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Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'

22 Dec 04 - 01:20 AM (#1362796)
Subject: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peter Kasin

Welcome to new Mudcat member "sixtieschick," who happens to be my older sister. She's a writer and artist, has a wonderful husband, grew up on folk music, and in her teens was found just about every weekend soaking up the rock music at the Fillmore and Winterland in San Francisco. She's now writing a book about what it meant to be a fan in that scene, and especially listening to rock radio stations (she's posted her first two threads on that).

Thanks to all who've posted back to her. Your ideas have proven to be extremely helpful. I knew she would find a special community here.


22 Dec 04 - 02:32 AM (#1362834)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: michaelr

Hey, I've always dug sixties chicks! Married one, too. Welcome to the catbox, Miriam, from a Sonoma County folk/rockie. (I posted to your radio thread, BTW... Ben Fong-Torres is your man.)

Happy Hollandaise,

22 Dec 04 - 03:37 AM (#1362865)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Paco Rabanne

The sixties? I'll ask my dad. cheers from sunny Beverley near Hull.

22 Dec 04 - 04:34 AM (#1362899)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Ted (who must be a least 55)can't remember the sixties cos he was stoned out of his head (allegedly) that's why he has to ask his Dad

22 Dec 04 - 04:35 AM (#1362901)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Oooops sorry welcome to the Mudcat

22 Dec 04 - 04:48 AM (#1362910)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

Like, uh, like, were you at the People's Park demonstration?



22 Dec 04 - 05:51 AM (#1362961)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: MBSLynne

Welcome sixtieschick.....I guess I'm one of them too...

Love Lynne

22 Dec 04 - 06:05 AM (#1362971)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: greg stephens

Well, I'm not a sixties chick but I've known a few. really can't rememeber if you were one of them, you know how it is, well you know how it was. Welcome, anyway. Sorry, what were we talking about?

22 Dec 04 - 08:38 AM (#1363082)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: PoppaGator

Welcome! I dug the 60s so much, I made 'em last until about 1973.

Did I see you at Pepperland that night when Janis sat in with the Dead?

22 Dec 04 - 05:00 PM (#1363530)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Banjo-Flower

I 'd have liked to have been anywhere when Janis sat in with the Dead

Gerry (another Sixties child)

22 Dec 04 - 05:16 PM (#1363538)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Banjo-Flower

BTW 'sixtieschick' Haira Mai


22 Dec 04 - 05:17 PM (#1363539)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: PoppaGator

Janis and Pigpen were "an item" at the time (probably '71 or '72), and she showed up unannounced, with no advance publicity, to sing a few duets. Pepperland was a small venue on Rt 101 in Marin County, very convenient to the band members' homes, where they usually drew a small crowd of close friends and devoted long-time fans.

I was (and still am) very glad to have been there.

22 Dec 04 - 06:57 PM (#1363621)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Wowie Zowie, you folks sure know how to make one middle-aged hippie feel welcome! Thanks so much--esp. to my brother, chanteyranger, who is an amazing singer and musician and an all-around groovy guy. (He remains the only family member who can carry a tune.) Michaelr, thanks for the suggestion re: Ben Fong-Torres. I've been peppering him with questions for awhile now, and he's been gracious enough to set me straight quite a few times on The Way Things Were. Crazy! Brucie, I was at all the Peoples' Park Demonstrations--even got CS-gassed the one day that Reagen ordered that extra-toxic tear gas from Vietnam dropped by helicopter on his own citizens. (There was so much public outrage that he was forced to order the National Guard to go back to regular-strength, hand-held tear gas.) PoppaGator: Alas, I wasn't at Pepperland. That must have been a fabulous set. I did see and hear Janis at the Monterey Pop Festival and at the Avalon, and heard the Dead innumerable times. The ethic was that music should be free and for the people, so top bands played for free in the parks of SF, Berkeley and Marin every weekend. Banjo-flower: Translation please: "BTW 'sixtieschick' Haira Mai." I did lose a few brain cells back then....Thanks to everyone. Glad to be part of the tribe.

22 Dec 04 - 07:45 PM (#1363646)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: artbrooks

Were you one of the hippiechicks sitting on the sidewalk outside the drugstore at the corner of Haight and Asbury the summer of '67? I may have seen you at the time.

22 Dec 04 - 08:53 PM (#1363675)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Gorgeous Gary

Well, my experiences of the 60's are limited to crawling around in diapers in '69 (and a few weeks in '68--born early December), but I can offer hearty welcomes anyway! 8-)

And my uncle lives on the edge of Haight/Ashbury so I can claim some connection to the area...and do get out to visit about once every other year.

-- Gary

22 Dec 04 - 09:58 PM (#1363692)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

I wasn't a hippie but Kerouac and Corso's Beats still influence me. Twenty in '61, with wife Carol in '67, left Chicago and headed west. Settled in Oregon for a while but got to Hiaight-Asbury in time to see Frank Robinson walking toward me down the street. (I'd last seen Frank over a cup of coffee at the No Exit coffeehouse in Chi.) We went and had coffee, once again, that day. (No Starbuck's yet.)

Later, for what it's worth, Frank wrote The Towering Inferno and other Sci-Fi books. (Also was the Playboy Adviser for a long while.)

So, welcome to our clubhouse. There's better places to be probably, but as a passtime, it can't be beat.

Art Thieme

22 Dec 04 - 09:59 PM (#1363694)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

Hello, sixtieschick.

Yo, little sister on the People's Park demonstration. I recall that it was a very hot day in Berkeley and there was lotsa concertina (barbed) wire spread out. At one point in the march, there was a three-story building on top of which some people had placed gigantic speakers. We felt hot, weak from having little water and down because we knew we'd have no influence over the final disposition of the Park--really just a square block that had been turned into gardens for vegetables and flowers. The owners were going to take it back and turn it into a parking lot for students. Anyway, from the speakers there blared a song by Ringo Starr: "Why don't we duh-do it in the Road." I remember the cheer that went up from the crowd as everyone's spirits picked up and we continued the march in a more positive and determined frame of mind. It was a large crowd that day, and the odds of you having been there at that particular moment are in the neighbourhood of 25 to 1.

I had gone to the march that day with two friends: one from Livermore and the other from Turlock. The gal who was with us was simply wonderful. I recall having a crush on her that was all outta proportion to any encouragement she'd ever given me. However, she was marching with a bouquet of daisies in her hand and we saw a police officer who had a riot gun (shotgun) resting on his hip. She went over to him and smiled. I had gone with her just to keep her outta trouble. Anyway, she handed me the bouguet and took a daisy from it. Standing in front of this really massive-looking cop who was in no mood for anything (he was as hot as the rest of us) she began to pluck petals from the daisy saying, "He loves me, he loves me not, he lo . . . ." She got to the last petal and said, "He LOVES me." I don't remember whether or not she kissed his cheek, but I do remember that she tool the petal-less stem of the daisy and dropped it down the barrel of the shotgun. He gave us a look that translated to something like, "I got one nerve left and you are pressing it." We left.

Anyway, welcome to the 'cat, sc. I look forward to seeing you around.


PS GG--I missed your birthday. I hope it was a happy one.


22 Dec 04 - 11:24 PM (#1363729)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Sincerely sorry regarding your lineage

Perhaps, you can do better, and ransome the family name.



22 Dec 04 - 11:41 PM (#1363739)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

Merry Christmas, Gargoyle. Hope all is well with you and yours.


22 Dec 04 - 11:57 PM (#1363745)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: CarolC

How wonderful to have another member of the Chanteyranger family here in the Mudcat. I have enjoyed many hilarious hours babbling Firesign Theater nonesense with your whacky brother (to the confusion of some, and the probably annoyance of many). Welcome to the Mudcat, sixtieschick. More Sugar!

23 Dec 04 - 10:51 AM (#1364120)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Banjo-Flower

Banjo-flower: Translation please: "BTW 'sixtieschick' Haira Mai."

Haira Mai (Maori)= Welcome

Gerry Who is Not a Maori but is due to holiday in New Zealand in the New Year

23 Dec 04 - 01:49 PM (#1364292)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Thank you! And thank you for the welcome. I thought Haira Mai was maybe some secret code from the Hare Krishnas whispered among initiates on Haight St. Have a great time in NZ.

23 Dec 04 - 02:30 PM (#1364321)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,Chanteyranger

Hi, Carol. It was my sister who introduced me to the Firesign Theatre! Their choicer quotes seem to be the calling card for a part of our generation. Thanks, all, for welcoming sixtieschick into the fold.


23 Dec 04 - 02:35 PM (#1364326)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Little Hawk

Good to have you aboard, sitieschick! I was at the other end of the country in the 60's, and my heroes were: Joan Baez, Buffy Sainte-Marie, and Bob Dylan. I got to like Hendrix reasonably well too, after awhile. You should have a lot of fun here at Mudcat Cafe.

I'm now located in Orillia, Ontario, the boyhood home of Gordon Lightfoot and the home of a thriving folk society. We have a Monday night song circle which usually draws about 8 or more people (singer-songwriters, just plain singers, instrumentalists, and one and 1/2 luthiers!). We also do one or two shows a month with guest performers. The last one was a 5-person folk group from Winnipeg called "Das Macht Show", and they were absolutely brilliant.

23 Dec 04 - 03:36 PM (#1364363)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Little Hawk: Your Monday night group on Lightfoot holy ground sounds like a blast--just the thing to warm up the winters. I too loved, worshipped and adored Dylan, Baez and Sainte-Marie, not necessarily in that order. I also loved Phil Ochs, Dave Van Ronk (so tragic, those two), Barbara Dane, and heavy duty Bluesmen such as Mississippi John Hurt and Mississippi Fred McDowell, and Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee. Oh, they all stirred my soul to the depths.

Carol--or is that Melanie Haber?--glad to know of another Firesign Theater buff (as well as someone who appreciates my brother's fabulous sense of humor. He missed his calling as a comedy writer.) Their riffs are like a secret handshake among the Firesign cognoscenti. Come in from the cornstarch and dry your mukluks by the fire!

23 Dec 04 - 03:41 PM (#1364366)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Hello and welcome!

I got pleasantly kidnapped by two sixties chicks once...they gave me beer and pot and music. I liked them...

23 Dec 04 - 03:53 PM (#1364378)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

"I got pleasantly kidnapped by two sixties chicks once...they gave me beer and pot and music. I liked them..."

What a coincidence; so did I.

23 Dec 04 - 03:58 PM (#1364382)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Well, yes...but the whole experience was rather surprising for someone born in 1987! :0)

23 Dec 04 - 04:47 PM (#1364417)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

It was for someone born in 1947, too.

23 Dec 04 - 06:43 PM (#1364490)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: CarolC

You sound like exactly the right kind of sister to have, sixtieschick. It's good to have you here in the Mudcat. And now, I think I'll go take off my shoes, climb a tree, and learn to play the flute.

23 Dec 04 - 07:59 PM (#1364544)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: GUEST,Mark Cohen, away from home

Antelope Freeway, one-one-hundred-and-twenty-eighth mile...

E komo mai, sixtieschick! (That also means welcome)


23 Dec 04 - 08:44 PM (#1364566)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Put on that wide belt and workshirt and tell it like it was!

23 Dec 04 - 09:19 PM (#1364572)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Joybell

Welcome sixtieschick. I'm one too.
Here in Australia "Haira Mai" (here am I) was the sign everyone put up on their holiday homes in the 50s-60s. It's a joke that only works aurally and then not very well. I think it rates as a 60s thing though. Cheers Joy

24 Dec 04 - 12:16 AM (#1364649)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Hi there, sister sixties chick from Oz and all of you cruising down the Antelope Freeway (watch for speeding buses!). Thank you for the Australian anthropology and the Firesign follies and the Haight-Ashbury reminiscences. No, I didn't hang out by the drugstore in the Haight--I was actually going to high school during that time and spent every spare minute listening to music in any form I could find it: at the Fillmore & Avalon, at the happenings and free concerts, with records lovingly played on a little mono record player, and on Top 40 radio (KYA) and R & B radio (KSOL and KDIA-Lucky 13) until free-form radio blessedly came along. Music was my life support for getting through those shaky days. It's been rewarding to re-visit that time and place from an older and not necessarily wiser perspective. Thank you for helping me out! Keep the cards and letters coming.

27 Dec 04 - 05:39 AM (#1364924)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: fat B****rd

Hello, sixtieschick, my early 60s heroes were Helen Shapiro and Craig Douglas (joke).
Hey Brucie, Good Vintage '47 eh ??

27 Dec 04 - 06:11 AM (#1364935)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Peace

You bet buddy. Hope your Christmas (and your son's) was wonderful.

Best of the New Year to you both.


27 Dec 04 - 02:37 PM (#1365246)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Melani

Hi, sixtieschick. Welcome to Mudcat, the game the whole family can play!

27 Dec 04 - 05:08 PM (#1365351)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: sixtieschick

Thanks, Melanie. Chanteyranger's computer died unexpectedly last week, so he won't be around in the virtual universe for awhile. I'll convey any condolences or other messages to him via that antiquated instrument, the telephone.

27 Dec 04 - 05:27 PM (#1365361)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: oombanjo

Welcome and enjoy Im sure you will. Oombanjo

27 Dec 04 - 05:50 PM (#1365384)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: catspaw49

Hey...I think we're all Bozos on this bus...............

Yeah.......I lived ' best I recall............This thread already has too many long winded stories and you really need to go check out some of the other threads about this and the other great subjects covered here at The Mudcat Cafe!

BTW, your brother has no small amount of talent in the field of flatulence and has been working his way up the pile, so to speak, of challengers in C.R.A.P.S., the Crepitation Rendering Artists and Performers Society. He is currently the West Coast Title Holder for the prestigious One on One Events.


27 Dec 04 - 07:29 PM (#1365480)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Mudlark

Welcome, sixtieschick, from a sixty-something crone. My only 60's claim to fame is that I lived in the Haight when it was just a slum. Saw BB and JJ in concert tho in LA and saw Gracie Slick sing was a high old time. Looking forward to seeing you around the Cat...

27 Dec 04 - 11:15 PM (#1365579)
Subject: RE: Welcome new 'Catter, 'sixtieschick'
From: Amos

Dang, Nancy, I lived there when it was a slum too -- in 1963, I thihnk, before the tsunami of acid came down the pipe. Maybe we crossed trails somewhere near the City Lights...