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Slow Food - tomatoes

04 Jan 05 - 12:17 PM (#1370992)
Subject: BS: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

One of the designated special crops recognized by the Slow Food movement is the San Marzano tomato from the communes of Sant'Antonio Abate and Santa Maria della Carità (province of Naples). I'd like to get my hands on some seeds. I imagine the authorities would be less than happy to have an international seed exchange going on without their blessing (curcumnavigation of which is what the Slow Food movement is about, partly) but I have a well-proven method for sending seeds through the mail without danger to the local environment. Anyone have access to these tomatoes? (or indeed any interesting-but-not-commercially-profitable crop)

04 Jan 05 - 12:24 PM (#1370999)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Can some kind elf move this to BS? Thanks.

04 Jan 05 - 12:25 PM (#1371000)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Sorcha

San Marzano tomato. Buy some and save the seeds?

04 Jan 05 - 12:31 PM (#1371011)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: ThreeSheds

How hardy are they, Weve had some success with marmande
Any thought on sweet chillies (like the ones they have in the kebab shops)I'd love to grow some of those

04 Jan 05 - 12:37 PM (#1371020)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Sorcha ... I'm suspicious that thoseare not the real thing. They should have a denominatze controllata stamp on the packet ... and the illustrations look different than the real thing too. I have some on arder anyway. Having said that, I suppose if I grow them here they won't be real San Marzanos anyway ...

ThreeSheds ... apparently they're a bitch to grow and are very delicate. Where are you situated?

04 Jan 05 - 12:53 PM (#1371028)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Sorcha

True, and soil, climate, etc conditions always affect food tastes.

04 Jan 05 - 01:17 PM (#1371046)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

BPL check Mary out at ALM Organics on Otter Point Road in Sooke. She usually has a great selection of heritage varieties and if she doesn't have what you are looking for she might be able to give you some suggestions as to where else to look.

04 Jan 05 - 01:21 PM (#1371050)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: MMario

"san Marzano" appears to be (from my reading) a "class" of tomato - using various varieties - I know that there is an heirloom open pollinated variety of paste tomato by that name - but several articles on the web mention various named varieties of "San Marzano's" and several more mention the secrecy in which producers are keeping their hybrid seeds.

You would probably do better to research an open-pollinted heirloom paste tomato specialized for your own region.

04 Jan 05 - 01:29 PM (#1371064)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Thanks for that local link Metchosin, I'll check it out.

MMario wrote: You would probably do better to research an open-pollinted heirloom paste tomato specialized for your own region.

I have a few of these on order. But I REALLY want to get my hands on some of these (genuine) San Marzano seeds. Last year I had an appetizer in a local restaurnat which comprized slices of four different heirloom tomatoes amounting to about 200g or 1/4 lb of fruit, plus a drizzle of olive oil and a screw of fresh balck pepper. It cost $14.50 ... I know ... but it was worth it (well, once anyway)

04 Jan 05 - 01:35 PM (#1371072)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: gnu

..."the Slow Food movement" ??? Huh ?

04 Jan 05 - 01:35 PM (#1371074)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

A lot of the local resturants here are supplied by local organic producers like Mary. I know she supplies Sooke Harbour House and I think they are still rated four star and I believe she supplies a few other better places as well. Another reason for checking it out.

04 Jan 05 - 01:37 PM (#1371075)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Slow Food

04 Jan 05 - 01:39 PM (#1371083)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: gnu


04 Jan 05 - 01:41 PM (#1371088)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: MMario

If you can find a produce dealer with a ripe 'San Marzano' tomatoe - chances are the seeds would be viable - though not necessarily true to type as you won't know if the plants were grown in isolation from other tomato varieties. (tomatoes are pretty much self-pollinated but not comletly - they should be raised seperately if saving seed to keep varieties true to type)

There are sources for 'San Marzano' open pollinated seeds in both the US and Canada - though I don't find any listed for the UK - if they say 'F1' or 'HYBRID' anywhere in the description they are NOT the variety you want.

04 Jan 05 - 01:44 PM (#1371092)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Hollowfox

Perhaps you should just order that appitizer again and save the seeds. BTW, has anybody else had Oxheart tomatoes? Somebody brought some to my library as as gift a few years ago. The benefactor talked about them as though they were an old variety, but I haven't checked on that. These babies were about the size and shape of an ox heart, firm, er, meaty, and deliciously flavorful.

04 Jan 05 - 01:48 PM (#1371100)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

They are a field tomato, I believe. The folks who grow them are committed to preserving their genetic purity, although I can't see how they can protect them from airborne cross-pollination. What I want is to get dried seeds from someone living in the area where San Marzanos come from. Will I have to resort to the Mafia? ;o)

04 Jan 05 - 01:49 PM (#1371102)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Sorry, that last post was in reference to SM tomatoes ... but I've grown and eaten the oxhearts. Big, ugly and delicious!

04 Jan 05 - 02:12 PM (#1371151)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: MMario

- So you want seed from the 'San Marzano' heirloom variety - *GROWN* in the San Marzano area.

In that case you best bet is to contact a local. From what I can determine most of the commercial growers have switched to hybrids that use the orginal 'San Marzano' as a parent - but are not themselves open-pollinated true heirloom variety traditional style 'San Marzano' tomatoes*** - which is one of the reasons the industry has put restrictions on who can use the name 'San Marzano' for their products.

If you would be satisfied with seeds from a strain that preserves the genetic identity of the 'San Marzano' - try one of the US or Canada heirloom seed companies - which have them for sale.

***why? when the 'San Marzano' is suppossed to be the pinnacle of taste etc ? Because the 'San Marzano is also an indeterminate type tomato - which reduces it's utility as a commercial tomato - so it has been crossbred to produce determinate plants (which ripen their crop all at one time) with fruit that stands up to processing better, etc. Hopefully not at a sacrifice of taste.

04 Jan 05 - 02:17 PM (#1371159)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Considering that tomatoes are a New World plant I should think bringing the seeds back is not an issue.

Last year I had a great crop of tomatoes, though they weren't any particular specialty variety, just stuff I hoped would grow here in Texas. I have bags and jars of frozen tomatoes for my slow cooking this winter, and my last tomato from the season, picked green in mid-December before our first big freeze, moved the other day from my window sill to my fridge, finally ripe.

My onions and garlic are in now, and a couple of weeks ago I thinned and transplanted the onions. You present me with an interesting challenge, so I'll visit the local garden center and see what seed packs are available and start my tomatoes in the house. They can be started any time now, because down here they go in the ground in March. A friend of mine up in Washington state grows her tomatoes in the green house all summer so that the folliage doesn't get wet. That's what contributes to the fungus (yellowing) that affects the plants as the season progresses. Her tomatoes are to die for.

Are you familiar with some of the more recent work that Gary Nabhan of Northern Arizona University is doing regarding eating local foods?


04 Jan 05 - 02:30 PM (#1371183)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Thanks for that link SRS. Interesting ... and encouraging.

04 Jan 05 - 02:37 PM (#1371195)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

As a former inspector for Agriculture Canada, SRS, it is an issue here. That doesn't mean that it can't and isn't done on the QT. Far simpler to go local growers or through heritage seed compamies.

04 Jan 05 - 02:37 PM (#1371196)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Yeah--did you read about that Seri oregano, for starters?

    There are many oreganos in the world, but one of the most pungent and flavorful is the Sonoran oregano (Lippia graveolens) that is hand-harvested from the islands and coast of the Gulf of California by the Seri Indians, an endangered people. The Seri have long used this oregano for its culinary, medicinal, and ceremonial properties, which include it being ranked among the world's top plants for antioxidant protection against the maladies of aging—even better than vitamin E. It is now one of the few sustainably harvested cash products that they can market directly to chefs, gift shops and enlightened consumers in the U.S.



04 Jan 05 - 04:36 PM (#1371310)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Metchosin, you will doubtless be familiar with the Golden Nematode that blights Saanich soil (Vancouver Island, Canada). It was accidentally brought in in the 1960s (I think) and brought about the end of potato farming on the peninsula. Such a pretty name for a nasty bug.

04 Jan 05 - 04:57 PM (#1371327)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: open mike

Paste tomatoes come in many varieties..
it has been a while since i saw any (plants)
for sale labelled as San Marzano...these days
Viva Italia, Roma, and La Roma are what I see.
this place has a good variety of seeds:
their paste tomato seeds

04 Jan 05 - 05:05 PM (#1371339)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

Yup.....actually it was a very pretty worm.

04 Jan 05 - 05:20 PM (#1371357)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: GUEST,leeneia

Googling "tomato seeds San Marzano" got me to this page:,cat_id--13010300.html

Good luck with your plants.

04 Jan 05 - 08:26 PM (#1371571)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: open mike

and there are these folks in new jersey..
watch out you don't get tangled up with the mafia!
they claim their seeds went to the pope

04 Jan 05 - 09:12 PM (#1371593)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

I should have followed up on my remark about the tomato seeds coming home, but I was at work so kept the remarks brief. It was intended more as an ethical statement than a biological one. Seeds like those of the tomato were taken to the Old World and though I think it took Europeans a while to eat tomatoes (so the colonizer's legend goes--I'll have to do some research if someone here doesn't know--is the Tomatoes-might-be-poison-to-we-Europeans-who-found-these-seeds-in-the-New-World Legend for real? I have a book called Green Immigrants that I think talks about it. Anyway, seeds were one of the most highly prized and top-secret items that went back to Yerp from the New World explorations. Hidden away and grown surreptitiously in monasteries and by the privileged few who could get them. It's only fitting that you should be able to smuggle some out of the monastery to bring back and grow here.


04 Jan 05 - 10:20 PM (#1371623)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

They were jusitfiably nervous SRS, because the tomato is a member of the deadly Nightshade family, which you probably know and Europeans were more familiar with their dangerous cousins.

04 Jan 05 - 11:37 PM (#1371675)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes, I know. Eggplant, peppers, potatoes also, but they seemed less reluctant about some of those (at least the potato). We have several very attractive members of the nightshade family around here. My garden is filled with most of the above named crops every summer.

When I was a kid, I remember my brother coming home and telling my mother that he'd seen a big patch of deadly nightshade in the park near a little zoo. She called the park department and suggested they remove it because it was too near where small children would travel. Nothing happened, it stayed there, until there was a news story about a child somewhere else in town getting nightshade and nearly dying. Next day the park patch was history. But it is a beautiful plant. Solanacea family.


05 Jan 05 - 02:37 AM (#1371759)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: open mike

also related is Jimson Weed, Datura
If you have read Carlos Castaneda
books you have heard of its psyco-
trophic properties.
also related: Belladonna--
the name was bestowed on it because its juice was used by the Italian ladies to give their eyes greater brilliancy, the smallest quantity having the effect of dilating the pupils of the eye.
some alkaloids come from this family ofplants..
including the potion which was drunk by Romeo's Juliet
and scopalomine,,,which is used to counter act the effects of sea sickness.
nicotine is another alkaloid from this family..

05 Jan 05 - 09:25 AM (#1371976)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: MMario

The eggplant is old world - and the tomato was taken up quite quickly by those countries that already used eggplant on a regular basis - less so by others. But there are records of them being eaten in books of the late 1500's and early 1600's

05 Jan 05 - 10:11 AM (#1372022)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

I have sacred datura/jimson weed growing as an ornamental in the yard. It hasn't gotten so big and showy as it's desert version, but they are marvelous flowers that open at night.


05 Jan 05 - 10:12 AM (#1372024)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Metchosin

Also with the potato you didn't eat the little fruit that was produced.

05 Jan 05 - 04:01 PM (#1372318)
Subject: Lyr Add: SLOW FOOD (Greg Brown)
From: open mike

Greg Brown has a song called slow food....and here it is.
(i think the first line means to say everybody wants that fast food..)
i saw a banner in fornt of a fadst food place that said:
your order in a minute or its slow food there!

from the web site

Slow Food
On WERU's First CD, 1997.

Copyright © 1997 Greg Brown and Hacklebarney Music

People want that fast food Two minutes and they grouch
But give me ham baked all day long And help me to the couch
Help me to the sofa Put the quiet music on
I will lie and think about that ham Long after it is gone.
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food. I don't want no food with cute names
No neon on a sign A man can't live on advertising slogans
and conceptual design Let somebody else go surf and turf
Someone else go carry out Me, I want my food to know itself
Before it knows my mouth. I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food
With all the love cooked in. Why don't we start it in the mornin' Leave us plenty of time for lovin' Weekend homemade hot fresh bread Make the whole house smell like an oven And let it all just simmer Cook in the good juices and the greases Then we'll sit down at the table, baby And slowly tear it into pieces.
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food What's the big rush?..../
Don't want no hard-hearted Hardee's,
no muck-muck-muck-muck-donald's....
I want a chef, not a clown, to make my food...
/it can even be tofu with the right kinda sauce....
I want some slo-o-o-o-ow food With all the love cooked in.

05 Jan 05 - 04:46 PM (#1372359)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: McGrath of Harlow

Tomatoes "slow food"? You can't get anything much quicker than a tomato sandwich. And when you throw them at poublic meetings they fly pretty fast. A very versatile fruit.

I've long been curius how people in Europe found out tomatoes weren't in fact poisonous - I mean, they look pretty deadly if you didn't know. I've got this theory it might have been the Borgias or some similar bunch of Renaissance villains unsuccesfully trying to whack a rival with a tomato dish.

05 Jan 05 - 07:09 PM (#1372549)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Or someone in Europe watched the birds eat them and not die?

Brrrr but it turned cold here overnight. It was in the 70s until yesterday, and now it is below freezing. Time for some slow food! I have a pot of split pea soup simmering right now. A few slices of homemade bread, or maybe baking powder biscuits, and a little apple cobbler for dessert. All made from scratch.


05 Jan 05 - 07:50 PM (#1372601)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: The Fooles Troupe

Slow Food - refers not only to method of preparation, but also method of consumption.

05 Jan 05 - 08:00 PM (#1372610)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: McGrath of Harlow

"Or someone in Europe watched the birds eat them and not die?" Birds eat bright red holly berries too. If we eat them we die. And the same goes for mistletoe. Plenty of opportunities for bumping off the relatives over Christmas...

05 Jan 05 - 10:10 PM (#1372685)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Mistletoe berries are white. One of those survival rules of thumb I learned ages ago is to not eat white berries, they might be poisonous. I've only heard that holly isn't good for you, not really toxic. Red and blue berries are usually safe.


05 Jan 05 - 11:50 PM (#1372730)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: open mike

except cascara which causes diarrhea. (red berries)

06 Jan 05 - 12:28 AM (#1372761)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

There are always exceptions to the rule--it was a generalization offered in a course that had survival tips. Or maybe in one of my biology/botany classes. I grew up in the Northwest, and learned never to eat leaves or stuff off of a tree that has bark like the alder (alnus rubra) as Cascara does.


06 Jan 05 - 11:59 AM (#1372822)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Tomatoes plants ARE poisonous. The leaves and stems will cause violent gastric distress and have even caused death in livestock (deadstock?).

I just read last night that a bamboo tube containing seeds 2,000 years old was wrapped in wet cloth to protect it and two days later the seeds sprouted. The plants turned out to be tomatoes, different shape to modern ones, but the same red-to-green colour as they ripened. Sounds a bit fishy to me -- I was always led to believe the plant came originally from Central America. I'll see what else I can unearth ...

06 Jan 05 - 12:00 PM (#1372823)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Sorry ... I forgot to mention the bamboo tube was found in a tomb in China. Kinda important bit of information ... oops!

06 Jan 05 - 01:28 PM (#1372906)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Trade was happening long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and seeds might well have been swapped. But I find the story bogus not because the old seeds sprouted but because you say this artifact was apparently wrapped in a wet cloth. That's nuts--water is very destructive in the context of preservation of old stuff. I would be inclined to think it's made up for that reason. But more information regarding the origins of the bamboo and the context in which it was found might shed light on this story.


06 Jan 05 - 05:54 PM (#1373214)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Liz the Squeak

Tomatoes is the Portugese slang term for testicles.. becareful asking for plump juicy ones in Braganca!


06 Jan 05 - 09:41 PM (#1373505)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: McGrath of Harlow

As few as ten holly berries has been lethal. Better not to experiment though - leave them to the birds.

07 Jan 05 - 12:28 AM (#1373627)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

I wonder if there is a difference in what grows in the UK vs in the US, holly-wise? It might explain the differing levels of local lore regarding toxicity.


07 Jan 05 - 12:54 PM (#1373752)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

SRS -- Trade was happening long before Columbus sailed the ocean blue, and seeds might well have been swapped.

I'm no expert in this area, but I thought there was no evidence of oriental/pre-Columbian trade or even contact, although there are some suspicions it may have happened. Tomatoes came originally from the Andes (what's now Peru) and historians can find no evidence they were used as food. Indeed, none of the languages of the area even have a word for 'tomato.'

I banged off a note to the company that published the book with the 'bamboo seeds' claim and asked them to confirm their source. They replied yesterday saying they'd check into it and get back. Seems to me if it is true it would turn the conventional view of history on its head and we'd have heard before now. Stay tuned.

07 Jan 05 - 02:20 PM (#1373864)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Evidence of pre-Columbian trade and travel is vast. There are so many sources now one wonders where to begin. It didn't take Europeans doing it and writing home about it to make it so for the rest of the world. And there are fascinating studies about the population of South America, where quite a number of years ago now they found (and continue to uncover) archeological evidence of habitation that is far older than the debunked "Bering Land Bridge" theory would allow for.


07 Jan 05 - 02:59 PM (#1373897)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

I must have dozed off when all this evidence came to light. Can you direct me to these sources?

07 Jan 05 - 05:03 PM (#1374004)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

There are some obvious possibilities in the news recently, like Kennewick Man, who predates Columbus by several thousand years. One National Park Service memo (follow the link above to this and other bits about him) The BA date (Beta-133993) gave a conventional radiocarbon age of 8410 +/- 40 BP (Hood 1999a and Attachment 1). The equivalent calibrated radiocarbon age (using the two sigma, 95% probability) in years BP is cal BP 9510 to 9405 and cal BP 9345 to 9320. The question then arises, what was he doing here, was he alone, what did he bring with him? (Since "BC" is not used much any more in scholarly applications, there is a collection of terms. I think "BP" is something like "Before Present" era (meaning BC without mentioning Mr. C.) So you're looking at a traveller who might have come through the area 11,400 years ago or so.

I've seen programs recently also about European mummys turning up in China. NOVA ran a program about it. Trade is once again considered a major factor in the travels of these individuals.

All of this is a tangle when doing a web search. The beginning dates of humans in the New World is as big a question as how they got here and how often they made the trips back and forth.

My information about early travel to the New World comes through American Indian literature classes, and the material that surrounds the study of the origin stories of many tribes or nations.

There is one book that I can think of off the top of my head that explores the (possible) results of early European visits to the New World (going back to the times of the Vikings and the sea-going Irish and Spanish who are presumed to have landed here while fishing long before Columbus made his trips). That's Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade by Calvin Martin. It has been several years since I read this, but I believe he backs up these contacts to well before Columbus' travels, and he suggests that the main reason for these early contacts was for trade. (Some of his conclusions at the end of the book are rather over-the-top, but the research he presents up to that point is interesting.)

It's quite an interesting subject, hampered primarily by the skimpy evidence since any perishable trade goods are not extant today. But that doesn't mean they weren't traded, just that it's difficult to prove. Personally, I think that given the curiosity and resourcefulness of humans, it is almost safer to assume that they did make trade trips a long time ago than that they didn't. Modern humans are so hung up on their technology that they seem to think humans didn't figure out how to get around before the manufacture of iron or the invention of the internal combustion engine.


07 Jan 05 - 05:06 PM (#1374005)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

P.S., back to the subject of food, how are your mushrooms out in the woods? Have you beaten a regular path to them? Did GPS come into it?


07 Jan 05 - 05:31 PM (#1374030)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

I never did buy a GPS. Last year a woman went missing in the forest in BC (morel hunting in the springtime) and they gave up looking for her after only two days! I figure I won't be gong that ddep into the woods for chanterelles. I had a good season this--I guess last-- year. Found more than I could eat, so I ended up giving lots away. Still love doing it. Took my nine-year-old son last time. He loved it too, although he was much more interested in the salamaders than the shrooms!

07 Jan 05 - 05:40 PM (#1374041)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

They're quite tasty with a little mustard. . . (actually, I think some of the salamanders have toxic defenses, so it's best to take along a key and know what you're getting into if you're going to snack in the woods.)   :)


07 Jan 05 - 05:46 PM (#1374047)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

My son has a salamander as a pet in a terrarium in his room. We named it "Rushdie."

07 Jan 05 - 06:11 PM (#1374072)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Is he still lying low?

07 Jan 05 - 06:14 PM (#1374076)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

I just lowered my brower screen and found a notepad screen with another source that I cut and pasted because it looked interesting in the discussion above:

FOX, CARLES LALUEZA. 1996. "Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups in four tribes from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia: Inferences about the peopling of the Americas." Human Biology 68(6):855-871.

It seems some of these studies show that groups in South America came straight across the ocean from east or west, not on a long trek down through North and Central America. This may be a text that discusses that.


07 Jan 05 - 06:25 PM (#1374095)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

I agree there's lots of speculation regarding this issue, but no hard evidence. Did you see the PBS program about the skeletal remains unearthed (in New Hampshire?) that differed significantly from American Indians (forgive me if I have that term incorrect) physiologically? There is a law that requires burial of Indian remains ASAP so the scientists could not conclude their study, but the buzz was the age of the bones indicated they did not belong to the same strain of humans as American Indians. Interesting.

13 Jan 05 - 01:52 PM (#1378254)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Well, this certainly turned out to be a damp squib 2000 year old Chinese tomato seeds

Dear [BigPinkLad]; Sorry for the delay in response ... [snip] ... I have done some digging, including talking to our former writer who now lives in BC. Source material from 1995 no longer appears to be available. The only thing I can suggest at this point, is a web search.

13 Jan 05 - 02:09 PM (#1378272)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: GUEST,MMario

Tomatoes came originally from the Andes (what's now Peru) and historians can find no evidence they were used as food. Indeed, none of the languages of the area even have a word for 'tomato.'

More accurately the closest extent wild relatives of the tomato come from a section of the Andes -

but tomatoes were brought to Europe from MEXICO - and the local languages there are what we derived our word "tomato" from.

13 Jan 05 - 02:30 PM (#1378293)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

You have to look at a lot of different sources if you're trying to piece together a large story like this. There is a story for corn that has been evolving also. It migrated around North America from it's original location in the Andes, where it was a simple grain with a few kernals. It was nurtured and just as farmers of today work to increase the output of a plant, native farmers brought it to a point where what was traded was a much improved food crop with the ear as we see it today. The biologists who have been looking into the earliest forms of corn are upset that Monsantos' varieties are going to cross-pollinate and destroy the native plants that still grow in the wild, or those that are cultivated in remote regions.

I suspect that someone looking into the ethnographic materials from as far back as they have been collected could shed light on attitudes toward some of these plants that came through in stories but weren't the primary reason for the interviews so haven't been highlighted in the literature. This has certainly been the case in my research toward cultural attitudes toward this nebulous thing we call "The Environment" among native North Americans prior to or early into the exploration and colonial periods.

Last year at this time I was writing a book chapter on sports and recreation in the Southwest. It went back far before colonization, and one way to try to interpret early activities is to look at the writings of the first Europeans to have extensive contact within cultures. Admittedly a lot of it is dismissive and biased, but you can still pick up information simply by looking at what they dismiss. I was researching the ancient ballcourts and games, and this sentence is extracted from that chapter:

    The writings of Fray Diego Duran (1537-1588), a Spaniard who moved to Mexico as a child, provide valuable information about the historic sources about ball courts and games. As a Friar, Duran was a prolific chronicler of the customs and religion of the indigenous people. Book of the Gods and Rites and the Ancient Calendar was reprinted by the University of Oklahoma Press in 1977.

Who knows, maybe something about tomatoes and other foods or plants turns up in passing in a text like this.


13 Jan 05 - 02:34 PM (#1378302)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes

More then in passing - there are quite lengthy descriptions of the foods and meals dating right back to the original expeditions

13 Jan 05 - 02:50 PM (#1378325)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

Some excellent information here: Sam Cox's page ... with references cited!

13 Jan 05 - 10:29 PM (#1378719)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

contact me at :

I will send you some excellent tomatoe (fermented aged ready to plant) seeds - my best producer last year. Since we are in the EU there should be no problem.



14 Jan 05 - 01:02 AM (#1378784)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage


What are the plant and fruit characteristics? And the temperature conditions where you grew them?

I've had luck with cherry tomatoes and one called "super fantastic" here in the hot Texas climate. They seem to do better when the hot nights slow down the pollination of other tomatoes (typically, if it doesn't cool below 80 degrees at night, tomatoes won't pollinate).

Nice offer, though. I've saved a few seeds from some of my good garden plants also. Peppers in particular.


15 Jan 05 - 02:29 PM (#1379524)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Back to the top. It was a good thread. My slow food onions are looking nice out in the yard now, and I'm going to set up flats this week for starting tomatoes indoors from seed.


16 Jan 05 - 02:28 PM (#1379995)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes

That's just cruel SRS ... the temp dropped to -8 Celsius here in Victoria over the weekend ... might be a while before I plant anything out!

gargoyle thanks for the generous offer. I will contact you via email.

16 Jan 05 - 07:13 PM (#1380143)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Georgiansilver


18 Jan 05 - 11:35 AM (#1381351)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

gargoyle ... for some reason my email is being rejected by your server (says it can't find any such address) and neither can I PM you via Mudcat ... thanks for the offer anyway. Very kind.

18 Jan 05 - 11:54 AM (#1381365)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: just john

I remember how tomato plants would spring up after we'd moved the outhouse and filled in the old hole. (Which was nearly full, and why we were moving the outhouse.) Tomato seeds are unusual in that they can survive a trip through the human digestive tract.

So, this suggests a strategy, if you can't get the seeds any other way. Find somebody who's eaten some and invite them over ....

18 Jan 05 - 12:25 PM (#1381390)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: TheBigPinkLad

That made me laugh just john -- near where I lived as a kid there was a sewerage plant that was always covered in 'feral' tomato plants. Although some were put off by the nutrient source, many others gathered the rarely-ripening green tomatoes for chutney etc.

18 Jan 05 - 05:46 PM (#1381709)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Then there is the "compost surprise." Every year I use my compost from the year before for gardening and top dressing beds. So there's always something that made it through the heat of the heap and the cold of winter and grows happily out out of place. I had some nice canteloupes last summer, out in the bed of lantana in the front yard. I intentionally planted tomatoes and peppers in the front yard, and I plan to again. They did very well and looked great.


19 Jan 05 - 05:56 AM (#1382120)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: JennyO

I love "compost surprise"! I've had tomatoes, potatoes and pumpkins spring up out of my compost in previous years. The pumpkins turned out to be butternuts - yum! The plant rambled all over the place and I had picked pumpkins sitting in rows in the laundry, enough to last for several months.

This year, I found two tiny tomato seedlings growing in the ditch in front of some big tomato plants I had. I transplanted them into another part of the garden and watched them grow into big lush bushes. It wasn't till the fruit started to form, that I realised I had Romas. Strange thing is I have never grown Romas. Might have eaten some that I bought, but the compost heap is about 20 feet away. I would maybe think that someone here before me might have grown them, except that this is a garden which didn't exist till I came here 18 months ago. It was a lawn. So who knows? I'm certainly not complaining though!

The Roma tomatoes are getting to full size now and about to get some colour, so that's something else to enjoy soon, along with my cherry tomatoes, Big Reds, passionfruit, spinach and beans. Just starting to pick beans, and I'm giving passionfruit away - even gave some to the NRMA man who came to try and fix my car which has basically died. He did try awfully hard, so I thought - why not?


19 Jan 05 - 08:00 AM (#1382178)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Bunnahabhain

Silly river sage,

BP stands for before present, defined as 1950.
The terms you were thinking of are CE, common era, and BCE, before common era, covering the same time frame as AD and BC.
Or does this belong in useless trivia?


19 Jan 05 - 10:45 AM (#1382302)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Bunnahabhain, That's Stilly river, please! The name is not an oxymoron, it is shortened from Stillaguamish, as in the river in Western Washington state.

I have seen several sets of letters meant to dance around the BC that is so embedded in christianity, but is clearly still the easiest one to remember. These CE and BCE seem to turn up most often. I've always objected to the birth of christ as the marker for setting our calendar, but to sidestep his name and use the same calendar is a bit disengenuous. I find the current politically correct substitutions aren't used consistently enough to do more than confuse people, but I'm not going to suggest changing our calendar to reflect something else. Who would get to choose what that something might be? We need to just live with it.

Before Present as a term sounds completely arbitrary. At least archeologists in their digs and record-keeping have a reason for choosing 1945 as a before/after date to reflect the beginning of today's era of atomic bombs. The fallout is noticable in the modern layer of soil.

Glow in the dark tomatoes, anyone?

My garlic and onions are perking along in the back yard, but because of the unusual mix of really warm weather between cold fronts, my quince has bloomed and I have confused daffodils (narcissus) popping up in flower beds. One of my oldest favorite flower pots by the side door finally broke under the effects of frost-heaving in this last cold snap.


20 Jan 05 - 10:24 AM (#1383189)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

We have two days of spring-like weather in our forecast, so I'll be out stirring up the compost and moving some to the front beds. This is the first step of the compost surprise process.


20 Jan 05 - 03:09 PM (#1383491)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Here's a great site a friend sent to me today. I'll post it on one of the garden threads also.

Kitchen Gardeners International


23 Apr 05 - 12:24 PM (#1468833)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Digging more beds and turning the compost today. I have some cherry tomatoes and superfantastic tomates in. I'm planning to go look for some grape tomotoes as well.


23 Apr 05 - 07:47 PM (#1469039)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: The Fooles Troupe

... just leave the the grope ones alone though...

06 Jun 05 - 03:51 PM (#1501283)
Subject: RE: Slow Food - tomatoes
From: Stilly River Sage

Oh, my! I just ate a handful of my home-grown cherry tomatoes with my lunch. Each one was a juicy cool burst of wonderful tomato flavor.

Something is clobbering a couple of my plants out in the garden. (On the other hand, I also have a few volunteers that I've popped cages over). Time to start the garlic pepper spray, and mix up the Neem.