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BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter

02 Jan 05 - 07:26 AM (#1369275)
Subject: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: freda underhill

Hi Hilda!

welcome to Mudcat, I hope you enjoy it here! another aussie catter joins the mob!

X freda

02 Jan 05 - 07:43 AM (#1369282)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: MBSLynne

Hi Hilda! Welcome!

Love Lynne
(An expatriate Aussie)

02 Jan 05 - 08:27 AM (#1369305)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: JennyO

Hello, Hilda Fish, from yet another Aussie. Welcome to the madhouse!


02 Jan 05 - 08:29 AM (#1369307)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Georgiansilver

Welcome Hilda F. Best wishes, Mike.

02 Jan 05 - 10:49 AM (#1369358)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Amos

Interesting handle, Hilda -- is there a story behind it? Anyway, welcome aboard, don't feed the trolls, don't be shy and have yourself a jolly time on the old 'Cat; glad you're here.


02 Jan 05 - 10:49 AM (#1369360)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Rapparee

Gonna be more Ozzies here than Youkers pretty soon. Grumble grumble....

Welcome to the catbox from snowy Idaho.

02 Jan 05 - 11:00 AM (#1369367)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Bobert

Well, you have courage, Hilda... You know how Cat love to gobble up on the poor fishes...

But, hey, these folks will gobble up on anything with a pulse...or not...

Goof luck and welcome...


02 Jan 05 - 11:36 AM (#1369392)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: pdq

This place needs all the new members you can recruit. Maybe you should talk to your brother Gefilte.

02 Jan 05 - 01:07 PM (#1369436)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Peace

. . . or your sister, Wanda.

I have very sexy legs. I wanted you to know that by way of introduction. Welcome to the 'cat.

Bruce Murdoch

PS Do you remember that song that had the refrain, "Too sexy for my body?" Well, that should have been written for me. It wasn't, but it should have. If any of the above posters write bad things because of this post, Hilda, just put it off to jaelousy. Jealousy. Except for the girl posters of course.


02 Jan 05 - 01:23 PM (#1369450)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: freda underhill

ps Hilda - watch out - he has chicken legs!


02 Jan 05 - 01:42 PM (#1369460)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Catherine Jayne

Welcome to the catbox Hilda from London!

02 Jan 05 - 01:58 PM (#1369468)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: rumanci

ah...........another creative one ? Welcome home !

02 Jan 05 - 02:25 PM (#1369489)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Leadfingers

Welcome indeed - If you are a friend of Freds , thats enough of a reccomendation for me !

02 Jan 05 - 02:39 PM (#1369496)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: fat B****rd

Hello, be happy....fB

02 Jan 05 - 02:49 PM (#1369501)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: CarolC

Welcome to the Mudcat, Hilda Fish.

If you lived in Newfoundland, your name would mean "Hilda Cod". Because in Newfoundland, the only kind of fish that is called fish is codfish. All other fish are called things like "trout", "sculpin", "haddock", "connors", "herring", etc.

02 Jan 05 - 02:57 PM (#1369507)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Hey, Welcome, Hilda:

I knew a girl once named Hilda Montezuma. Honest... she was a little kid in a class I taught many years ago. Every time I saw her, I heard the Marine Battle Hymn.. From the Hilda Montezuma, to the Shoreza Tripoli. Her Sister's name was Sonja (and they were Puerto Rican... never quite figured that one out..)

As has been said, if you're a friend of freda, I know you are First Class.


02 Jan 05 - 06:17 PM (#1369629)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Peter Kasin

"Hilda Montezma....Shoreza Tripoli." I love it!

Welcome, Hilda.

All the best,


02 Jan 05 - 09:32 PM (#1369758)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter

Thankyou all so very much for your words of welcome, all lovely, some cheeky. The magnificent Frida told me about this forum and showed me a few things on it. What could I do? So, there I was and here I am. It sort of reminds me of a story; I was in a tram in Melbourne and thought I saw someone from a long time ago so rushed up and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and I said, "oh I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else". He said, "I am".   True story. I thought I was someone else but as it turns out, I'm hilda fish. No thought really - no - subconscious thought. I'm doing a "fish" series at the moment so "fish" is on my mind. Not "fish" like "fish" but fish like sea and decay and bones and sorrow and 'non-papier' people in Brussels. There you go and here I am. Thankyou again and I'm already trawling all over the place and responding to whatever I feel want to respond to. I'm out of action now as I'm going on a road trip (yahoo!!!) but believe me, I will be back.

02 Jan 05 - 10:43 PM (#1369788)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: Alba

Well Hilda that's the nicest threat we have ever had I think on the Mudcat....the old Terminator line of "Ill be back"
You better believe it ma Dear, you will and then you will be back and place draws you in....but in a good way:>)
Have a great Road Trip and enjoy the Mudcat!
Welcome and Best Wishes from the Backwoods of Maine USA

05 Jul 05 - 04:20 AM (#1515239)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: freda underhill

I have revived this thread because i can't find the one Hilda started about travelling to the UK. Hilda is a very talented artist and will be exhibiting/lecturing in the UK - and will be leaving in a week or so. I'm not sure how much time she will have to connect with catters there, but can only say..

Mudcatters, if you have the chance to meet Hilda, it will be worth it. She is a very smart, talented and wonderful person.


05 Jul 05 - 04:23 AM (#1515243)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: John MacKenzie

I hope to do that Freda.

05 Jul 05 - 04:31 AM (#1515246)
Subject: RE: BS: Welcome Hilda Fish, new mudcatter
From: freda underhill

that's great, Giok!