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Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song

03 Jan 05 - 11:34 AM (#1370057)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE MIGHTY WAVE - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

I was casting around for something appropriate to sing at our Bull, Blackmore, session this evening. The only song in my repertoire that came close was "Trimdon Grange", so I tried it, but then decided to modify the lyrics accordingly. This is the result, which I happily place into the public domain in the hope that others might find that it expresses the shock that we all feel at the extent of the disaster.


Lyric by Alan Francis ( to the tune of "Trimdon Grange")

Oh, let's not think about tomorrow, lest we disappointed be
For our joys they may quickly turn to sorrow, as we all can plainly see
Today we're strong and healthy, but tomorrow may be in our grave
As we all may see from the destruction that was wrought by the mighty wave

It was early one Sunday morning, near the turning of the year
When folks turned to look to seaward, and then ran inland in fear
For the mighty ocean's power turned alike on rich and poor
Ending lives and grinding homes to matchwood as it thundered to the shore

Orphans searching through the wreckage that was once their family home
Widows grieving for their husbands, drowned in chaos, flood and foam
On the beaches of Sri Lanka, and many a place beside
Both fisherman and banker, in their thousands they have died

Now December has left behind it scenes we never will forget
From Indonesia to the coast of Kenya the toll is growing yet
We fool ourselves we are masters of the world on which we dwell
But we are puny, weak and helpless when we face the tsunami's swell

Oh, let's not think about tomorrow, lest we disappointed be
For our joys they may quickly turn to sorrow, as we all can plainly see
Today we're strong and healthy, but tomorrow may be in our grave
As we all may see from the destruction that was wrought by the mighty wave

Click to play (Trimdon)

Click to play (Trimdon1)

03 Jan 05 - 11:36 AM (#1370060)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Sorcha


03 Jan 05 - 01:19 PM (#1370158)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Nigel Parsons

Very moving, even without the tune.

Notation and Midi were linked in an earlier thread on Trimdon Grange:
Link Here

(just doing my little bit!)

03 Jan 05 - 01:38 PM (#1370173)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: MMario

midis for "Trimdon Grange" are on the mudcat midi page as well

03 Jan 05 - 02:13 PM (#1370199)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Tannywheeler

Good'n. Thank you, Lanfranc.       Tw

03 Jan 05 - 05:49 PM (#1370382)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: Charley Noble


Good work!

I've been thinking of reworking "Wasn't that a Might Storm" or "The Great Storm is Over" but so far haven't come up with much. The tragedy is still taking its toll.

Charley Noble

03 Jan 05 - 06:06 PM (#1370405)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: open mike

does this go with aqny other tune? i do not know the one mentioned.
i am taking up a collection at a music event this weekend and would
love to present this song to encourage donations.

03 Jan 05 - 07:25 PM (#1370465)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: McGrath of Harlow

That's a good song!

03 Jan 05 - 07:50 PM (#1370482)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Q (Frank Staplin)

Good work!

03 Jan 05 - 10:09 PM (#1370572)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Bob Bolton

G'day open mike,

If you were to follow Nigel Parsons' link, you would find both MIDI and standard tune notation ... if not pre-made chords ... so you could either learn it - or look for something more familiar in the same style.

The tune given is written in 3/4 time and the key of G ... although I would say it's really a jig (but probably slower than mad session jig tempo!) ... and it has all the Fs natural ... so it's really in a typical Scots Myxolydian mode. (Chords won't stray far from G major and C major ... with minors next in line.)

03 Jan 05 - 10:22 PM (#1370579)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: Peace

Apt, touching and good. Thanks for that, Lanfranc.

03 Jan 05 - 10:46 PM (#1370587)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: open mike

didn't someone mention a popular song (in UK i think) by the same name
that had just been getting air play, but has since unfortunately been
pulled off the charts called the mighty wave or something like that?
(Mighty Wave)

03 Jan 05 - 10:55 PM (#1370590)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Bob Bolton

G'day again open mike,

Wolfgang, on another thread, mentioned that a German hit, called The Perfect Wave (sorry ... my German is miniscule ...) has been pulled from the play lists.



03 Jan 05 - 10:57 PM (#1370592)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: GUEST,sluefoot sue

"tall wave" sounds better than tsunami. tsunami is a madison avenue word, to me

04 Jan 05 - 01:08 AM (#1370651)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: NH Dave

Well, actually, it is a Japanese word, that like Haiku and Sushi has been adopted across the globe.


04 Jan 05 - 03:46 AM (#1370674)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Liz the Squeak

But it wasn't even a traditional tall wave. It wasn't a wall of water that people could see for miles, it was just a very very high tide, that kept coming in further and faster than usual. Had there BEEN a tall wave, then maybe people would have not just stood there watching it come in, but would have run for the hills and high ground instead of standing like complete arseholes with their cameras running.

Incidentally, there was a news report about a rescue plane that came under attack as it tried to land on a small, inhabited island. It was scouting to see if the inhabitants, a fairly primitive (by modern day, Western standards) tribe, had survived. The plane was attacked by warning shots with bow and arrow, so it seems the population was OK. The theory is that being more reliant on nature and less inclined to be complete arseholes (see above), they took notice of the local fauna and scarpered.

But it's a good song, regardless, and when has truth ever got in the way of a good song!


04 Jan 05 - 05:52 AM (#1370725)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

Thanks for the encouragement! The song was well received at Blackmore, where the son of one of the participants survived the wave in the Andaman Islands.

I gave some thought to an alternative to tsunami (I don't often use Japanese words in songs!), but it was not a tidal wave, although that used to be the common term for such a phenomenon. As far as I know, a tide is the result of the gravitic pull of the moon on the waters of the oceans and seas. This wave was caused by the displacement of a chunk of the earth's crust by tectonic activity, and the current scientific term for this is tsunami.

The version of the tune that I use is one I learned from Bob Davenport, which differs from the midi referenced above. Martin Carthy also uses the same tune as I do. As the meter is the same, it doesn't matter much, and, if anyone wants to use the song and is uncomfortable with tsunami, they are welcome to change the lyrics as they wish.


04 Jan 05 - 11:38 AM (#1370949)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Steve Parkes

Liz, as Lanfranc says, it WAS a tsunami. There's a well-established warning network around the seas where they are more frequent (around Japan etc.) but there isn't one in the Indian Ocean. As far as the locals and tourists were concerned, it was completely out of the blue, so nobody was aware of just how serious it was; and the second wave, which followed very soon after the first, was bigger and even more unexpected.

04 Jan 05 - 04:07 PM (#1371293)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Liz the Squeak

Steve - the word Tsunami is not in my posts... read it again. It was meant as a reply to the post by Sluefoot Sue.


05 Jan 05 - 03:40 AM (#1371784)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE TITANIC
From: open mike

it has occurrred to me that a song that depicts a famous sea tragedy
might be able to be adapted to the tsunami tragedy.

Oh they built the ship Titanic
To sail the ocean blue
And they thought they had a ship
That the water would never go through;
But the Lord's Almighty hand
Said that ship would never land,
It was sad when that great ship went down

cho: It was sad. It was sad.
It was sad when the great ship went down.
(to the bottom of the...)
Husbands and wives,
Little children lost their lives
It was sad when the great ship went down.)

They were off for England
And not very far from shore
When the rich refused
To associate with the poor
So they sent them down below
Where they'd be the first to go
It was sad when that great ship went down

The boat was about to sink,
And the sides about to burst,
When the captain shouted, "All
Women and children first!"
Oh, the captain tried to wire,
But the wires was on fire,
It was sad when the great ship went down.

Oh, they swung the lifeboats out
O'er the deep and ragin' sea,
When the band struck up with,
"Nearer My God to Thee."
Little children wept and cried,
As the waves swept o'er the side,
It was sad when the great ship went down.

i am not sure quite how yet, but i am workinig on it...
it was sad when the great wave came up....(?)

05 Jan 05 - 04:15 AM (#1371797)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Steve Parkes

Sorry Liz -- it was rather a big criticism for what was actually rather a small point, now I come to look again.


05 Jan 05 - 04:38 AM (#1371808)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: Wilfried Schaum

Lanfranc - a very good adaption, and true folk.
Let tsunami stand; now all the world knows what it is: more than a tall, or even monstrous wave.

05 Jan 05 - 05:21 AM (#1371826)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

The tune I use is the one linked as "Trimdon" above - many thanks to whichever Joe Clone did the links.


05 Jan 05 - 05:49 AM (#1371839)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

It occurs to me that some might like to have the chords, although the way I play it, there are only two! I play it in DADGBD (with 1st and 6th strings tuned down to D), but it works fine in regular EADGBE, and DADGAD sounds good, too.

In DADGBD omit fingering the 1st string for the D chord [000230], and play the G chord with open 1st and 6th, but adding 2nd at the third fret[020030], letting the open D strings act as drones. Pick, strum or embellish to taste.

Oh, [D]let's not think about tomorrow, lest we [G]disappointed [D]be
For our joys they may quickly turn to sorrow, as we [G]all can plainly [D]see
To[G]day we're strong and [D]healthy, but to[G]morrow may be in our [D]grave
As we all may see from the destruction that was [G]wrought by the mighty [D]wave


05 Jan 05 - 06:55 AM (#1371863)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: MartinRyan

I'm used to singing Trimdon to the Trimdon1 tune given above - although it sounds slightly odd to me as given there. In Ireland, the tune is (or was!) best known as that of "The humour is on me now".

It's a fine song. I might try fitting it to my version of the tune, with a few slight changes.


05 Jan 05 - 07:05 AM (#1371871)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Dave Hanson

It's a good song.


05 Jan 05 - 03:23 PM (#1372294)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: mg

The song that keeps going through my mind is there's no time for love if it comes in the time for goodbyes if it comes without warning..the wail of the sirens is the sound of the morning..Sung I believe by Roy Bailey..not sure if he wrote it. Usually I don't like reworking songs but I think this one could be done very well. mg

06 Jan 05 - 06:38 PM (#1373283)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

This week's Time magazine provides some harrowing detail. For example, when the sea receded before the first wave hit, the shore was littered with stranded fish. Sensing the possibility of an easily-caught profit, unsuspecting shoredwellers rushed out with baskets to gather the fish, only to be caught by the wave as it came in.

Apparently, there was no record of a tsunami striking Sri Lanka in a thousand years or more. Sadly, there is now!


06 Jan 05 - 10:47 PM (#1373558)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

I believe it is already in the "rugby song thread."

Phuk Et - fuck-you, fuck-you, Phuk Et

Fuck You - Phuk Et - Fuck You!!!~!

Muslem religion, child-prosition, holy-jighad declared against the world.

Send your (devaluated) dollars to the children of Whales - Swansea can make a better, more direct application to the poor.



07 Jan 05 - 03:37 PM (#1373925)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

Not to make light of this horrible disaster,
but upon reading the thread title my mind immediately thought of a film about folk singing surfers getting back together after many years apart.

07 Jan 05 - 06:33 PM (#1374102)
Subject: REAnother Tsunami Disaster Song
From: George Seto -

For those who deal with Church Choirs, you might look at this

When Innocence is Fractured

The tune is The Church's One Foundation. The choir master at my church is going to have our choir do it this Sunday. I heard them in rehearsal last night with this, and it's lovely!

13 Jan 05 - 03:16 AM (#1377998)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster so
From: Wilfried Schaum

Thanks, George - a wonderful song.

13 Jan 05 - 06:59 PM (#1378576)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: Lanfranc

First Gargoyle, then the God Squad! Thread hijack alert!

Taking Chief Chaos' point and quoting the comment of a survivor, I am now singing "Dreadful Wave" rather than "Mighty Wave".

(who used to sing Jan & Dean and Beach Boys material with a band many years ago)

26 Jan 05 - 07:04 PM (#1389653)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song

never heard of it before

26 Jan 05 - 09:37 PM (#1389817)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Mighty Wave - tsunami disaster song
From: goodbar

david rovics just recorded a great song on the tsunami dealio.