don't want the cats pouncing on my nipple tassles...can they be puss-proofed?

01 Dec 04 - 12:01 AM (#1343984)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: chris nightbird childs

HAHAHAHAHA! No comment, Bliss...

01 Dec 04 - 07:04 PM (#1344862)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Liz the Squeak

As Executive Tassle Tester, I can safely say that no, you do not want a cat pouncing anywhere near there. The only way they can be safely Pussy proofed, is if you only wear them on your top half.

They have been risk assessed, tested by a Canadian firm, investigated vigourously, chemically enhanced and looked by the cat. They passed with flying colours expect the Cat scan and the Lab test.

Do not use whilst driving, may contain nuts.


01 Dec 04 - 10:22 PM (#1345020)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace

"They have been risk assessed, tested by a Canadian firm, . . . ."

Shouldn't that read, "They have been risk assessed, tested by a firm Canadian,"?

01 Dec 04 - 11:00 PM (#1345035)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Rapparee

No, no, no, LtS. The codpieces contain the nuts!

01 Dec 04 - 11:20 PM (#1345054)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace

That would be a job that's easy to handle, IMO.

02 Dec 04 - 08:29 PM (#1345886)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

I have been very busy at work today and I feel the whole thong business slipping out of my grasp...Sort of like when the missus was hanging off a cliff and I only was saving her by a grasp of her unmentionables. ALthough as I remember it that was more of a support garment than a thong.   but nevermind Have I mentioned how much I think the new trend may very well be gerter belts? Who among us(males only) does not like the whole concept of nylons held in place by a garter belt? Rather than those horrible panty hose you ladies have been forced to wear?

02 Dec 04 - 08:58 PM (#1345902)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: frogprince

Darn right, Jimmy; pantyhose are too much like trying to get the shrink wrap off a CD.

02 Dec 04 - 09:36 PM (#1345921)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

I am convinced that many if not all the problems we are experiencing in the world today are directly related to panty hose.

03 Dec 04 - 01:55 AM (#1346025)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Peace

I stopped wearing pantyhose. Itches like hell. A guy's gotta draw the line somewhere.

03 Dec 04 - 08:25 AM (#1346236)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: jimmyt

besides, Brucie, I am sure with al those yeast infections, your gynecologist suggested it to you.

03 Dec 04 - 10:34 AM (#1346368)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: Rapparee

"I'm sorry my dear, but if I'd known you were virgin I would have taken more time."
"If I'd known you'd had more time I'd have taken off my pantyhose."

03 Dec 04 - 11:51 AM (#1346461)
Subject: RE: BS: Jimmy T beaten to it......glow thongs
From: John MacKenzie

Made her toes curl though didn't it?