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Run ins with established performers

11 May 05 - 05:37 PM (#1482756)
Subject: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,smiler

Anyone had any run ins with established performers. One guy who was the “starâ€쳌 of a festival, insisted on pinching my seat when I went to the loo, even though my drink and bag were by the seat. When someone mentioned this to him, he laughed and stayed there anyway, knowing it was my seat.

Won't mention his name, though I told him, rather ambitiously, he wouldn't work in London again.

Pleae don't mention any names of performers in anecdotes as it wouldn't be fair on such a forum.

11 May 05 - 05:53 PM (#1482764)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Clinton Hammond

Wouldn't be fair?!?! Bullshit!

11 May 05 - 05:57 PM (#1482767)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: kendall

An asshole such as that should be exposed.

11 May 05 - 05:59 PM (#1482770)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Peace

"pinching my seat when I went to the loo"

Slap him across the face. Your ass is YOUR ass. No one has the right to pinch it, IMO.

11 May 05 - 06:26 PM (#1482795)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Ebbie

Not a performer but it worked: Upon returning to my seat and finding it occupied, I asked the occupier - very pleasantly - Is this your coat? He turned his head, looked briefly at the back of the chair and said, No. And I said, Oh, then I guess this is MY seat.

11 May 05 - 06:39 PM (#1482804)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: PoppaGator

I thought this was going to be a "brush with greatness" thread ~ I initially read "run-in" in the neutral sense of an encounter, not necessarily an unpleasant conflict.

My meetings with players more famous than myself have all been quite pleasant, thank you. Since the stories don't mean much without "naming names," and since we seem to be talking about bad experiences here, I won't go into any detail.

If this guy was such an "established performer," why didn't he have a backstage pass so he could leave the general public alone? Pinching your seat? How classless!

11 May 05 - 08:24 PM (#1482875)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers

In answer to your last paragraph PG, most English festivals use small venues with no separate "backstage" rather than concert halls or theatres.

Most "established" performers that I have come across have been great people. Usually the arseholes never get established because they piss off too many customers on the way.

I can think of one band where one member clearly has the job of smoothing feathers that his colleague at the front of the stage ruffles. He is noticably careful to make sure that whoever controls the power supply is happy, an annoyed caretaker can be very prompt about pulling plugs and throwing light switches.

11 May 05 - 09:13 PM (#1482896)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

You pays your dues

You does your time



Pitty it wasn't me....or your drink would have been drunk too.

11 May 05 - 09:17 PM (#1482898)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers

Keep in with the staff... Cardinal rule.
The 'customers' come & go, and there are a number who use this 'paying guest' crap to give themselves more 'importance', and some moral high ground over people..

DO NOT have an big ego, musicians.
It gives you the moral low-ground.

Moderation in everything.
.. although you would have to include 'moderation' in that equation, also
Treat people like people until they stop treating you as such.

Then take the head off them!

And that goes for the musician as well as the customer

12 May 05 - 05:16 AM (#1483113)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: SarahNash

I have never had a run in with an established performer. Every "name" act that I've had the priviledge of meeting (and I do consider it a priviledge to talk about music with musicians more talented than I) has been friendly and encouraging in every respect. This is one of the things that I love about the folk scene - there are no big egos, and I've never seen an act that's considered itself above talking with the punters after the show.

12 May 05 - 05:46 AM (#1483123)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Liz the Squeak

I had a run in with one musician who had been on TV quite a lot, teaching traditional barn dancing (or English Country Dancing as we called it at school) to children. I was asked to take my then 18month old child out of a concert because she heard the music he was playing and wanted to dance to it as she'd seen them do on the telly.

His comment was that it was disturbing other people who were there. Not one person there complained to me, and in fact, later, three or four said it hadn't disturbed them at all and was quite sweet really.

Needless to say, I've never wasted my money on him since.


12 May 05 - 06:04 AM (#1483137)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,padgett

I have to say that I have no heroes, nor should there be any performers who are unapproachable. If they are then that's down to their shortcomings not mine!

Ive been round long and Im old enough to talk about vitually anything and bore you to death on folk reminiscences

Characters such as Derek brimstone and Tony Capstick spring to mind, but not necessarily negatively!!

Clearly when Ive had a pint sometimes I need to be told to shut up, I go to festivals to enjoy myself, away from other day to day pressures this can get out of hand!
Ray Padgett

12 May 05 - 07:48 AM (#1483199)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,An Englishman Abroad

There are just as many egos in folk music as in any other walk of life. It is a matter of if they cross your path. It is no different this side of the pond. There are some wonderful people on the folk scene just as there are some stinkers. Most of the ego problems are with the people who think they have made it, not the people who have.

Back in the UK I had a number stay with me after performances and a lot of the became friends. One or two I am not bothered if I never see them again. You can tell what sort of person they are when they call for a booking. They think they have a right to be booked and get shirty if you say no.

I have always thought that the biggest insult at a folk club is when the guest disappears into the bar or to another pub when the floor singers are on.

All the best   John

12 May 05 - 08:25 AM (#1483220)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: A Wandering Minstrel

My SO is a front of house crewmember for our local arts centre and so I have had the pleasure (while waiting for her after gigs) of meeting many of the "greats" on the English scene. They have been, without exception, charming, affable, ready to autograph cds and programs, willing to discuss songs and accept requests and in every way worthy of respect

12 May 05 - 08:31 AM (#1483224)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: mooman

I ran a folk club for five years back when I lived in the UK. The vast majority of the booked performers were charming people without airs and graces and many stayed with us.

There were (as there always are) one or two arseholes and prima donnas (usually not the most talented performers). There was one particularly annoying individual (perhaps some might recognise him/her) who royally got up everybody's noses by EXPECTING to be booked as a right on a very regular basis (as mentioned by Guest, An Englishman Abroad) and got extremely shirty at a polite and reasoned refusal.

All in all though...mainly a very amenable genre.



12 May 05 - 09:05 AM (#1483252)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,crazy little woman

Well, I was at a house concert with Jez Lowe once, and I told him that his loud twelve-string was drowning out his words so that I couldn't understand his songs. He refused to play more softly. That's it for Jez Lowe, as far as I'm concerned.

Then there was the band Flook, which didn't bother to come near the stage at starting time last Saturday. The poor announcer kept trying to cover up while someone else searched for them. I guess they were waiting for the angel Gabriel to tell them to show up.

12 May 05 - 10:37 AM (#1483305)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Dave the Gnome

I guess if you were at a house concert you are in the USA, crazy little woman? It wasn't the guitar that made it difficult to hear the words - you just couldn't understand his his North East accent, hinny! ;-)

Funny that after everyone studiously following the guidline not to mention names the first one mentioned is the very guy who I am in touch with at the moment to do a charity gig for us. He has been one of the friendliest people I have ever dealt with. After being a professional peformer playing guitar in the same way for many years, pleasing thousands of other people, it must be difficult to modify a performance to suit the odd one:-)


Dave the Gnome

12 May 05 - 10:43 AM (#1483312)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Skipper Jack

As you folk club organisers probably know that most of your guests are happy to be given a bed and breakfast in your humble abode and if there were quite a few of them, then some would be content to use the sofa or even the floor!

However, there are those who expect "Four Star Hotel" accommodation!
One such - was a group called "Bully Wee" They were not prepared to be put up by one of our club members. I didn't know this and had dashed home well after midnight to get a spare camp bed. When I came back to the host, I discovered that they had gone home!

I contacted the group's agent the following morning expressing our obvious disgust at the behaviour of just one or two of the group, especially as their contract didn't stipulate the type of accommodation required.

Mind you, this was quite a few years ago.

12 May 05 - 10:50 AM (#1483320)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,leeneia

Re: "you just couldn't understand his his North East accent, hinny!"

You are jumping to conclusions. I understand many different accents in the English language. I also can tell when a voice is disappearing under a welter of background frequencies.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but the man took my money and should have given what had been offered.

12 May 05 - 11:24 AM (#1483341)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Dave the Gnome

Sorry if I hurt your feelings

Thad af ter be mower gradely quick wi't'patter ter ger on my wick, lass!

As to but the man took my money and should have given what had been offered.

Sorry, don't understand. How can someone give what is offered? Take what is offered or give what they have got, surely? Perhaps my understanding of accents is none too clever either;-)



12 May 05 - 11:28 AM (#1483344)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Dave the Gnome

Whoops! None to good on closing HTML formatters either:-)

Can I remind eveyone of what I think was a very fair request on the first post -

Pleae don't mention any names of performers in anecdotes as it wouldn't be fair on such a forum.

Perhaps a JC will remove the ones mentioned in deference to the spirit of the thread?



12 May 05 - 11:35 AM (#1483348)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: M.Ted

So you go up and tell the performer how to play and sing, and then take offense because he doesn't do it? And they wonder why peformers turn to drink.

12 May 05 - 11:53 AM (#1483360)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Lanfranc

Many is the folksinger who has taken bed and board at various Francis Towers over the years, and, apart from the associated reduction of my Scotch stocks on occasion, all experiences have been positive.

Most of my friends and fellow organisers have been equally happy with their temporary famous (or notorious) guests, but there was one occasion when a rather large singer and musician (not me!), woke in the night feeling hungry. So he went down to the kitchen, opened the 'fridge, and consumed most of the food that had been prepared for a child's birthday party the next day. He was most apologetic the next morning - he said that he thought he had just stumbled on a well-stocked larder - but that didn't help the lady of the house, who had to make another batch of kiddy-friendly grub in short order.

They (more likely, she) could never be persuaded to put a guest artist up ever again!


12 May 05 - 12:28 PM (#1483378)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Sidewinder.

Hello Again.
As we are not naming names all I will say is "I was walking with Monroe while talking bout' Snow White and New York's a go go where everything tastes nice" if you get my drift.



12 May 05 - 12:38 PM (#1483390)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Dave the Gnome

Sidewinder - You must be a lad. Insane as it sounds...;-)


(What did he do btw?)

12 May 05 - 12:39 PM (#1483391)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Allen

Leeneia, why should he change his musical style? Because you don't like it?
I respectfully suggest that maybe the problem isn't with said performer.

12 May 05 - 12:47 PM (#1483403)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Sidewinder.

you're a diamond dog from the golden years!



12 May 05 - 01:02 PM (#1483415)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Uncle_DaveO

Dave the Gnome said, in part:

Sorry, don't understand. How can someone give what is offered? Take what is offered or give what they have got, surely? Perhaps my understanding of accents is none too clever either;-)

Dave, I think what was meant was that the performer did not deliver what he had offered to deliver.

Dave Oesterreich

12 May 05 - 01:07 PM (#1483418)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Big Al Whittle

so i said to that bob dylan....Bob you may be the lyrical genius that redefined the entire nature of folk music for a generation, and reacquainted North America with it ethnic musical roots, but if you think that entitles you come in here make a bloody nuisance of yourself then you're on your way to a good smacking.....

and don't give me all crap about it blowing in the wind....I dunno coming in here and passing off Cecil Sharps While My Guitar gently Weeps as one of his own.... I said, No!.....

12 May 05 - 01:09 PM (#1483424)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Tinker in Chicago

I've hosted scores of house concerts and never had the slightest problem with a performer's ego. With their nervousness or sobriety, yes, now and then, but folk generally doesn't draw the kind of personality that flourishes in rock.

And I will name names, only to say these people were a delight to have in my home: Seamus Kennedy, Tommy Sands, Anne Hills, Bryan Bowers, Robbie O'Connell, Andy M. Stewart, Tom Lewis, John Roberts & Tony Barrand, Kat Eggleston, and many, many more.

Face it. Folk singers are usually ordinary folks. No shame in that.

12 May 05 - 01:18 PM (#1483431)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Sidewinder.

Tinker in Chicago,
Are all those folk singers you named still in your home? because I ain't heard of none of those guys for years!



12 May 05 - 01:25 PM (#1483438)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,PB in the coalmine

"Thad af ter be mower gradely quick wi't'patter ter ger on my wick, lass"

Dave the Gnome - that's the worst Geordie accent I've ever heard!

Long live Red Rose County!

- on the earlier point any member of my audiences would be happy to give up their seat for me - mind you that's because at my age I either sit down or fall down and they've a lot of respect for their (Very) elders!

12 May 05 - 01:38 PM (#1483450)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: M.Ted

Lanfranc reminds me that years ago, I shared a house with a group of broke students and a jazz enthusiast. One night, he came home with an up and coming (drunken)jazz pianist, who fell asleep on the sofa, woke up in the middle of the night, and helped herself to the week's groceries--the worst of it was that what she didn't eat, she left on the floor-

12 May 05 - 03:59 PM (#1483555)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Dave the Gnome

Well spotted PB deuwn t'mine! 'twas indeed twang from t'county Palatine:-) Anyone sayin diffurunt like as not ull ger a punce rownd t'chops.



12 May 05 - 04:24 PM (#1483579)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Liz the Squeak

I've played hostess to several folkie guests including the one described above, before now, and never had a problem with any of them - it's when they're on stage or 'in public' that they seem to turn into prize arseholes.


12 May 05 - 04:26 PM (#1483581)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Guest

I've had people put me up for the night when I was touring but I can't imagine raiding their refrigerator in the middle of the night, even if they'd told me something like "help yourself to whatever you want". Eating

12 May 05 - 04:56 PM (#1483606)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: breezy

Poor Jez

He does have a very soft voice

he plays lefthanded

I think the best place to hear Jez from is to his right hand side.

Some artistes expect 5star treatment and thats a put off as an organiser

I agree that those 'guests' who dissappear to the bar or outside the performing area do not endear themselves.

Discretion prevents me from mentioning an accapella trio.

most of the artistes that have appeared at Windward listen.
Hence Andy Irvine 'nicked' a George Papavgeris song.

its called manners

12 May 05 - 05:17 PM (#1483627)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers

And I said to him, OY, Bob!

12 May 05 - 05:45 PM (#1483646)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: Folkiedave

Vin Garbutt catering rider - two pints of weak bitter. What a lovely man!


12 May 05 - 05:55 PM (#1483654)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

I've had Jez on my show (he stayed in the area an extra night to do my program) and I also had the pleasure of serving as MC when he appeared at a local coffeehouse. He was a real gentleman and very nice to everyone.

One thing I have noticed at coffehouses, everyone hears things differently. I usually sit near the soundboard and people will come up complaining it's too loud and a minute later someone will complain that it is too low. It is hard to expect an artist or a soundperson to adjust to every single complaint. You have to trust their ears and judgement as well.

12 May 05 - 05:58 PM (#1483656)
Subject: RE: Run ins with established performers
From: GUEST,Wesley S

Ron - that's true. That's why I often try to sit near the soundboard. And I try to compliment the soundguy if the concert sounded good. It usually shocks the heck out of the soundman.