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BS: Bush to run for Pope....

01 Apr 05 - 07:01 PM (#1449579)
Subject: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Bobert

Washington, D.C. (AP)

With the Pope's health deteriorating rapidly, Condolesa Rice has been flown to the Vatican where sources within the White House have confirmed that her mission is to get President Bush's name into the mix of candidates to be considered to take over upon Pope Paul's death.

A source within the administration, who asked to remain unnamed, said that the President has had converstaions with God and has been ordered by God to seek the position so that Bush can continue the Pope's work as an advocate for the down-troden.

But Democratic Senator John Kerry was quick to point out the President's other motives in saying, "The President has done the math and when he looks at being in a position to push 1 billion people around, rather than a measley, 300 million, it has become apparent to his handlers that the Vatican is one heck of a target."

Vice President Dick Cheney has been told to stay close to home and be prepared to assume the duties officially that he has been handling unofficially since 2000.

01 Apr 05 - 07:07 PM (#1449585)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Leadfingers

He doesnt stand a chance Bobert !! Especially after Tony Benn's comments on BBC Radio 4 's Any Questions re Bush's 'Pro Life' comments coupled with his approval of 150,000 Iraquis being killed !!

01 Apr 05 - 07:15 PM (#1449590)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Bobert

Details, details, l-fingers...

Like how do you spell Karl Rove???


01 Apr 05 - 07:25 PM (#1449598)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Peace

I ran for Terry Fox once. Nice of Bush to do that, IMO.

01 Apr 05 - 07:37 PM (#1449615)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Ebbie

LOL, brucie.

01 Apr 05 - 07:46 PM (#1449622)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: GUEST,Jesus Christ

Look, contrary to popular belief it's still my church. Peter and the rock and all that, ya understand. And I say "Ixnay!" That Bush boy ain't workin' for me! He may have made fools out of a buncha people, but he don't get up early enough to pull the wool over ol' J.C.'s eyes. Ain't no way! And you can take that to the bank!

01 Apr 05 - 08:00 PM (#1449632)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: The Fooles Troupe

Won't happen while the USA is the worlds only Superpower - the RC Church will fight against such a concentration of power in one such country, so no US Cardinal will get up either till China thoroughly surpasses the USA. This may not take as long as you think....

But, both organisations DO have a Worldwide Evangelistic Mission - for different purposes!

01 Apr 05 - 08:05 PM (#1449635)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: The Fooles Troupe

Today is the Official Group Birthday for The Fooles Troupe!

We might have to leave here soon - too much competition!

01 Apr 05 - 08:14 PM (#1449645)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Bobert

What, you all gonna run fir Pope, too?

01 Apr 05 - 08:23 PM (#1449655)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: The Fooles Troupe

We already ARE! ... and if we ever catch that guy named Pope, we'll stick him in one of his washing machines....

01 Apr 05 - 08:26 PM (#1449656)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: PoppaGator

Think Georgie boy will back off once he realizes he'd have to become Catlik?

01 Apr 05 - 09:04 PM (#1449686)
Subject: RE: BS: Bush to run for Pope....
From: Bobert

Nah, P-Gator, fir a dies in the wool heathen, he's doing a danged good job convincin' a bunch of fundamentalist Christains that he's a Christain???

Go figure???
