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BS: May the 4th be with you

03 May 05 - 06:40 PM (#1477418)
Subject: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: mandoleer

Well, it's nearing midnight of the third here....

03 May 05 - 06:41 PM (#1477419)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Peace

That was GOOD! LOL

03 May 05 - 06:44 PM (#1477423)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Rapparee

Would that be the Fifth of 4th?

03 May 05 - 06:46 PM (#1477426)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Cllr

Dont drink to much in celebrating Starwars day or it will be revenge of the fifth

03 May 05 - 06:46 PM (#1477427)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: mandoleer

Not original, I'm afraid. Pinched it from Son of the Household Cavalry on my other main site... Credit where it's due. That man has the quickest wit I've ever encountered.

04 May 05 - 05:54 AM (#1477684)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

And tomorrow will be 05/05/05, any way you look at it!

04 May 05 - 08:09 AM (#1477767)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Rapparee

Backwards it'll be 50/50/50, however.

04 May 05 - 09:05 AM (#1477793)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: *daylia*

And also with you.

If we were ancient Hawaiians, this would be quite the blessing! The number 4 was sacred in that culture. The Hawaiian word for 4 is Ha. "Ha" means "breath" (the Breath of Life) and "love", among other things...

No doubt the power of the 4th will peak at 4:44 today. (Ha Ha Ha!!!!) So let's show some 4sight and save some silliness to spew 4th then. I saved at least 4 sillinesses for spewing 4th myself, but I have to be at work at 4:45. *sniff sniff*

04 May 05 - 10:05 AM (#1477826)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Peace

The strangest people in the world are posting on the Mudcat.

04 May 05 - 10:16 AM (#1477839)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Wilfried Schaum

And the song of the day is:
J. B. Marcum

04 May 05 - 10:41 AM (#1477862)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Leadfingers

Mandoleer - We were using that as a 'first radio call' on the appropriate day when we were canalling the first week of May with CB radio for interboat communications

04 May 05 - 11:05 AM (#1477890)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: katlaughing

What a great bunch of 4sight you all have! I shall 4with include the 4going salutation on all of my correspondence and all shall have to just 4bear it!

04 May 05 - 11:12 AM (#1477894)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Stilly River Sage

In Japan "four" is unlucky, but "five" is very lucky. And tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, a big day in the Southwest in Mexico.

04 May 05 - 04:38 PM (#1478168)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Liz the Squeak

Bugger ... forgot all about that one.. but I know what Luke Skywalker is getting for Christmas.. I have felt his presents....


04 May 05 - 04:44 PM (#1478176)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Liz the Squeak

Do I get the 4.44 posting?


04 May 05 - 04:44 PM (#1478177)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Liz the Squeak



04 May 05 - 05:15 PM (#1478189)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: katlaughing

You are a 4th to be reckoned with, LtS!

05 May 05 - 07:27 AM (#1478647)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: *daylia*

Liz you are most 4tuitous! HA! :~)

Quite 4lorn I couldn't make the Ha: Ha Ha! deadline, last night I 4mulated this idea 4 next year. I will get 4 of my piano4te students to play 4 bars of perfect 4ths, in 4/4 time. And we'll do it 4tissismo, at exactly 4:44!!!!

It's a bit confusing though, when you consider that a perfect 4th is REALLY a 5, in disguise...

05 May 05 - 08:31 AM (#1478675)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Azizi

So how's this for synchronicity:

Today is 5/05/05 and without planning it, I woke up at 5:55 AM.

And I have an important meeting to discuss programming opportunities for a children's museum at 10:00Am {two 5's}.

So the way I'm going to interprete all these 5's is that today will be a GREAT day. Of course, I'll interprete tomorrow's date & any number patterns I experience then the same way, and the next day, and the next and...

You get the picture...

05 May 05 - 09:14 AM (#1478695)
Subject: RE: BS: May the 4th be with you
From: Liz the Squeak

Put it upside down and you get SO SO SO... and so on.