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BS: Spotted Dick

27 May 05 - 08:33 PM (#1494703)
Subject: BS: Spotted Dick
From: jaze

OK, what is it and, Please, NO mentions of Michael Jackson.

27 May 05 - 08:51 PM (#1494715)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Shanghaiceltic

A steamed pudding containing dried fruit. Another UK culinary delight is called 'roly poly'.

27 May 05 - 08:51 PM (#1494716)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: George Papavgeris

Variously an English pudding, rather stodgy, the "spots" being raisins or other dried fruit.

Or something you get when you have been careless and "putting it about" without protection.

27 May 05 - 08:59 PM (#1494719)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick

Spotted Dick

285g (10oz) Self-Raising Flour
150g (5oz) Shredded Suet
150ml (¼ pint) Milk
110-160g (4-6oz) Currants or Raisins
85g (3oz) Castor Sugar
1 Lemon, zest only, finely grated
Pinch Salt

Mix all of the dry ingredients, including the grated lemon zest, together thoroughly
Add enough milk to produce a soft dough.
Turn out onto a floured surface.
Roll out the mixture to produce a roll approximately 15cm (6 in) long and 5cm (2 in) in diameter.
Prepare either a tea towel lightly dusted with flour, or sheet of kitchen foil or a double thickness of greaseproof paper, brushed with melted butter.
Wrap loosely but securely, leaving enough space for it to rise.
Tie or seal the ends.
Place in the steamer and cover tightly.
Steam for 1½ to 2 hours.
Serve cut into thck slices with hot custard.

27 May 05 - 09:03 PM (#1494721)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick

Jam Roly Poly recipe

A great Jam Roly Poly Pudding, made from suet pastry, jam and milk, and served with a custard sauce.

175 g (6 oz) suetcrust pastry
60 ml (4 level tbsp) jam
little milk

1. Roll out the pastry to an oblong measuring about 23 x 27.5 cm (9 x 11 inches).

2. Spread the jam on the pastry to within 0.5 cm (1/4 inch) of the edges.

3. Brush the edges with milk and roll up like a Swiss roll from the narrow end, sealing the ends.

4. Grease a piece of foil measuring 73 x 33 cm (29 x 13 inches). Place the roll on the greased foil and wrap the foil round the roll loosely, to allow room tor expansion, but seal the edges very well.

5. Steam for 1 - 2 hours. Serve with a custard sauce.

27 May 05 - 09:32 PM (#1494733)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Azizi

Does feasting on too much roly poly make a person-umm-roly poly?

27 May 05 - 09:39 PM (#1494738)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

7oz SR flour
4oz butter/margarine
6oz bread crumbs
4oz chopped dates
2oz raisons
2oz currants
7oz sultanas
1 dstspn nutmeg
1 dstspn cinnamon

Cut butter into flour, then mix all the rest in.

220ml milk
1 egg
1 tblspn brandy

Mix all that together, put it in a boiler and boil it for 3 hours. (Not with the lid on - Tie foil over the top with a piece of string)

Serve hot, covered with golden syrup and ice cream.
(Should be hot enough so that the golden syrup soaks through the pudding and the ice cream will soften, but not so hot that it melts completely)

27 May 05 - 09:44 PM (#1494739)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

Apparently it is the colour of some variety of English working dog, and the common name for such dogs was (is?) "Dick".

Hence the name.

27 May 05 - 09:51 PM (#1494746)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick

Also a song recorded by the wonderful Louie Fuller.

27 May 05 - 11:37 PM (#1494783)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: LadyJean

I found it in a can (aka tin) in a local shop. It proved the perfect Christmas gift for two friends who are Patrick O'Brian fans, since dear Jack Aubrey is so fond of his pudding.

28 May 05 - 03:01 AM (#1494847)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Dave Hanson

You all forgot the dead flies.


28 May 05 - 04:02 AM (#1494872)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST, puss

Anyone know a recipe for 'squashed fly biscuits'?

28 May 05 - 04:10 AM (#1494877)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

No, but my sister does a very nice toe-jam mousse.

28 May 05 - 05:32 AM (#1494894)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Strollin' Johnny

The ONLY, repeat O-N-L-Y, suitable accompaniment for Spotted Dick is CUSTARD - hot, sweet and thick. Anything else is a prostitution of a divine gastronomic delicacy. An' if it don't got suet it ain't Spotted Dick, its a Sultana Sponge.

28 May 05 - 05:53 AM (#1494902)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

S.J. -
You're quite right. My recipe is a lot different from the true Spotted Dick recipe. It probably should be called a Sultana Sponge. I was actually trying to think of a suitable name for it but couldn't think of one that I liked. Sultana Sponge will do for now.

28 May 05 - 06:07 AM (#1494911)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick

How about Spattered Dick?

28 May 05 - 06:24 AM (#1494916)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Big Al Whittle

sainsbury's does a nice spotted dick

28 May 05 - 09:54 AM (#1494951)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Dave Hanson

I once had a spotted dick but thats another story.


28 May 05 - 10:00 AM (#1494955)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

Mock Dick. I think I'll call it Mock Dick.

28 May 05 - 10:10 AM (#1494965)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,Mrs Miggins

It's called spotted dick or spotted dog dearie, I serves in me pie shop.

28 May 05 - 10:12 AM (#1494968)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: The Curator

If you get spotted dick and a form of custard seek advice from the nearest STD clinic.

28 May 05 - 10:28 AM (#1494971)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Flash Company

Two thoughts:-
Song remembered from child-hood,
Give me a piece od Roly-poly,
Roly-poly pud,
Whether it's treacle or jam,
It's lovely, tell your Mam!

Wartime cartoon:-
Two large soldiers and one small one sat at a table , on which sits a Roly-poly pudding. One of the large soldiers is cutting it in half, whilst the other one explains to the little guy 'Me and Bill likes ends!'


28 May 05 - 07:07 PM (#1495203)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Liz the Squeak

Squashed Fly (Garibaldi) Biscuits
(Circa 1950)

2oz currants or other dried fruit
4oz self raising flour
pinch of salt
1oz butter
1oz sugar
little milk to mix

Chop the dried fruit. Put flour and salt into a bowl and rub in butter lightly until no lumps remain, then stir in sugar. Add 1-2 tablespoons of milk and mix to a stiff dough. Roll it out evenly to about 1/8 inch keeping it as square as possible. Cut in half and sprinkle the fruit over one side. Cover with the other piece of dough, and roll again until about 1/8 inch thick. Trim the edges, cut into squares or triangles, bake on a greased baking sheet until golden, in a moderately hot oven (400°F, 200°C, gas mark 5 or 6).

Available shortly in the Mudcat Just Desserts cookbook.


28 May 05 - 07:18 PM (#1495209)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST, puss

28 May 05 - 07:33 PM (#1495221)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST, puss

Where did that go?

I just posted a message wondering why Liz isn't at Chippenham, or whether she is there, with internet access. But it seems to have spun off into cyberspace.

Thanks anyway Liz.I knew you wouldn't let us down.

28 May 05 - 09:43 PM (#1495300)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Bill D

an image ...looks yummy.

29 May 05 - 10:59 AM (#1495476)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: *Laura*

It is very VERY yummy - but as S.J. says -it has to be with custard!


29 May 05 - 12:49 PM (#1495518)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Liz the Squeak

I'm not at Chippenham, I'm at home with a Sponge and his family, up for a visit.


29 May 05 - 03:20 PM (#1495580)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,Rebecca Fox

"Spotty Dick"

Tonight I feel so happy,
Tonight I feel so gay,
My mother's got a roly-poly pudding on the way,
I saw her put the currants in, the suet in as well,
Tonight I'm having spotty dick, my story I must tell,

I'm having a bit tonight,
I'm having a bit tonight,
My mother says I must be quick to get my bit of spotted dick,
I like my roly-poly, It fills me with delight
I haven't had any since Easter but I'm having a bit tonight

Tra la la la, Tra la la la

Then there is my girlfriend,
She's such a lovely girl
Her eyes are like the setting sun, her teeth as white as pearl
There's only one thing wrong with her, she isn't very fat
Tonight she's having spotty dick, so what'll she think of that?

She's having a bit tonight.... etc

Then there's dear old grandpa,
He seldom gets enough,
Although he's nearly ninety, he's a bugger for his duff!

He's having a bit tonight... etc

From the singing of Louie Fuller. I've been singing this for about three years now and it always goes down well at my club where it is known as 'The Pudding Song'

29 May 05 - 05:57 PM (#1495664)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Alan Day

Baked spotted Dick?
What happened to the cooked in a muslin cloth? White and soggy on the outside but perfection opened up.
You lot have not lived.
From a real Spotted Dick lover

29 May 05 - 09:21 PM (#1495792)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Once Famous

Did you say Muslim cloth?

30 May 05 - 05:11 AM (#1495950)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Strollin' Johnny

Remember guys - "DO.....NOT.....RESPOND", "DO.....NOT.....RESPOND", "DO.....NOT....RESPOND" etc.

30 May 05 - 05:13 AM (#1495951)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Strollin' Johnny

Oh yes, thanks J. o'L., Sultana Spongs is very nice too but loses out in the pudding stakes by a short head to Spotted Dick! :-)

30 May 05 - 06:17 AM (#1495965)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: John O'L

Ah yes, well, to each his own.

BTW I have decided to call my modified variation Mock Dick. More individual I think. More Me.

30 May 05 - 01:10 PM (#1496143)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Strollin' Johnny

LOL! Enjoy!

30 May 05 - 06:12 PM (#1496328)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: jaze

Thanks to all for your information. I became curious about this because I heard some nurses in the breakroom saying that at one point Michael Jackson's privates were photographed and his alleged victims were asked to describe them. They mentioned the skin disease he has. I said to the nurse sitting with me that there's an English dish called Spotted Dick.The whole room about fell off their chairs laughing and asking what it was. I wasn't quite sure but I do hope to try it someday.

30 May 05 - 09:39 PM (#1496423)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

YES, it's the same as tennis elbow------but different.

And lower.


31 May 05 - 02:35 AM (#1496520)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Liz the Squeak

Jaze - you can get it in tins here.... maybe some kind Santa elf will send you some....?


31 May 05 - 04:21 AM (#1496557)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Dave Hanson

Housemaids knee ?


31 May 05 - 04:24 PM (#1496847)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,NH Dave

It is my understanding Spotted Dick pudding with rasins/sultanas and sauce is named for the Dalmation Coach Dog, whose spots resemble the rasins on the surface of the pudding. This breed of dogs are also known as spotted dicks, hence the name.


31 May 05 - 08:30 PM (#1497018)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: jaze

Liz, My last Santa was from England...maybe this year.

31 May 05 - 11:56 PM (#1497125)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: LadyJean

I'd love to try making Spotted Dick if someone would translate the measurements into cups and tablespoons.

01 Jun 05 - 07:19 PM (#1497705)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Big Al Whittle

Well there are two methods: either you put the tin in a pan of hot water for as long as it says on the can and then open it, or you open the can and put it in the microwave for along as it says on the can.

then you add the hot water - not the hot water the cans been in, to the instant custard powder.

Then you stick the two together and eat it.

Mind you, sometimes the custard is done first, and then you have probably eaten it by the time the puddings ready. In this contingecy - its okay to get the ice cream out of the freezer.

01 Jun 05 - 10:05 PM (#1497801)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,leeneia

This is all very interesting, but I don't think I want to put suet in my food.

My bird-watcher's magazine said to put suet out to feed the birds in winter, but all I got was starlings. And they are an imported, English bird. Hmmm!

02 Jun 05 - 03:08 AM (#1497940)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: open mike

i would not care to put any kind of can in the microwave...
an explosive combination!!

02 Jun 05 - 05:12 AM (#1498000)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Liz the Squeak

Suet is animal fat that has been processed into (usually) dry pellets for convenience. It is possible to get reduced fat suet and vegetarian suet, which makes puddings much lighter. You CAN make Spotted Dick with other animal fats such as butter, but it doesn't work so well.. the secret to a good Dick is the long, slow cooking process.

This site will tell you more than you ever needed to know about suet.

Leeneia - in the UK you can buy a product called 'Fat Balls'.....


02 Jun 05 - 07:50 AM (#1498081)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Strollin' Johnny

SUET - The True Path! (to a good Spotted Dick).
With apologies to El Ted!

02 Jun 05 - 12:55 PM (#1498339)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: GUEST,leeneia

Thanks for the info, Squeak. That sounds more appetizing.

You don't want to know what suet is like over here.

02 Jun 05 - 08:25 PM (#1498713)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: jaze

And just what would that be, Liz?? You British folks have the most colorful names for things!

02 Jun 05 - 09:10 PM (#1498742)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: frogprince

See spotted dick. See custard run on spotted dick.

02 Jun 05 - 09:57 PM (#1498778)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Bonecruncher

As cups and spoons come in various sizes determined by the manufacturer, such a "translation" could lead to a rather unappetising outcome.
Why not just use your scales and the quantities by weight?

03 Jun 05 - 07:12 PM (#1499720)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: rock chick

I went out to dinner in a pub near me, they do a great Sunday lunch, anyway on the sweet menu was spotted Richard!! I asked what it was and was told it was spotted dick, this was said in a very a quite voice by the young girl, who by the way couldnt stop laughing)

Apparently it is offensive to call it spotted dick now and Tescos have renamed it ( this is just another bit of our world going mad.

I ordered spotted dick in a rather loud voice. It doesnt quite have the same ring about it asking for spotted Richard ;o))


04 Jun 05 - 04:02 AM (#1499959)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Liz the Squeak

Codpiece pudding maybe?

If you ever see the suit of armour made for the young King Henry VIII, you'll understand....


04 Jun 05 - 02:13 PM (#1500202)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: Dave'sWife

Actually, the measurements for the ingredients were also given in ounces which is pretty easy to use in an American kitchen. If you don;t have a kitchen scale, a postal scale will do, just make sure you lay a large piece of parchement over the top to keep it clean.

I once served a huge Irish dinner to my husband and two of his friends from, one from Italy and the other an American. I didn't have time to set out different courses, so I laid everything on the table Buffet style including the Hot Custard sauce for the steamed pudding. I had to go somewhere for half an hour and when I came back, I saw the other men with custard sauce on their vegetables!

05 Jun 05 - 11:56 AM (#1500525)
Subject: RE: BS: Spotted Dick
From: sapper82

I love a spotted dick after my faggots in gravy!