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BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland

23 Mar 05 - 06:18 AM (#1441373)
Subject: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Davetnova

No one wears them any more! It's all these new fangled tee-shirts.

23 Mar 05 - 11:50 AM (#1441643)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: GUEST,Mingulay at work

Are you speaking about the ones that used to be knitted from random pieces of hairy string or the rather effete white cotton ones. Proper ones should leave marks like trellis all over the body. By the way, they make lousy lampshades.

23 Mar 05 - 12:23 PM (#1441670)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

They're richt guid fur catchin' baggies though, pure dead brilliant in fact!

23 Mar 05 - 12:48 PM (#1441703)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

Translation required

23 Mar 05 - 12:54 PM (#1441708)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

D'ye no ken whit baggie minnows ur Noreen hen?

23 Mar 05 - 12:54 PM (#1441709)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Joe Offer

Why is it that I don't understand this?
Obscure Scots humor, I suppose.
Can somebody explain it to this poor soul?
-Joe Offer (I don't "get" American humor half the time, either)-

23 Mar 05 - 01:49 PM (#1441761)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: CarolC

Another, and more frightening question is...

Why is it that I do understand this?

23 Mar 05 - 01:55 PM (#1441766)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

Language of the Glesca Keeley
Giok ¦¬]

23 Mar 05 - 01:56 PM (#1441769)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: CarolC

(Joe... loosely knitted undergarment for the upper body, more properly knitted from rather course fiber that is also usefull for catching small fish, but not useful as lampshades)

23 Mar 05 - 01:56 PM (#1441771)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: CarolC

Oops. Crossposted.

23 Mar 05 - 01:58 PM (#1441774)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: frogprince

The Word Archive:
"Yiv a bit o jeelie on yir semmit."

semmit: vest.

"You have a spot of jam on your vest."

23 Mar 05 - 02:05 PM (#1441781)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: CarolC

But even "vest" is open to translation because on the right side of the water, "vest" does not always mean the same thing as it does on the left side of the water.

23 Mar 05 - 03:51 PM (#1441867)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

Ah- a string vest.
Tell me about baggie minnows, Giok?

I thought I was well educated, having been brought up on the Sunday Post and Oor Wullie!

23 Mar 05 - 04:02 PM (#1441880)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

For Noreen

23 Mar 05 - 04:11 PM (#1441894)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

Err... I know what minnows are, it was the baggie bit I needed help with. Baggy like a loose jumper??

23 Mar 05 - 05:40 PM (#1441949)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

Scan down to the next section of the page I linked to, and look at the list of local names for minnows Nors.

23 Mar 05 - 05:58 PM (#1441968)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Once Famous

these people are sick.

23 Mar 05 - 06:45 PM (#1442003)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Little Hawk

Ah dinna ken whit ye're on aboot this time, Davetona. Fae the benefit o' them whit cannae follow yer line o' reasonin', hae the daysensy tae explain yersel a wee bit, laddy. William Shatner is a Jew, and he got along fine wi' Scotty despite the fact that the warp drive wis always crapping oot at the wairst moment. Are you implyin' that Mr Scott wis tryin' tae sabotage the Enterprise??? If so, it's a low blow, it is. Ye've insulted both Jews AND Scots in my opinion, and shuid make up fer that wi' a formal apology! Och, aye!

23 Mar 05 - 09:27 PM (#1442139)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Bunnahabhain

I must formally request that you your render Highland Brouge into the Queens English by the available next post, or I shall request and require the satisfaction of honour of Gentlemen.

I remain, Sir, your most obediant and faithful servant,


Edinburgh, Scotland.

23 Mar 05 - 09:35 PM (#1442142)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Alba

Oh naw Wee Hawk yiv dun it noo....
Yir in fur a good beltin if ye dinnae watch oot and make yon apology (in the "Queens" English mind....nane a that local dialect patter)

come on noo...shift it or yer tasting fur a pasting fae Bunnahabahin...o deary me


24 Mar 05 - 01:11 AM (#1442261)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Boab

M.G.----Naw ---"thae yins is a bunch o' scunners". They winnae ken the difference atween a mintie an' a beardie. Dinnae hae yer breeks in a fankle---the heidin's talkin aboot SEMMITS---N0 "semites". They're no sick---jist kinnae glaikit.
Hey L.H.---no a bad mixter-maxter o' Doric, Lallans an' Star-trek Scotty!

24 Mar 05 - 03:18 AM (#1442285)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Davetnova

Little Hawk - Scotty would never have sabotaged the Enterprise. To even suggest that the Ewan McCall of Startrek would stoop so low is evidence of a severely overtaxed mind.
I haven't worn a semmit since I was a child. In fact I stopped wearing them as soon as anyone stopped making me. They seem to have gone the same way as sleeveless Fairisle Vnecks and short trousers (same story).

24 Mar 05 - 08:09 AM (#1442467)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Hillheader

Is a transvestite someone that swaps semmits?

24 Mar 05 - 08:19 AM (#1442475)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Alba

Scotty never looked like this noo: how no tae wear a semmit:>)


24 Mar 05 - 08:50 AM (#1442510)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

Bring back semmits, and Liberty Bodices, and hookers doon, and skip bunnets, and nicky tams, and cross-over peenies too.

24 Mar 05 - 09:16 AM (#1442533)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

Ah, liberty bodices- now you're talking. That was my childhood :0)

24 Mar 05 - 09:22 AM (#1442541)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Davetnova

my mother was never dressed without her pinnie and heidscarf.

24 Mar 05 - 12:38 PM (#1442718)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: GUEST,CarolC

Dinnae hae yer breeks in a fankle-

I'm going to have to remember that one.


24 Mar 05 - 05:32 PM (#1442972)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Jim McLean

A semmit (or simmit as we pronounced it in Paisley) is merely the Scotch word for an undershirt or vest. I don't ever remember a string vest being referred to as a semmit, mind you we didn't have string vests when I was a boy ... brown paper between body and shirt kept out the cold! The word itself, semat, applied to a Roman tunic. There is also a connection with samite which was a silk fabric. Very interesting.

24 Mar 05 - 05:42 PM (#1442976)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

And out of the lake, came an arm clad in pure white semmit, bearing aloft the mystical sign, "BUCKFAST"

24 Mar 05 - 06:52 PM (#1443029)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Den

Giok, this is incredible. We too had semmits but my mother used to make sure we had on our "Liberty Buttonist" as it sounded to me when I was wee. All my life I related the Liberty Buttonist to people from home (meaning usually Scots and Irish) and noone heard of the Liberty Buttonist. It had to be a Liberty Buttonist because of the three wee buttons up the front. All is now revealed with your post about the Liberty Bodice. Another revelation on MudCat. Den

25 Mar 05 - 03:15 AM (#1443273)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Boab

A' the carfuffle aboot a cutty sark!

25 Mar 05 - 07:22 AM (#1443383)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

LOL Giok :0)

Hey Den- you must have looked good in one of these...
Black Spandex velvet Liberty bodice with printed velvet boned front panel

(She's taking a liberty!)

25 Mar 05 - 07:38 AM (#1443390)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Alba

She'll hae somebuddy's eye oot wi one of them so she will!
Dinnae make any sudden moves noo hen fur thirs no much hawdin yir bits in yon Bodice!

25 Mar 05 - 12:07 PM (#1443560)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

Ah'm fair forfochen lookin' at that wummen's doos, so amur.
G (.)(.)

25 Mar 05 - 05:48 PM (#1443851)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Den

Noreen, you should see me in me bodice, y fronts and wellies. Enough to turn any woman's head.

25 Mar 05 - 05:59 PM (#1443862)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Megan L

or their stomach :) jings giok a hivny heard fair forfochen fur years, and bukie ach ye must be a richt we toffee nose it wis the lanni in the schemes :)

25 Mar 05 - 06:31 PM (#1443879)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Little Hawk

LOL! Scots dialect has tae be the bonniest in aww the worrrld.

26 Mar 05 - 03:58 AM (#1444075)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Boab

"Forfochen"---no a bad bit o' Scots; but "wabbit" is easier spelt....
Oor leid can hae a fair wheen o'words o' like meanin. "Glaur", "glauber" an' "drookit stoor" a' hae reference tae the ae element gey weel ken't in oor driech, smurry climate.

26 Mar 05 - 01:34 PM (#1444205)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: katlaughing

Lang may yer lums reek, the lot of yoo!

LMAO, thanks for one of the best threads on Mudcat in a lang time!

26 Mar 05 - 06:04 PM (#1444389)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Little Hawk

I hope that the spirit of Little John Cameron is getting a chuckle or twa oot o' this.

27 Mar 05 - 12:19 AM (#1444594)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Boab

Ah---Little Hawk, shame on you. When I'm sad I tend to lapse into English......

27 Mar 05 - 12:10 PM (#1444871)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: John MacKenzie

Hallow therr pals 'n chinas, ah've bin awa fur a couple o' days, an' mair important, nichts, ah've been gaun tae ma pit at fower in the mornin. Me at ma ripe auld age, ah've no been up at thon time since Adam wis a bairn! Noo whin I mentioned that therr wis this super intelligent threed oan ra intersneck aboot semmits an' liberty boadices, weel some wumman said oot lood in a pained an' strainglet voice, "SMELLY RUBBER BUTTONS" richt oot lood like, an in front o'weans tae! She said the buttons oan hurr liberty boadice wis rubber, an' she aye mindit the awfy smell o' them. Ring oany bells oot therr??

27 Mar 05 - 04:15 PM (#1445062)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Jim McLean

Ma auld Scotch Mother ayeways moaned aboot the reek o' the buttons oan her liberty bodice but Ah couldnae unnerstaun it as ma wee sister had yin and there were nae buttons oan it. It jist wrapped roon her boady and wis tied wi' ribbons.

03 Apr 05 - 03:11 PM (#1450978)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Megan L

aye Jim but some o us hae a gey wheen mair tae haud in and a few weel placed buttons never gae amiss.

Feg Giok ma loon yer gettin far ower auld fur a thon stravaigin aboot shame on ye man.

03 Apr 05 - 09:56 PM (#1451320)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: The Fooles Troupe

Tis a brae bricht licht moonlicht nicht tonicht!

(I haven't got a clue what we are talking aboot!)

04 Apr 05 - 03:09 AM (#1451426)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Noreen

Mine had 3 little rubber buttons on as a 'trim'- I didn't have anything to hold in in those days, Megan!

04 Apr 05 - 05:22 AM (#1451475)
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
From: Liz the Squeak

Ah, never ee mined, they'm all be puggled you.