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Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)

14 Mar 05 - 07:21 PM (#1434819)
Subject: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: jaze

This past weekend I picked up a cassette by Jim Reeves mainly because someone I work with raved about him once. He sang a version of Goodnight Irene in his slow crooner style(which I don't normally care for). I found myself singing along and realized it's because I love that song and have liked every version I've heard. Whether it's by the Weavers, Willie Nelson's country style or finger-picked folk-blues style by Mississippi John Hurt. Danny Boy falls into that category with one notable exception--a Carly Simon version I hated. I think I've liked every version of Shenandoah I've heard. Are there songs you love no matter who they're done by?

14 Mar 05 - 07:35 PM (#1434835)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: akenaton

Yes I agree Jaze.
Last week I found a tape by Kenneth McKellar,who in my youth, was the great Satan to all folkies.
It was a tape of Burns songs and I loved it. I thought Mckellars trained voice was probably more authentic than the usual "folk" style.

At the end of the day, Its the song that counts...Ake

14 Mar 05 - 08:31 PM (#1434879)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: Peace

Yellow Rose of Texas
October Winds
The Three Bells

14 Mar 05 - 08:37 PM (#1434885)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: GUEST,chinmusic

Jaze- The song, and the interpretation by the singer, always go hand in hand with me. There's many songs that I love, but not a particular rendition by a singer. So, both elements have to be in place for me, to get the most out of the song.

15 Mar 05 - 04:51 AM (#1435099)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: RobbieWilson

I agree there are few things worse than hearing a song you love get an unsympathetic reading, or one which misses the point but am interested in the possibility that there are songs which are robust enough to make that imposssible. I'm not convinced though. The original post still came up with an exception for the song in question and I'm more inclined to think that a somesongs will bring music out of the most surprising people but that some people can kill even the most wonderful song.

15 Mar 05 - 06:24 AM (#1435128)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: Wrinkles

Wild Mountain Thyme is about the only _song_ I love and that I've never heard an interpretation I didn't like in some way. _Tunes_ are another matter ;-)


15 Mar 05 - 01:37 PM (#1435413)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: GUEST,Sidewinder.

My Way is the one for me or Delilah (Remember the Alex Harvey version?)



15 Mar 05 - 01:51 PM (#1435429)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: TheBigPinkLad

I burned three entire CDs of same-song renditions:

She moved through the fair
Walking Blues
Little Wing

15 Mar 05 - 03:34 PM (#1435483)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: mg

Funny how we don't all hear alike...I absolutely love Kenneth McKellar's voice..always have..our library used to have his records we could check out...I can barely listen to one version of She moves through the fair..a cd of it would have me checking into Bedlam...I just want to shake whoever is singing it and say hurry up. mg

15 Mar 05 - 04:40 PM (#1435527)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: Mary in Kentucky

I Once Loved a Lass.

One night on HearMe I got Jon, Nynia and jacko to all sing it. Beautiful!

15 Mar 05 - 04:52 PM (#1435538)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: Cool Beans

    Which "Maggie"?
    "Little Maggie"?
    "When You and I Were Young, Maggie"?
    "Maggie May"?
    "Maggie's Farm"?
    I don't think I know just plain "Maggie" (which is my daughter's name).

15 Mar 05 - 10:33 PM (#1435741)
Subject: RE: Songs You Love(No Matter Who Sings Them)
From: Mudlark

Presentation very important to me, not just voice but feel, sensitivity to the story line, all that stuff. I once finally quit jamming with a folkie because of the dirge-like way all my favorite ballads were presented. I felt if I listened to one more umpteen versed monotone version of Mary Hamilton, a song I've always loved, I'd have to strike it from memory. And when she started in on The Great Silkie...that's when I headed south...