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26 Apr 05 - 11:12 AM (#1471233)
Subject: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

When I wrote Handful Of Songs many years ago, the one line I had the most trouble with was one that came immediately: "it's not what you leave, it's the joy of remembering." "Joy" is a word that seems to have passed out of favor. I was hesitant to use the word for fear that it was an overstatement. If I'd been able to insert the "airly pleasant sensation" or "pretty good feeling" I might have done it. Stupid me. Words like "good" and even "enjoyable" get bandied around with absolutely no discomfort, but "joy" lies unused on the shelf. And "rejoice!" Ecch!!! doesn't that sound religious? Or an exageration? Or tooooo positive? Best to play it safe and use words like "happy" or "good."

Well, just to show my personal liberation, I rejoice at the beautiful night the Gospel Messengers and Shoregrass had last Saturday. It was a joyful time, and "rejoice" is just the right reaction to have. Saying we had a "good" time doesn't cut it.

To take it out of a spiritual context, I just got a phone call from my Mother. She called because she was so filled with joy that she had to share it. That's another quality of joy. It has to be shared.
My Mother's best friend was planning to go away for a week, and my Mother was very saddened by that. Her friend stops in several times a day to help Mom, to read to her and just to lift her spirits. Mom's friend stopped in this morning and told her she had decided not to go away. My mother said that she hoped that her friend hadn't decided not to go because of her, and her friend said that that was WHY she decided to stay. She told my Mother that she realizes that Mom will be 98 soon, and she loved her so much she didn't want to miss a minute of the time she has left to spend with her. And my Mother is rejoicing at being loved that much.

Tonight, one of my sons is arriving, who we haven't seen in a year, and I rejoice for that.

Anyone got anything to rejoice about?


26 Apr 05 - 11:18 AM (#1471241)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!

Jerry keep your rejoicing to yourself or put such kitsch on non-music threads.

26 Apr 05 - 11:26 AM (#1471244)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Wilfried Schaum

Silly Old Bugger Guest, behave yourself! Esp. when you don't know what Kitsch is.

Jerry, there are a lot of wonderful words forgotten unmeritedly. But Joy is one of the finest. Keep it further in use.

I rejoice when I hear the joyful chorus: O joy over joy! Good tidings, good tidings! following the aria How beautiful are the feet of him ...

26 Apr 05 - 11:46 AM (#1471277)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Azizi

Jerry, as we say in church, I'm glad that I woke up this morning "clothed in my right mind".

I rejoice in the fact that everyday is a new opportunity to learn and grow and communicate with old and new friends!

Best wishes,

Ms. Azizi

26 Apr 05 - 02:35 PM (#1471480)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Joe Offer

I suppose there could be justification in moving this thread to the non-music side of the forum. Jerry didn't put it there, so I suppose he'd like us to talk about music.

We have songs to express all sorts of emotions, but I think most of our music tends to be on the dark side. Even when it's humorous, our humor tends to be cynical rather than joyful. We have lots of nice love songs, but most are not really joyful.

What are some examples of songs that express pure, wonderful, unmitigated joy?

Paul Simon's "59th Street Bridge Song" (Feelin' Groovy) comes to mind. I suppose I should hate myself for liking it, but Neil Diamon's "Cracklin' Rosie" is another that I've always liked for its sheer joyfulness.

Are there traditional songs that are joyful?

-Joe Offer, who's joyful most of the time-

26 Apr 05 - 02:39 PM (#1471488)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: open mike

joy is often mixed with sorrow..
one bright morning when my work is over
I'll fly away...

26 Apr 05 - 02:52 PM (#1471509)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

This could easily move down to the BS section, Joe. Apparently our sourGuest would appreciate it there. I wouldn't want to live a life where I thought Joy was kitsch (I thought kitsch was ceramic flying pig salt shakers, myself.)

I just picked up a Four Lads Cd of their singles, as a follow-up to a music thread about the song Sweet Harmony Brown. One of their hits in the 50's was a song titled Oh That Would Be Joyful! For some reason, there seems to be a lot of more joyful chorale and clssical music (perhaps because much of it was associated with worship.) Another joyful song that comes to mind is Donavan's Colors. Thank God I'm A Country Boy by John Denver would make the list, as would several other songs of his (even though he may be considered terminally sappy by some.)


26 Apr 05 - 03:14 PM (#1471541)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: kendall

Jerry, I didn't realize that Handful of songs was yours! Mighty nice job there.

26 Apr 05 - 04:01 PM (#1471600)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Thanks, Kendall..

Azizi: I've always wondered about that saying... if you wake up clothed, doesn't that mean that you went to bed clothed? In which case, is that evidence that you are in your right mind? :-)


26 Apr 05 - 04:40 PM (#1471637)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Burke

That would be joyful is a legitimate folk song. Joyful p.1 Joyful p. 2

Joyful 513
Tune: B. F. White, 1855
Lyrics: Isaac Watts, 1724
Meter: Common Meter Double (8,6,8,6,8,6,8,6)

Am I a soldier of the cross,
A foll'wer of the Lamb?
And shall I fear to own His cause,
Or blush to speak His name?
Must I be carried to the skies
On flow'ry beds of ease,
While others fought to win the prize
And sailed through bloody seas?


Oh, that will be joyful to meet
To part no more
On Canaan's happy shore;
We all shall meet at Jesus' feet
With those who've gone before.

Are there no foes for me to face?
Must I not stem the flood?
Is this vile world a friend to grace
To help me on to God?
Sure I must fight if I would reign;
Increase my courage, Lord;
I'll bear the toil, endure the pain,
Supported by Thy Word.


26 Apr 05 - 04:47 PM (#1471648)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Azizi

I thought you would know that saying!

This is how I figured it's meaning out..not saying that it's the right meaning but it works for me:

If you have lost some of your mental ability while you were sleeping, then your mind would not be fully clothed, or you would be clothed in your 'wrong' mind and not the one that you had before
{which is your 'right' mind} 'right' here being the same as 'whole' or 'correct' {fully functioning}.

BTW, Jerry, thanks for the link to your song..I'd love to hear it sung.

And speaking of that..I can well imagine the "beautiful night the Gospel Messengers and Shoregrass had last Saturday. It was a joyful time, and "rejoice" is just the right reaction to have. Saying we had a "good" time doesn't cut it."

One of these days I'd love to hear your group because I know I'd be rejoicing right along with others there.

26 Apr 05 - 05:06 PM (#1471668)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: GUEST,ClaireBear

Today is my husband's 70th birthday, and he is healthy and happy.

Ten days from now our son will celebrate his 5th birthday, and he too is healthy and happy.

You betcha I'm rejoicing!


26 Apr 05 - 05:36 PM (#1471694)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

That IS reason to rejoice, Claire. You bet there'll be plenty of rejoicing when my wife and I go out to Wisconsin to celebrate my Mother's 98th birthday this summer.

And Azizi.. I think you got that figured out right. I often here it "clothed AND in my right mind." Clothed in my right mind makes sense.

Burke: never heard that hymn... the Four Lads song is something different... have to put it on and listen to it... been many years..


26 Apr 05 - 05:43 PM (#1471706)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Spot

Hello everybody..
                  Jerry R. in particular...I got summat to rejoice about!! After a coupla months of gut probs, I just had camera up me arse ...and NO sign of cancer, polyps, growths, piles.etc etc etc...(bin scared shitless!!,even after some pretty horrible symptoms!!
                  Rejoice is not the word...!!

                  Regards to all...Spot

26 Apr 05 - 05:49 PM (#1471713)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

You got that right, Spot: Getting good news when you fear the worst about health problems is definitely reason to rejoice!


26 Apr 05 - 07:18 PM (#1471804)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Burke

Jerry, the song I posted says it's by B.F. White. I'm pretty sure I heard the chorus long before I ever even heard of the Sacred Harp, though. Just compare the tenor part of the chorus to what you've heard.

Most of the other 'joy' type songs I can think of are from Sunday School.
"If you're happy & you know it"
"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart"

Now, I'm going to listen to Verdi's Requiem. Dies irae, dies illa!
(Not singing due to voice problems)

26 Apr 05 - 07:22 PM (#1471811)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Bill D

re: one ever forced me to read "Ulysses", so I am joyful about that.

26 Apr 05 - 08:08 PM (#1471844)
Subject: RE: Rejoice!!!
From: Jerry Rasmussen

Very good, Bill: I actually learned a version of the Fatal Flower Garden (the Nelstones Hawaiaans title on the Anthology of American Folk Music) from Ulysess. It's a great version of the song..

"She took out her little pen knife and cut off his little head
And now he'll play his ball no more, little Harry Hughes is dead"

Joy, joy, joy!
