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i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm

08 Feb 05 - 04:13 PM (#1402891)
Subject: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,sirhooter

i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm and this just interferes with everything during singing on karaoke at home/ has anyone have help ideas please

08 Feb 05 - 04:21 PM (#1402900)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Blissfully Ignorant

Oh dear...have you tried using a decongestant?

08 Feb 05 - 05:41 PM (#1402998)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Harmoni

Tons of liquids
Keep warm
Steam yourself (head under a towel over a bowl of very hot water--breathe deeply)

and above all...


08 Feb 05 - 05:49 PM (#1403005)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Once Famous

Hate to ask but is it green?

If so, you have an infection and should get an anti-biotic from a doctor.

08 Feb 05 - 05:52 PM (#1403010)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: curmudgeon


08 Feb 05 - 06:47 PM (#1403086)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: open mike

give up singing on karaoke at home

08 Feb 05 - 06:49 PM (#1403091)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Sorcha

Do you smoke?

08 Feb 05 - 06:49 PM (#1403093)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Chris Green

You're not Bob Dylan by any chance are you? :-)

08 Feb 05 - 06:54 PM (#1403099)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Richard Bridge

Please, please, point it at someone else.

08 Feb 05 - 07:45 PM (#1403178)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: pdq

...happens to painters too...look at Hieronymus Bosch, he was phlegmish

08 Feb 05 - 07:56 PM (#1403194)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm

"...and bring up phlegm"

probably nothing so serious to get too anxious about;

if you were bringing up blood as well, maybe time to see a Dr..

if you are bringing up shit..

now thats when you should worry !!!!!

08 Feb 05 - 08:25 PM (#1403214)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Alice

Rest your voice until the "sinusy" sound and other stuff goes away.

08 Feb 05 - 10:03 PM (#1403275)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Joe Offer

If you're hoarse, then you shouldn't sing - but I think singing is one of the best way to clear the lungs and sinuses.
Still, maybe it's a good idea that you do your karaoke at home, and not in public. When things clear up, maybe you can try singing before an audience.
-Joe Offer-

09 Feb 05 - 01:27 AM (#1403392)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Seamus Kennedy

A cuspidor.
And I feel sorry for the guy or gal using the mic after you.

All seriousness aside though, I use crystallized ginger to "de-phlegm" my vocal cords.
Just pop a couple of pieces in your mouth and suck the living daylights out of them;
the ginger takes the phlegm coating off the cords.

Make sure to do it well before you go on stage.
There's nothing like hawking a few loogies in the middle of your big number.

Of course, if you're ill, and your vocal cords are simply protecting themselves with the coating, don't sing.


09 Feb 05 - 01:55 AM (#1403397)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Cluin

"i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm"

Fellow Mudcatters, won't you all join me in welcoming Bob Dylan to the party?

09 Feb 05 - 01:58 AM (#1403398)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Cluin

Damn! duellingbouzoukis got there first. I really should read all the way through a thread BEFORE I post

09 Feb 05 - 03:11 AM (#1403444)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Liz the Squeak

If the phlegm is pale green and looks like it should be luminous, you have a chest infection and you need to go to the doctor to get it checked. Chest infections are mostly minor things but if not treated properly, can drain all your energy and turn into something nastier... that's how I got pleurisy, but it could just as easily have turned to something nastier.

If you are in the UK, I'm afraid to say that the tuberculosis case figures are shooting up and it's nothing to do with badgers.

I can sympathise with you... my sinuses have caused a 2 day migraine now, and I'm off to the doc tomorrow for the antibiotics I need for the chest infection I know I now have (smoky pubs do it for me....)

Good luck and we hope you're better soon.


09 Feb 05 - 03:17 AM (#1403450)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Kaleea

Ummm, gee, thanks for sharing. Why don't you try switching to Country & Western hits from yesteryear--be sure you have a pinch of chaw in your cheek. Surely, no one will notice the difference.

09 Feb 05 - 09:42 PM (#1403994)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Once Famous

Hey, you got a problem with Webb Pierce?

10 Feb 05 - 01:01 AM (#1404135)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Cluin

None at all. There was guy who knew how to take the money and run.

10 Feb 05 - 01:39 AM (#1404157)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Mudlark

Phlegm is SUCH an unpleasant word....

10 Feb 05 - 06:25 AM (#1404310)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Ed


I brew a sage tea and add honey and lemon to combat these types of throat problems. Once the concoction is cooled somewhat gargle deeply with it. If given to the taste it won't hurt to swallow the tea post gargle. I always keep slippery elm bark lozenges handy in the event my throat acts up whilst playing. Both remedies are efficient in clearing throat congestion and/or irritation.

Living in the lovely and highly toxic area that I do in New Jersey airborne irritants manage to create sinus and nasal congestion issues in a great deal of folks. I use Olbas oil to help shrink the irritated nasal and sinus membranes. Simply apply a few drops to a piece of natural cotton and hold it to each nostril and inhale. Inhale slowly as you may feel a burning sensation. I believe an ingredient in the Olbas oil is oil of menthol.

Following this protocol restored my voice in two days after completely losing it during the second song I sang at a session one Thursday evening. A lot of tunes that night as it turned out. By Saturday my voice was back.

As an aside,if necessary, one could always expel a loogie in time during a rendition of the Wild Rover; Well its No, Nay, Never, hacht tooey, No, Nay, Never No more...
Be sure to have a spittoon handy if attempted.


10 Feb 05 - 11:05 AM (#1404593)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Joe_F

A cold, it is well said, should be treated with the contempt it deserves. To that end, I have devised the following *contempt cocktail*: Mix, according to taste & conscience, orange juice, dark rum, lemon extract, and bitters. Repeat until you have shown those viruses how little you think of them.

--- Joe Fineman

||: There is some relief in having gotten thru even the pleasantest day. :||

10 Feb 05 - 11:15 AM (#1404608)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Brían

I dunno, it could be the ghost of Jimmie Rodgers....


10 Feb 05 - 11:29 AM (#1404623)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: jeffp

If you're sharing your microphone with others, it would be a nice idea to wipe it with an alcohol prep after you use it.

10 Feb 05 - 05:27 PM (#1405112)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Cluin

Or bring your own microphone foam condom.

I have my own mic that came with one I never used, so I gave it to a bandmate who wanted it.

10 Feb 05 - 05:40 PM (#1405129)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Shields Folk

"i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm"

GOOD, you've ruined my supper!

11 Feb 05 - 03:46 AM (#1405513)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Splott Man

Avoid dairy products before singing, they make you plegmy at the best of times.

It works for me anyway.

11 Feb 05 - 05:28 AM (#1405575)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Chris B (Born Again Scouser)

You know, there's such a thing as too much information...

11 Feb 05 - 10:19 AM (#1405832)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Spot

Commiserations the middle of it myself..!! 3 ops in 20yrs and still it floors me!! Had to cancel tonights gig on account of it!! Plenty of water, Olbas oil in steam...some form of decongestant if you can get it up yer snout and is bloody horrible!!
             hope you soon on the up..
                  Regards to all....Spot

11 Feb 05 - 10:34 AM (#1405854)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Joe_F

And remember -- it isn't the cough that carries you off; it's the coffin they carry you off in.

--- Joe Fineman

||: Hold your nose and vote the straight Democratic ticket. :||

11 Feb 05 - 11:01 AM (#1405894)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,Jim

Seriously - cut right down on cheese, milk & dairy products generally

11 Feb 05 - 09:43 PM (#1406692)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Big Al Whittle

chees is good for your lungs, isnt it? they used yo give it people with TB

11 Feb 05 - 11:21 PM (#1406776)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Kaleea

Thank you for sharing. Perhaps karaoke is one activitiy from which you should refrain.

12 Feb 05 - 12:42 AM (#1406853)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Genie

Seriously, sirhooter, I've had a phlegm problem for about 2 mo. now.   (Not sure what "sounding sinusy" means, but I don't think I have that.)

When I start to sing -- even if I've warmed up for 10 min or so beforehand -- I sound like I'm gargling, for about the first 10 min of singing. But I seem to "work it out" by the time I've sung 2 to 4 songs.

There's a formerly prescription, now OTC med called "guiafenicine" (sp?) that loosens phlegm in the throat so you cann cough it up easily. My doc has recommended using that on a regular (daily or bi-daily) basis, instead of PRN, until this problem goes away.   Guiafenacine (sp?) doesn't seem to have side effects (won't make you drowsy or speed up your heart, e.g.) and really does help get rid of phlegm.

The other alternative, in my case, anyway, is just to warm up longer, to make sure I've got the phlegm loose before I start a performance. Lots of water helps too.


12 Feb 05 - 11:51 AM (#1407245)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: John C.

Although such things are probably best not mentioned in 'polite society' this can be a problem for us singers - I've had the same problem myself. A couple of months ago I was talking to an old mate of mine, who used to be a favourite singer at one time, and he mentioned the same phenomenon.
I've found that drinking lots of water, especially when the room is air-conditioned and over-heated (far too many are these days), can be a great help. I've not found any OTC medicines or herbal remedies but I might try some of those mentioned above (now, where do I get slippery elm bark?).

02 Dec 09 - 12:50 AM (#2778157)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: GUEST,tizzy

since early hours tue morning at about half 1 i woke up and started bringin phlegm up, and now tonight i have had about a two hours sleep if that woke up at ten past 4 and started being sick bringin up phlegm, but i have noticed its not just phlegm its blood aswell, not loads but a a fair bit. i should menstion i am 15 years of age ???.. any tips plz i am worried and havent slept all night and is still bring up blood every 10 minz or so....???

02 Dec 09 - 12:53 AM (#2778159)
Subject: bringing up phlegm with blood?
From: GUEST,tizzy

since early hours tue morning , i started bring up phlegm..and today i went to bed must of had about 2 hours sleep the max then woke up at ten past 4 and has been bring up phlegm but i should menstion its not just phlegm, i have noticed the phlegm has died down a bit and i am now bring up blood with a little bit of phlegm.. but when i bring up the blood it hurts the back of my throught , im scared i dont know if its seriouse or not. im only 15 years of age ???? plz help???

02 Dec 09 - 01:12 AM (#2778169)
Subject: RE: bringing up phlegm with blood?
From: Mick Woods

Get yourself to hospital!!! phone 999(UK) or 911(US) and tell the operator your symptoms.

02 Dec 09 - 01:13 AM (#2778171)
Subject: RE: bringing up phlegm with blood?
From: Stilly River Sage

Go talk to your Mom or Dad, tell them your symptoms, and ask to go see your doctor.

If for some reason this isn't possible, then ask the school nurse for help tomorrow. And if you feel really bad, get yourself to an emergency room. If for some reason all of the adults in your life aren't listening, then you need to go find some who will.

When you try to sleep, prop yourself up. That should help. Gargling with warm salty water might help your throat feel a little better, but it sounds like you need medical attention.


02 Dec 09 - 01:16 AM (#2778175)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Stilly River Sage

Someone combine these threads? Both by the same guest, Tizzy.

02 Dec 09 - 02:04 AM (#2778192)
Subject: RE: bringing up phlegm with blood?
From: michaelr

wind up

02 Dec 09 - 02:07 AM (#2778193)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Valmai Goodyear

Do see a doctor, as coughing up blood isn't usual even with flu. I hope you feel better soon.

02 Dec 09 - 10:05 AM (#2778480)
Subject: RE: i sound sinusy and bring up phlegm
From: Donuel

After 3 weeks of this brand of cold I am getting better. My wife and kid got it later and are still coughing.