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BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'

20 Jan 05 - 10:49 PM (#1383884)
Subject: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert

Well, I've been watchin' this commercial fir Cialis, 'er whatever they call it and one of the warnings goes something like:

"..if the erection lasts over 4 hours consult your doctor"

Okay, now first of all, Iz sniffin' some braggin' here by the drug company that sells this stuuf and...

Second. How you gonna get yer doctor on the phone at midnight on Saturday night???



20 Jan 05 - 10:52 PM (#1383885)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bert

I saw that too. I WANT some of that stuff;-)

20 Jan 05 - 11:01 PM (#1383891)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bill D mean, to keep you from rolling out of bed?

20 Jan 05 - 11:05 PM (#1383892)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Basically, what they seem to be saying is "If you use this stuff, invest in a few sheep." 'Cause look, if ya need th' stuff it probly means yer gittin' on up in years, which means yer SO's probly gittin' on up in years too, which means she probly can't do it fer four hours anymore even if th' thang's still stiff as a roll of quarters. So, ya gotta have a coupla sheep aroun' t' keep th' thang entertained until th' shit wears off.

20 Jan 05 - 11:06 PM (#1383894)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: wysiwyg

Banned at Mudcat gatherings, innit?


20 Jan 05 - 11:08 PM (#1383895)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: wysiwyg

I mean is this the folkie doping scandal of the future? :~) Cyclists on EPO, ESPN-sports types on steroids, folkies on Jazz?


20 Jan 05 - 11:20 PM (#1383900)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Teresa

Well, um, if you have pain or no feeling and a long-term erection, I think that is bad, bad news.

However, if there's no pain and lots o' feelin'... yowzers. :)

Hmmm, I almost read that as "if the election lasts more than four years" ... for once my mind sure wasn't where it usually is. ;) :)


20 Jan 05 - 11:31 PM (#1383906)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Stilly River Sage

Teresa, Teresa, Teresa, what are we going to do with you? You'll get us kicked off the Internet for the imagery you're presenting here!



20 Jan 05 - 11:38 PM (#1383911)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Cluin

Over 4 hours = extended restricted blood flow = necrosis.

Pecker turn black, fall off all by himself.

20 Jan 05 - 11:39 PM (#1383913)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert


21 Jan 05 - 12:20 AM (#1383935)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Teresa

Who, SRS ... me? O:-) I was just referring to my political views. :) ;)


21 Jan 05 - 12:30 AM (#1383941)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: LadyJean

I think the condition is called priapism, and I don't really know much about it. I was getting, at one part, vast quantities of spam for products offering to enlarge my penis, which is a neat trick considering that I don't have one.

21 Jan 05 - 12:33 AM (#1383946)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Cluin

Then you have nowhere to go but up, LadyJean.    ;)

21 Jan 05 - 12:41 AM (#1383950)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos

Named for the fabled Priapus, half-goat, half-man, an ancient satyr renowned through Greece for his incessant interest in the seduction of various goddesses. Said to suffer from constant excitation as a result of some curse. Messing with Goddesses can be bad for your health.


21 Jan 05 - 12:58 AM (#1383961)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

Priapism is one of the things we check for at accident scenes where the mechanism of injury indicates that the patient might have suffered damage/injury to the spinal cord. It is done discretely with the back of the hand in an almost 'accidental-looking sweep'--to preserve the patient's dignity. There are other indicators, but this IS one of 'em. Often, trauma patients with spinal injury will not present with pain of even discomfort. In street terms, priapism is a hard on; in polite terms, an erection. Obviously, women are not checked for the 'condition', except for the Russian wrestling or weight lifting teams.


21 Jan 05 - 01:02 AM (#1383966)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos

ROFL! !Brucie, yer a champ!!

I'll trust you with my dignity any day!


21 Jan 05 - 01:08 AM (#1383973)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Stilly River Sage

It's the possible porn interpretation I was teasing you about, not the Dick-head in the White House. :)

21 Jan 05 - 01:10 AM (#1383975)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

Damn it, Amos, don't start any rumours.

21 Jan 05 - 01:25 AM (#1383985)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos


That's true of most of us older folkies...


21 Jan 05 - 01:37 AM (#1383989)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Teresa

Oh, now here I was making a valiant effort to change the subject. :)

It's a lost cause 'round here.;)


21 Jan 05 - 02:02 AM (#1383994)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

I'll help, Teresa.

"If the erection lasts over four hours," man, that's gotta be hard on a guy, huh?

21 Jan 05 - 02:09 AM (#1383997)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Teresa

heeheehee! Not that direction, you silly.

Oh, ok ... think long and hard, and the longer you think the ...

Never mind. Apologies to robin Williamson; couldn't help it.


21 Jan 05 - 02:22 AM (#1383999)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: C-flat

I only take it to stop me from pee-ing on my shoes.

21 Jan 05 - 02:46 AM (#1384013)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: MBSLynne

Lady Jane, nor have I, but with one of these, I can get as many of those as I want!

Love Lynne

21 Jan 05 - 03:31 AM (#1384030)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Liz the Squeak

HAHAHAHA!! I used that line at work on Wednesday, and had 'em rolling around the floor! (some of them are very young and hadn't heard it before.....)

Bobert, any chance you'll be coming up my way soon?


21 Jan 05 - 03:53 AM (#1384046)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: burntstump

Go out on tour

21 Jan 05 - 09:36 AM (#1384245)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Rapparee

You're better off than I am, Teresa. I think you are, anyway.

I read the thread title as "If the erection lasts over 4 years..."

The images that called to mind were, well, I could picture a job as a hat rack, or as a pump handle, or as a light switch. Especially if the afflicted died in the meantime.

"Yup, that's Hank, Martha. Leastways, all of him that was important there at the end. Didn't even have to have it stuffed. Makes a nice lamp for the end table, don't you think?"

21 Jan 05 - 09:54 AM (#1384269)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: MBSLynne

ROFL Rapaire!!!

Actually..if it lasted four hours I should really think I wasn't doing my job properly!!

Love Lynne

21 Jan 05 - 10:15 AM (#1384288)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Mrs.Duck

Don't they all? :0)))

21 Jan 05 - 10:28 AM (#1384296)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: GUEST,Frug

Guess you just got to keep a stiff upper lip !!

21 Jan 05 - 10:36 AM (#1384305)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Donuel

As far as I can tell, these drugs are career killers.
Some of the commercial advocates seem to have shrunk from the public scene.

Bob Dole
Baseball players
Martin Gibson

21 Jan 05 - 10:37 AM (#1384306)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Sttaw Legend

Why would anyone want to reduce erection time.
Alegedly you need to take plenty of water with them so you dont get a stiff neck.

21 Jan 05 - 10:50 AM (#1384317)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: GUEST,jacqui.c

Liz - you could alwys come to the Getaway - Bobert will be there.

21 Jan 05 - 10:53 AM (#1384321)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Tannywheeler

You poor guys. If there's something Hubby doesn't need..... and, Sttaw, his neck ain't the.... oh, never mind.
LadyJean, I used to receive those ads, too. When I had to go to the library to use these machines. Why they would put someone named Cynthia on the list baffled me. Also the atrocious spelling....Tw

21 Jan 05 - 11:21 AM (#1384357)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: GUEST,harpy

...or give it to your lawyer to make him taller!

21 Jan 05 - 11:51 AM (#1384401)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: John MacKenzie

Is it any good for curing hanging chads? Oh sorry we're back to elections again, although that was a bit of a 'cock up' too.
Giok :~)

21 Jan 05 - 12:24 PM (#1384442)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bill D

over 4 hrs is very dangerous can lead to this ......but he went happy!

21 Jan 05 - 01:17 PM (#1384482)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: McGrath of Harlow

I take it this is all about the difficulties of assembling flatpack furniture, or putting up sheds.

21 Jan 05 - 01:30 PM (#1384489)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Megan L

ach crivens if a tent canny stay up for more thin 4 oors send it back tae the maker

21 Jan 05 - 01:43 PM (#1384496)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Rapparee

Rancher out this way had this bull that wouldn' know. Rancher sure wanted his herd bigger, but the bull just wasn't interested. Finally, the guy went to the vetenarian and asked for some stuff to make the bull do his bullish duty.

The vet gave him a a liter of some greenish liquid and told him that it would do the job.

And it did! That bull was riding the cows within five minutes of being drenched with the medicine. After servicing all of the heifers and the cows, he tried the pigs, the horses, and even the roosters. Finally collapsed and slept for three days straight (so to speak).

I asked the guy what was in the medicine. He said that he didn't know, but that it tasted like peppermint and after his wife poured it out on the ground the pump handle stood straight up for a week.

21 Jan 05 - 01:52 PM (#1384502)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'

. . . have it bronzed.

21 Jan 05 - 01:57 PM (#1384506)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

I'd never get the chance to see if it lasted four hours, my wife would have boinked me to death by three and a half hours!

I heard tell they use the stuff in nursing homes to keep the guys from rolling out of bed.

21 Jan 05 - 03:40 PM (#1384600)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: gnu

If the erection lasts over 4 hours, to heck with the doctor, seek professional help.

21 Jan 05 - 03:49 PM (#1384608)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: robomatic

Three takes on priapism:

1)Brucie: you check for this at accident sites? I wish I did not know that, but now that I do, is it a good thing or a bad thing (at an accident site?) I would guess it's a bad thing because it indicates the damn thing is going off independent of mental arousal.

2)Graffitti from the Stanford University math building external stone stairwell, a source of much male self-awareness: "Abstinence makes the fond grow harder"

3)Great thread title, Bobert! I saw the commercial with that 'warning' at last year's superbowl, just prior to Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction. That show was replete with ads in questionable taste, little boys having their mouths washed out because when they saw a new car's folding roof they invariably cried "holy Sh-!", and at least one other pretty suggestable topic, but I recall wondering what kind of audience these advertisers thought they were influencing, (and if they were right, godelpus). The cialis commerical came on and we all laughed at that 'warning' from which some clever clever writer cum lawyer must've earned a big boner, er bonus.

21 Jan 05 - 04:08 PM (#1384624)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Donuel

I only made a few dick jokes

But this is an untouched photo !

21 Jan 05 - 06:11 PM (#1384728)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Liz the Squeak

And how many days did it take to get the lid down on him?

Brings a whole new meaning to 'stiff'.....


21 Jan 05 - 06:18 PM (#1384738)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Jeri

Rapaire, that was funny! (Took me a few seconds though.)

I would think the priapism after an accident has something to do with blood flow/inflammation in the area (pelvic area), and the lower spine would be near too, so it might have been damaged. Am I close, Brucie? I had never heard about this either.

21 Jan 05 - 07:52 PM (#1384804)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos

It could be a post-mortem response at a cellular level, a final urgent impulse to survive somehow...


21 Jan 05 - 10:01 PM (#1384879)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: hilda fish

Eeeooww! Couldn't help myself when I saw this thread subject. Had to get a 'handle' on it as it were and follow all this 'hard' conversation through to the .......... help! I just love how some people occupy their time.

21 Jan 05 - 10:14 PM (#1384886)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace





6. Determine presence or absence of significant neurologic signs and symptoms: motor function, sensory function, reflex responses, visual inspection, bradycardia, priapism, hypotension, loss of sweating or shivering and loss of bladder/bowel control.

From the site

Massachusetts Emergency Medical Services - Trauma Emergencies ...

It is standard in North America. To be clear, the presence of pripism is an indicator, and medics check for it if other circumstance indicate there may be spinal cord compromise.

It would do little good to encounter a couple who are 'entangled' and presume from the presence of an erection that the fellow has damage to his spine. In truth, we only check if the circumstances are such taht the is a good possibility of trauma to the spine. If the guy's only complaint is a bleeding nose from a fist fight, we don't check his pecker.

21 Jan 05 - 10:27 PM (#1384899)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Stilly River Sage

The state of the man in the photo in the link above has to do with how he was embalmed. The erection is there because the veinous pressure when the formaldehyde was inserted was high. I read about a trial in the U.S. in the last few years where some employees at a funeral home were charged with some sort of malicious mischief from abusing dead bodies. They were torquing up the pressure on dead men to cause erections, though the pressure was always released later for the regular viewing and funeral purposes. The employees probably did it for comparison purposes--who knows--but it was considered inappropriate enough to get them charged and convicted.


21 Jan 05 - 10:34 PM (#1384907)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Rapparee

Brucie, his pecker might have gotten him the bloody nose in the first place.

21 Jan 05 - 10:35 PM (#1384909)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert

Hey, Lizzie, I din't say I had a stash o' this stuff 'er nuthin... I was jus' reportin' on what the TV is sayin' 'bout it... Ahhh, as fir myself, I don't need no doctor, I don't need no pills... Sho nuff don't need no doctor, don't need no pills 'cause...

I'm young and able to buzz all night long 'n if ya hear me buzzin' there's some stingin' going on...

King Bee Bobert

21 Jan 05 - 10:37 PM (#1384910)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

Rapaire, you are on a roll. LOL

22 Jan 05 - 05:08 AM (#1385024)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: John MacKenzie

Bobert: if I heard you buzzin' all night I would presume you're having Apis.

22 Jan 05 - 08:26 AM (#1385094)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert



Guess I'm just a "legend in my own mind"...

Oh well?


22 Jan 05 - 08:33 AM (#1385099)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Blissfully Ignorant

If the erection lasts over four hours, your girlfriend will propose...

22 Jan 05 - 11:01 AM (#1385207)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Mrs.Duck

There is a wonderful song about such things at burial but can't remember what it is.

22 Jan 05 - 11:30 AM (#1385228)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos


Penis pain is any pain or discomfort in the penis. Priapism, which can cause serious pain, is a persistent, painful erection which does not resolve.

Alternative Names:

Pain - penis; Priapism

Common Causes:

Trauma (such as from excessive manipulation)
Bites, either human or insect
Pimples or any surface lesion
Genital herpes (Visible lesions or sores are often preceded by 5 or 6 days of burning, itching or pain at the site of infection.)
Inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis)
Syphilis (can produce a painless penile sore)
Nonspecific urethritis caused by chlamydia and gonorrhea
Infection under the foreskin of uncircumcised men (balanitis)
Reiter's syndrome
Priapism (persistent erection)
Peyronie's disease
Cancer of the penis
Infected penile prosthesis
Sickle cell anemia

More at this site.


22 Jan 05 - 11:37 AM (#1385231)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos

See this page for a clinical presentation of the factors.


22 Jan 05 - 11:39 AM (#1385233)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Amos

An unforgettable quote:

Priapism is a persistent penile erection not associated with sexual desire. Low flow or ischaemic priapism is associated with stasis and diminished blood efflux from the cavernous bodies, while high-flow arterial or non-ischaemic priapism is associated with an abnormal increase of blood influx into cavernous bodies. The latter is the result of cavernosal AVF, which causes unregulated and continuous arterial inflow directly into the lacunar spaces, after bypassing the high-resistance helicine arteries. Cavernosal lacunar spaces thus distend in absence of neurological stimulation, but venous outflow is maintained because subtunical venule drainage is not compromised.
Diagnosis of arterial priapism is based on history of trauma, clinical signs, penile blood gas measurement, color-flow Doppler ultrasound, and selective arteriography.
High-flow priapism is usually secondary to cavernosal artery laceration from blunt or penetrating trauma to perineum or penis. In rare cases, the etiology of arterial priapism remains unknown (idiopathic non-ischaemic priapism), as it was in our case.


22 Jan 05 - 12:09 PM (#1385253)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Cluin

Yep, I know I'm havin' a tough time gettin' that paragraph out of my head....    ;)

22 Jan 05 - 12:26 PM (#1385266)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: John MacKenzie

You forgot cystitis Amos; I certainly won't!
Giok :~(

22 Jan 05 - 01:01 PM (#1385301)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Tannywheeler

No disparagement meant to transgendered folks, but Bill Gates ain't got enough money to pay me to be a male person. Tough enough being female, but I couldn't take the other.    Tw

22 Jan 05 - 02:02 PM (#1385336)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Terry Allan Hall

My wife assures me that if this ever happens, she'll call the doctor around the 3 hour, 45 minute point... ;-)

22 Jan 05 - 03:15 PM (#1385396)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bill D

tannywheeler...I am reliably informed that there are advantages and DIS advantages to being either sex....and even more to being trans or in between. I guess we get used to what we are supplied with.

22 Jan 05 - 09:06 PM (#1385614)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: The Fooles Troupe

My Eudora spelling checker wants to replace 'Priapism' with 'Pianism'....

22 Jan 05 - 09:22 PM (#1385623)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

If it isn't one 'ism' it's another.

22 Jan 05 - 09:37 PM (#1385630)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Liz the Squeak

Hey Bobert, if I want buzzin all night long, I'll just get new batteries for my vibrator!!


22 Jan 05 - 10:08 PM (#1385650)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert

Whew, Liz, I was hopin' you'd say that...

Buzz all night long??? What the heck going thru my mind??? Like nuthin, 'er what? Haha....

Ya know what? Men can say some real srupid stuff...


23 Jan 05 - 12:10 AM (#1385704)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace

I need to know if the following counts: Is the time cumulative? I have been keepin track since this thread started and so far I have two minutes and fourteen seconds of erection time. At this rate I estimate it will take me about 215 days to reach the critical point. When should I begin to worry?

23 Jan 05 - 12:36 AM (#1385710)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bill D

no lady *I* ever discussed it with thought the time was cumulative....

23 Jan 05 - 12:38 AM (#1385712)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Peace


23 Jan 05 - 12:55 AM (#1385717)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'

You guys are too much!

23 Jan 05 - 01:26 AM (#1385732)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: GUEST,Ajewkayted hillbillie

Hay boBert,

wHat wood (HeeHaw) happin if a feller mixed seeAlis wif enzyte?

i reespeckt yur purfeshinull ughpinyun on hard subgects. U iz thuh rezughdent skoller in dis 'sheer holler nowed as mUdkat an ugh all-round gud guy.

i nevered laffed suh hard in my borned daze. Well meebe whin ol Black n Tan dawg got whupped up on by a skinnie deecripit critter called ugh amarillo down Texus way, doncha no.

23 Jan 05 - 06:30 AM (#1385931)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Liz the Squeak

Seen on a birthday card, have to share...

Him: Fancy a quickie?

Her: As opposed to what?

Brucie, if you need a little help, I could probably give you a hand...


23 Jan 05 - 09:04 AM (#1385997)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: Bobert

Sorry, Ajewkated hillbillie, but I must been playin' hookee that day 'cause I don't know nuthin about no enzytez... but you have my permission to mix 'um, try 'um and get back to us... Shoot, you night even get you a week long errection, 'er month...

Sorry, brucie, maybe you oughtta convert over to metric time jus so that yuo'll feel better 'bout things... Lets see now, according to the Wes Ginny Slide Rule 2 minutes and 14 seconds in metric time is, hmmmmm, ahhhhhh, nevermind... Keep what ya got and be sure to get up with Liz and beteen the two of you ya might *get it up* into the 3 minute range...


23 Jan 05 - 10:12 AM (#1386033)
Subject: RE: BS: 'If the erection lasts over 4 hours...'
From: MBSLynne

Well it CAN pleasurably go on an awfully long time if you're careful with it and not in a great rush'relieve' it!

Love Lynne