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BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.

15 Jun 05 - 11:02 AM (#1501616)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace

I see I'm on another thread with the sickies.

15 Jun 05 - 01:06 PM (#1501706)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk

"WAUGHH!" - Howard the Duck (in a stressful moment)

15 Jun 05 - 03:05 PM (#1501798)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace

I heard recently that Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse are getting divorced. It seems she was fuckin' Goofy.

15 Jun 05 - 03:53 PM (#1501831)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk

True. But not half as goofy as Daisy Duck!

15 Jun 05 - 04:07 PM (#1501846)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: DougR

Let's see now, what'a it called? Oh yes. Thread creep. That's what it's called.


15 Jun 05 - 05:36 PM (#1501964)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace

Thread creep? You talkin' about Gargoyle?

16 Jun 05 - 12:56 PM (#1502301)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk


16 Jun 05 - 07:44 PM (#1502623)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Frankham

Who says that the Liberal Left is in the minority? Where are the stats on this that make any sense whatever?

I think that the real truth is that some people are Left sometimes and Right others depending on the issue. I don't think there's a broad-brush that can be applied to anyone. We don't know what the American public really consists of but we do know that Bush's approval rating is at a all time low. Are those people who feel this way Left-wingers? If you think so, prove it.

Frank Hamilton

16 Jun 05 - 10:42 PM (#1502697)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace


I have posted before that my 'orientation' is liberal, but to do with certain issues I am very 'right wing'. You are correct about that broad-brush. People love to categorize, though. Right or left, correct or not.


17 Jun 05 - 07:40 AM (#1502895)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk

Chongo Chimp is quite hard to define when it comes to Right or Left. He's an eclectic mixture of political values.

17 Jun 05 - 02:36 PM (#1503085)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: GUEST,David Hannam

I think the labels left, centre and right are outdated nowadays.

If you actually look at the political spectrum there is not that much differences on many of the issues between them all.

And where there is a big difference of opinion on a sensitive subject that party will be accused of extremism. As the Tories were for latching onto the issue of immigration.

When it comes to the drearier issues for politicians, such as tax, education etc, (dreary to them not us) they are totally united but for mere slight differences. That's why the 3 party system is so outdated. PR should be introduced to reflect all broader opinions on the 'left' centre and 'right'.

I suppose we also use these labels because it's easier.

17 Jun 05 - 06:34 PM (#1503279)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace


Politics is/are outdated. In England, Canada, the USA, Oz, name it. If politicians aren't corrupt when they first start, they usually are by the time their pension is in sight. That's less than eight years here. Don't know what it is there. Honest ones are the exception, not the rule. I don't think it's any different where you are.


17 Jun 05 - 07:17 PM (#1503303)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: GUEST,David Hannam


I agree with that statement. I would say every single politician in House of Commons is taking some back-hander and is involved in some dodgy dealing.

Politicians do actually live far in excess of their wage, and i don't simply imply living off expenses covered, though that plays a part, i mean these people afford a living, houses and cars that when actually scrutinized, are not feasibly affordable by their wage. There was a day when a politicians occupation was not a wealthy one many many years gone by, the Late Enoch Powell only ever promised his wife a life of poverty in the 1960's, but although our masters have always been greedy and corrupt, that greed seems to have readily advanced to an alarming state.

17 Jun 05 - 09:07 PM (#1503372)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: The Fooles Troupe

"A hard man nowadays is good to find!"

If you've visited before, you're probably familiar with "implied chiasmus," which occurs when the words of a popular saying are deliberately reversed. Some popular examples are "A hangover is the wrath of grapes," Mae West's "A hard man is good to find," and Kermit the Frog's "Time's fun when you're having flies."

Further down the page...

Oscar Wilde and Implied Chiasmus

In my Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You book, I introduced a concept called implied chiasmus, which occurs when the words of a popular saying are deliberately reversed. Some popular examples are Mae West's "A hard man is good to find," Kermit the Frog's "Time's fun when you're having flies," and Ziggy's "A waist is a terrible thing to mind."

If you examine these sayings, you'll notice that each one reverses the words of a popular saying: "A good man is hard to find," "Time flies when you're having fun," and the slogan of the United Negro College Fund, "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

18 Jun 05 - 07:11 PM (#1503913)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Frankham

The interesting thing to me Brucie is that sane people basically want the same things regardless of "right" or "left" but always fight over the details.

I don't think anyone in their right mind loves war, for example.

People want to be able to live comfortably and make enough money to do that.

I think that most Americans love or like the country they live in.

Sane people don't want to see selfishness or greed rewarded.

Sane people want to see a respect for others and not go around with a chip on their shoulder.

Most people are comfortable with a reasonable view of life and not given to extremism as a solution for the world's problems.

We want the best for our families, our children,
our men and women in uniform, and we would like to have
good representation in our government by compassionate and intelligent folks.

We all would like to be proud of our country and the ideals on which it was conceived.

I believe sane people believe that the right to worship should be respected and not unduly thrust on anyone who doesn't believe the way they do.

I believe that sane people really want good things for others as they would have for themselves.

I believe that sane people don't want to punish others and would prefer other methods to solving problems rather than beating down those with which they don't agree.

I believe that sane people would prefer to have a society where jails and capital punishment were unnecessary.

I think that whether on the "right" or "left" basically we all want the same things and may have different ideas on how to get there.
It apparently isn't easy for some of us who label themselves Conservative to tolerate the "left" and the reverse is true as well.

But I believe that we basically prefer tolerance to extremism
and non-violent solutions to problems which engender animosity, hatred, killing, rancor, needless division and misery.

I believe tolerating sane people is easy regardless of which side of the political fence we choose.

Frank Hamilton

18 Jun 05 - 07:15 PM (#1503916)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Peace

Frank, that was brilliant.

18 Jun 05 - 07:36 PM (#1503934)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: dianavan

Thanks, Frankham!

Everything in moderation! Unfortunately, its difficult for politicians to take the middle ground for fear of being called wishy-washy. I agree that most people just want to live and let live but those same people want their leaders to stand strong on issues that affect us all.

18 Jun 05 - 07:41 PM (#1503938)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: The Fooles Troupe


The Peasants don't want war - they and their families die, and otherwise suffer. The Lords are happy to have war - they don't die, cause they don't do the actual fighting, and they make heaps of money selling the implements of war.

And so forth, for every other example you gave.

19 Jun 05 - 06:17 PM (#1504567)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk

George Patton loved war!

However, a fairly convincing case can be made that he was not in his right mind... ;-) (He was good at winning battles.)

05 Jul 05 - 12:12 AM (#1515060)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: Little Hawk

I suspected for years that my left was taking advantage of me when I wasn't watching. My left hand, I mean. I devised a plan to catch it in the act, but the little bastard was too sneaky for that. I considered legal action. Finally I learned to live with it. I now find it quite easy to tolerate my left, specially when it comes to guitar playing.

05 Jul 05 - 10:19 PM (#1515678)
Subject: RE: BS: Why tolerating the left is so easy.
From: The Fooles Troupe

I used to take the stairs, but nowadays I find tolerating the lift quite easy.