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BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

03 May 05 - 08:12 PM (#1477496)
Subject: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Donuel

As CNN is showing Condi telling North Korea that if they pursue nuclear weapons any further we will "Put the hammer down!", NBC is showing the cheif of staff warning the pentagon. "We are severely limited in our troop strength unless we accept huge casuallties both military and civilian as well as a much longer duration of hostilities on a second front".

Every day NBC reports that the military has not met their quota for new recruits 3 months in a row.

03 May 05 - 09:33 PM (#1477538)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: michaelr

I thought I smelled something.

03 May 05 - 10:17 PM (#1477550)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Little Hawk

Gosh, I wonder why they can't meet their quota??????

Whaddya think?

03 May 05 - 10:22 PM (#1477555)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Bobert

Well, at the rate that Bush is going, we'll all end up workin' as housekeepers fir some Chinese family... He has sold the US to them so I can envision a time when American folks, who can no longer afford to live in the US will find living in China and cleaning toilets, a better choice than cleanin' Boss Hog's toilets here in the States...

And I am being perfectly serious here...


03 May 05 - 11:11 PM (#1477568)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: freda underhill

This war is sending soldiers mad with guilt. This website, Frontline: the Soldier's Heart, tells the stories of what some soldiers have experienced, and how this war has changed them irrevocably. It also links to a documentary which can be viewed.

no wonder people aren't signing up.

03 May 05 - 11:21 PM (#1477569)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

Nah way. Bush said during the debates before the election he'd keep the army all volunteer. It was, you know, sort of like a campaign promise. He wouldn't lie to us or anything....would he?

03 May 05 - 11:21 PM (#1477570)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: GUEST,MarkS

Yes, but

The prospect of North Korea with nuclear does worry me just a bit.

Is this a situation we and the rest of the world can allow to stand?


03 May 05 - 11:22 PM (#1477573)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: freda underhill

And with all the money being spent on that war, unfortunately, there is nothing left for pensions to care for eldery in the future.

03 May 05 - 11:23 PM (#1477574)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Bobert

Yeah, freda, ain't what the Bush/Blair propagandists are sayin', is it??? Never is when you got a bunch of imperialist/colonialists in power. It's all about thier story... which it is... a story an' nuthin' more...

03 May 05 - 11:24 PM (#1477575)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Sorcha

Even my brother, career US Army and a Used to be Hardline Bushite is changing his mind....wants OUT of the Army, but has to wait 2 more years.

03 May 05 - 11:27 PM (#1477577)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Amos

North Korea is a slave nation.

It has al the worst aspects of the worst moments of the USSR; extremes of poverty, gulags, and a population yearning to get the hell out but unable to do so.

Like the USSR they are wringing from their slave population a small pinnacle of high tech capability in nuclear arms. With Bush's hawk administration there is a clear danger that the two syndromes (both psycho) will collide and produce a w second front, and Bush can go down in history as the man who started the second world war.

It is a distinct risk, but I believe at this time it is one of relatively low probability.


03 May 05 - 11:42 PM (#1477590)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

I must've been asleep in history class when they covered that topic. Wow. The stuff you learn at Mudcat U. So there was no second world war? Bastards. They made it all up and blamed it on Hitler.

04 May 05 - 07:13 AM (#1477715)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Donuel

CONDI - put the hammer down and step away from the bomb.

Today CNN is marching retired generals in front of the camera to complain about the short comings of the number of our ground troops and what that means in terms of possible casualties. The segments are titled "Battle Fatigue".

This is very significant increase of propoganda, for it is being stepped up to the point it is actually using up more minutes of broadcast air time than Michael Jackson.

04 May 05 - 08:06 AM (#1477764)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Donuel

04 May 05 - 08:40 AM (#1477776)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Amos

Sorry for the typo, sarcastic One; I meant the third World War, of course. :D


04 May 05 - 10:29 AM (#1477849)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

Of course :D

04 May 05 - 01:54 PM (#1478019)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Little Hawk

Mark S: "The prospect of North Korea with nuclear does worry me just a bit. Is this a situation we and the rest of the world can allow to stand?"

My response, Mark:

The prospect of the World's only superpower, the USA, with the World's largest amount of firepower, menacing yet another small country for daring to possess a tiny fraction of the destructive power that the USA already possesses does worry me just a bit.

Is this a situation we and the rest of the World can allow to stand?

Small countries build A-bombs because they are deathly afraid of being attacked from outside by superior forces. They do not build them in order to launch futile attacks on others which could only result in their own national suicide. They are human beings too, and they are concerned about national survival.

04 May 05 - 02:34 PM (#1478050)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: GUEST,Clint Keller

I have never heard rhe term "Soldier's Heart" beefore. It's a good name, and accurate.

You notice how the terms have gotten more clinical and impersonal as time has gone on? "Soldier's Heart" is a human affliction; "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" - and especially its incarnation as "PTSD" - are malfunctions a machine could have.

It tells you something, and something that's not to our credit.


04 May 05 - 06:06 PM (#1478238)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Don(Wyziwyg)T

No need to worry about pensions. The way Bush/Blair are heading there'll be no one to receive them, and no one to pay them out.

Time we pensioned of both B(astard)s, and let them try to live on what other pensioners get.


04 May 05 - 09:16 PM (#1478385)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: beardedbruce

Little Hawk,

"They do not build them in order to launch futile attacks on others which could only result in their own national suicide. They are human beings too, and they are concerned about national survival. "

Have you ever listened to anything that the N. Korean government has said? I will put money on them launching strikes against either Japan or the US just to show that they can.

04 May 05 - 09:19 PM (#1478388)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Peace

I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger,
Getting closer by the minute.
Ya think he can't get any wrong-er
Then he does so . . .
Strange now, in'it?

04 May 05 - 09:46 PM (#1478415)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Little Hawk

That would be assuming, BB, that they are as crazy as you are... (grin) (All right, that's a joke, okay?)

Look, man, if I was Iran or North Korea right now, I would want at least 10 nukes ready and waiting. Why? To preclude a massive attack by the USA, that's why. Certainly NOT to start a suicidal and totally unnecessary war that would result in my own certain destruction.

I am in no way indicating that I like the North Korean government or system or the Iranian government or system. I don't. But, I believe in "live and let live". The Bush administration does not, and more importantly, they have the MEANS to prevent others from living. They believe in survival of the biggest bully on the block, and their policies, like those of North Korea and Iran, are based not on love but on fear. They are intrinisically just as destructive in their intentions AS Iran or North Korea, and a whole hell of a lot MORE dangerous to the World at large.

If, BB, you think that it is moral to FORCE your way of life on other people just because you think your way of life is better than theirs...I am telling you that you are wrong, and that it will lead eventually to reaping the whirlwind stateside...regardless of how many little countries are invaded and wrecked by the paranoid superpower.

You cannot "protect" America by terrorizing the World.

04 May 05 - 09:52 PM (#1478420)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: beardedbruce

So, you feel that countries like Iran and N. Korea should not be bound by international agreements that they have made concerning the development of nuclear weapons?

04 May 05 - 10:25 PM (#1478437)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Peace

Just like the US and its arms control treaties, right? Must be a real SOB when other nations don't line up.

04 May 05 - 10:28 PM (#1478439)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Peace

One example

04 May 05 - 10:32 PM (#1478442)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Peace

If I were the US, of COURSE I'd want the only weapon on the block.

04 May 05 - 10:46 PM (#1478456)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: beardedbruce


Having worked on SDIO programs for a number of years, I think I understand the utilization of space for military purposes, and the international legal restrictions on deployment.

04 May 05 - 10:48 PM (#1478458)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Peace

"What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think, vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position." Dubya, the leader of the Free World.

05 May 05 - 02:54 PM (#1478858)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

You will know that the govenment is seriously considering beginning a draft when folkies are reported rushing to cross the Canadian border.

I don't think it will happen though. (a renewal of the Draft).


05 May 05 - 02:58 PM (#1478861)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Donuel

Here is a draft blowing up Jenna Bush's bush.

05 May 05 - 03:35 PM (#1478882)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

"If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is poontang" - Animal Mother, Full Metal Jacket

05 May 05 - 03:40 PM (#1478883)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger
From: Donuel

speaking of trimmed carpet:

I want the last one.

06 May 05 - 08:33 AM (#1479310)
Subject: RE: BS: I feel the Bush draft blowing stronger

Maybe Donuel's link to Jenna's bush belongs in the "Popular Views Of the Bush Administration" thread (if it's not already there). Her "view" is far more appealing than anything her daddy has done as President of the US IMHO (in my heterosexual opinion).