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ADD: Thanksgiving Eve (Bob Franke)+tune

25 Nov 98 - 06:12 PM (#46806)
Subject: Tune Add: THANKSGIVING EVE (Bob Franke)
From: Barbara

thought this would be an appropriate time to post this. The words are already here, and the song is by Bob Franke

MIDI file: tgeve.mid

Timebase: 240

TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
Tempo: 100 (600000 microsec/crotchet)
0720 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0192 0 69 064 0048 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 70 080 0192 0 70 064 0048 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0192 0 65 064 0048 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 58 080 0192 0 58 064 0048 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0192 0 60 064 0048 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0064 0 69 064 0016 1 67 080 0064 0 67 064 0016 1 65 080 0064 0 65 064 0016 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 65 080 0384 0 65 064 0336 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0192 0 69 064 0048 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 70 080 0192 0 70 064 0048 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 58 080 0192 0 58 064 0048 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0192 0 60 064 0048 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0384 0 65 064 0216 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0288 0 67 064 0072 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 70 080 0192 0 70 064 0048 1 69 080 0192 0 69 064 0048 1 67 080 0192 0 67 064 0048 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0192 0 65 064 0048 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 62 080 0192 0 62 064 0048 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 58 080 0096 0 58 064 0024 1 60 080 0672 0 60 064 0408 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 70 080 0192 0 70 064 0048 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 58 080 0288 0 58 064 0072 1 62 080 0096 0 62 064 0024 1 60 080 0192 0 60 064 0048 1 57 080 0096 0 57 064 0024 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 62 080 0192 0 62 064 0048 1 60 080 0096 0 60 064 0024 1 58 080 0096 0 58 064 0024 1 60 080 0672 0 60 064 0408 1 72 080 0096 0 72 064 0024 1 69 080 0096 0 69 064 0024 1 65 080 0096 0 65 064 0024 1 65 080 0192 0 65 064 0048 1 67 080 0096 0 67 064 0024 1 64 080 0096 0 64 064 0024 1 65 080 0384 0 65 064

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:


02 Apr 01 - 05:44 PM (#431516)
Subject: VRS Add-Thanksgiving Eve
From: GUEST,Roll&Go-C

Back in the 1970's one of my friends in Michigan, Camille Vettraino, wrote this lovely verse to Bob Franke's fine song. I'm afraid it might get lost if I don't post it here:

Each moment will pass like winter into spring,
Quickly enough on its own,
But a memory's made in the weaving of a day,
So let not a thread miss the loom.

06 Oct 07 - 10:07 PM (#2165589)
Subject: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: Beer

topical tom whom I'm still stumped as to who he is wrote to me and said that his all time favorite song is one called Thanksgiving Eve by Bob Franke. I hate to admit that I don't think I have ever heard it. There is one line in the song that rings a bell but??
Here are the lyrics and I have to agree the are beautiful. Now is there someone out there who could direct me to the melody of this/
Beer (adrien)

06 Oct 07 - 10:14 PM (#2165597)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: CET

Adrien, you didn't include the lyrics, but I believe Garnet Rogers recorded this in the 1980s. I have the CD but it isn't in front of me right now. It was his first solo album, I believe.


06 Oct 07 - 10:19 PM (#2165600)
Subject: ADD: Thanksgiving Eve (Bob Franke)^^^
From: Beer

Thanks Cet.
Here are the Lyrics.

(Words & Music by Bob Franke)

It's so easy to dream of the days gone by
It's a hard thing to think of the times to come
But the grace to accept ev'ry moment as a gift
Is a gift that is given to some

What can you do with your days but work & hope
Let your dreams bind your work to your play
What can you do with each moment of your life
But love til you've loved it away
Love til you've loved it away

There are sorrows enough for the whole world's end
There are no guarantees but the grave
But the lives that we live and the time that we spend
(alt: And the life that I live & the time I have spent)
Are a treasure too precious to save

As it was so it is, as it is shall it be
And it shall be while lips that kiss have breath
Many waters indeed only nurture Love's seed
And its flower overshadows the power of death

07 Oct 07 - 01:22 AM (#2165654)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: Peace

Tom Paxton did it, also.

07 Oct 07 - 04:41 AM (#2165696)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: neardura

Sally Rogers recorded this somg on her 2nd album "In the Circle of the Sun" back in 1982.
I still have the vinyl and could send you a copy of the song.
What format would you like it in ?

07 Oct 07 - 07:03 AM (#2165734)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: topical tom

Beer, did I really say my ALLTIME favourite song?If I did I exagerated, I think. LOL

      But it is a great, moving, inspiring song, n'est-ce pas?

07 Oct 07 - 07:05 AM (#2165736)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: topical tom

P. S. Thanks to all who pointed out who else recorded it. Little did I know!

07 Oct 07 - 08:29 AM (#2165766)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: Beer

Windows Media Player would be great.
Beer (adrien)

N'est-ce pas? eh!?

07 Oct 07 - 09:37 AM (#2165781)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: neardura

I was thinking more along the lines of tape, MD, CD etc.
Getting it on to the PC would be a little difficult just at the moment.

07 Oct 07 - 10:16 AM (#2165799)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: Mick Pearce (MCP)

The lyrics are already in the DT: Thanksgiving Eve, but no tune is given (nor is it in the Mudcat Midis).

I used to play this a lot when I played in the Johnny Collins' Big Band and I've just jotted down the tune as I remember it. I'll try and check it against a recording I've got and post the abc for it then.


07 Oct 07 - 11:47 AM (#2165849)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Thanksgiving Eve
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Others have done it well, but Bob does it best. I think I'll pop In This Night in again.

28 Nov 20 - 03:54 PM (#4081243)
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Thanksgiving Eve
From: Joe Offer

A very nice performance of "Thanksgiving Eve" by Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health.

Thanks to Bill Buchan for the link.
