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BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

28 Apr 05 - 05:16 PM (#1473584)
Subject: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Wishing to keep this on the QT, I am posting as GUEST. Some of you know who I am, but lets not send any PM's, okay?

My question is this: Anyone have any direct, personal knowledge of this procedure, results, complications, whatever? I am trying to cover all bases before the operation. This is required to remove a cyst which is believed to be benign at present. I am aware of the possibility of nerve damage - my face is tingling as I write. What else might there be that I should be prepared for?

Thanks in advance.

[do you wish to continue anonymously?]

28 Apr 05 - 05:52 PM (#1473635)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: wysiwyg

Yikes. If you want this sent to the prayer chain (also on the QT), PM me.

Best of luck!


28 Apr 05 - 06:53 PM (#1473707)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Yes, I do wish to continue anonymously. I apologize for my foul up and I am very, VERY, grateful that my request for deletion was so promptly executed. AND... if you caught that and deleted my foul up before I even requested it by PM.... you are a SAINT. Thank you a thousand times.

[not a saint- just luckily noted the slip and thought it might need editing]

28 Apr 05 - 07:00 PM (#1473713)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Okay then, I shall try this again.

No... no prayer chain, no support, no sympathy... just the facts Maam. What can I do to be prepared? and for what possible outcomes?

Thanks again. (especially to the Joes who take care of twits like me)

28 Apr 05 - 08:45 PM (#1473810)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jimmyt

One Parotidectomy will give you a bit of a dry mouth with some decrease in salivary flow but may not be too big a deal. You still have the other Parotid as well as some other major salivary glands below the tongue. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks and annoyances.

If you would like any additional information send me word and I will call an oral surgeon friend and get the absolute scoop on this. I am curious as to the nature of the lesion. Is it in the parotid or just in the Stinsons's Duct that dumps the salivary flow in the mouth?   anyway. lety me know if I can help. I practice dentistry and although this is not exactly my area it is close! jimmyt!

29 Apr 05 - 12:09 AM (#1473927)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

A Google search turns up a lot of information but nothing that your doctor probably hasn't covered. As with all tumors, side effects and recovery depend on the type, size and location of the growth. Sorry -that's as much as I can offer. Good luck with the surgery.

29 Apr 05 - 04:55 AM (#1474037)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Dave Hanson

I'll remove your parrot for free.


29 Apr 05 - 09:14 AM (#1474197)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Thanks for the laugh eric; it's appreciated.

jimmyt & SINS... it is in the parotid, toward the rear. By CT, appears round and no outgrowths were detectable, indicating 99% chance benign. Will require removal of about a third of the parotid and cutting the sweat nerve. Muscle from neck will be cut and "flipped over" cut sweat nerve to try to prevent sweat nerve from growing back to skin and stimulating sweating every time I hear the dinner bell. I am aware of the other nerves and the consequences of a "slip" with the slice.

Well, I guess that's all she wrote, really. I just thought someone might know about recovery and such. I figure I'll get some ice cream, yogurt, soup, etc, rather than beef jerky, peanuts, celery, etc. Hmmm, must get some of them there fancy, corrugated straws that you can bend for sipping while semi-prostrate. I wonder what pizza tastes like after you put it through a blender?

Say now. There's a good idea. Let's turn this into a blender recipe thread. C'mon, let's hear some good recipes.

29 Apr 05 - 11:13 AM (#1474276)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Crystal

Fruit is pretty good when put through a blender! Carrot, Apple and ginger (fresh ginger, not the dry stuff) is pretty yummy and is probably actually good for you too! Ice cream is ok to blend when it hasn't got bits in, but it always goes runny if you blend it. Apparently roast chicken is good when blended, but I've never tried it.

29 Apr 05 - 11:31 AM (#1474294)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Pied Piper

I know you're not after sympathy, but good luck anyway


29 Apr 05 - 11:54 AM (#1474304)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Stilly River Sage

information about the surgery.

Good luck. It sounds unpleasant. Take care!


29 Apr 05 - 11:54 AM (#1474305)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: wysiwyg

When Rick Fielding was so sick, he requested some blender recipes. I am not sure how to find those old posts but they might be helpful.


29 Apr 05 - 12:32 PM (#1474331)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Ebbie

My favorite topping for plain yogurt is blended peaches. Just scoop it on. MUCH better than commercially prepared fruit yogurts. Other fruit toppings are good too- like blackberries, strawberries, rasphberries, even bananas.

29 Apr 05 - 06:04 PM (#1474572)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jacqui.c

My ex husband had to have all his teeth out in his mid thirties. Until he got used to the dentures he was on a semi liquid diet, so when we did barbeque one day......

No joke - the burger, sausage and chicken went into the blender and he sunk the lot!

Best of luck - hope things go well. Did you need to lose a few pounds? This sounds like the ideal opportunity.

12 May 05 - 01:56 PM (#1483463)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

jacqui.c... "Did you need to lose a few pounds?"

No, I need to lose a lot of pounds. But anyway, I learned something new on Tuesday, less than three days before the op. I got a call from the O.R. nurse to see if I had any questions.

Seems I can't drive (shouldn't even be a passenger unless necessary) for two weeks because of the cut to the neck muscle. And, she told me that I will need someone to "look after" me for at least two days after I get home (one to three days after the op) because of the meds and the danger of weakness and fainting. Not what I was led to believe three weeks ago.

Now ain't that just lovely? Great time to tell someone, eh? I've got it covered, but, ah, er, golly gee gosh darnit!

Looking forward to getting it over with. Slice and dice is scheduled for 12:00h to 14:40h tomorrow. I'll report back next week.

I know I asked you guys not to send PM's but, thanks for the PM's... I really do appreciate them. Special thanks to SINS, jacqui.c, Kendall, and others. Drink lots of cold water and walk slow, eh.


12 May 05 - 02:55 PM (#1483509)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jacqui.c

Whenever you have a general anasthetic it is recommended that you don't drive for at least twenty-four hours and that you have someone to keep an eye on you for that time.

Take it easy and let the experts do their job. When they put you under why not start singing 'The first cut is the deepest'? That's what my work mates kept singing at me just before I went in for an op!

Best of luck - we'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

12 May 05 - 03:16 PM (#1483529)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Say the word and we will recruit a bevie of beauties from the Temple of the Golden Globes to see to your every need. Of course, Nurse Ratchet will supervise. When was your last enema?
Candle lit for you, love.
Stay well.

12 May 05 - 04:41 PM (#1483595)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Last enema? I hope it's not tomorrow. As for the beauties, it's been so long since I have been to the Temple that I think my membership has lapsed. Nurse Ratchet's starting to look pretty good, though.

Thanks again.

12 May 05 - 05:48 PM (#1483648)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jacqui.c

Membership in the Temple NEVER lapses, especially for those who might be in contention for Mudcat toyboy.....

Nurse Ratchet put your name forward.

12 May 05 - 06:23 PM (#1483672)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Hawker

Hey, best of luck there friend, sending you love to get you through, Heres to success and less lumps!
Love Lucy

12 May 05 - 10:23 PM (#1483773)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Anonymous Guest with lumps for ToyBoy?????? Sounds promising. Membership never lapses but sometimes sags a bit.

12 May 05 - 11:36 PM (#1483808)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jimmyt

Best of Luck to you. I have great confidence you will be much better after the surgery.   jimmyt

13 May 05 - 05:29 PM (#1484463)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

The worst is over, right? How are you?

13 May 05 - 06:53 PM (#1484511)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Bill D

hope all is better...we will be watching for news....

15 May 05 - 11:15 AM (#1485367)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Posting as me. Thanks again to you-know-who.

Just got home. Cyst was up to 3cm and had "growths" so he had to take more of the gland than anticipated. Took out two lymph nodes as well... to get better pathology analysis. Should get the pathology results in two weeks... he says he is sure the results will be benign. No nerve damage except what had to be cut so I still have use of all facial muscles.

Neat incision, so I am told. Many nurses came in just to see his work. Apparently, it's a work of art. Almost six inches long in total, from sideburn to bottom of ear lobe, back up almost as far to rear of ear and then a curve to about an inch from the ear and then down to about where the big lymph node is to the side of the Adam's apple... same as they do for a face lift, but longer. Will grow beard.

At least I'm still good lookin, eh!

Thanks again for the PM's and the thoughts.


15 May 05 - 12:10 PM (#1485405)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Ever see pictures of Sir Richard Burton, the explorer? He took a spear to the face and the scar just added to the sex appeal. Create a story about hand to hand combat with cannibals, a spear, a damsel in distress, whatever...and sell it.

Glad all went well, gnu. Welcome back.

15 May 05 - 12:30 PM (#1485418)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Nah, I am a Canuck, so it had to be a hockey stick. Of course, it could have been a spearing penalty which the ref didn't see. Then, with the championship game at stake, I waited until the SOB came over the blue line, now almost red with my blood (I wouldn't come off the ice), with his head down, skating for all he was worth and I laid "the killer" check on him... when I dumped him on the boards at full speed, he hit the glass so hard, it cut him in two from nuts to nape. That there check made the "slays of the week".

I was supposed to be "in" until tomorrow, but I told Dr. Lemaire that my all-time favourite player was... ICI, Maintenante.... CANADIENNES... NUMERO VINGT-CINQ... JACQUES.... LeMAIRRRRRRRE!!!! And he made sure I was home to watch the big game this afternoon, less than two hours away, for the World Championship. As long as I promised to keep my blood pressure down and not have any beers while watching the game. Yeah, right... I am a Canuck.... I can't promise to keep my blood pressure down... geeeze!

15 May 05 - 04:15 PM (#1485556)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST, Ebbie

The best of good fortune to you, wildebeest. (You ARE feeling more beesty at the moment, aren't you?)

15 May 05 - 04:55 PM (#1485593)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Kinda. Canada lost. But, they WERE outplayed.

15 May 05 - 08:24 PM (#1485707)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

A hockey stick? There goes the sex appeal. Feel better anyway.

15 May 05 - 09:00 PM (#1485723)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jacqui.c

SINS would have preferred it if you were hit with a banjo.

15 May 05 - 09:16 PM (#1485736)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Okay... This guy at the pub kept cutting in and upsetting every tune at the session. So, in my polite and mannerly Canuck way, I gently requested that he shove his banjo up his ass. When I regained conciousness.... nah, the spear would be more believable.

20 May 05 - 11:12 AM (#1489185)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Another Recent Superficial Parotidectomy Pat

Hi there, I'm glad you made it through and still have a sense of humor. I just recently underwent a superficial parotidectomy on the 11th of May and can't wait to heal up. My doctor has me wearing a pressure bandage right now as a prevention to try and keep the salvia going to where it should go and not get caught in between the skin somewhere. i was wondering if you have to wear this too? The surgeory went well and i didn't suffer much pain, actually had no real pain, just a little discomfort and numbness around the ear. I have movement of my eye and mouth which i'm glad. It's a lot to consider, and it's better to be safe than sorry too. Well good luck and heal well.

20 May 05 - 12:27 PM (#1489267)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

HMMMM if he is drooling he has already mastered half the art of banjo playing.

20 May 05 - 12:34 PM (#1489277)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Pat.... No bandage. A mix of self-dissolving and regular sutures (self-dissolving sutures in front of the ear and just behind the ear above the lobe) and staples. I applied Polysporin four times a day to keep the wound clean.

Did you have a blood drain for a couple of days? Mine was removed on the morning of the second day after the day of slice and dice. I spit blood profusely for about ten minutes upon waking in the morning of the third and fourth day, a little on the fifth, but none yesterday or today.

The doc had to cut one nerve, which will result in permanent numbness of at least the earlobe and a small area surrounding the lobe... time will tell the extent of paralysis. In order to prevent this nerve from growing out to the skin and causing me to sweat in one patch on the neck every time I salivate, the doc cut some neck muscle and folded it over the nerve. Plus, it fills in the hole.

That's the only pain that remains and it's gets less each day, although it still hurts like heck if I put any strain on it. The neck muscle should be strong enough to be able to turn my head as usuual in another week. Then, four weeks of strengthening before I can do any heavy work. I still can't lift my head without the aid of my left arm (right parotid was done) and it hurts to turn any more than about thirty degrees either way or to lift my arm above the shoulder.

Now, as long as the pathology on the tumour and lymph nodes come back as benign, I will be a happy camper.

What country do you live in? I am in Canada.

Good luck to you as well.

20 May 05 - 12:43 PM (#1489284)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

SINS... arthritis has taken away my ability to play any stringed instrument, even the mandolin I bought last year through the Mudcat auction. But, I can still thump the old Rhan when I get enough liquid painkiller in me. So, when I drool, I just switch to my synthetic Rhan... sounds the same wet as dry (which is the only thing I like about it.)

20 May 05 - 12:51 PM (#1489290)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

I had normal stitches, which were removed one week after surgeory. I did have a drain, which was removed 2 days after - just before going home. I did notice blood taste in my mouth for a few days. I have an indentation of where the lump was, so I highly doubt my doctor has done the same procedure as yours because I have to continue wearing a pressure bandage for 4 weeks in hopes that saliva will not build up somewhere underneath the skin. I definately don't like the sounds of getting needle stuck in to drain. The pressure bandage is a netting stretching material that goes on my head, it's the mummy look. I too am still waiting for the results from pathology. My tumor was in the saliva gland. I hope you have a positive outcome, wish you well in your recovering. I too am Canadian.

20 May 05 - 12:59 PM (#1489300)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,pat

Oops, forgot to include...I had the left side done and i have to clean with peroxside and use polysporn ointment on the incision.

20 May 05 - 01:12 PM (#1489312)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

I am in Moncton, New Brunswick. Re not being the same procedure, I assume that your removal was small compared to mine, due to the fact that my doc had to cut one of the nerves and, hence, the neck muscle. About half of the gland was removed, as well as two lymph nodes so that a more accurate pathology could be done.

It's the pits about missing out on the long weekend fesivities, eh? All my buddies are heading up country for the big canoing-fishing-camp opening-drinking trip. I won't be able to do any heavy work up at the camp until just about the time that the blackflies and skeeters are on the go.

Again, I hope all goes well for you too.

20 May 05 - 01:41 PM (#1489344)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

You're right, the procedure is not quite the same, I only had half the gland removed only - lymph nodes are still there as far as I know. Cut in front of the ear, under the the ear lobe, down my neck, then to almost the centre of my neck. The centre of my neck was where the drain was. kinda like a slanted backwards 's' kinda. I am able to turn my neck.

I'm sure there will be plently more camping, fishing, portaging trips for you. Just not this weekend. This weekend is a time to relax, soak up the sun and enjoy some good company - hopefully all your buds aren't on this trip. My boyfriend wanted me to go camping this weekend too, but without the comforts of home I won't be, not this weekend. My brother is also having a big do at his place, so I'll probably be going there tomorrow for awhile, leave before people begin to feel too good.

It's been a pleasure chatting with you, again I wish you well and i look forward to checking this site about your progress.

Keep smiling!

20 May 05 - 02:18 PM (#1489369)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Not to be picky, Pat, but, re, "...then to almost the centre of my neck.", did you mean, "then to almost the centre of my 'throat'."? You described my incision exactly, except for "throat". My incision ends about level with Adam's Apple (I know, I know.), about two inches to the right of the centre of the throat. About seven inches long.

The drain was placed as yours and exited at the end of the incision. Did you have as much fun as I did when he yanked it out? I glared at him and asked, "Why didn't you tell me that was going to hurt like a SOB?" He replied, "Sometimes people tense up if they know it's going to hurt." (Some might yank their head backwards in an instinctive response and double the pain upon binding the tube when it's halfway out, too.)

Ah well, at least we're still good lookin, eh?

Re the "do", if I could drive, I'd arrive just as they started to feel too good. My tunes sound best around that time.

20 May 05 - 03:18 PM (#1489424)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

No Love'd that last comment! They would have loved that too. You would have fitted right in. My brother is out in the country. It would have been awesome, for sure.

Yes, me being female, to the centre of my throat was the exit wound. I was lucky, I was prewarned about the tube removal. The nurse gave me a tip beforehand to take pain medication. My tube was stitched in. I didn't know about that, I thought my tube was coming out, it was only the stitch. The tube was something else, was very surprise how much was in there. Had to have about at least 2" to 3". It felt awlful coming out, but wasn't lasting pain.

Aren't computers awesome? You can chat with someone who's going through the same experience. I was just searching for all the information on this stuff we're dealing with and stumbled across you. I googled you. Pretty wild!

Well if I was in Moncton, I would most definately pick you up! Nothing like sitting back, having a few and listening to tunes around a big old bonfire.

20 May 05 - 03:30 PM (#1489433)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Oh yeah, how's your incision healing? I was concerned about mine. Stitches came out just this Wednesday that passed. My dressing stayed on the whole time, except the part where the drain came out - that was changed. The peice below the ear lobe was kinda black looking, only on one side of the incision, cheek side. I didn't know that until I came home after the stitches came out. I was assured that was normal as long as there is no swelling, fever, hot spots, etc. Today it does look a little better. Slowly, but surely we well recover from this.

20 May 05 - 04:00 PM (#1489476)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Yeah... I would be kinda be suspicious too. But, the nurse didn't seem concerned, right? I would have someone look at it twice daily to make sure the discoloured area is not getting larger. You really can't tell by looking in the mirror. I have been monitoring my temperature by just a hand to the forehead. If I was to feel any heat, I would then use a thermometer under the tongue. At 102F, I would be on the way to the emergency or my doctor.

I gotta learn about that google stuff. I have only ever been to one forum or chat room or whatever and this is it. I searched medical sites and found medical type info, but I wanted the kind of info you and I have discussed. For instance, if I had known better, I would have bought a recliner. Sleeping propped up with pillows so I can't roll to the side in my sleep sucks big time. Pillows ain't no match for a 275 pounder.

Stay well. And careful around the fire with all that pyroxide and gauze.

20 May 05 - 04:31 PM (#1489502)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

I'm fine and I have had someone else look at it, just to be sure. Google is another search engine, i know nothing of a forum/chat google, it's at in case you'd like to try that search engine out. I just type in "parotidectomy" in the search box and found all kinds of information on it, some including pictures and other people's stories.

I don't think I would be staying out there that long, it's an all day event. I'm not wearing much of a bandage now, just a little gauze pad over the incision and my elastic hat holds that in place.

You take care and try to soak up some sun. Hey if you have time, check out this site - it's a 3 minute movie and can be found at this internet address A friend of mind sent this link to me, it was very inspiring.

20 May 05 - 04:33 PM (#1489506)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Oops, wrong address above. It should be

20 May 05 - 04:57 PM (#1489520)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

I can't soak up any sun becasue I can't drive. Even if I could, the gas bill would preclude it... it's suppose to rain most of the weekend around here. I understand Beth is out west at the moment. She never stopped in on her way by. I feel slighted.

20 May 05 - 05:02 PM (#1489521)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Ebbie

Hey, you two, I'm glad you found each other. Take care of yourselves. Gotta ask, though, is this just a Canadian kind of thing? :~)

20 May 05 - 05:07 PM (#1489524)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

The up-country campfires, fishin, sessions and partying? Not really. We just get more practice than some. We're a bit rural.... say that after a few.

20 May 05 - 05:16 PM (#1489530)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

GNU, I'm sorry about that. It's sunny here in Ontario. I just assumed it would be sunny in News Brunswick. Hopefully the sun will soon shine on you.

Ebbie, we Canadians like to share.

20 May 05 - 05:19 PM (#1489533)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Share? Shite! Anyone wants ALL of mine, they can have it!

20 May 05 - 06:38 PM (#1489575)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

If only we could give it away.

21 May 05 - 07:09 PM (#1490301)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Share experiences

21 May 05 - 10:02 PM (#1490382)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Sounds like your brother's "do" was okay. C'mon, share. I can't get out to any "dos" so share your experience(s).

22 May 05 - 01:12 AM (#1490418)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,brucie

I am very happy things worked pout OK, gnu. Just saw this now. Best to you.

22 May 05 - 08:05 AM (#1490521)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Ya know, when I look back on the past seven weeks...

Stroke of luck finding the lump just two days before presenting to my family doc for something else.

Stroke of luck that my ENT was out with a bad heart (not for him, of course) so I got the new wonder-kid ENT.

Stroke of luck getting an appointment with him in less than a week.

Stroke of luck the needle biopsy got fucked up and he accelerated the process.

Stroke of luck getting a CT scan in just one week due to a bunch of cancellations caused by a nasty snowstorm. I was booked for one one the day of the storm but the in-charge was out with an ill of some sort so my appointment was cancelled.

Stroke of luck I have a 4X4 truck and could take advantage of the storm cancellations.

Stroke of luck that I already had an appointment with the doc the day after the CT scan to assess the swelling caused by the fucked up needle biopsy.

Stroke of luck to get into the OR as soon as I did - on Friday the thirteenth.

A half-a-stroke of luck that the doc didn't damage any facial nerves except the one he had to cut.

Stroke of luck that they only had a semi-private available.

Stroke of luck that the guy in the next bed (not for him, of course) was so embarrased about his gas problem that he moved to a private room, so I had the bed next to the can and the window, at my leisure.

Stroke of luck that there were no emergency surgeries to replace him until an hour before I was discharged.

Stroke of luck all this happened now, and not during my favourite season, partridge.

That's a lot of stroking. I just hope I still have one more coming... stroke, I mean. As long as the pathology comes back as benign, I will be one lucky, and happy, guy.

24 May 05 - 12:08 PM (#1492024)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

GNU, you were pretty lucky (stroke of luck) in getting the process done as fast as you did. It was in November that I first noticed my lump and my surgeory wasn't until May 11th. My incision is looking better and better as each day goes. How you doing/feeling?

24 May 05 - 12:46 PM (#1492056)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Me and my big mouth. Incision looked a bit swollen and red behind the ear yesterday and I had pain in the area when chewing and sometimes when I moved my head. Woke up to half blood and half fluid (saliva? not likely, given it's weepeing behind the ear), guessing 20ml on my pillow. It wept for about three hours and will again if I move or chew. Got an appt with the doc at 3PM (1:20h) from now.

I know I should have kept the Polysporin on it. The nurse who removed the sutures and stalples couldn't (Why?) clean the Poly off enough to get the bandages to stick but also said to stop applying the Poly. 20-20 hindsight eh?

Oh well, I'd just as soon save that last stroke of luck for the pathology results.

How are you feeling? Any pain, trouble chewing?

24 May 05 - 04:03 PM (#1492231)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Jaysus, that hurt. He got a one heck of a lot more out than came out this morning. Ten days on antibiotics and squeeze out the fluid four times a day until clear and rebandage and see him again Tuesday. Should be a lot of fun trying to hold a mirror, trying to keep the area behind the ear in good light so I can see, trying to determine if I am getting everything, trying to bandage it well.

But, I got the pathology results. All benign. So, I am a lucky guy.

24 May 05 - 04:10 PM (#1492238)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Sorry to hear about the weeping behind the ear. I haven't experienced that yet and was wondering where it should appear if it did. My incision is still swollen from the ear down, except the end under the chin it's not swollen.

My doctor told me to wear the cap, elastic netting with face hole, 24/7 inorder to prevent that exact thing from happening. If it did happen and it's caught somewhere he would have to drain it out. I was never told about the weeping, not until recently on the internet and now you. Somewhere in my search i did see that there is some sort of treatment for that, via medication or something like that.

I'm not experiencing any real pain, just discomfort. It most definately not feel right chewing on that side of my mouth. When I take my hat off, after awhile I feel some weird sensations around the incision swollen areas - I wonder if it's the early signs of weepage in the beginning stages. Does it hurt when you weep?

24 May 05 - 04:13 PM (#1492243)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

What a stroke of luck, beinign results. I'm happy for you.

24 May 05 - 04:39 PM (#1492260)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

The weepage was from infection. The infection built up and finally started seeping through one of the suture holes. The signs were swelling and redness along the incision from the apex of the incision behind the ear down about three inches. Also, there was pain, sometimes sharp, at that spot, when I moved my head and when I chewed, especially with food on that side of my mouth.

Yesterday, at the height of swelling and redness, opening my mouth wide enough for a sandwich brought the same pain as chewing and head movement.

I know it's difficult to tell what's going on because "new" pains and discomfort occur as the feeling comes back.

Keep an eye on it and have someone else look at it on a regular basis. Take you temperature regularly. If there's any swelling, redness (purple is NOT good) or elevated temperature, don't hesitate to ask for your doctor to have a quick peek at it. I waited too long, really.

Maybe not, though. Now that I think about it... it was a stroke of luck that the person I had looking at mine didn't realize how swollen and red it was. If I had seen the doc before it burst on it's own, he might have had to open the incision. Today, my doc didn't have to make a new cut... damn, I've got the luck of the Irish!!!

24 May 05 - 04:44 PM (#1492265)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

You know that is not fair to you to have to drain this yourself and rebandage yourself. Is there not homecare in your area, where a nurse comes to your home and does that for you?

24 May 05 - 05:13 PM (#1492278)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

I second that, gnu. Isn't there someone who can help you out with that. Not only for the convenience but to make sure it is done right?

Meantime, congratulations on the biopsy results. Great news.

24 May 05 - 05:30 PM (#1492297)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jacqui.c

I'll third that. You need to take care of your self mate.

Glad about the results.

24 May 05 - 05:35 PM (#1492303)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Ya know, I might just complain about that tomorrow because I had a peek at it a little while ago and saw it was swollen a bit, but not right behind the ear, which is where he told me to start. So, I thought I'd have a practice run using the bathroom medicine cabinet mirror and a handheld mirror. Try it. Now, it's weeping in two spots.

24 May 05 - 05:45 PM (#1492309)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

You complain tomorrow, how can you drain that by yourself and hold mirrors while doing that. That's a very difficult trick to learn and do.

I've been very, very lucky that hasn't happened to me and I'm grateful for that. You made me put my hat back on - the dreaded hat. I want to make sure that doesn't happened. When i searched the net about this stuff I never found anything on wearing a pressure bandage (the hat), but it must be working for me.

Hope you get someone to help you out!

24 May 05 - 06:54 PM (#1492340)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

My parot had it and kept falling off his perch while trying to grab a cracker. We used polly grip----and that fixed the problem.


24 May 05 - 11:40 PM (#1492510)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: robomatic

Blender drink:
Fresh or frozen strawberries, sugar (if you're allowed), bitter lemon (the drink), and ice. Spins up a sweet and flavorful meal/ beverage. For calcium, make an acidophilus type drink with yogurt and your favorite berry, such as blue.

25 May 05 - 06:45 AM (#1492689)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Thanks Art, I needed that. Thanks Robo, but if this infection stays in check, I'm havin me a steak.

25 May 05 - 09:54 AM (#1492822)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

GNU, I hope you had a restful night last night. How's your infection - hopefully a little better. I hope your pain isn't as bad as it was for you yesterday or night before, before the eruption. I hope you managed well or at least found some help.

It's my first day back at work, desk job - I'm a paper shuffler.

Ummmm, steak sounds awesome.

25 May 05 - 12:41 PM (#1492945)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

GNU, I hope is well for haven't come back and made anymore comments. That's not a good sign.

25 May 05 - 07:42 PM (#1493277)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Pat... see "Liverpool Champs" thread. I'm doing well. Just tired.


25 May 05 - 08:52 PM (#1493330)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Well you had me worried. I'm glad you're doing well. Goodnight.

26 May 05 - 08:34 AM (#1493519)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

Pat... because it's pretty much just you and I posting to this thread, may I suggest you become a member if you wish to keep up this communication. That way, we can PM each other and our conversation won't bother other Mudcatters and won't take up cyberspace like our posts here. It's free. And the 'Cats are a great bunch.

BTW, do you play music or sing?

Hope you are healing well.

26 May 05 - 09:35 AM (#1493561)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

I'll have to check into that later tonight about signing up. Not sure how to PM, but I guess I'll learn. I'm at work right now, trying to find the bottom of the heep.

I don't play music and only sing when I'm alone or in a large group setting. I can't hold a tune.

So far I'm not having any problems, so I must be healing well. Good luck to you, I hope you are managing well by yourself or even better - did you get someone to help you?

26 May 05 - 06:42 PM (#1493923)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Okay, Patti. Look at the very top of the page, dead centre. See where it says "You have 1 message"? Click on it, or, on the nav bar just under the very top line, click on "Personal Page". Got it?

26 May 05 - 07:00 PM (#1493932)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: bobad

Gnu and Pat

Don't go away and leave us hanging. I,for one, am following your progress and would like to see it through to it's denouement. This is better than a tv medical series.

26 May 05 - 07:48 PM (#1493962)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?

My cat had an infection from a bite in his ear. I'll share details...but you'll be sorry. Meantime, how is our gnu? Up to rummaging in the forest and uprooting truffles? Wait, that may not be right
SINS, tired after first day on the job.

26 May 05 - 07:55 PM (#1493966)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Well, I don't mind. I just figured we were wasting space in the Café.

Okay then. Draining was awkward until I dedcided I'd stop weening and just do it. I positioned the medicine cabinet door for lighting, and easily mastered pivoting and tilting the handheld mirror (it was a "hand mirror" until I broke the handle off it so I could more easily hold it on top of my shoulder with my right hand) to get a decent view. Then, with practice, very slowly, I got pretty good at finger placement and movement in only fifteen minutes. I didn't use a face cloth like the doc told me as it was too cumbersome. I applied isopropyl alcohol afterward, although the doc told me to use peroxide so it wouldn't sting and wouldn't irritate the skin.

Yesterday, all went pretty well. Very little drainage after the morning draining. Last night, I didn't bandage it. Instead, I coated it with polysporin for comfort. Tonight, I will bandage it in case it was the Polysporin (I can't see it, but you never know) that allowed the buildup that I drained this morning. It took me aback. At least 5 ml of yellowish fluid and it "popped" out in a little stream... pretty gross. The antibiotic I started on Tuesday takes several days to take effect, so I should be just peachy shortly. I might even be able to sleep in my bed instead of propped up on the couch. And I'm about 70 pounds overweight. That's a lot of propping and not much couch.

There is little pain and it's less often. The itching is bothersome, especially where there is no feeling and where the incision is tender to the touch. But the real bother is not being able to drive... until tomorrow!!!

I will still have to take it easy because I don't have full neck movement and my neck is still pretty weak in certain directions. First light, I am going to the top of the hill looking out toward Kent County and look out over the forest. I might even get up to my camp next weekend - no four wheeling for at least four more weeks, though, so there won't be any big trout fries. Then again, there won't be any firewood cutting or painting or bear rasslin or heavy work of any kind. Just a few cold ones and watchin that river run.

How are you doing, Patti?

26 May 05 - 08:07 PM (#1493974)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

SINS... I don't mind gross stories about dumb animals like gnus, but about poor little pets? Itty bitty kitties? Nope. Been there, done that. Got the bill from the vet.

How's that there new job anyway eh? Think it's going to be fun? er, enjoyable? er, tolerable? Belated congratulations. I hope it all goes well for you.

26 May 05 - 11:35 PM (#1494047)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

Here's my update...I'm doing good, no pain, still a little swelling, tenderness around the incision and I'm still wearing my funny hat. I called Dr.'s office to find out if I still had to wear it and at the end of the day I got a call back and was told to keep it on and he will decide how much longer I have to wear it by next Tuesday. I have an appointment then.

My incision is beginning to look better and the part that was black is just scabbing over, it must have been badly bruise. We were thinking it was dead tissue - which was concerning to me. My incision is very noticable - about 1 1/2" long, by 1/2" thick at one end, behind/below the ear. The rest of the incision looks good, no scabs there. A little one where the drain was. No redness, just a little swelling around the incision, especially around the front of the ear and a little behind the ear. Other than that all is fine.

27 May 05 - 06:18 AM (#1494114)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Odd. I've got an appointment with my doc this Tuesday (known as next Tuesday by you westerly Canucks) for him to look at the "infection" and decide if the antibiotics have done their job. Our docs must be on the same shedule.

The black part will probably turn out looking okay after the scab falls off. Just don't try to remove it even when it starts to fall off. Remember what your mother told you - "don't pick at it". Of course, when we were kids, we just couldn't stand the itching. Remember what your mother told you - "that means it's healing".

Keep an eye on that redness and swelling on a twice daily basis. Do you renew a "bandage" inside that hat often so that the incision is always in contact with fresh, sterile material?

Are you getting pictures for posterity? I had my buddy come to the hospital the day after the operation to get pictures of me when the drain tube was hanging out of my throat and the staples looked like a set of little train tracks through a bloody bog.

Did they do a pathology on the cyst/tumour? Did you get the results?

This morning, there was little pus in the drainage. Mostly clear fluid and blood. The antibiotics must be working. Plus, I drained it at 12:30AM and again at 05:00AM, so that it would have less time to build up. After yesterday morning, I figured I had better change the strategy to include more frequent draining.

I feel much better today just because I can drive again. Another cup of tea and I am going for a drive. But, I don't think I'll go to the edge of the valley to look out over the forest. It'll just make me homesick because I can't go into the bush until at least Tuesday.

Well, bobad, that's all for "As the Slice Heals" for now.

27 May 05 - 09:43 AM (#1494215)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Gnu, I do change the gauze under my hat at least 2 a day, sometimes 3, usually after I cleaned the incision with peroxide and then apply polysporn on it. I have no reddness.

My daughter took a few pictures with her new phone of me at hospital with the drain and then she took a couple of pictures of the incision when I got home, especially the black part. Those ones didn't turn out to good. That's all. She just started a new job, so she hasn't been taking any other pictures. I'll have to get her over on the weekend to take some more inorder to show progress.

Enjoy your drive today and I hope it's a nice, warm, sunny day for you there. It is here.

27 May 05 - 12:48 PM (#1494390)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

I didn't get my results yet, I'm sure my doctor has received them though. I will find out on Tuesday and will let you know then. Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

29 May 05 - 03:04 PM (#1495571)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

It's pretty quite here for days, I guess everyone is enjoying their weekend outdoors.

29 May 05 - 03:09 PM (#1495575)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Well, here in sunny New Brunswick, where it's been raining since the dawn of time, not so much. It's pretty much a groceries or amll or TV day.

29 May 05 - 03:24 PM (#1495583)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

"amll" = mall. Or, of course, Memorial Cup Hockey!! Go Rimouski!!! (Crosby plays for them, so it's a Maritime thing, eh).

29 May 05 - 03:42 PM (#1495593)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

How many London fans are out there in Canuck Land? Rimouski's? Should be a heck of a game eh b'y!! Screw the NHL. I like this stuff better. What say ye?

30 May 05 - 07:50 PM (#1496370)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

NHL, greedy, greedy, money grab, I think. I wonder if they will recover after what happened this past season.

31 May 05 - 08:24 AM (#1496631)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Just got back in from the doc's. All looks well as far as the doc is concerned. No swelling visually evident and only slightly red (I stopped 'squeezing' on Sunday afternoon sfter getting less than a drop five hours apart). It is scabbed over where the incision was open and it's as itchy as heck! One more check on the infection next Tuesday, after the antibiotics are done on Friday. Still almost four weeks rest for the cut neck muscle... tried to do a little work yesterday but quickly gave that up.

Now, my only concern is about the fact that this area behind the ear is the favourite target of blackflies and skeeters. I don't really want to put any fly dope on that area until it is well healed but I don't want to have any blackfly bites there either. I might not be able to get up to the camp this weekend - oh, the horror.

Can't wait to hear the pathology results, Patti. Got me fingers crossed for ya!

31 May 05 - 08:47 AM (#1496643)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Thanks again for the support. Yeah I wouldn't want the blackflies and mosquito's biting me'll have to find some other kind of entertainment that doesn't involve bugs. I have faith that you will find something for the meantime. Unless you stay indoors at the camp. I know, I know, it's no fun being indoors right.

I'll let you know the results later this afternoon.

31 May 05 - 09:06 AM (#1496647)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,bobad

Hey gnu

Did you think of using one of them anti-bug hats with the netting that protects your face and neck ?

31 May 05 - 09:13 AM (#1496651)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Pat

Good idea Bobad for Gnu, I don't know why I didn't think of that.

31 May 05 - 11:25 AM (#1496676)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,gnu

I have a full bug jacket, with bite-em-no-see-um mesh, in my fishing gear, two in my truck, two in my 4W ATV, two at the camp, and two in the hall closet. And, I gave a few away. They were on sale at the Co-op for $5 each a couple of winters ago. Unfortunately, it's difficult to sleep in one.

I was thinking about a large gauze bandage or two to cover the wound against dust and dirt, so that should help against the flies.

31 May 05 - 04:55 PM (#1496872)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

I just got back from the doctor's and the result is benign, just as I had hoped for. So that's good news. It was a warthin's tumor, which is common with men and that there is a 10% chance that it will develop later in the other gland. I don't have to wear the hat any more and I have another followup appointment in two months. But if there is swelling, he wants me back asap and i will have probably have to wear the hat again I'm sure.

Apparantly the problem I had with my incision was common in smokers, the more you smoke the worst the incision looked. I smoke, I'm bad I know. He said my incision looks good and to continue cleaning it with peroxide and apply polysporn to it until it is all healed.

Well that's it for my update.

31 May 05 - 05:09 PM (#1496881)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Yeehaw!!! Good news. That's just GREAT! Excellent.

Thanks for sharing, Patti. It helped me a lot.

And to all who contributed to this thread and to all who PM'd with concern and advice and good wishes, I really appreciate you guys.
It really did help me a lot. I know it wasn't what you'd call very serious, but it was still one of those glitches you'd just as soon do without.



31 May 05 - 05:52 PM (#1496913)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

Thanks Gnu!

31 May 05 - 06:02 PM (#1496924)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

That's lower case "g". I'm just one of the herd.

31 May 05 - 06:03 PM (#1496925)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Holy shit, a hundred posts. Only cause I talks so much I suppose.

31 May 05 - 07:01 PM (#1496967)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

I got it now, gnu (lower case), now 101 posts.

31 May 05 - 08:02 PM (#1496995)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,bobad

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'm happy that things worked out so well for the two of you. It seems the worst is over.

04 Jun 05 - 07:02 PM (#1500295)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

gnu, how's the healing process going for you? I'm almost feeling like normal here. Most of my incision has healed except the part below the ear, it's still scabbed over, not too much left. There's still a little swelling in front of the ear and under the incision, which is normal, no redness. I guess the numbness on the earlobe will be there for awhile yet - it'll be nice to have feeling there once again. I seem to find after it's too late that I've caught my ear in taking off stuff over my head, shirts that sort of thing. I guess I'ld have to yank pretty hard to pull an ear off, but it sometimes freaks me out. I know that wouldn't happened, it just feels weird is all.

04 Jun 05 - 07:41 PM (#1500305)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,gnu

You are lucky that he didn't have to cut the nerve that let's you feel the earlobe and the area around the bottom half of the ear and the the surrounding half inch or so. It's a bitch when there are flies (blackflies, skeeters) around and you have to keep checking this area because you don't know if the flies are biting it. Plus, it's a bitch not being able to scratch the itch that occurs where you can't feel the scratch. I'll get used to it, I suppose.

When I hit my ear with a tee shirt, I know it. It hurts like hell when I touch the top of my ear... and I have no idea why. It shouldn't... really, it shouldn't... but, it does.

And, sweet sufferin Jaysus, the incision is itchy!!! The last four inches on the throat are painful to the touch but I have to scratch because the beard whiskers are driving me nuts! Shaving is going to be a chore because the incision is 'lumpy' right on the beard line. No razor there. Maybe I'll have to get an electric razor just for this spot.

And, today, I lifted the earlobe a bit whilst peeking in the mirror because something felt kinda strange. There is still a suture that looks like a piece of nylon sticking out of the cut in the front of my ear. The colour of it is clear, but it feels like about a ten pound test fly leader. I am to see the doc again next week, so I will find out about it then. I just hope this doesn't lead to another infection. I thought all of the sutures were to have been removed or dissolved by now.

I don't usually worry or ween too much, but, after what took place over the past few weeks, I can't help but be a slight bit trepidatious about it.

I am glad to hear all is well with you. I hope you continue to heal and that this never comes back.


05 Jun 05 - 01:39 PM (#1500579)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

gnu, I hope so too, that we never have to go through this again. And I also hope you'll catch up to me soon, feeling almost normal. My doctor said the type of tumor I had, that there's a 10% chance for it to develop on the other side and just to keep an eye on it. Then I will know in about a years time, if I end up having that Frey's sydrome or whatever it's called. It could take that long for it to develop. Hopefully we don't get that. You haven't experience any sweating on your cheek, have you?

I sure hope that you are not developing another infection, but it is strange that they left part of a stitch in. I don't think it'll cause an infection, but I'm not a doctor neither. For you sake, I hope you don't. It's been a tougher struggle for you than it has for me and I most hope that it's not going to be much longer for you.

It's been rough going back to work, things piled up in a short time. Finally unburied myself...took me a week and half to do it. Went out for the first time this weekend, had a blast...been a long time.

I hope you didn't overdo it at the camp and i'm glad the skeeters didn't get you too bad. I know you kept an eye on that area where you can't feel things yet. My doctor also told me the feeling will eventually come back, it could be six months before it does. And I have another followup appointment in July.

05 Jun 05 - 04:55 PM (#1500711)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

No sweating resulting from salivation.

Ten percent chance of it happening on the other side? Shite. Didn't know about that. About five years ago, on the left side, I went "chipmunk". The parotid swelled waaaay up, fast, and I went to emerg quick. It was a "stone" plugging the duct. (I've got a good story about that one!!! Ends up with the female intern saying, "Wow! That was neat!") The high tech medical procedure for treating this? Suck on a lemon. Preventative therapy? Every couple of days, massage the gland gently from below the ear to the jaw, along the path of the duct.

Of course, after a while, you don't keep it up and you go chipmunk again - about ten times over five years, but only seriously enough to go to the doc once. And, it seemed to happen shortly after eating soft boiled eggs or fried eggs with runny, but still kinda thick, yolks.

As for the sticth, I talked to my cousin today and he said this is normal. Some of his "lasted" almost two months.

I didn't "go out" but I had a "blast" too. My infection meds were done on Friday and I blasted at home. Me, Moi and Jimmy Suis told each other stories and sang songs while drowning a few... too many. I got into trouble on the Mudcat in a thread because I had too much of a blast and got a little, no, a lot, mouty. Fuckin Irish, eh?!

Nope. Didn't go to the camp. Realized that my neck just ain't ready. I hurt it folding laundry. Folding laundry!!! Not carrying laundry down the stairs. Not mopping and vacuuming my mother's floors... folding laundry!!! Of course, when I had my blast on the weekend, I didn't have the brains to connect the rapid arm movements of "flicking" laundry during folding to playing the Rhan. Just thank goodness I make the Devil's Arc slowly (raising the beer mug to the mouth) or I'd be in serious trouble.

Alas, not all the feeling will come back for me. But I disagree with you when you say I have had a worse time of it. Perhaps a bit more inconvenience with the infection, but "tougher struggle"? No. And don't forget how lucky we are. Even though our mutual problem was a bit of a piss off, a bit of a worry, a bit of a strain on our loved ones, it pales, nay, disappears, when compared to what others have endured here at the Café during the same time period... kat, Max and others... hey, we are the lucky ones!

Anyway, I appreciate you post, your concern, your support, your "companionship" and sharing. And I hope all turns out well for you too. Keep us all apprised of your status, eh?


05 Jun 05 - 05:09 PM (#1500720)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Oops. Just realized that I wasn't clear about the Rhan. Played for about twenty minutes and had to quit and drink a number of beers to dull the pain in my neck... NO, it was't the drum! All you REAL musicians just bite you tongue!

Could it be that God doesn't like the Rhan? I mean, between the arthritis, ganglion on a wrist ligament, and now, a cut neck muscle, perhaps.... nah, can't be... must be the guitar. I'm sure God's a drummer. Hey, thunder, right?

05 Jun 05 - 07:33 PM (#1500781)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: CarolC

Somewhat belatedly coming to this thread to wish you both my sympathies for what you have gone through, as well as my hearty congratulations on your benign results.

Next time, if you're going to start a thread like this one as an anonymous guest, gnu, my friend, send me a PM so I'll know to keep checking it, ok?


Welcome to the Mudcat, Patti.

05 Jun 05 - 08:01 PM (#1500795)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

CC... my dear friend... I posted as an anonymous guest at the start so especially you, and other of my friends here, would not know it was me. I didn't even tell my mother and my brother until a few days ahead of the surgery. The only people I told early on were the clerks where I bought my new housecoat, PJ's and underwear.

You were kinda busy with your own "things"... eh? Right? So, I didn't want to bother you.

No harm. No foul.

Hell... it wasn't really a big deal... everthing turned out fine.

05 Jun 05 - 08:04 PM (#1500800)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: CarolC


05 Jun 05 - 08:57 PM (#1500829)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Aw, darlin, you always did know how to turn a phrase.

31 Aug 05 - 01:29 AM (#1553256)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,mariz

Hi gnu and patti...i just had parotidectomy last july 25. Am experiencing an irritation to my eye, watery and sensitive to light. Did you experienced these? My doc said nothing to worry about coz my face is still swollen. And i still can't blink. The result is benign, thanks God.

31 Aug 05 - 05:17 AM (#1553341)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

mariz: Where are you located? Does not sound normal (I am NOT a doctor) that you still have "swelling causing loss of facial muscle function and irritation." Where are you located? Any chance of a second opinion?

Glad to here that the tumour was benign.

06 Sep 05 - 03:33 AM (#1557248)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

Hi again gnu, I had my operation in the Philippines but am now in China. My doc gave me clearance before i leave my country coz of work here. This Friday i will go to an opthalmologist for a second opinion. I can close my eyes but for the blinking not yet. Thank you for your concern. Will surely glad to hear from you again.

06 Sep 05 - 05:19 AM (#1557293)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Glad to hear you can close your eyes and that you are going to see another doctore. Any change in the swelling? Have you lost any other facial functions... smiling, feeling in cheeks, others?

Thanks for joining this discussion and please keep us up to date.

07 Sep 05 - 05:06 AM (#1558301)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Refresh for mariz.............

BTW, mariz... to find this thread easily, type "Parotidectomy" in the filter near the top of the page, select an appropriate time, and refresh.

07 Sep 05 - 11:23 AM (#1558528)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

As for the other facial functions, i can smile but can't open my mouth wide..due probably to the swelling. I don't have open wounds now..the weeping stops. I still have numbness on my ear, and i can still feel the tingling sensation on my jaw and cheek. That's about real concern is my eye.

Will keep in touch..


09 Sep 05 - 11:11 PM (#1560250)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

I went to an optha doc yesterday and good news that nothing serious with my eye...thanks God! The doc prescribed 3 kinds of medicine eye drops..can't read coz it's chinese characters. one eye drop every 2 hours the other one is every 3 hours...the last one is before sleeping. I also have to do the hot compress for 15 minutes..I think it works coz now am feeling better.

Thanks for hearing me out...


10 Sep 05 - 09:50 AM (#1560414)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Thank goodness!!! I hope everything returns to normal... well, as normal as can be. It takes six months to a year to recover fully. Even then, there will be no "feeling" in the lower portion of the ear and a bit of the surrounding area.

Even after four months, I am still experiencing new "feelings", from itching to sharp pain. I have given up trying to sleep on it because I wake up with terrible pain sometimes, blood once. I think the pressure caused the cut nerves to send an "itching" sensation and, while (half) asleep, I rubbed my head against my pillow in an attempt to "scratch" it. Started to tear the ear away from my head but could not feel the pain. I didn't notice the blood until I looked in the mirror to shave. Scared the heck out of me!!!

But, it is kinda neat that I have to scratch my neck about 40mm below the ear to "scatch" my ear.

Keep us informed, Mariz.

11 Sep 05 - 11:21 AM (#1561055)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

That really sounds strange...i mean the scratching. I also feel the itching sensation and pain sometimes especially when i lie down with only one pillow. Try to raise your head by using 2 - 3 pillows when sleeping. That's what im doing now and i can sleep soundly. Also try not to lift heavy also affects. Am also taking vitamin B complex (for the nerves) and 1 gram of vitamin C (for the healing of wound).

Until then...Mariz

11 Sep 05 - 02:27 PM (#1561166)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

I am past the two pillow stage. I spent the first month on my couch using a rolled up "puff" and five pillows to allow a gentle incline and to MAKE me sleep on my back... or fall off the couch. Only have to fall off once and it doesn't happen again.

13 Sep 05 - 10:18 PM (#1563187)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

Ouch...that hurts. Hope it will not happen to me. Are you still taking medications? Just asking.

14 Sep 05 - 04:38 AM (#1563306)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Never did take much medication. I refused the demerol injection they tried to give me when I regained lucid conciousness. I asked for the least they could give me and got two 325mg Tylenol with a sip of water. Began wretching (almost vomitting) immediately but kept the little buggers down until they could get some of that stuff (?) for motion sickness in the IV.

Gosh, it must be the fact that I am still half asleep that I can't remember the name of the motion sickness drug... it is a very common, "over-the-counter" drug. I continued the Tylenol every four hours for two days and then at bedtime only for three days.

If anyone is in a similar situation, take the demerol. The nurse was pissed off because she had to spend the extra time with me. Don't piss off the nurse in charge of the drugs.

15 Sep 05 - 09:02 AM (#1564206)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: GUEST,Mariz

I stayed in the hospital for 3 days and I was given an anti-biotic and painkiller plus the vitamin B-complex. I just continued the medication for a week except for the vitamin B-complex which im still taking.

The nurses took really good care of me coz im an obedient patient. Nothing really compares to the Filipina nurses and they are well known for having so much patience and very caring to their patients.

08 Apr 06 - 02:28 PM (#1713272)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

Wow, thought I'd come back and check up on this discussion. I'm surprised to see that someone else had the same procedured. We not surprised, but surprised. It's been awhile since I've been here.

I hope all is well for both Mariz & gnu.

Mariz - I've never had any trouble with my eye.

gnu - I've never had that experience with my ear itching.

I have feeling back in my ear and where the incision was, not quite the same as the other side of my head, but definately have some sort of feeling there.

Good to come back to this page, I'll have to check in a little more frequent.

Bye for now and take care!

08 Apr 06 - 02:31 PM (#1713273)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

Oh yeah...the motion sickness drug was gravol

08 Apr 06 - 05:04 PM (#1713339)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Patti. Well... even though it took you ten months, I am glad you came back to remind me it was gravol.

Glad to hear you are doing well.

I just regained the strength and mobility in my cut neck muscle about 6 weeks ago. Until then, I couldn't carry anything heavy or do any heavy work.

I sill have no feeling in the lower half of the ear and I still get itches and feelings "elswhere". For instance, when my jacket collar rubs my beard on the rear of the jawbone, it tickles just above the ear lobe... which I cannot scratch because there is no feeling. So, I have to scratch at the rear of the jawbone... which makes the rear of my earlobe hurt like heck and the top of my cheek, near my eye, tickle, depending on how hard, and exactly where, I scratch.

I have been able to sleep on it for up to a few hours at a time for a few months, but I get some very strange feelings and pains for a few hours after waking some days.

I ain't complaining. I am sharing. I am grateful that things got taken care of quickly and I sure as heck wouldn't care for the alternative.

See you next year. ;-)

30 Apr 06 - 01:34 PM (#1730617)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: Patti

Wow, it's really been over a year now. How time flies.

30 Apr 06 - 05:57 PM (#1730828)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

I eagerly awaited your in depth synopsis (hehehehe) but had no idea it would be so synoptic.... to the point of being not being.

30 Apr 06 - 10:47 PM (#1731016)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: jimmyt

glad you are on the mend, Wildebeest! Some interesting neurological info you passed along. Got me scratching my head...At least I think it is my head. grin   jimmyt

30 Oct 07 - 07:11 PM (#2183023)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Well, f*** me! The left side is bad. Far worse than the right side was, and, that was nasty. I thought after two years I was in the clear. It's Beer's fault. He was here and spent an evening playing and singing and brought some fancy whiskey.... musta been the whiskey... musta been the beer.... but, I went chipmonk that evening and, since August 17, it's been a nightmare.

UNfuckingREAL pain and misdiagnoses by four docs (don't ask, you wouldn't believe it) - $400 worth of antibiotics for two months that make your bowels shake and dance when there is no infection (just got a new family doc that actually decided to take a swab (twice!) to see if I should be on antibiotics... no infection at all).

Anyway, I am to see the slice & dice doc tomorrow. All optins, hehehehe, are still open.

So, my expectations are not good. I can only assume a slice and dice much more invasive than the last one due to the fact that the entire parotid is swollen and hard as a rock and there is also a large lump just in front of the cheek bone.

So, I just thought I would post this summary because some of my Café friends know and some don't. If I am offline for a while, in a while, it's because I can't yell at the darn computer.

30 Oct 07 - 07:27 PM (#2183040)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

Why do I get two threads exactly the same?

30 Oct 07 - 07:29 PM (#2183044)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

And, when I posted that question on one thread, it appeared on the other mirror thread.


30 Oct 07 - 07:48 PM (#2183056)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: bobad

What was the problem with your right parotid?

31 Oct 07 - 07:24 AM (#2183334)
Subject: RE: BS: Parotidectomy - expectations?
From: gnu

On the right it was a stage 2 Wharthin (spg?) tumour in...

"the parotid, toward the rear. By CT, appears round and no outgrowths were detectable, indicating 99% chance benign. Will require removal of about a third of the parotid and cutting the sweat nerve. Muscle from neck will be cut and "flipped over" cut sweat nerve to try to prevent sweat nerve from growing back to skin and stimulating sweating every time I hear the dinner bell. I am aware of the other nerves and the consequences of a "slip" with the slice.

It was the size of a playing marble.