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Why are you not going to Sidmouth

31 Dec 04 - 02:04 PM (#1368325)
Subject: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Due to the fact its a fringe festival,roll on 2006.Happy New Year everybody.

01 Jan 05 - 04:04 AM (#1368700)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: The Unicorn Man

I am.

01 Jan 05 - 11:41 AM (#1368729)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

I'm getting particularly sick of hearing the word "fringe" bandied about by people who seem to have forgotten what folk music is about.

Please, please, please GUEST, DON'T go to Sidmouth this year, in case you become corrupted by a REAL folk festival, and consequently useless to the cause of Mr. Heap's commercial success.

The real folk festival is, and has always been, in the pubs, and streets, of the town. Such a pity that that the likes of GUEST (Who?) have never taken the trouble to leave the trendy followers of the latest imported dance acts, in order to re-connect with the heritage of their own land. Internationalism should be inclusive of the host nation, but there is damn all to suggest that the English heritage, and tradition, mean anything at all to them.

Do have a Happy New Year GUEST, as far as possible from me. I shall be in Sidmouth, and I don't care who knows my identity.

See you all in the Bedford, or The Swan, I hope.

Don Thompson

01 Jan 05 - 12:19 PM (#1368759)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: *Laura*

Because there hasn't been enough time to organise it properly and it is quite likely to be a bit messy.
And because if everyone goes this year the council won't bother to give any funding for next year because they'll assume everyone will turn up anyway.
And because Mrs Casey aren't doing it so I don't have a job.

01 Jan 05 - 02:27 PM (#1368847)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Roger Hayes

I agree with Laura.

I'm not going because it's not going to be anything like the Festival I have known and loved, also because there are better alternatives in 2005 at Broadstairs and, I hear, Eastleigh in Hampshire.

Having said that, I wish those who do still go for the sessions in The Anchor and The Bedford or the concerts in The Manor Pavilion or at the Ham an enjoyable time.

I respect their wish to have a smaller, very traditional Festival with few big-name artistes and international visitors. Good luck to them. I hope they have a great time.

All I ask is that they also respect my reasons for not joining them. We're all entitled to our own views so please let's avoid all the negative sniping that sadly characterised previous threads on Sidmouth.

Happy New Year!

01 Jan 05 - 10:07 PM (#1369134)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

its too far away, if they move it to hull, i might go.

02 Jan 05 - 12:47 PM (#1369426)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,eliza c

I won't be going this year because it won't be the festival that I grew up at. I loved the fact that you could see everything from the trad English sessions in the Volunteer to traditional dancers from Uzbekistan on the Arena, everyone together and equal, a folk festival in the most global sense.
Don T, I'm sorry, but I have to stand up for Steve Heap. The reason he isn't doing it any more is because he couldn't afford to keep going out of his own pocket. He loves both the music and the festival and I know him to be an honest and hard working man trying to do his best for what he sees to be important for the scene. This may not tally with what other folkies think of as important, but one of the wonderful things about the folk scene is that it is so diverse, full of ideas. He doesn't deserve to have his name bandied about in such a way.
As for a "real" folk festival, why did Sidmouth in its present form have to die so that this could happen? Was there no more room for other folk events in this country? Was it so worthless? A unique and enriching experience is potentially lost forever. It really is a shame. Sidmouth was the one large festival that did cater for the most die-hard trad fans, and provide those who may not know about that aspect of the music with the opportunity to experience it, and now it is gone.
Sorry if all of this has been said on threads I haven't seen folks, but I've been away for a bit. I really will miss it, needed to say my bit.
x eliza

02 Jan 05 - 03:33 PM (#1369527)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Because I booked well in advance for Whitby before I found out that anything had been salvaged for 2005. As my boss has this funny idea about my coming in to work in return for being paid I can't do both.

02 Jan 05 - 04:17 PM (#1369569)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm not a die hard folkie, neither am I a Sidmouth Regular (although I believe I still owe £15 in fines to the Middle Bar, for one song), so it would have been an unusual occurence for me to go anyway. I've always found it was priced a little higher than I'm prepared to go. Having said that, if someone offered me a ticket, or I got booked as a gig or a stewards place, I'd go. It is one of the few festivals that makes it to mainstream media, it is one of the few that actively invites and encourages traditions from all over the world, often from areas we consider as cultural deserts, and it's one of the few that would be missed across the world if it folded for ever.

Eliza is right, Steve doesn't deserve to be labelled the bad guy in this, he has his moments, but this is not one of them.


02 Jan 05 - 05:49 PM (#1369609)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Sorcha

Because it's too far away.

02 Jan 05 - 07:00 PM (#1369669)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Herga Kitty

I'm going, because it's the first festival I went to, and loved, before Steve Heap rescued and expanded it. It was where I first heard Steve singing (with the Valley Folk), and heard Eliza's dad performing with Dave Swarbrick, and Laura's dad singing, all in the Beach Store. Even when it was a small festival it was brilliant.


02 Jan 05 - 07:20 PM (#1369686)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Linda Kelly

Although not on the same scale, when the Beverley Folk Festival didn't get off the ground a couple of years ago - then as a result of the determined efforts of some mudcatters namely oombanjo and roger de beverley les form hull etc, then a fringe festival was held, very successfully-for a lot of people festivals are only about the fringe - the acts they see all year long in their folk clubs- so a fringe can work as long as you have dedicated individuals prepared to put time and effort into it. I admire folk festival organisers as I see it as a pretty thankless task and festivals generally represent good value for money, but people can have a good time without the professionals as the middle bar and singing at Warwick and Whitby will evidence.

02 Jan 05 - 08:53 PM (#1369737)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Hi Eliza C,

Sorry if you took me comments as a personal attack on Steve Heap. This was abolutely not my intention. I too have been a Sidmouth devotee for many years, and I know Steve is true to his ideal of an international folk festival. The people I was getting at are the likes of our anonymous GUEST, who regard the fringe (a word I hate) as somehow not worth spending time on. This attitude shows such a complete lack of knowledge or concern for the venues which produced many of the acts these people pay to see, that I cannot take them seriously. In a few years time they will happily part with large sums of money to listen to some of the people I shall be hearing, and performing with, at Sidmouth this August. Obviously they believe that anything that is free must be second rate, which rather defines their stance vis-a-vis folk music. They know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.

Don T.

02 Jan 05 - 10:32 PM (#1369781)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Leadfingers

I have been a regular at Sidmouth for a while now and have NEVER had much to do with the Mainstream bit of the Festival having been helping to run one of the (Dirty Word ?) Fringe events in a (Horrors)
Drinking Establishment . Assuming I can organise suitable accomodation
I will be doing the same again this yaer , despite the fact that this means a week of NOT getting any pay , or a N I stamp as I am a Self Employed Professional entertainer . Keeping a festival like Sidmouth
alive is something that seems important to me . And I dont slag Steve
Heap off either !

03 Jan 05 - 12:26 AM (#1369811)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: open mike

it is a matter of several thousand miles..

03 Jan 05 - 03:07 AM (#1369844)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,David Cameron

My first-ever message but I just have to agree with Eliza.

I'm not going to Sidmouth this year because the festival I loved is not being staged there this year.

Sidmouth was special for so many of us over many years.

We all owe Steve Heap a huge debt of gratitude for risking his own money to keep it going for so long.

I'd rather remember all the good times than be sorely disappointed by attending a vastly scaled-down poor substitute of a festival in 2005.

None of the international / arena / late night events that I enjoyed appear to be happening this year so I'll take my tent and sleeping bag elsewhere to enjoy myself.

It's all very sad to see the biggest and best folk festival in Europe vanish from the scene.

Very sad indeed.

03 Jan 05 - 03:22 AM (#1369845)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Hrothgar

20,000 kilometres too far.

03 Jan 05 - 12:37 PM (#1370112)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Scooby Doo

I would love to see what the festival is like with out the extras added on.
I wish all the organisers good luck for what they are trying to do,but it wont be the same as i remember the 80's to be like.

04 Jan 05 - 05:14 AM (#1370715)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: MBSLynne

I'm sorry...I've been trying not to feed the doom and gloom merchants by keeping their miserable threads at the top of the list but I can't help myself. I've been going to Sidmouth for 23 years...I love it and was shattered at the thought that it was going to stop. The Sidmouth I have been to in recent years is a very different one from the one I was going to 15 or 20 years ago. It has had to change to survive and while I haven't liked some of the changes, I have been very glad that the festival itself has continued. This is no different....the festival must change yet again to survive but the main thing that has always made Sidmouth special, will still be there....the lovely people who, over the years have become some of my dearest friends. As long as the people keep going there will still be a Sidmouth festival but as with anything to do with people, it has had to evolve. I will continue to go simply because I love the friends who will also continue to go and I love the music, song and dance which will also continue.

The misery mongers amongst you remind me of that joke.....How many fokies does it take to change a light bulb? to change the light bulb and 19 to write songs about how good the old light bulb was.

Love Lynne

04 Jan 05 - 09:38 AM (#1370856)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Old Folkie (Stan)

Sorry Lynne but the problem is that most of "the lovely people" will NOT be going to Sidmouth in 2005 because there is no festival to go to.

Sure there will still be some sessions in The Anchor and a couple of concerts at the Ham and the Manor Pavilion, maybe a dance or two in a church hall on the outskirts of town, but that is NOT a festival.

I don't want to be one of your "doom and gloom merchants" but it is hard not to be gloomy AND VERY ANGRY about the way the best festival in Britain has been allowed to wither and die.

I wish the diehards who are determined to keep a few events going every success in the world and I also wish success to you and your fellow Middle Bar Singers but I'm afraid you're up against it when the district council have stopped all their support for the festival and many of the local traders never gave the support they should have done long before now.

This lovely person will be giving Sidmouth a miss in 2005 for the first time in nearly twenty years. I will miss it terribly and I hope the full festival might yet be revived in a future year.

04 Jan 05 - 11:17 AM (#1370938)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: breezy

I never went as I was always somewhere else and thats where I still hope to go.

Got to be very pricey from where I was looking from.

04 Jan 05 - 12:25 PM (#1371001)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Diane and the twins

There don't look to be any of the 'Shooting Roots' workshops which the kids loved or any of the international shows in the arena which I enjoyed. That is why we won't be in Sidmouth this summer.

I tend to agree with those who say the local council and shopkeepers need to have a year without all the festival income to make them realise what they are losing by their failure to support the festival organisers.

05 Jan 05 - 08:41 AM (#1371940)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: manitas_at_work

'I'm not going to Sidmouth this year because the festival I loved is not being staged there this year'

That's strange because it seems that the festival I loved is being staged there this year.

Chacun a son gout, innit.

05 Jan 05 - 09:27 AM (#1371979)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Sidmouth resident

"Chacun a son gout, innit"

No good speaking in a foreign lingo me old mate cos there's no foreign dance sides or performers coming to our fair town this year.

Truth is there's nothing much at all coming here and Councillor Stuart seems to have gone very quiet since his ambitious plans to takeover all the arena shows got the chop.

Still at least we locals will be able to enjoy a quiet beer without having to fight through grockles and tourists to get served.

A nice quiet Sidmouth without all those nasty folkies bringing their tents, beads, sandals, litter and 'hey nonny no' folk songs. Just what many residents really want, innit.

05 Jan 05 - 11:06 AM (#1372089)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: breezy

not to mention bells and hankies and pieces of wood, blackened faces

hey I may even visit Sidmuf meself this year en route ouest, then they'll wish they had a fest.!!!

05 Jan 05 - 11:11 AM (#1372098)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Cllr

Breezy you will have to pop in and see us if you get the chance. I dare say I will have a full house as usual. Cllr

05 Jan 05 - 11:37 AM (#1372117)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Dave Earl

"cos there's no foreign dance sides or performers coming to our fair town this year".

Read the latest Press release!

There is a side from Rhode Island who are said to be coming.

Dave Earl

07 Jan 05 - 01:10 PM (#1373770)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Because i dont wish to stand around in pubs all day drinking!!!!!!.

07 Jan 05 - 05:07 PM (#1374007)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: *Laura*

right thing - wrong reason!

07 Jan 05 - 07:28 PM (#1374150)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Sidmouth Resident

"There is a side from Rhode Island who are said to be coming"

The Wurzels were said to be coming but are they now?

It's a bit like those charity football matches where all manner of stars are said to be coming but only a load of obscure unknowns actually turn-up.

I think you're being wound-up Breton Cap me ole mate.

Don't count your Rhode Island Reds before they're hatched!

08 Jan 05 - 12:36 PM (#1374466)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Well said and i agree with you too!!!!!!

09 Jan 05 - 12:02 PM (#1375077)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

refresh due to the fact this is a vital thread

10 Jan 05 - 01:46 AM (#1375708)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Scooby Doo

There are people who wrote here who are all right in there own little way.
Stan who says a lot of the people will not be there and others who are saying its not going to be "their" Sidmouth,this is true also but let those who want to go enjoy what they have and maybe in the following year Sidmouth raises from the phoenix once more.

15 Jan 05 - 03:46 PM (#1379585)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Peace

Hate to see ANY festival go.

16 Jan 05 - 12:07 AM (#1379785)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Peace

"A nice quiet Sidmouth without all those nasty folkies bringing their tents, beads, sandals, litter and 'hey nonny no' folk songs. Just what many residents really want, innit."

True. There's no point having the local economy cluttered up with filthy lucre

17 Jan 05 - 09:10 PM (#1381071)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Sally Edwards

It seems the local community don't want us. That and the lack of quality artistes this year (Show of Hands excepted) is why I'm not going back. Anyway, there appears to be a new festival in Hampshire at the start of August with many of the artists who would otherwise be appearing in Sidmouth. I will either go there or to Broadstairs.

18 Jan 05 - 12:20 PM (#1381385)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Steve in Sidmouth

What new festival?

18 Jan 05 - 02:00 PM (#1381479)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

The festival is at Eastleigh,Hampshire.Try linking to scoff.

18 Jan 05 - 03:54 PM (#1381606)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Sally Edwards

Yes. I've also seen it mentioned on several websites and in the 'Folk On Tap' magazine that Eastleigh is replacing Sidmouth at the start of August.

Lunasa have said on their website that they are playing at Eastleigh this year and Bellowhead are also playing there following a superb showing at the last Sidmouth festival in 2004.

18 Jan 05 - 06:26 PM (#1381755)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Liz the Squeak

I grew up near a seaside town not too different from Sidmouth, if a bit bigger... My best school friend lived there for 12 months a year, on the profits of those who visited for 3 months. If Sidmouth thinks it can survive a year without the festival, then good luck to it. Somehow, knowing how these places work, come August 4th, I just know that some places could be begging folk to come in and spend.


18 Jan 05 - 06:33 PM (#1381762)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth


18 Jan 05 - 07:00 PM (#1381789)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,The Devonian

Liz the Squeak is right. And it sounds like Eastleigh in Hampshire has already stepped-in to fill the void left by Sidmouth.

Devon's loss is Hampshire's gain.

18 Jan 05 - 09:53 PM (#1381897)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,New Yorker

I've travelled across the pond to Sidmouth twice and sure am sorry it ain't happening this year.

Alright guys I know there will still be a bit of singing and dancing but not a festival worth the cost of a transatlantic air ticket.

I really hope you can get it together again in 2006.

Sure find it hard to understand why local businesses and your district authority won't help to keep the festival going.

19 Jan 05 - 08:32 AM (#1382199)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,not a resident of sidmouth

Wow - have a great time at Eastleigh, watching Aled Jones, Will Young and Rolf Harris, among others!

Enjoy it - you deserve it!

19 Jan 05 - 08:34 AM (#1382203)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Scooby Doo

I dont think they are on the Eastleigh Guest list you must be mistaken for the line up at Sidmouth this year.

19 Jan 05 - 09:42 AM (#1382256)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

read for yourself at Eastleigh festival


19 Jan 05 - 10:06 AM (#1382266)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Equally oops - that's last years guest list - plonker!

19 Jan 05 - 10:11 AM (#1382272)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: George Papavgeris

Wrong festival - Eastleigh Summer etc as opposed to Eastleigh World Music Festival

19 Jan 05 - 10:17 AM (#1382277)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Dave Earl

Well excuse me but I thought this was all about a Folk Festival.

Whether what Guest says is last years line or not it aint Folk music to my mind.

If Hampshire wants to put on a rock festival I dont think it will persuade me and my mates to miss Sidmouth.

Dave Earl

19 Jan 05 - 10:18 AM (#1382278)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: George Papavgeris

The European Travel Service lists it for 4th-7th August 2005.
With Lunasa (6th Aug) and Bellowhead on the bill, this could be a serious proposition. Methinks Eastleigh/Southampton is staging a coup here...

19 Jan 05 - 10:21 AM (#1382285)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: George Papavgeris

Breton Cap, the one I see on ETS and Lunasa's websites is definitely the Eastleigh World Music (i.e. folk) Festival - not a rock one.

The rock festival in 2004 was in July, not August. There are two different festivals here.

19 Jan 05 - 11:16 PM (#1382865)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Roger Hayes

The Eastleigh website still has last year's guestlist. I've made enquiries and been told this year's festival will be very different and will have a direct appeal to those of us who would normally have been in Sidmouth.

Friends in the folk scene around Southampton/Eastleigh tell me the full line-up will be announced in February and will include Bellowhead; The Peatbog Faeries; Lunasa; T and LaTouche (ex-Edward II) and many similar acts.

The people who organised the excellent 'Shooting Roots' workshops in Sidmouth are also supposed to be involved.

I look forward to seeing the Eastleigh website when it is updated as it already sounds a very interesting alternative to Sidmouth.

20 Jan 05 - 04:43 PM (#1383592)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: GUEST,Rosie

Your right Roger it does look so far as an interesting line up and alternative to Sidmouth.

21 Jan 05 - 03:47 PM (#1384604)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth

Refresh as people are taking an interest in other festivals that are around the time of Sidmouth

21 Jan 05 - 07:08 PM (#1384774)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Richard Bridge

Well, I may very well go to Sidmouth for the first time this year because it will be a real folk festival celebrating participative music not "turns" to be watched by consumers.

22 Jan 05 - 10:16 AM (#1385182)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Snuffy

Richard, that's about the same reasoning I was using for making this year my first Sidders. I've always fought shy of Festival Week, but this year's offering seems much more attractive, somehow.

23 Jan 05 - 08:38 AM (#1385984)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Good for you Richard. You'll have two strings to your bow. Unnaccompanied at the Anchor Middle Bar, and mit guitar at the Bedford. Also a number of other pubs and venues. JB, Clive and myself are really into this one. The fringe (so called) has been rather overshadowed by the main events in the past. Maybe we can show that it is worth something in it's own right.

Welcome to you too Snuffy, hope to meet you there. Look for the aging hippie with WYSIWYG across the scratch plate of his guitar.

Don T.

23 Jan 05 - 10:16 AM (#1386036)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Dave Earl


Some of us know who you are.

You have been to Sidders for the MBS Reunion haven't you (there is photographic evidence to prove it- you know where to look)

See you around.

Dave Earl

23 Jan 05 - 01:15 PM (#1386191)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Herga Kitty

Sidmouth Folk Festival began as a small, dance-oriented, festival in the town. The brief decamp to Exmouth didn't work very well, so it returned to Sidmouth.

The festival was expanded, to a mega-international event. Subsequent developments have suggested that Sidmouth isn't any longer up to the challenge of hosting a mega-international event. At least, not if it depends on events taking place outdoors in August.

It may well be that another mega-event takes place at another location during the first week in August,and good luck to it.

But Sidmouth will still be a good place to sing, tell stories, dance and play between 28 July and 5 August.


23 Jan 05 - 06:18 PM (#1386489)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: Snuffy

You are correct, BC - I've enjoyed several February reunions; it's just Festival Week I have steered clear of.

But this year .....

23 Jan 05 - 07:22 PM (#1386555)
Subject: RE: Why are you not going to Sidmouth
From: daughter

Could've sworn you'd been at Festival week Snuffy! Must be just lovely to see you around!

I too am looking forward to a gentler Sidders. It's always exciting when things change. Everything moves forward. Not sure what the argument is about on here........those that want to go will go and those that don't........won't, obviously. Hopefully, people will have a great time wherever they go. Surely it's not about who's right and who's wrong.......that's not the point - except to those who need the sound of their own "important" voices. It's about people enjoying the music and dance, concerts or participation. I certainly look forward to seeing everyone at Sidders - big hugs await those I know, and those I will meet.

What I really don't understand is why people who are bored or pissed off with this thread keep responding to it! Bizarre!

See you in the Anchor and beyond..........