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BS: I was going to say something nice

09 Feb 05 - 12:32 AM (#1403365)
Subject: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Bert

but the thread got closed.

As a Limey I must say that Martin stepped up and met HIS thread with the humor that was intended.

Well done Martin, I agree with you (this time)

09 Feb 05 - 03:32 AM (#1403458)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Liz the Squeak

Something Nice.

Why anyone would want to say anything about those horrible biscuits I really don't know...

I prefer chocolate Bourbons and Garibaldis.

Dynastic ruling families make better biscuits (cookies) than towns. Who else has heard of Shrewsbury Biscuits?


09 Feb 05 - 04:27 AM (#1403497)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Dead Horse


09 Feb 05 - 04:28 AM (#1403499)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Liz the Squeak

That's a cake.

So's Pontefract.


09 Feb 05 - 04:43 AM (#1403505)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: fat B****rd

The Famous Eccles ??

09 Feb 05 - 04:52 AM (#1403509)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

I thought shrews made Shrewsbury biscuits. So where are Aylesbury ducks made? and what about Bakewell tarts? Not that I'm casting aspersions on the good ladies of Bakewell.

09 Feb 05 - 04:53 AM (#1403510)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Davetnova

I totally agree with Bert

09 Feb 05 - 05:01 AM (#1403515)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Dave Hanson

Hobnobs, nuff said.


09 Feb 05 - 05:44 AM (#1403528)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: GUEST,MBSLynne

Anzac Biscuits?

09 Feb 05 - 07:48 AM (#1403556)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice

I used to like Shrewsbury biscuits. Do they still make them?

09 Feb 05 - 08:46 AM (#1403562)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: GUEST,Davetnova

The link at the bottom says "new and used English biscuits". What does a used biscuit look like?

09 Feb 05 - 08:59 AM (#1403567)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: GUEST,Rapaire

Pontefract is liquorice. My SS sent me some.

09 Feb 05 - 04:02 PM (#1403703)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Was it Eccles who wrote ecclesiastes?


09 Feb 05 - 04:43 PM (#1403742)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: 42

The word "nice" is used so often it has no meaning. Can no one speak in specific terms anymore? It seems so lazy and casual to use "nice" when the english language (and other languages as well) are crammed to the gunwales with descriptive and beautiful words which actually mean something.

I tried to say something nice once but failed miserably. I do, however, manage to speak a kind word here and there.


09 Feb 05 - 05:42 PM (#1403800)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Little Hawk

Well, 42, you said something nice about my ability to harmonize the other day...

I also agree with Martin on the Limey thing. Totally appropriate to the thread and humorous too.

Fecking Limeys!!! Useless sodding gits, the lot of them!

09 Feb 05 - 07:54 PM (#1403905)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Bert

Nearly as bad as skinny bloody Canadians EH!

42, it was so nice of you to comment on the title of this thread, I was really chuffed to read it.

09 Feb 05 - 07:57 PM (#1403910)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Once Famous

Do you ponder Eccles testicles?

I sure don't/

09 Feb 05 - 08:27 PM (#1403945)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: JennyO

Is that the New Testicles or the Old Testicles?

09 Feb 05 - 09:18 PM (#1403973)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Bert

Old Testicles! stop talking about me.

10 Feb 05 - 05:24 AM (#1404250)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: Peace

Octopus, right? Creature with eight testicles?

10 Feb 05 - 05:42 AM (#1404267)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: gnu

I think not. It's octoPUS.

10 Feb 05 - 08:17 AM (#1404415)
Subject: RE: BS: I was going to say something nice
From: hilda fish

No. No. It's octuPIED as in pied-a-terre \pee-ay-duh-TAIR; pyay-dah-TAIR\, noun;
plural pieds-a-terre \pee-ay-duh-TAIR; pyay-dah-TAIR\:
A temporary or second place of lodging. Which reminds me. I was listening to my radio on the way home from work today and I heard a news item which said a bunch of Chinese road workers dismantled about 100 metres of the Great Wall of China to use on the road they were building and that this had happened before when a road crew dismantled about 500 metres of the Wall for the same purpose. I couldn't stop laughing. Them road workers don't let anything get in the way of completing the job. They are certainly octupied and testiculated. Noice, ruly noice. Don't let national icons get in the way of a job done noicely. Did anyone else hear that news item and laugh?