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Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

12 Apr 05 - 04:59 AM (#1458780)
Subject: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: mindblaster

I was disgusted to hear that when asked for a minutes silence in respect of the pope at a football match in scotland. The crowd started to jeer and boo. Horrible scotch bastards

12 Apr 05 - 05:20 AM (#1458791)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Jon

Hearts manager aren't happy with the actions of some of thier supporters either see here

It's not a case of "horrible scotch bastards", it's just a case of a minority of mindless people providing an oppertunity for attacks such as yours on a nation (as well as on football). I'm English - enough said already...

12 Apr 05 - 05:22 AM (#1458792)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

While I agree with your sentiments Mindblaster, I'm afraid I find it a bit on the sweeping side, also it should be Scots bastards. It is strange that so many people are surprised at the sectarianism in Scotland, it is in some parts as bad as that found in Northern Ireland, and the Rangers and Celtic football club nonsense is not limited to Glasgow. We still have separate Catholic and Protestant education in Scotland so the prejudice continues. I can only apologise for the boorish behaviour of some of my [unfortunately] countrymen on this one, but please remember they are a minority.

12 Apr 05 - 05:41 AM (#1458809)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Alexander

Guest Jon provides a link to the newspaper report on the incident.
Six arrests for the jeering, read it! Six!
I, like Giok, can only apologise that there are 'some' morons among our fellow Scots (as indeed there must be in any country)
How very disrespectful to an entire nation Mr Mindblaster.
First the exaggeration that 'the crowd' started to jeer and boo, following with the phrase 'horrible scotch bastards'.
What a pity you apparently display the same kind of prejudice (and arrogance) as those six - only against another nation instead of a faith.

12 Apr 05 - 05:49 AM (#1458817)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Alba

I too think some brands of Scotch are pretty horrible but certainly not all of them:>)

That being said, I do, as a fellow Scot, agree with Giok's post.


(Mudelf maybe this belongs below the line? just a suggestion...ta much)

12 Apr 05 - 07:07 AM (#1458863)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Leadfingers

Scotch ?? The Islay Malts are too peaty for me !!!

12 Apr 05 - 07:19 AM (#1458869)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

It doesn't sound like disrespect for a pope. It sounds like people quite rightly taking offense to the misuse of an announcing system. Why not a minute of silence in aid of world hunger? Why not a minute of silence as we ponder our manifold sins?
It really has nothing to do with the Pope.

12 Apr 05 - 07:26 AM (#1458874)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Stu

Lay the blame at the door of Sectarianism - certainly not soley a Scottish blight. Every nation without exception has its own tribe of bigots, yobs and morons.

12 Apr 05 - 07:41 AM (#1458890)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

And would the Scots boo and hiss, in their usual winging way, at a moment of silence for hunger ? Yes, it does have to do with the Pope and narrow mindedness, A History of a nations bigotry is not an excuse for bigotry,

12 Apr 05 - 07:51 AM (#1458902)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

I repeat, what business does anyone have to insist that a crowd of people pay respect to someone they have no direct relationship with. That respect must be offered, not solicited.

I think such an announcement, if it really happened was outrageous.

This thread sounds like a troll.

12 Apr 05 - 07:57 AM (#1458903)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

why does it sound like a troll? what garbage. Is that how you explain away everything you are previously unaware of? Of course it happened. Announcements before sports events after the death of someone eminent/related to the sport/victim of tragedy are commonplace.
My opinion of the few who participated in the hissing is one of non interest. Why the outrage that a handful of people out of thousands did something idiotic.
They aren't representative of the majority of supporters there.

12 Apr 05 - 08:06 AM (#1458914)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

Announcements are one thing. Requiring people to show respect is different from giving them the opportunity to show respect. Sounds like you have a problem with people who refuse to behave like sheep.

12 Apr 05 - 08:09 AM (#1458916)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

sounds like you have a problem with understanding how it is politer to keep your mouth shut when surrounded by thousands of people who want to pay their respects.

12 Apr 05 - 08:10 AM (#1458920)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

You seem to be online right now. Hows about naming yourself and getting on the Chat line?

Or are you satisfied to remain a nameless trolling lurker?

12 Apr 05 - 08:12 AM (#1458923)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

yes thanks quite satisfied. Are you equally satisfied being a named wanker?

12 Apr 05 - 08:15 AM (#1458925)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

equally satisfied as yourself. You should take a page out of the Pope's operating manual and let the truth set you free.

I will now observe you are a coward with an attitude. You may now take a minute of silence (if you are able).

12 Apr 05 - 08:21 AM (#1458932)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

You did pretty good, Guest. I popped onto Chat just in case you had anything to say, and you were silent there as well.


12 Apr 05 - 08:28 AM (#1458940)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope


12 Apr 05 - 08:43 AM (#1458949)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Rapparee

This should be in the BS section.

12 Apr 05 - 08:44 AM (#1458950)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Beast of Farlington

Isn't it amazing and sad the number of threads that descend into fights?

12 Apr 05 - 09:08 AM (#1458971)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Brakn

It should now be in BS. Some only post in BS.

12 Apr 05 - 09:09 AM (#1458973)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Brakn

Thanks whoever did that.

12 Apr 05 - 09:15 AM (#1458980)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Dave the Gnome

You are quite right of course, robomatic, no-one has the the right to insist that a crowd shows respect. Likewise no-one in the crowd has the right to upset the vast majority. It is all a question of give, take and good manners. Manners are simply the rules by which the peace is kept, pretty much like netiquette. As is displayed perfectly above, when boorish behaviour occurs fights break out.

It is pretty much taken as read that opposing sides in any sport respect each others national anthems, for instance. Is it too much to expect that courtesy be extended to other occasions? I don't think it is myself but your are of course entitled to your own views.

I can only finish by repeating that it is bad manners and 'yobish' in the extreme not to respect the wishes and sensibilities of the people around you. Unfortunately while there are those justifying a lack of respect for other peoples feelings we will be stuck with the uncaring attitude we are plagued with today:-(


Dave the Gnome

12 Apr 05 - 11:09 AM (#1459072)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Dominie

Not 'Scottish' but 'Hearts fans'.
Hearts is the common name for Heart of Midlothian football club.
Hearts fc is owned by a Lithuanian called Vladimir Romanov.
He has brought to Hearts a number of Lithuanian footballers.
The predomonant religion in Lithuania is Catholic.

12 Apr 05 - 01:13 PM (#1459194)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Den

Ah but the predominant number of Hearts fans are not catholic. I agree though, that its unfair when everyone gets tarred with the same brush, so to speak. Observing a moment of silence before football matches in respect of the death of certain individuals is commonplace and usually these observances are respected by almost everyone in the crowd. I am mindful of the silences recogniized before games when Brian Clough past away, after the death of the Queen mother and the two little girls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman who were abducted and murdered in Soham. I for one think that it is a wonderful respectful tradition and I think that it is very sad when people disresect this usualy out of ignorance. Den

12 Apr 05 - 01:18 PM (#1459200)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: EagleWing

I can only apologise for the boorish behaviour of some of my [unfortunately] countrymen on this one, but please remember they are a minority.

Well said, Giok. That minority of Scots is no more boorish than similar minorities of English "fans" or those of virtually any other nation.

Wherever you are and whatever the occasion there are always some idiots who get their kicks that way. In fact some of the threads on Mudcat display a few people of that type.

Frank L.

12 Apr 05 - 01:19 PM (#1459201)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

Sort of a microcosm of Mudcats little problems with a disrespectful minority!
Giok ¦¬]

12 Apr 05 - 01:34 PM (#1459217)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: EagleWing

"I repeat, what business does anyone have to insist that a crowd of people pay respect to someone they have no direct relationship with. That respect must be offered, not solicited.
I think such an announcement, if it really happened was outrageous.
This thread sounds like a troll."

On the contrary, for once (to my great surprise) I think it is Robomatic who is trolling.

I would have no problem in standing for a silent minute to remember those who are hungry, those whose lives are threatened by tsunamis. I will stand for far more than a minute on a day when the holocaust is remembered and on "Remembrance day". I'm not a fan of the Pope and I'm not a Roman Catholic but I would stand for a minute out of respect of the millions who mourn his loss.

The loutish behaviour of those six people was just that. It was loutish. If they claim to have done it because of their Protestantism then they shame the Protestant faith.

You say "It sounds like people quite rightly taking offense to the misuse of an announcing system." Wrong. It sounds like people who are so crassly biggoted that they are unable to respect other people's views. It's like people who would jeer at a passing funeral, or who would tear up and burn the Stars and Stripes on thanksgiving day, or who would yell antisemitic slogans at service of remembrance for the holocaust.

Frank L.
(Sadly because I have always thought that Robomatic was one of the good guys.)

12 Apr 05 - 01:36 PM (#1459220)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: TheBigPinkLad

Didn't surprise me one bit -- who the hell thought it would be a good idea to request a minute's silence for someone many Scots believe their enemy? Lots of Scots are strongly anti-Catholic. It will be interesting to see what kind of respect is shown when Ian Paisley goes west.

12 Apr 05 - 01:39 PM (#1459224)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Den

I highly doubt that the disruption was caused by only six people. Six may have been arrested but I don't think that six people could cause much of a disturbance in a football stadium.

12 Apr 05 - 01:40 PM (#1459226)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

Hardly the same league BPL Ian Paisley is a fraud and is not even a Reverend in the ordained by the church sense. In fact anybody who doesn't rejoice when he goes doesn't see the joke!

12 Apr 05 - 01:47 PM (#1459230)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: TheBigPinkLad

Alas, Giok, for many it's exactly the same league (trust you're not referring to the SPL ;o)

12 Apr 05 - 02:04 PM (#1459245)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: ard mhacha

that should read sick people, the majority of the Hearts supporters   joined in the insults,I seen the incident on TV. I have been in many a crowd of football supporters who paid respect for various dignitaries who had passed away.   I remember being a spectator at Fulham in 1963 when a minutes silence was observed for President Kennedy, this is a dignified way to pay respect, the people who question this would be welcome with the morons who follow Hearts FC.

12 Apr 05 - 02:12 PM (#1459254)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

What has the Pope got to do with Scotland, or Scottish football.

Scotland is a Protestant country, and the Pope has nothing to do with Scotland. I don't mind what religion you are, however what gives you or anyone else the right to tell the Majority of Scotland what to do.

And what about the Cletic supporters when the Queen mother died they were quiet for 38 seconds, it strange what short memory they all have.

12 Apr 05 - 02:22 PM (#1459261)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

So you would have fought on the side of the English at the battle of Culloden then Tam?

12 Apr 05 - 02:22 PM (#1459262)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Den

If that is true of the Celtic fans then it is every bit as disrespectful.

12 Apr 05 - 02:56 PM (#1459291)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

If I was at Culloden I would be fighting for Scotland, And yes that is True about Celtic.
Anyway what has Culloden got to do with the Pope or Scottish football, it sounds as if you haven't got a case.


12 Apr 05 - 03:06 PM (#1459298)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

Oh another thing why was Celtic fans who are supposed to be aginst secteriisom (pardon the spelling) and bigorty singing IRA SONGS, what has that got to do with football, Celtic are a SCOTTISH FOOTBALL CLUB and not an IRISH CLUB.

Anyway this is getting a bit stupid, you are entitled to your opinions and I'm entitled to mine, so lets agree to disagree, John.

And if you don't then who's the bigot.

I don't even like football.

God Bless Scotland

The Pope was a Polish man who lived in Italy telling us Scots what to do.

Enough is enough.

Let bygones be bygones

12 Apr 05 - 03:53 PM (#1459330)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Big Tim

The problem isn't that Scotland is a "Protestant country", it's that quite a number Scottish Protestants are bigots (the vast majority aren't). England too is a "Protestant country", yet the minute's silence for the Pope was impeccably observed by the crowd at the Newcastle/Sporting Lisbon game.

12 Apr 05 - 04:00 PM (#1459340)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: TheBigPinkLad

We Geordies have impeccable manners.

(dons asbestos undies)

12 Apr 05 - 04:11 PM (#1459346)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Joe Offer

I think that a request for a moment of silence is something that should be made only on rare occasions, and only where is is clear there will be completely unanimous support. It's becoming far too common now. When a practice like this becomes common, people start to ignore it.

The Pope's death was long expected, and it's not some huge tragedy. Best not deal with it at a sporting event.

-Joe Offer-

12 Apr 05 - 04:14 PM (#1459348)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

Well you see if Bonnie Prince Charlie had won at Culloden Scotland would now be a Catholic country, so it's largely a matter of luck that you happen to live in a country where the monarch is the head of the Church of England, and protestant succession is enshrined in the British constitution. Then again if Henry the VIIIth hadn't fallen out with the Church of Rome over the little matter of them refusing him permission to divorce one of his wives, then England might also be a Catholic country. So you see Tam religion is neither fixed nor that important. Whereas respect is universal and non sectarian.

12 Apr 05 - 04:15 PM (#1459350)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

The majority of sports fans attending events in the UK don't agree with you joe. It isn't used on a daily basis.

There are always a few eejits who have trouble keeping their lips closed, but they are the same ones who probably get thumped on a Friday night after the pubs close for the very same reason. Should we ban drinking just because a minority have trouble handling it?

12 Apr 05 - 04:29 PM (#1459354)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

What the referee did by cutting the silence short was not what I would have done, I would either have stood there until the troublemakers were shamed into silence by the sensible members of the crowd, or I'd have led the teams off the pitch, and refused to bring them back until the silence was observed, he gave in to the numpties.

12 Apr 05 - 04:36 PM (#1459359)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Clinton Hammond

"at a football match in scotland. The crowd started to jeer and boo"

You expected differently from a passle of thugs such are football fans?

Are you maybe also surprised when a duck quacks?

12 Apr 05 - 04:48 PM (#1459372)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Joe Offer

I suppose customs are different in different countries, but I think demanding a moment of silence at a sporting event is appropriate about once every five or ten years. And support for it should not be by a mere majority - it ought to be well-nigh unanimous. It was appropriate to have a moment of silence for the victims of the World Trade Tower. I suppose it might have been appropriate for the tsunami victims, although even that might not have worked. But for an old priest who died of old age, I don't think so.

Of course, I'm one who hated standing for the National Anthem before I could watch a movie in a U.S. Army theater.

-Joe Offer-

12 Apr 05 - 04:54 PM (#1459380)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

I understand what you are saying Joe, but don't think time limits between minutes silences are appropriate. If something 'big' happens that affects the world and people wish to mark that event, they should be allowed to.

We can't plan how often these 'big' events occur.

12 Apr 05 - 05:15 PM (#1459398)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Once Famous

Robo, I usually don't have a problem with most of what you say, but the guest pummelled you to a point where all you had left in your arguement was to accuse him of being a guest.

I think the Guest was right. I would be embarrassed by the behavior of my countrymen for not taking a moment to honor the memory of a revered world leader to many.

and Joe, so sorry you were so inconvenienced to stand for a playing of the National Anthem. It takes all of about a minute.

12 Apr 05 - 05:21 PM (#1459402)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Curator

Tam the man do you feel the large Catholic community living in Scotland has no place there ? should they shut their mouths and not follow their faith ? I am not being funny, but in your words Scotland is a Protestant country and the Pope has nothing to do with Scotland.I am an Irish Republican and proud of it, but if the Queen who is the head of your faith died in the morning and I was asked to observe a moment of respect I would have no problem with that. As a mark of respect to the death of a lady and as a mark of respect to all my Protestant friends of whom she meant something to.

12 Apr 05 - 06:16 PM (#1459459)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

Silences at football matches should be to do with football matters. I too would have found it profoundly difficult to maintain silence for a man responsible for so many things I thought wrong and backward. I would find it difficult to maintain a public silence for anyone associated with religion. And why should I? Belief is a choice I choose not to make, or honour.
I took my hat off and stood silent for the passing of Stanley Matthews

12 Apr 05 - 06:27 PM (#1459466)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

Gosh another one who would have trouble remaining quiet for a minute. Do you spend all day booing and hissing at everything you don't agree with?

I am sure alot of football fans there have no papal leanings one way or the other, but out of respect to the majority who obviously did, they managed to stay quiet.

12 Apr 05 - 06:43 PM (#1459474)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

Anyone can sell their principles for a peaceful minute. Some of us can't.

12 Apr 05 - 07:07 PM (#1459494)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Richard Bridge

Pope was leader of a sect that has spawned some of the ugliest religious violence and sexual abuse in history.   He also abused his religious standing to interfere in internal politics in the USSR (compare US views about non-Christian religous leaders who pontificate (choice of word intended) on internal US civil matters). His teachings on birth control condemned thousands to lingering deaths and/or miserable lives.

Ought we universally to revere him simply because he is dead? Compare the hypothetical requests for silence for Hitler, or Hussein, or Pol Pot (etc, etc)? Certainly some deserve to be vilified as well after as before death.

12 Apr 05 - 08:06 PM (#1459534)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

Jaysus Martin Gibson,
Now I understand why you can't stand Richard Bridge.

13 Apr 05 - 06:43 AM (#1459820)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,wholenut

Scotland is not a real country - it's north england. The scotch have always kissed england's arse. Unlike the Irish who had the courage to kick the english out. All the scotch that i have met in my life have been tight fisted, mean, scheming, arrogant, english worshippers. It does not surprise me that they behaved in such an obnoxious manner, it's in their scotch nature.

13 Apr 05 - 07:14 AM (#1459828)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Hughie

A couple of pedantic points. The Queen is not the head of the Scottish Church and Culloden was not between the English and Scots as it was more like a civil war with many 'scotch bastards' fighting on the government side.

13 Apr 05 - 07:28 AM (#1459836)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Scotsmac

Did you know that piss from a ginger person is stronger than from a normal one?

They used to pay a penny a gallon for human piss and sixpence for ginger piss. It was used in the wool industry.

Scotch ginger and proud - that's me!

13 Apr 05 - 07:29 AM (#1459837)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

Yes I know the sad story of Scots on both sides at Culloden Hughie, but the argument was that if the mostly Scottish side under BPC had won over the Scots/English side the likely outcome would have been a Catholic Scotland.

13 Apr 05 - 08:31 AM (#1459871)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Taff

Being Welsh myself, I must agree that the scotch are really just english with funny accents and skirts.

13 Apr 05 - 10:50 AM (#1459993)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,paddy

Yes and Whiskey was invented by the Irish.

13 Apr 05 - 11:59 AM (#1460071)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Curator

The Ginger coloured piss is called Scotch.

13 Apr 05 - 02:06 PM (#1460181)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: DougR

It appears to me the poster is painting the Scots people with a mighty broad brush.


13 Apr 05 - 02:16 PM (#1460190)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Clinton Hammond

I've seen 'em... you'd NEED a broad brush to paint most of them...

13 Apr 05 - 03:59 PM (#1460306)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Once Famous

Guest, you are right. And on top of that he leaves lawyer slime when he stands up from a chair.

13 Apr 05 - 04:27 PM (#1460326)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Donuel

The Pope's last words

13 Apr 05 - 05:16 PM (#1460375)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: akenaton

Just a couple of points, I agree with Joe Offer, it was unbelievably stupid to ask for two minutes silence at a Hearts--Celtic game.
Hearts fans are the Edinburgh version of Glasgow Rangers supporters,who are are among the most enlightened, cultured and reasonable people on the planet.
They discuss literature, theology and philosophy at great length, and would find it extremely difficult to interrupt the thought process for more than a few seconds.

The other point is that sectarianism--bigotry-- religious hatred, is not a minority sport in Scotland but is in fact practiced to great effect and with no small measure of skill by the vast majority of the population. Different factions having their own musical genres and fancy dress.
Every so often ,high spirited punching kicking and knifing games can be observed in the streets of Glasgow,as the young bucks of the city show off their skills.

Visitors from other galaxies would be well advised to avoid dates like July 12th, as these youths have been known to consume up to two bottles of non alcoholic lager on this date highten the buzz....Ake

13 Apr 05 - 09:08 PM (#1460553)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: mindblaster


13 Apr 05 - 10:49 PM (#1460612)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: podman

They were at a game. I suspect they were showing disrespect for anything that came up. And i also suspect that they wouldn't have been jeering if the Pope was there, he was known as a player wasn't he? And I suspect that wherever he is the Pope don't mind.

13 Apr 05 - 10:51 PM (#1460614)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

I made me a rule I wouldn't get back into this thread unless it lasted another 50 ms or more, and for some reason it has.

It would have been nice if someone who was actually there or at something like it would have chimed in, but the thread filled up with other folks who were not at Culloden, so no help there.

I still think it is wrong to foist on the paying and captive public the necessity of honoring whoever the announcer wants. I've been to some public functions where we were supposed to fall silent for 'outrageous' prayer which was certainly not on my behalf. It is frustrating to pay money for attendance at an event and have it 'dedicated' to whatever with no option. It is anti-democratic.
There is usually no appeal. One would think the proper way to protest this is with a letter to the management and a letter to the paper. This costs effort and may not bring satisfaction.

Some folks allege that these kinds of moments of silence are common enough to be well understood, and that it kinda sorta woulda been nice for the predominantly Protestant followers of one club to illustrate sensitivity towards the predominantly Catholic followers of the other. I think whoever was in charge should have exercised more discretion.

It sounds like the actual noise was produced by very few people, so in titling the thread there was a bit of trollery involved.

And if we want to beat on the Scots, it's time to go back to the kilts and sheep jokes. After all, they've been colonized by wankers for a long time, as the bitching GUEST with no name should know.

14 Apr 05 - 04:29 AM (#1460791)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

True enough Robomatic, some highland villages now have in exess of 50% incomer population, while most of the big landowners are also foreign, and I don't mean English. Just local to me we have a large estate owned my Mohammed el Fayed the well known Egyptian grocer, who lives most of the time in Switzerland to avoid UK taxes. Still at least while he's over there our sheep are safe ;~)

14 Apr 05 - 04:33 AM (#1460792)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

It would have been nice if someone who was actually there or at something like it would have chimed in, but the thread filled up with other folks who were not at Culloden, so no help there.

We'll try and dig up someone who was at culloden for you robomatic. Thanks for the best laugh on a thread in a while. History not a strong point eh?

14 Apr 05 - 05:31 AM (#1460816)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

Giok: Holy Cats! The highlands are filling up with sassenachs?
Guest: As I will credit you with knowing, you're laugh is forced. I get all my history off the telly, and if "Highlander" was at the battle of Culloden, I know about it. Unfortunately in the present era he lives on a boat in France and can't make all the Hearts games. And he would never have disrespected the Pope. During the opening minute of silence, he'd still be in the parking garage fighting for his head.

There can be only one!

And he would never fail to identify himself.

14 Apr 05 - 08:42 AM (#1460940)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Tartan Filth

Och why anyone like us, is it because we are the filthiest scum of the earth?

14 Apr 05 - 08:50 AM (#1460952)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: John MacKenzie

Very deep and gnomic as utterances go.

14 Apr 05 - 04:53 PM (#1461425)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: mindblaster

Ho ho

15 Apr 05 - 10:11 AM (#1462119)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

Well Bonnie Prince Charlie didn't win the 1745 rebellion and Henry the eighth did fall out with the church of Rome.


And that's why Scotland is a Protestant country, This is bloody stupid, I mean who gives a damn, the pope is dead let the dead rest in peace.


15 Apr 05 - 11:05 AM (#1462174)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,weerover

Haven't visited Mudcat for some time, so missed most of this at the time. The people most to blame for the disgraceful behaviour are the Scottish football Association. I read a few days before that there was to be a minute's silence, and everyone I spoke to agreed that what was going to happen was exactly what happened. Why did the SFA, who must also have known this would happen, go ahead?


15 Apr 05 - 11:29 AM (#1462192)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,anton

As somebody who was a victim of the Catholic church's fascist education system in nineten sixties Britain, I support what Robomac is saying . If I had been at the football match I would have booed as well. To be anti the catholic faith and the church's mediaeval hierarchy is not the same as being anti the catholic people.

15 Apr 05 - 02:52 PM (#1462357)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Megan L

The only person who showed any sense at culloden was the woman who poured boiling water over her mans feet so he couldn't go.

16 Apr 05 - 03:55 AM (#1462794)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the Bam (Nutter)

If I lived in South Ireland for example then I would respect their laws and beliefs, however some Catholics want to Marjorty which are Protestants, of which I'm neither, I am not a Catholic or Protestant, but I do respect their beliefs and Laws, And as I have said what has the Pope got to with Scotland or Scottish football, not one person has answered that question, they talk about Bonnie Prince Charlie or Henry the eighth or something else which has nothing to do with Scottish football or Scotland.

PS I agree with Tam the Man.

16 Apr 05 - 08:26 AM (#1462892)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Curator

What has the Pope to do with Scotaland,you ask. There is a sizable number of Catholics living in Scotland, agree ? These Catholics held Pope John Paul as their spirtual leader, which is not against the law. Agree ? I am sure there have been people who died over the years who you may not have known in person, but respected and admired for their work. You would maybe want to express your sadness at their loss in public. This was the reason those responsible for this football match allowed a one minute silence. The man who died had almost 5 million at his funeral, and countless watching it on television, so he must have been pretty well liked. The Scottish people are allowed to express their sadness, sadly some Scottish people felt they should not be allowed to do so.What the Pope has to do with Scotland is, he was loved by Catholics living in Scotland. What has he to do with Scottish Football ? A sizable number of those in attendance at the match in question loved the man, hence the club respected their grief. That's your answer and I hope you understand it. I would like to add as an Irish Republican who many dislike on this site, If in the event Queen Elizabeth died, I would have no problem at all taking part in a one minute silence, to recall and respect her death. I may not agree with the actions of her government, but as her passing would leave the hearts of many who loved her feeling heavy, I would show a marked respect.I saw Scottish soldiers remove their glengarry's once as the funeral of a dead Irish Republican passed by them. There is professional respect and there is bigoted bastards. Where do you stand ?

17 Apr 05 - 12:47 AM (#1463318)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Murray on Salt Spring

Robo is quite right on most counts. The response of the crowd [how many?] was not polite, and maybe out of place; but then the request for silence was also out of place. Those who compare the Pope to malign folk like Hitler are not so far off the mark. JPII was a bigoted hard-line conservative who didn't like the reforms of his church and made several plain statements (armed with Papal infallibility, no less) that tried to turn the clock back. Look it up.

That said, I as a football-scorning Scot have to deprecate the hooligans who made rude noises. As someone else says above there's a lot of sheer stupidity from football roughnecks, and European clubs have as poor an opinion of British fans as the world does of Bush.

17 Apr 05 - 04:41 AM (#1463359)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

I am a born again Christian so I'm neither Protestant or Catholic.
there will be some out there who will say but are you a Protestant or Catholic Born again Christian, these are the bigots and fools in Scotland and else were.

17 Apr 05 - 04:44 AM (#1463360)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

Anyway I'm fed up with this, this is like wee weans and as from now I don't anymore to do with it, enough is enough, if you want to bicker about the Pope and the people who didn't show respect for the Pope then go ahead.

17 Apr 05 - 06:45 AM (#1463392)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

The Queen is not the head of my faith God is.

I don't worship any man or woman unlike Catholics or Protestants, I worship God.

who do you worship eh! any this is bloody stupid, acting like children you have your faith and I have mine. You have beliefs and I have mine.

As I said let bygones be bygones.

17 Apr 05 - 06:50 AM (#1463397)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Curator

Agreed, Enjoy your day.

17 Apr 05 - 06:59 AM (#1463406)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

Thank you

17 Apr 05 - 07:04 AM (#1463407)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Tam the man

I forgot the curator,

I hope you have a good day as well.

17 Apr 05 - 10:38 PM (#1463970)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Once Famous

I hope you all get a rash.

17 Apr 05 - 10:56 PM (#1463984)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: Big Mick

Tam, you should not speak of what you are ignorant of. I am a Catholic. I don't worship any man, other than Jesus Christ who was a man. Given that you are a born again Christian, I would presume you worship the same.

This the type of rhetoric that causes great grief, and it is ignorant.


17 Apr 05 - 10:58 PM (#1463986)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: robomatic

Now, (entirely voluntarilly), I wish to state that on a personal level I would have had no trouble keeping quiet for a minute, out of respect for the Pope as a man who did more good than harm, and also out of respect for those who saw him as their religious leader. Hearing a few yobs making rude remarks would not have boiled my blood, however. If, for example, there was a tragedy and we were having a moment of silence for someone in the American leadership, a few yob remarks would have definitely got my blood up.

Make of this what you will, it's my honest reaction. I guess what I'm most concerned about is how by attendance at a sporting event I may be subjected to an experience which will leave a bad taste in my mouth. But perhaps that's one of the risks one takes when one is part of a society.

18 Apr 05 - 03:34 PM (#1464573)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: The Curator

Don't know you Gibson, but anyone I have spoken to knows you. As for your hope that I get a rash, I doubt I have slept with anyone known to you.

19 Apr 05 - 08:16 AM (#1465207)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: kendall

My experience of the Scots is that they are generous, kind, humourous and very decent folks.

19 Apr 05 - 06:45 PM (#1465851)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope

Ya guess we're not real big on Iti's and poles.

Maybe you criminal and cowardly races would like to come up for a wee chat pursuant to this.

20 Apr 05 - 06:22 PM (#1466611)
Subject: RE: Scottish show disrespect for dead pope
From: GUEST,Leadfingers

Come on El Ted ! Have a go at this one !