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BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???

11 Dec 04 - 08:24 AM (#1353892)
Subject: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Member Number6 was surprised to find out that I am from his native New Brunswick. Since I haven't been around much for close to a year, I thought a shout out to other Atlantic Canada Catters might be interesting. Who's still around ? new ?


11 Dec 04 - 10:43 AM (#1353961)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: GUEST,kendall

Bernie Houlahan still lurks in Moncton

11 Dec 04 - 11:09 AM (#1353984)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Yeah, Bernie's one of the Cats that seldom post but still use the Cafe as a resource.

11 Dec 04 - 11:23 AM (#1353996)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???

Which is perfectly legal and proper.

11 Dec 04 - 12:17 PM (#1354028)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

ToulouseCruise is in Moncton.

11 Dec 04 - 12:55 PM (#1354062)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Sorcha

George Seto, NB somewhere....

12 Dec 04 - 02:14 AM (#1354525)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: beetle cat

Im in newfoundland!!

Any other MUN catters?????

12 Dec 04 - 04:57 AM (#1354564)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: George Papavgeris

Dan McKinnon is in Halifax. Not a permanent catter, bue comes in a sGUEST occasionally

12 Dec 04 - 07:52 AM (#1354617)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: GUEST,Sandy McLean (lost cookie)

Greetings from Cape Breton!

12 Dec 04 - 12:17 PM (#1354762)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

Great hearing this. We must let the rest of the world know we exist.

12 Dec 04 - 04:28 PM (#1354920)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

Hey beetle cat. My husband, the Mudcatter who uses the screen name 'Jack the Sailor', is from Bay Roberts (but we live in the US right now). Are you in St. John's? Welcome to the Mudcat, by the way.

12 Dec 04 - 04:36 PM (#1354929)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

( ...forgot to mention that JtS is an MUN alumnus)

12 Dec 04 - 06:20 PM (#1355033)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: skarpi

Halló all, did not the Icelanders ones come to Newfoundland
In the past??? so I´ll just be a guest hahahahah No it is
good know so many catters there I might come there by someday
I am flying around these days , Dublin, Kobenhavn, N-Ireland,
and Baltimore In next October Getaway hmmmmm why not Halifax on
the way back home visit my friends The McGinty´s band In Halifax.
It coult be nice.
All the best from Iceland Skarpi.

12 Dec 04 - 06:23 PM (#1355035)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

Don't miss Halifax ... you'll like it!

12 Dec 04 - 06:41 PM (#1355052)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: GUEST,Sandy Mclean (lost cookie)

   If you are in this part of the world in October you may want to check out Cape Breton's Celtic Colour festival. McGinty will probably be playing there, or at least John Fergusson for sure.

12 Dec 04 - 09:27 PM (#1355188)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: beetle cat

Yep, St. John's. Im from NY actually. But I feel enough at home here, and Im here for at least 4 years.   May I ask, what did Jack The Sailor study?

12 Dec 04 - 11:07 PM (#1355242)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

He got his degree in Business/Marketing. Do you mind if I ask what you are studying?

I have yet to make my first trip to Nfld. since marrying JtS, but I have spent many hours with his family and some other Newfoundlanders, and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm really looking forward to my first trip up there.

12 Dec 04 - 11:17 PM (#1355250)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: beetle cat

Oh good, yeah I have some friends in the Business program. Exams this week. Im studying Folklore, but I'm just in first year now.   Its a wonderful place, made that way by the people who live here.
Hope to see you soon! Come to the Ship on a Wednesday if you are in St John's.

13 Dec 04 - 02:11 AM (#1355325)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

When I told JtS about you, he guessed you were in the Folklore program. Makes sense if you're from the US studying at MUN, and also a Mudcatter. I can understand the desire to study there. Newfoundland culture is among the most fascinating I've ever encountered. I used to listen to the fisheries report on CBC radio (online) out of St. John's just to hear all of the different accents of the people who called in to the show.

We probably won't be making the trip up until next summer at the earliest. We're not too keen on making the ferry crossing during the winter months. But we'll definitely try to make it to the Ship on a Wednesday when we do get there.

There are some Mudcatters in Newfoundland... at least two that I know of. Frank Maher is one (he's an accordionist, and I think he's in St. Johns), and the other goes by the screen name of Vinland. And Kevin Blackmore of Buddy Wasisname and the Other Fellers posted here a couple of times, but he's not a Mudcatter as far as I know.

13 Dec 04 - 05:34 AM (#1355433)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Not during the winter ? My maid, the gentle sound of the Gulf ice grinding against the hull, the lullsome side to side rocking, the soothing vibrations when the bulbous bow bounces on a rogue wave, the screams of small children through the paper-thin walls in the sleeping quarters, the excitement of not knowing how long you'll be held off port due to the majesty of the dark and cold North Atlantic Ocean... I could go on but I don't want to brag it up too much lest some Catters sail and miss out because of good weather.

Seriously, the MV Caribou and it's sister, the MV Joeseph & Clara Smallwood are world class ice breaking ferries with excellent safety records and sailing procedures. I never once felt jittery and I crossed many times in all seasons during my seven years employed with Marine Atlantic. (Bring your own bottle in case they have to close the bar.)

13 Dec 04 - 09:30 AM (#1355537)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Den

I'm in Halifax too.

13 Dec 04 - 12:24 PM (#1355705)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: CarolC

Thanks Gnu. (Nice description, by the way.) It's the rough waters we're not keen on experiencing. Well... that I'm not keen on experiencing. I get motion sickness very easily. But we'd rather go in the summertime anyway. More daylight and less snow.

13 Dec 04 - 03:55 PM (#1355880)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Hey CarolC, thanks for mentioning me... just saw this thread today.....


13 Dec 04 - 05:29 PM (#1355984)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: TS

From New Sask now...also a MUN Alumnus

13 Dec 04 - 05:41 PM (#1355994)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Here's a different part on the same theme... any of the Atlantic Catters planning on going to any big festivals or such? I for one will be attending the Stan Rogers Festival in Pictou NS the first weekend of July....


13 Dec 04 - 06:43 PM (#1356046)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: GUEST,Sandy McLean (lost cookie)

Brian, I think that should be Canso, not Pictou.

13 Dec 04 - 09:12 PM (#1356146)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: mg

I'm MUN too..but just short of being an my everlasting regret I was unable to finish a master's in physiological psychology there..have a couple of worthless M.Ed.s though from elsewhere. mg

14 Dec 04 - 12:12 AM (#1356230)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

Hey Brian .... will be attending the County Bluegrass festival in Maine in July.

14 Dec 04 - 08:12 AM (#1356473)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

#6 -- that will be one I won't be in for.. not much of a bluegrass fan. I favor towards the Celtic/Maritime stuff...

Sandy -- you are very correct on that, my mistake. It runs from July 1-3rd this year, so I will have to figure out if I am going to do my usual July 1st show or not... probably will and just go up on the 2nd...


14 Dec 04 - 11:05 AM (#1356650)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: TS

Ahh..Stanfest...I still marvel at the pictures taken of me from last year...there's no way that was me!!...evidence shmevidence!..Slainte!

22 Dec 04 - 03:15 PM (#1363441)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Now, I know there's more. Am I remiss in recalling that Hollow Fox is from Miramichi ? I could try to name others but I AM going by my memory here... the only way I can remember what I had for breakfast yesterday is that I have tea and cigarettes every morning. My memory is like a steel trap - rusted open!

Anyway, I am THOROUGHLY PISSED OFF. Tommy Makem, one of my my all-time favourites, is playing at the Capitol Theatre tonight and I can't go. Can't wait for my cousin to phone me and tell me what a show I missed... grrrrr!

23 Dec 04 - 10:39 AM (#1364108)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

gnu... you never actually mentioned where in the Maritimes you are!

23 Dec 04 - 10:50 AM (#1364118)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu


04 Jan 05 - 12:32 PM (#1371012)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

So am I, gnu... do you attend any local music nights?


04 Jan 05 - 01:27 PM (#1371058)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Nope. Arthritis has weakened the middle and ring finger of my left hand so I don't have enough strength to play guitar, a ganglion on my right wrist has curatiled my Bodhran playing severely, and polyp removal from my vocal chords has reduced me to singing in the shower. As for going out on the town, I am presently unemployed due to an unfortunate business venture failure... know anyone looking for a civil / project engineer ?

04 Jan 05 - 07:53 PM (#1371538)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

I certainly know Saint John could really use some civil engineers gnu. This old city's falling apart.

05 Jan 05 - 05:18 AM (#1371825)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

And it's such a beautiful city. I did a two hour tour by taxi once. Told the driver I wanted to see architecture - churches, old buildings, etc. Excellent !

05 Jan 05 - 07:47 AM (#1371902)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Marion

Hi Beetle Cat. I'm applying to MUN for this fall, in nursing. The advanced-standing option is both in St. John's and in Corner Brook, so who knows, I may even end up in Corner Brook. MUN's my second choice, though. My third choice is UNB (Fredericton), and my fifth choice is Dalhousie (Halifax), so odds are good that I'll end up an honourary Maritimer again.

(Previous credentials: I spent 14 months in Whycocomagh, Cape Breton, and 2 months in Kingston, NS, and have travelled a bit in PEI and NB.)

Marion, upper Canadian

05 Jan 05 - 08:49 AM (#1371945)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Charley Noble

I believe "George Seto" is actually resident in Halifax. There should be a few more Mudcatters in the vicinity, also connected with that wonderful Folk Harbour Festival down the coast in Lunenburg, NS.

Charley Noble, in Maine but willing to secede from the red states

05 Jan 05 - 01:02 PM (#1372192)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Gnu... wow... glad to see you are still able to type!

Well, if you are ever bored enough to hit the town anyways, you could always come and make fun of my duo... Toulouse Cruise... playing this Friday night at Cheers in Moncton, actually.. Amherst NS next weekend...


05 Jan 05 - 06:59 PM (#1372538)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

Gnu - Saint JOhn has some of the most amazing architecture in Canada (next to Quebec city). What is even more amazing is the woodwork inside these buildings. Craft from a bygone age. It's too bad most Saint Johners don't appreciate what they have here in a city. City council is also guilty of letting this piece of history completely crumble with neglect. We moved here 6 years ago and I still walk around in awe of these houses, buildings and churches.

06 Jan 05 - 01:17 PM (#1372890)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Charley Noble

And the lovely tenting park in St. John above the railway yard! What a lovely way to wake up in the middle of the night, if you were not expecting train whistles!

Charley Noble

07 Jan 05 - 02:03 PM (#1373848)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

I've never made fun of you guys. I've seen you guys several times and enjoyed it very much. Ah, Cheers... I should be a major shareholder, even though I haven't been there for a dog's age. What time do you start ?

07 Jan 05 - 02:09 PM (#1373854)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

We are on at 9pm, Gnu... didn't realize you had been to our shows before. Make sure you say hello, and we'll raise a glass !


08 Jan 05 - 02:12 PM (#1374580)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Beer

Born on P.E.I, Restless years in N.S.
Now on the outskirts of Montreal. Wonder if there are any Catters around here from downeast/

09 Jan 05 - 01:00 PM (#1375118)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Montreal... my sympathies. Although I did enjoy St. Catherine's Street when I was a lad.

09 Jan 05 - 07:34 PM (#1375448)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Willie-O

My mom's from Saint John (note to the puzzled and Charley Noble, Saint John, New Brunswick is always spelled out to differentiate it from St. John's Newfoundland), still have some family there and I get there far too seldom. But next summer for sure. Now that's a city with salt and character.

Marion, that's DEFinitely what you need, another degree. You poor undereducated catter you. ;)=


12 Jan 05 - 01:46 PM (#1377497)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: Marion

Thanks, Willie-O, I'm glad somebody else recognizes how sensible this is. And this time I'm going to get a degree that actually qualifies me to do something!

At this point I think UNB is more likely than Memorial after all... so what do we think about Fredericton? I've spent 20 minutes there on four occasions, but that's just not enough to get much of a feel for the town.


13 Jan 05 - 11:35 AM (#1378072)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Shameless self promotion time...

Well, Maritimers, if you are in the Amherst area on Friday the 14th, Toulouse Cruise is playing at Duncan's Pub on Victoria St...


13 Jan 05 - 09:56 PM (#1378694)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

So when are you coming down to Saint John Brian?


14 Jan 05 - 10:33 AM (#1378900)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Numero Six...

Not sure on that one... Looks like we have a Fredericton show in March -- at least I am hoping to confirm this within the next couple of days.

There were a couple of spots we were looking into for SJ, but where we are just a VERY basic duo, it seemed like the spots that were most intruiging were also ones looking for either bigger shows, or were too small to make it worthwhile for the trip financially, since we would have to be staying overnight... one never knows though!


14 Jan 05 - 11:29 AM (#1378954)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

Marion... F'ton is nice. It's more of a government/commerce type place - it's the capitol of NB - so it's "clean". I haven't been there except on business since my UNB (You Need Brains) days... shite!!! 22 years !!! The city is beautiful and the campus is even more so. Except getting to class in the snow because it's one big hill and the only way is up. Hope you get to see the art museum before they move (hopefully not - big squabble over ownership) the collection... some amazing works by the likes of Dali et al. It's a very green city. Very pedestrian friendly. You'll enjoy the City of Stately Elms.

16 Jan 05 - 10:16 PM (#1380235)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: number 6

Brian .... if you do make it down to SJ please let me know. Yer welcome to stay at our place, but you'd have to fight 2 greyhounds for the sofa territory!


17 Jan 05 - 08:49 AM (#1380514)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

#6 -- I don't know if that is a nice offer or a cruel and unusual one, but I will definitely keep it in mind for SJ bookings!


24 Jan 05 - 11:59 AM (#1387047)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

3 blizzards in one week.... plus I heard rumors of another one on this coming Thursday. I am not amused.

Brian of the Great White North

24 Jan 05 - 03:08 PM (#1387336)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: gnu

??? : Wednesday .. Sunny. Low minus 24. High minus 11., Thursday .. Sunny. Low minus 25. High minus 11. , Friday .. Sunny. Low minus 24. High minus 9. Whaddya talkin about ? Don't scare me like that ! I just finished cleaning up the last batch !

24 Jan 05 - 03:15 PM (#1387347)
Subject: RE: BS: Atlantic Canada Catters ???
From: ToulouseCruise

Sorry 'bout that, chief... I was only able to check it afterwards. The poor boy who gave me the information has been appropriately tossed out the window into a friendly snowbank.
