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BS: This i believe

25 Apr 05 - 12:37 PM (#1470241)
Subject: BS: This i believe - Norman Corwin
From: Donuel

If you do not know Norman Corwin - HURRY UP - he's 95 years old.

listen or read here... there is also an essay contest some writers here should enter.

25 Apr 05 - 12:54 PM (#1470256)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Donuel

Years ago, while watching a baseball game on television, I saw Orel Hershiser, pitching for the Dodgers, throw a fastball that hit a batter. The camera was on a close-up of Hershiser, and I could read his lips as he mouthed, "I'm sorry." The batter, taking first base, nodded to the pitcher in a friendly way and the game went on.

Just two words, and I felt good about Hershiser and the batter and the game all at once. It was only a common courtesy but it made an impression striking enough for me to remember after many summers.

The blood relatives of common courtesy are kindness, sympathy and consideration. And the reward for exercising them is to feel good about having done so. When a motorist at an intersection signals to another who's waiting to join the flow of traffic, "Go ahead, it's OK, move in," and the recipient of the favor smiles and makes a gesture of appreciation, the giver enjoys a glow of pleasure. It's a very little thing, but it represents something quite big. Ultimately it's related to compassion, a quality in very short supply lately, and getting scarcer.

But look, let's not kid ourselves. It would be foolish to hope that kindness, consideration and compassion will right wrongs, and heal wounds, and keep the peace and set the new century on a course to recover from inherited ills. That would be asking a lot from even a heaven-sent methodology, and heaven is not in that business.

It comes down to the value of examples, which can be either positive or negative, and it works like this: Because of the principle that a calm sea and prosperous voyage do not make news but a shipwreck does, most circulated news is bad news. The badness of it is publicized, and the negative publicity attracts more of the same through repetition and imitation.

But good can be as communicable as evil, and that is where kindness and compassion come into play. So long as conscionable and caring people are around, so long as they are not muted or exiled, so long as they remain alert in thought and action, there is a chance for contagions of the right stuff, whereby democracy becomes no longer a choice of lesser evils, whereby the right to vote is not betrayed by staying away from the polls, whereby the freedoms of speech, assembly, religion, and dissent are never forsaken.

But why linger? Why wait to begin planting seeds, however long they take to germinate? It took us 200-plus years to get into the straits we now occupy, and it may take us as long again to get out, but there must be a beginning.

N Corwin

25 Apr 05 - 01:45 PM (#1470297)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

Brilliant, Donuel! When I heard this, one of my first impulses was to find it on the internet, cut-and-paste it, and post it here. I got it, saved a copy, and logged in, and lo! you beat me to it.

In this world of retaliation rather than forgiveness, general rudeness, and a spirit of "get out of my way, you SOB!" and "I've got mine, so screw you!" I've found that the common courtesies have become pretty rare, especially in those situations in which the rude one can remain essentially anonymous, such as when encapsulated in an automobile (and strangely enough, even on Mudcat!).

Some years ago, I adopted a practice of, as Corwin mentions, courtesy while driving. I feel good about it, it surprises the hell out of other drivers, and they may feel impelled to do unto others as I did unto them. At the very least, they have a pleasant experience for a change and it may forestall the rush of adrenalin that occurs when someone rushes ahead and cuts them off, instead of smiling and waving them in.

This, and in other situations. Although there are many people in this world who are courteous, kind, and considerate, such simple virtues often seems to be in short supply. The simple acts that we chose—either rudeness or courtesy—are contagious. An excellent example, perhaps, of reaping what we sow.

Don Firth

25 Apr 05 - 02:39 PM (#1470338)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Megan L

There is an old image of the Aberdeen (Scotland) folks being mean and dour. DO NOT believe it in recent months my husband has been transfered from our island to the hospital in Aberdeen on both occassions i have been overwhelmed by the patience kindness and care shown by local folk.

I drove down and being very lost crawled to every junctionunsure of where i should go yet not once did anyone honk or get abusive,often drivers would stop to let me out. It was the same in shops staff went out of thier way to help, in one store as i leaned tiredly on my walking stick to ask if they had an escalator the lady on the cash desk explained it was right at the back of the store then appologising that she couldn't leave the desk called over another member of staff and asked them to take me down in the goods lift which was nearer.

I believe folk are good if you give them a chance to be.
I believe a smile eases many a sore heart.
I believe a kindness is never returned empty.

25 Apr 05 - 02:53 PM (#1470355)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

"Nice guys finish last"

..............................Leo Durocher

25 Apr 05 - 03:01 PM (#1470360)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Stilly River Sage

Appropriate wellspring for MG to draw from, I must admit!

    If I were playing third base and my mother were rounding third with the run that was going to beat us, I'd trip her. Oh, I'd pick her up and brush her off and say, "Sorry, Mom," but nobody beats me.

    Leo Durocher

25 Apr 05 - 03:24 PM (#1470385)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

To some, life is like a pot luck. Everybody brings something to it, they all share, and everybody has a nice time.

To others, life is a contest. They kick the other guy in the face, they constantly have to watch their backs, and they frequently get the crap beat out of them in the locker room.

The world is what you make it. The choice is yours.

Don Firth

25 Apr 05 - 03:33 PM (#1470388)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

Except one thing, Don...................

depends on the situation.

I live in a world of reality, not a pipedream.

25 Apr 05 - 03:55 PM (#1470405)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: frogprince

I'm sure you're quite right, Martin; a great deal of the REALITY that each of us lives with is what we bring on ourselves by our own behaviour and attitudes.

25 Apr 05 - 04:46 PM (#1470472)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

True, it does depend upon the situation, but you have control over what you do in that situation.

No pipe dream, Marty. You live in a nightmare of your own making.

Don Firth

25 Apr 05 - 04:54 PM (#1470477)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

I have no nightmares, Don. Certainly if you think Mudcat is a nightmare for me you are sadly mistaken.

Absolutely zero. Life is quite good. Dealing with Mudcat arrogance and pompous ass attitudes is not my nightmare.

It's just some very trivial entertainment. kind of a morbid curiousity wondering what life is like for guys like you who don't work, get out and play music, or do much of anything else except sit around your computer all day.

25 Apr 05 - 04:59 PM (#1470486)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: GUEST,geprgiansilver.......

Dealing with!....Now there's a good quote!....Let's DEAL with it! whatever it is!!!!!!! Great eh?

25 Apr 05 - 06:24 PM (#1470550)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Amos

Arrogance and pomposity define you, Martin. You have no insight to offer, no help to give, nothing but vicitimish whining and abusive detraction to offe rpeople. Give it up -- go find some actual friends somewhere else in the forest. All you have made around here is antagonists.


25 Apr 05 - 07:12 PM (#1470591)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

Be fair Amos,

Don't deprive him of his only means of feeling as if he matters.

Small minds, incapable of grasping or discussing ideas, or philosophies, need to justify their existence by trying to disrupt what they will never understand.


25 Apr 05 - 07:43 PM (#1470623)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: bobad

Once again a thread becomes all about Martin Gibson, When will you ever learn ?

25 Apr 05 - 07:54 PM (#1470631)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: GUEST,observer

Martin, you twit!

25 Apr 05 - 08:09 PM (#1470643)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

It's Amos' fault, bobad. I have so successfully gotten inside his head.

I feel that I do contribute, Amos.

"This I believe."

I give you something to talk about when I tell you how little I think of your ideals and goofy uncrealistic outlook on things..

I really like friends that I can shake their hand in real life. This is just a goofy web forum with a bunch of paranoid old hippies, socialists, liberal mental disorders, pseudo intellectuals etc. Hey! sounds like Amos!

25 Apr 05 - 09:24 PM (#1470695)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: mack/misophist

Back to the topic.

Courtesy is the grease in the cogs of life.

25 Apr 05 - 09:27 PM (#1470697)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

Interesting. If we're all a bunch of paranoid old hippies, socialists, liberal mental disorders, pseudo (My God! You learned how to spell it!) intellectuals, etc., how come such a Great Philosopher as you spends so much time hanging out here? Speaking of hanging out, zip your fly!

"...guys like you who don't work, get out and play music, or do much of anything else except sit around your computer all day...."

Wrong as usual, Marty. You don't know Shinola about "guys like me."

I'm retired from the nine-to-five, so I write several hours (average, 2,000+ words) a day, which does keep me "sitting around" my computer a lot, but that is my work. Anything I post on Mudcat is in addition to that. I'm always working on new songs, I practice on the guitar every day, and I either perform for the public or sing with friends frequently (this past week-end, for example). And there is a folk festival coming up here pretty soon. And I have resumed teaching guitar. And that's only part of my activities. So all in all, I'm busy enough, believe me!   

Perhaps you haven't notice (as self-absorbed as you are, I wouldn't have expected otherwise), but I've been pretty scarce on Mudcat lately and until a day or two ago, I was gone for nearly two weeks. Busy with other things. But -- I see that while I've been gone, you've been here all along, starting theads to either wind people up (trolling) or to whine about your paranoia at thinking you find anti-Semitism in every shadow, in every post that's over your head (which is a lot!), and in anyone who takes exception to your abuse.   

If cowering in fear and responding to everything with hostility is what turns your crank, well, it's your life and they're your ulcers. But as an uncle of mine used to say, "You've buttered your bread. Now lie in it!"

Have a nice day.

Don Firth

25 Apr 05 - 09:42 PM (#1470708)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

Not cowering in fear, Don.

At least I have something to hang out, not just an old gray hair.

No, Don, haven't missed you lately.

Anti-Semitism is real here, Don. To deny that just makes you a part of it. As far as retired goes, from what, Don?

And Don, I do know about guys like you, because you are just so predictable, so boring, and so non-interesting. It's obvious you never made much if any money as a writer and never will. Could that be because, your writing is as mediocre as your very limited vision on things?

25 Apr 05 - 10:47 PM (#1470754)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Janie

MG--Go play in the traffic. J.

25 Apr 05 - 10:51 PM (#1470761)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Janie

Awww Donuel--so sorry to have been a twit to the twit--goes to show how tough it can be to follow those principles. But it is worth it to keep trying.

Sorry, Martin, for being rude.


25 Apr 05 - 10:57 PM (#1470767)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Ebbie

I'll direct it, Janie...

26 Apr 05 - 01:30 PM (#1471386)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

Retired from what, Marty? And never make any money at my writing? As has been said of you many times, wrong again!!

I've worked at a variety of jobs, including as an announcer and news director at a radio station, where I wrote both news copy and commercial copy (and produced newscasts and taped commercials) for which I got paid. The job I officially retired from was as a technical writer for the Bonneville Power Administration, and they paid me quite well, thank you very much. As far as free-lance writing is concerned, I have one article published in Sing Out! (in the "Last Chorus" column, actually) for which I got paid (I didn't expect that), and I have fourteen articles published in a local music magazine. In addition, there is The Book (over 100,000 words so far, but not quite finished yet), for which I have been assured that I have a market. I have copies of all the magazines, so I can supply proof of what I say, unlike you, who, when you claimed to be a published writer, had to back off because, when questioned, you showed an abysmal ignorance of the publishing field and demonstrated an inability not just to spell common words correctly, but to write a grammatically correct sentence. Back in the days of Max Perkins, editors used to work with writers, but times and the publishing business have changed. They don't do that anymore, and they won't bother with a sloppy manuscript. They just send it back with a rejection slip.

I write this not because I give a rancid rip for your opinion, Marty but because you provide an excuse for my morning's five-fiinger (ten finger, actually) exercise to warm up for a day's writing,

By the way -- inside Marty's rough-hewn, acne-bespecked, one-eyebrowed Shrek-like exterior, you will find a kind, gentle, polite, considerate, soft-spoken, gentleman.

That's because he ate one a day or so ago and he hasn't passed him yet.

Have a nice day.

Don Firth

26 Apr 05 - 02:04 PM (#1471440)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Davetnova

In my younger days we did gameplay group type things. I don't know why but Martin's posts come across like a woman acting as a man in a gender reassignment game.

26 Apr 05 - 02:20 PM (#1471461)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Megan L

Ok lads and lassies break times over I want you all to say three positive things about Martin. :)

and no Amos positve negativity doesn't count.

26 Apr 05 - 02:22 PM (#1471462)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: JennyO

"Nice guys finish last"

..............................Leo Durocher

That all depends on where you want to get to, doesn't it. Maybe I don't want to go there.

26 Apr 05 - 05:39 PM (#1471698)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Davetnova

I kneel when I pee fairly often, Martin, but whichever way I usually have enough control to keep my shoes dry. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

26 Apr 05 - 05:56 PM (#1471726)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Don Firth

You're so ridiculous yourself, Marty, that you couldn't possibly ridicule anyone else. You're like a mangy jackal, standing well back so you can duck into the underbrush, and yapping at a pride of lions because they are bigger, faster, stonger, smarter, and better looking than you are.

Considering the original subject of this thread, you've managed to crap up another one, haven't you? Congratulations. You're a real manure spreader.

Don Firth

26 Apr 05 - 11:01 PM (#1471951)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Janie

What you say is true, Don. However, we are responsible for our bad choices to react to Martin. We allowed ourselves to be goaded. We are just as culpable as is MG. Take away the flea's food source, and the flea will eventually go away. Keep scratching it, and all one gets is irritated.


27 Apr 05 - 07:49 AM (#1472201)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Mooh

Don...Glad to hear you're back teaching guitar as I've enjoyed your contributions here. I too teach guitar (and other strings) so it's nice to get another perspective.

Courtesy is quite common in my part of the world, that's why I like to live here, but a trip to eastern Canada two years ago opened my eyes. Those folks LIVE courtesy.

Peace, Mooh.

27 Apr 05 - 08:45 AM (#1472253)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Donuel

The original essay is not primarily about ettiquet and courtesy as much as it is a read between the lines essay about deep seated partisan "hatredship" and the descent of this country into regions where anti democracy, voting irregularities and extremism rule the day.
At the conclusion the question is raised 'when will the revolution to reverse these trends begin?'.

As for saying nice things about Mudcat flamers:

MG is neither a Jew or rich.
His intention is only that of a backboard to bounce inane rhetoric.
The nature of "his" personal attacks reveals the innocence of a youthful immaturity.
Nor does he drive a Lexus.

SO RELAX. He is not who or what he claims.

A simple 3 step process provided all the proof needed.

For the subscriber ID, actual name, address & phone number, please PM.
I will not divulge the social security number because I do respect privacy rights and the obvious freedom from possible criminality.
However his driving record is most interesting.

27 Apr 05 - 08:56 AM (#1472258)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: George Papavgeris

Martin loves his mum
Martin loves his wife
Martin loves Martin and Gibson guitars.

Being welcome to the lot does not alter the positiveness.

27 Apr 05 - 10:13 AM (#1472330)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: Once Famous

donuel, I am a Jew for you to disdain for that reason.

As you obviously do.

As for being rich, well I make a fine living. the Lexus drives fine.

donuel, you are one real shitty detective, let me tell you. What a riot! Every fact you think you found is wrong! Yep, my driving record is really interesting. I haven't had a ticket since I said to my Dad in 1967, "Gee, the new Ford rides great. I'm doing 90 and she's just floating." That was on the Sunshine State Parkway in the middle of Florida on the way to Miami with my family. Do you see that one important incident?

I guarantee it! But keep trying. It keeps idiots like you busy. Your a piece of work! Piece of shit, also!

27 Apr 05 - 10:33 AM (#1472352)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: John Hardly

I've always been a big fan of etiquette, courtesy, compassion, humility, taking turns, acknowledging other's kindnesses, sending roses before the funeral, listening...

If I had stopped to listen once or twice
If I had closed my mouth and opened my eyes
If I had cooled my head and warmed my heart
I'd not be on this (lonesome) road tonight -James Taylor

But the ultimate irony in this thread is that the implication here is that we "right wingers" are the ones needing the education in those better manifestations of human kindness, yet...

...Orel Hershiser is one of "us".

27 Apr 05 - 07:56 PM (#1472866)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe


28 Apr 05 - 08:54 AM (#1473084)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe
From: GUEST,jacqui.c

Seems to me that a lack of courtesy usually comes from an aggressive nature and that springs, quite often, from anger that has been internalised.

So many people are unable to monitor their own behaviour, to stop and ask "why do I react in that way to that stimulus?". It's easier to put the blame on the other person, or to think that success requires one to stomp all over everyone else to reach a material goal. I like to think that the great majority of Mudcatters have got past that imperative, being intelligent enough to look at what makes them tick and to have learned from long experience what REALLY makes for happiness.

Those of us in that position should maybe feel sympathy for folks who are still struggling to reach a point of real happiness and try to do what we can to help them to get there. For some it is probably an impossibility - I know of a number of poor souls who operate purely on a surface level - maybe too scared to probe any deeper, and that seems to me to be a waste of a life. All I can say is that I'm glad I got past that sort of thinking.

28 Apr 05 - 09:21 AM (#1473104)
Subject: RE: BS: This i believe

Far too many of you, on both sides, belong to the Church Of The Sublimely Self Righteous.

Try a big dose of Humility Pills. Better yet, go out and do some blue-collar work for a few years. (I exempt those who have done so.)