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BS: Dislocated Shoulder

11 Apr 05 - 08:01 AM (#1457878)
Subject: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Pied Piper

I dislocated my shoulder on Saturday and had it put back at the local A+E, can anybody help with advice on getting a good recovery in the shortest time possible.

11 Apr 05 - 08:26 AM (#1457904)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: GUEST,Raggytash

Excessive winking John ? ............ sorry to hear you've damaged yourself ..........

but I suppose it's payback time for all the aural suffering you've inflicted on others

As for recovery, you should have been advised in A & E as to the best way in which to aid recovery, If I get the opportunity I will ask some colleagues in the hospital

11 Apr 05 - 08:30 AM (#1457908)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Azizi

Oh, that sounds terribly painful!

I have no idea what an A+E is, but I hope it means a qualified hospital.

I've no advice to give you except follow your doctors recommendations, be as patient as you can be with the time it takes to recover [be a good patient], and accept the positive vibes that are coming your way from 'Catters and others!


11 Apr 05 - 08:47 AM (#1457917)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Rapparee

Be careful with it after it is okay again. Once dislocated, they can pop out more easily in the future.

11 Apr 05 - 10:19 AM (#1457977)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: mooman

If it's a first time dislocation then usually full recovery takes between one and 2 1/2 months. Most (about 90%+) dislocations are "anterior" and I'm assuming yours is this type. (The shoulder is the most easily dislocated joint by reason of its form and function). Principal rehabilitation is in regaining full mobility of the rotator cuff muscle and rest for any tendons or ligaments that may have been damaged. The hospital (sounds like UK!) should have given you advice on recovery rest/exercises. Other than that, reduction of local pain and inflammation may be helpful and your doctor or pharmacist can help you with that (several herbal remedies are effective for this also).



11 Apr 05 - 11:17 AM (#1458031)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Morticia

A+E is accident and emergency, Azizi........what I think you chaps call the emergency room.

11 Apr 05 - 11:22 AM (#1458035)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: GUEST,nobby

I put out my AC joint in the shoulder. it took three years for it to get fixed with pain killers, physio, ultra sound, cortison injection, manipulation masssage ,strapping, The thing that did it finaly was accupuncture which killed the pain so I could do the physio.

Best of luck.

best advice go slowly do what the physio says.
Did you tear any ligaments? if so thats what takes longest to repair, 6-9 months if you are disciplined.

11 Apr 05 - 12:20 PM (#1458064)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: GUEST,Charmion at work

My left shoulder was dislocated in 1976 and again in 1985, which resulted in recurrent bouts of bicepital tendinitis. The most effective short-term treatment was ultrasound, but I did not achieve anything permanent in the way of rehabilitation until physiotherapy was made more accessible (when I first got hurt, physiotherapists worked only in hospitals), and non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs became available in without prescription.

If the doctor at A&E didn't refer you to a physiotherapist, do whatever you have to do to get referred; a good assessment and prompt treatment at this stage will save you -- literally -- years of misery and may save you a permanent deficit in that arm. Think of it as an engineering problem: the inflammation is worsened by the weight of the arm dragging on the injured tissues, but if you immobilize and support the arm until the inflammation subsides, the joint will seize up!

11 Apr 05 - 12:25 PM (#1458073)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Ebbie

Ohhhhhhhh. I cannot even imagine how a shoulder or for that matter, a knee, feels when it is dislocated. There was a period of say, 4 months, about 15 years ago that my right thumb dislocated from time to time. (I couldn't bear to see it sticking out like that so I'd put my hand behind my back and pull the thumb back into place!) To play guitar I used an Ace bandage wrapped 'round my hand. Gradually it healed and it hasn't come out since.

Good luck.

11 Apr 05 - 01:19 PM (#1458118)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Azizi

Thanks, Morticia. I appreciate that information. I should have been able to figure that out...

And is 'chaps' a referent also for females? Or is the female version 'chippies?" :o)

Ms. Azizi

11 Apr 05 - 03:48 PM (#1458236)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Megan L

dinny be daft lassie abody kens a chippie is a joiner and no o dislocated bits either :)

11 Apr 05 - 06:41 PM (#1458433)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: robomatic

Recovery depends on your health and age and the extent of the damage. Each one is a little different. I don't think exercise makes it better. You've damaged some cartilaginous areas which typically don't grow back, so concentrate on alleviating the inflammation and take it easy on the shoulder for 4-8 weeks.

Depending on your activities, it will be easier to dislocate in the future. It will also be easier and less painful to reset. It will also help you predict changes in the weather.

11 Apr 05 - 06:58 PM (#1458448)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Rapparee

I had knee surgery (removal of pieces of the meniscus following a fall), and I take "triple strength" gloucosimine/chondrotin supplements. The surgeon said, "Can't hurt and may well help" and it seems to work for me. But be warned: DO NOT take them if you are allergic to shellfish, for they are made from the carapaces of shrimp (no, no flavor).

11 Apr 05 - 07:16 PM (#1458465)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: GUEST,Guest

As Charmion says, get yourself referred to a good physiotherapist as soon as possible, early treatment is very important. And be very conscientious about doing the exercises she/he will give you.

All the best for a good recovery from a UK physiotherapist.

12 Apr 05 - 07:20 AM (#1458872)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Pied Piper

Thanks a lot for the support and addvice folks, seems I need to see a Physio as soon as possible.

All the best


12 Apr 05 - 07:34 AM (#1458882)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: MBSLynne

Comfrey oil, ointment or a compress of the leaves speeds healing and regrowth of damaged cells and is also anti-inflamatory

Love Lynne

12 Apr 05 - 09:18 AM (#1458983)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Azizi

Megan L said
"dinny be daft lassie abody kens a chippie is a joiner and no o dislocated bits either :) "

Work with me here, Megan.

I think I correctly translated this much of your response into one form of informal African American talk:
'Don't be silly, girlfriend! Everybody {add "and her mother" if you
want to emphasize the 'everybody'} knows a ?????...

then you completely lost me.

Not that this has anything to do with the price of beans in Boston [meaning "Not that this has anything to do with the subject of this thread"].

But, let's face it. Sometimes English can be a foreign language.
Learning about the ways people in different English speaking nations {or within the same nation} say the same thing can be so interesting.

Thanks for putting up with this thread drift.

12 Apr 05 - 09:20 AM (#1458986)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Rapparee

Oh, yeah. After the knee surgery I had three months of physical therapy with "The Pain Ladies." They'd wear tight black leather and a mask, carry a whip, and make me do degrading, painful things. But my knee is now as good as it ever was and maybe a bit better than before the surgery.

Well, maybe that wasn't quite the way they dressed....

12 Apr 05 - 10:55 AM (#1459063)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Pied Piper

Yes Rapair I'm told that imagination is useful in healing.
I've got an appointment to see a private registered physio here in sunny Eccles tomorrow, unfortunately the NHS would take about 3 weeks to get me seen so it's worth the £30 a pop.

Again thanks for your advice.


12 Apr 05 - 12:19 PM (#1459138)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Rasener

I dislocated my shoulder about 10 years ago.
It felt very wierd, but I put it back in the socket and then went to A&E. They gave me a bo*****g and Xrayed it. Fortunately I hadn't done any harm.
My shoulder told me when not to do things. We went to the beach about 4-5 months later and it was a stoney beach. So I decided to do skimmers for my kids. Bloody hell did that hurt.
It took about 9 months before I didn't notice it anymore.
Played a lot of golf after that without any further effect.
You don't need a physio, just a bit of common sense.
I didn't use any pain killers. Was I a bit lucky?

13 Apr 05 - 12:59 AM (#1459656)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: dianavan

I had a 'trick knee' that popped out of the joint 2 or 3 times a year. For over twenty years, I coped by popping it back in. I finally had laser surgery and physio until I reagained 98% balance and mobility.

I dislocated my shoulder and couldn't put it back by myself. Went to the hosp. and they tied it up and I used one arm and pain killers for a couple of months. Physio helped me again.

Both my shoulder and my knee are now functioning just fine but its a little painful when the weather changes. Other than that, there are health problems that are far more serious and debilitating as you will find when you grow old.

Sometimes I think these things happen to remind us how lucky we are. You'll get over it and appreciate the use of that arm much more in the future.

Beware those physiotherapists! They are mean task-masters.

13 Apr 05 - 05:27 AM (#1459776)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: Dave the Gnome

Did mine when I was 15 - Took no-time at all till it was mended and no ill effects! Eeeeeh to be young again:-)

I think physio sounds right for this one, PP. If you need a chiropracter for any reason however there is a realy good one on Langworthy Road in Salford. Give me a bell if you need details.

I only mention coz Mrs G went to the physio at Hope Hospital with both back and neck problems with no good effect at all. Chiropracter sorted in in a matter of weeks.



13 Apr 05 - 11:34 AM (#1460037)
Subject: RE: BS: Dislocated Shoulder
From: GUEST,noddy

Voltarol helps ...or is that a chatacter in Harry Potter.