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BS: Today is 05-05-05

05 May 05 - 06:49 PM (#1479001)
Subject: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: bobad

Any deeper meanings number freaks ?

05 May 05 - 06:58 PM (#1479009)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Peace

So, uh, if 06-06-06 is the Devil, is 05-05-05 a real nasty SOB?

05 May 05 - 07:10 PM (#1479017)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Amos

Define "is".


05 May 05 - 07:22 PM (#1479024)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

More on 05/05/05-

This afternoon I went to a meeting today to discuss some potential programming opportunities. The meeting was held in this building in downtown Pittsburgh. Since it is a 'secure' building, visitors have to sign in and get a visitor's badge.   My visitor's 'badge" was 0505.

When I saw that number, I knew that the meeting was going to be very good for me-and it was.

05 May 05 - 07:24 PM (#1479025)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Bill D

I watched the clock very carefully at 12:34:56 on 7/8/90 (USA style date rendering) and nothing in particular was short lived gratification

05 May 05 - 07:26 PM (#1479026)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: John O'L

Tomorrow it will be yesterday. I can say that with a degree of confidence because where I am it already is.

(Sorry Amos, I can't define "is", it simply is.)

05 May 05 - 07:26 PM (#1479027)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Peace

But, Bill, it was a second you'll always remember.

05 May 05 - 07:28 PM (#1479028)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

I should have said that I don't know what the numerological significance of 050505 is except that it adds up to a #6 as 5+5+5=15 and 1+5=6.

But I'm really in to patterns that numbers make. So that's why I thought this number would be good luck.

That being said, I don't like the number 666-but that's because I was told that it was the number for the devil.

I'm not sure why.

05 May 05 - 07:33 PM (#1479033)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Bill D

brucie..will you please remind me in 15 years or so that I remember that?

05 May 05 - 07:36 PM (#1479036)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Peace

LOL, Bill.

Azizsi, Isaac Asimov posited that 666 was from Greek numerology. The letters N E and Rho. If Asimov was right, he really WAS a beast.

05 May 05 - 07:41 PM (#1479041)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

Here's a thread all about numbers and other things folks believe brings them luck.

Lucky Charms

In addition, [get it 'addition'??] that thread includes links to some online information about numerology and other stuff like that.

Lucky that I remembered it...

Well, actually I started it. So it figures that I would remember it!

05 May 05 - 07:45 PM (#1479043)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

"figures"- get it?

And I should also add add that that's the kind of lame jokes I like.

05 May 05 - 07:51 PM (#1479046)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

Wow!! I typed two 'adds' in that sentence.

That must mean something!!

I hope it's something good. **BG**

05 May 05 - 07:59 PM (#1479053)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: bobad

It has been recently discovered that 666 is not really the number of the devil it is in fact 616. It appears that math is not the devil's forte.

05 May 05 - 08:15 PM (#1479063)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Azizi

Well I'll be!

I can't believe we got it all wrong for so many years-centuries even.

The devil's number is 616???? Balogna!

'616' comes out to the #13 since 6+1+6+13 and then 1+3=4 .

And I happen to like the number 4 since it's half of the number 8.

And I just LOVE the number 8.

So I'm sticking with the old time belief that the devil's number is you know what {maybe it's bad luck to keep sayin it so I won't}.

But speaking of the #4, and since you mentioned 'forte", we might as well include this recent thread that also talks about numbers:

May the 4th Be With You

05 May 05 - 08:17 PM (#1479064)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Alba

bobad...that's interesting.
So when they are knocking themselves into a frenzy next year on 06.06.06 they will have missed the actual "Devil" date...:>)

05.05.05 as Azizi say adds up to 6 in numerlogy.
here's a wee bit about the number six from that prospective:

Astro-Numerology, the perfect synthesis between Astrology and Numerology, deals with the correspondence between the nine revolving heavens and the nine numbers. It also deals with the effect of many Numbers----the Fadic Number, the Name Number and the Birth Number and the combined Fadic, Name and Birth Numbers. The Pythagorean Law of Vibration states that each number has a particular vibration.

Six - ruled by the Fair Planet of Love & the Poet of the Solar Logos, Venus

So hope you all have had and continue to have a day full of Luv!!

05 May 05 - 09:41 PM (#1479114)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: bobad

From the perspective of your numerexpertise maybe you can tell me what is in store for me on an upcoming milestone. My birthday is 09-09-1949 so on 09-09-09 I will be turning 60. Lotsa neat numbers there, must be something cosmic in the cards. BTW I got myself all psyched up for 09-09-99 but it turned out to be just another day, no digit dharma did descend.

05 May 05 - 09:51 PM (#1479122)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Rustic Rebel

My guess is I won't be around in this lifetime, to see it happen again!

05 May 05 - 10:02 PM (#1479131)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Sorcha

Which calender? Define Devil.....

05 May 05 - 10:13 PM (#1479136)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: Peace

Even the Devil has friends . . . .

05 May 05 - 11:11 PM (#1479158)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: LilyFestre



06 May 05 - 08:13 AM (#1479297)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: *daylia*

Ahh, too bad there was no chance of a 5:55 posting on this thread! But oh *WOW* Lily! You posted at exactly 11:11! Now that's a number of great numerological significance. According to popular new-age author Doreen Virtue, it means the Angels are trying to give you a "Great Awakening".   So quick - make a wish! Say a blessing! Plant a flower! Or at the very least look skyward and smile....

To be honest though, Doreen's ideas remind me of candy floss - childlike and airy-fairy and sweet, but NOT to be confused with nutritious. I'd take it with a grain of salt, myself. Or better yet, 11 grains of salt! Just be sure to throw them over your left shoulder, one at a time, at exactly 11:11, preferably on the 11th day of the 11th month.

06 May 05 - 08:20 AM (#1479303)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: GUEST,Shrub

I'm a devil alright!

06 May 05 - 08:32 AM (#1479309)
Subject: RE: BS: Today is 05-05-05
From: GUEST,Mrr

Now THAT's funny!