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BS: That was the year that was

16 Dec 04 - 10:49 AM (#1358752)
Subject: BS: That was the year that was
From: Wolfgang

We can now look back at this year and see what has happened:

Chancellor Schröder has resigned for medical reasons and since October 2004 a conservative government led by Frau Merkel rules in Germany. On August, 19th, president Bush has been murdered. Michael Jackson has committed suicide (needing two attempts to succeed). The USA has been hit hard by catastrophes: First, Los Angeles has been destroyed on April, 9th, by an asteroid, then, in June, New York has been hit by the first nuclear terrorist attack. In comparison to that, the devastating conventional attack on Berlin in January looks small.

To add a happy note, Boris Becker has married again, but Prince Charles has finally dumped Camilla.

That's how the review of the year 2004 would look if German and Austrian astrologers, numerologists and other wannabe nostradamusses would have been right. Compared with those predictions the actual year was still quite good (except, perhaps, if that prediction for August, 19th, could have....; but one cannot get everything).

Were they never right? Yes, surely, they were. Close to half of them predicted the reelection of Bush (whereas the other half...). And then there were those predictions where determing whether they were right or wrong is a bit difficult: Ms. Haller predicted that a vibration would be felt during the year in the South of Australia. Could you feel it?


16 Dec 04 - 10:54 AM (#1358765)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Astrology is the biggest load of rubish I've ever heard of!

16 Dec 04 - 10:56 AM (#1358769)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: MMario

And J0hn has heard a lot or rubbish!

16 Dec 04 - 12:11 PM (#1358890)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: ToulouseCruise

If there's more than one, shouldn't it be Nostradamii ?

16 Dec 04 - 02:00 PM (#1358964)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

...He did have a nose for predicting future stuff.

I always thought he should've been called Nostreldamis!

Art Thieme

16 Dec 04 - 02:05 PM (#1358970)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: ToulouseCruise

ever notice that psychics have skin problems on their noses?

yes, a definite case of Nostreldermis.


16 Dec 04 - 02:37 PM (#1358999)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: TheBigPinkLad

I predict your business will suffer if you don't pay up
~ Cosa Nostradamus

16 Dec 04 - 04:30 PM (#1359080)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: Rapparee

It's all irrelevant anyway, since the world ended in 1841 or 1842, or maybe in 1917, or perhaps in 1968. Anyway, the world ended. All the prophetic types said so.

16 Dec 04 - 05:08 PM (#1359099)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: Bill D

well, I tacked predictions of all types to my dart board, and I got 56%!...of course, last year, I got 41%.

Reminds me of a very clever, obedient dog I used to own....if you said
"Sit up, or won't you?", he either sat up or he didn't.

I think we ought to give all those seers and astrologers another chance...otherwise we'll have less to laugh at in Dec. next year!

16 Dec 04 - 07:40 PM (#1359196)
Subject: RE: BS: That was the year that was
From: Little Hawk

Heh! If you want to know exactly what's happening and is going to happen in the World, at any given time, just read the supermarket tabloids, eh? :-) I wonder how "Batboy" is doing?

Wolfgang, you are so lucky to be getting predictions of disaster in Germany on your home ground! I never get to see any predictions of disaster in Germany here in the Canadian and American tabloids. It's as if Germany didn't exist for them. No one cares, I guess, what happens in Germany, so it wouldn't sell that many papers here.

And Belgium? One wonders. Do any psychics ever predict a Belgian disaster?

Astrology? I think it depends on the astrologer, but it holds little or no interest for me, regardless.