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BS: Why Left Nut?

25 Apr 05 - 04:00 PM (#1470409)
Subject: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: dwditty

Guys will often say, "I'd give my left nut to.....(whatever)." I was just wondering why it is ALWAYS the left nut....never the right. Your thoughts?


This just seemed like an appropriate Blues Music Site thread.

25 Apr 05 - 04:03 PM (#1470411)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: GUEST,left goolie

Yes!!! why always ME?...............but I thought it was "give my right arm" not "my left nut"!

25 Apr 05 - 04:03 PM (#1470412)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?

because if they give their left nut they arre still left with one - so ovbviously it never got taken.

25 Apr 05 - 04:16 PM (#1470425)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Once Famous

Because they voted for John Kerry

25 Apr 05 - 04:18 PM (#1470427)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace

So that means the other nut got elected? Whew, what a balls up.

25 Apr 05 - 04:25 PM (#1470432)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: GUEST,left goolie

Election or erection?

25 Apr 05 - 04:28 PM (#1470440)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace

No balls at all,
No balls at all,
A fourteen inch penis and
No balls at all.

25 Apr 05 - 04:38 PM (#1470461)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: wysiwyg

I dunno, probably for the same unknown reason it's so-and-so's "hanging off my left tit."


25 Apr 05 - 04:42 PM (#1470468)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: GUEST,left goolie

Protect your interests...give both your goolies to God....There is only one way isn't there!

25 Apr 05 - 04:44 PM (#1470469)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Bill D

because it flows better linguisticly.

You asked.

25 Apr 05 - 04:45 PM (#1470470)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace


25 Apr 05 - 05:02 PM (#1470491)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Rapparee

There was a belief that the left testicle was more fertile and/or produces males, while the right was less fertile and/or produced females. Please don't ask me for my source on this, 'cause I don't remember.

25 Apr 05 - 05:10 PM (#1470499)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Uncle_DaveO

I have the feeling that the left nut is seen as a fallback, a spare. The speaker isn't giving away the absolute best, but he's willing to cut back on his safety net.

Dave Oesterreich

25 Apr 05 - 05:29 PM (#1470509)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Leadfingers

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous !!!

25 Apr 05 - 05:38 PM (#1470517)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace

I'd give someone's left nut if it could be so for you, Leadfinger.

25 Apr 05 - 05:57 PM (#1470526)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Donuel

Perhaps we should ask Lance Armstrong.

From a comedic point of view, left is funnier than right,
Just like 23 is funnier than 4.

25 Apr 05 - 06:32 PM (#1470558)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Rapparee

When, back in the Army, we were getting inoculated, we were always told that it would going to be "a square needle in the left nut." Sometimes "a blunt square needle in the left nut."

25 Apr 05 - 06:39 PM (#1470564)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: GUEST,jOhn's alter ego

yeah, good ol' army humor haha. It's "linguistically" not "linguisticly" (because it spells better)

25 Apr 05 - 07:12 PM (#1470590)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Ebbie

Simple - because they want to keep the right one.

25 Apr 05 - 10:14 PM (#1470732)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Little Hawk

Yes, the right nut is considered more valuable for some reason...same as the right arm. It doesn't seem to matter as much with eyes, feet or ears for some reason.

It is a fact that most males worry more about losing a nut than they do about losing a major section of the brain. This does not indicate a terribly high degree of awareness, does it? ;-)

It is also a fact that Steven King is almost incapable of writing a lengthy story without including a scene where something horrible happens to someone's testicles. This indicates one of two things:

1. Steven King is an immature dork.

2. He's a smart man who is writing for an audience of immature dorks, and knows just how to get their full attention.

I read one or two Steven King books once while whiling away some very long hours on a gas station job. I always felt like I needed a shower afterwards to clean out my mind.

25 Apr 05 - 11:20 PM (#1470794)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Amos

The one on the left is usually the "spare".


26 Apr 05 - 12:58 AM (#1470852)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Shanghaiceltic

Does this only apply to right handed people disliking their left side? Do left handed people wish to get rid of their right nut?

Mind you after a little experimenting it is easier to scratch the left side of the body with the right hand and the right side of the body with the left. Use both and you look like a simian or you could get arrested.

26 Apr 05 - 01:07 AM (#1470859)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Shanghaiceltic

Just checked a few defitions for left in Latin:


None of them sound good so doing away with the left will make you a bit legitimus, vox vocus, dexter and even rectus (mmm could be a bit trouble with that last word for right)

26 Apr 05 - 04:36 AM (#1470942)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

It's always a left nut for the same reason that it's always a read pussy hair. As in "Move that _______ a red pussy hair to the right!" It's never a black one or even a blond one, always red.

26 Apr 05 - 04:46 AM (#1470952)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: John O'L

Could it have somethoing to do with the angle of dangle and the rise and fall of the left ball?

26 Apr 05 - 05:29 AM (#1470976)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: JohnInKansas

I do recall that one of those "educational books" I was given when I was a wee little thing (in lieu of talking about it) reported that the left nut usually hangs lower than the right one. (It was supposed to reassure little boys who were concerned that they might be built funny.)

(Those who need to look may now leave the room.)


26 Apr 05 - 09:07 AM (#1471141)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Liz the Squeak

Mmmm... memory needs a jog... any offers?


26 Apr 05 - 09:15 AM (#1471147)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Little Hawk


"a red pussy hair"?

Bee-Dub, I have never in my life heard that grotesque expression before. Where the heck do you live? I want to know so I can avoid traveling there... (grin)

26 Apr 05 - 09:39 AM (#1471174)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: GUEST,leeneia

Any man so uncultivated as to use this expression is too stupid to ask why it's "left" rather than "right."

26 Apr 05 - 09:52 AM (#1471184)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Bee-dubya-ell

Yas, LH, it is a bit disgusting, isn't it? I personally would never use such a colloquialism. Nope, not me.

I suppose red pubic hair is of a finer texture than the more common black/dark brown variety (though I must admit to lack of first-hand knowledge - the "red-heads" I dated during my single years seem to have all obtained their coloring from bottles), therefore the width of a red pussy hair is an extremely short distance. Perhaps someone with direct experience could enlighten us?

26 Apr 05 - 10:27 AM (#1471210)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace

Fire engine red by any chance?

26 Apr 05 - 10:37 AM (#1471218)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: ejsant

I think if you ask MG it is because that's the "nut" that spawns Liberals.


26 Apr 05 - 12:02 PM (#1471298)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: George Papavgeris

I can't think of anything to say, but I didn't want to be left out of the thread

26 Apr 05 - 12:31 PM (#1471325)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Davetnova

I had three for a while. It was sore, then one withered and died I was left with 2, I think it was the left one thats gone so I gave my left nut to have 2.

26 Apr 05 - 12:39 PM (#1471332)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: heric

The right nut contains only seminal fluid, whereas the left nut produces spermatozoa. These are mixed in the glans adoris immediately prior to insemination. Therefore it is only prudent and pragmatic to excise the left. I can't believe I was the only one paying attention in health class.

26 Apr 05 - 12:41 PM (#1471336)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Peace

I was looking at girls.

26 Apr 05 - 07:35 PM (#1471819)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Little Hawk


You gotta be kidding, heric!!!

You are kidding, right?

26 Apr 05 - 08:13 PM (#1471849)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: John O'L

No, he's kidding left

26 Apr 05 - 08:55 PM (#1471883)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: heric

I'm pretty sure that's what I heard. Course, I was stoned at the time. CarolC can back me up; she's a zoologist or something.

26 Apr 05 - 09:23 PM (#1471904)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Heric, she can back you up, that you were stoned? Are you sure she was sober at the time?

Dave Oesterreich

26 Apr 05 - 09:30 PM (#1471907)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: John O'L

So it takes a zoologist to tell if you're stoned or not?

Man, what were you on?

26 Apr 05 - 09:42 PM (#1471918)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Little Hawk

I think it's the silliest thing I ever heard in my life, heric. If it turns out that you are right, I am going to dress up in a really cheap gorilla suit and burst into the next Orillia City Council meeting, and drag off the nearest fair maiden...assuming there will be one there at all.

I hope you are wrong. Dead wrong.

26 Apr 05 - 10:10 PM (#1471927)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: *daylia*

I don't give the balls off a dried beaver either way myself, but maybe it's because the left nut sweats more than the right.

27 Apr 05 - 07:04 AM (#1472159)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: gnu

I care for each of me lads equally and would never give up either without a fight. All for one and one for all. In Scrotum Perpetua.

I don't know what you guys are building but, on my construction jobs, I require my crew chiefs to lay out a job to an accuracy of a half a **** hair. Of course, I've seen smart alecks who, after a chainman moves a hub nail an infinitesimal amount to far, say, "Now, spit that back."

27 Apr 05 - 07:13 AM (#1472167)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Liz the Squeak

Doesn't say if it was right or left but it's a giggle.... Wonder if the snake was OK?


27 Apr 05 - 07:18 AM (#1472169)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: gnu

Oops. That should, of course, be "... too far, ...".

27 Apr 05 - 09:27 AM (#1472289)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: heric

Zoologist, by the way, is pronounced ZOH-ologist.

I also saw over on the "experiment" BS thread that Carol refuses to read any more left nut threads. She says she's seen enough of them, if you can believe that.

27 Apr 05 - 10:02 AM (#1472322)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Kim C

And how much is a shit worth? I've always wondered.

27 Apr 05 - 04:13 PM (#1472659)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?

not much, unless you're constipated ...

28 Apr 05 - 10:44 PM (#1473867)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: dianavan

I was once told that if people were to focus more on having a good shit than on having good sex, we would have a much healthier world.

That makes a good shit worth quite alot to some.

29 Apr 05 - 03:13 AM (#1473987)
Subject: RE: BS: Why Left Nut?
From: Liz the Squeak

There is just so much I could answer to that, but it would go under the heading of 'Too Much Information'!!!