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Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)

14 Mar 06 - 12:57 PM (#1693367)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Spaniard That Blighted My Life

Someone ( Sussex Carole?) just sent me a recording of this by Billy Merson on a CD - The Greatest Music Hall Bill Ever Assembled.
Have you recorded it, Seamus?

14 Mar 06 - 02:47 PM (#1693488)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Spaniard That Blighted My Life
From: Joe Offer

Seamus Kennedy did indeed record this song on his 2005 Party Pieces CD - and yes, it oozes panache.
The track list for the CD is:
  1. Arkle
  2. Back in the Clydesdale
  3. The Forty Shades of Green
  4. Bold Thady Quill
  5. She Moved Thro' the Fair
  6. The Spaniard Who Blighted My Life
  7. The Kentucky Waltz
  8. Boulavogue
  9. Homes of Donegal
  10. Carrickfergus
  11. The Glass Eye song
  12. My Cavan Girl So Fair
  13. Abdul Abulbul Ameer
  14. The Water Is Wide
  15. Volare

...yes, Volare...

It's a good CD.
-Joe Offer-

14 Mar 06 - 02:52 PM (#1693492)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Spaniard That Blighted My Life
From: Seamus Kennedy

SINSULL, it's on my new CD - Party Pieces, complete with castanets and bullfight trumpetry.
Look for a PM.


15 Mar 06 - 12:49 PM (#1694162)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Spaniard That Blighted My Life

Outed, am I? I haven't played it yet. Soon Seamus.

21 Apr 08 - 10:40 AM (#2321498)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Mr Happy

21 Apr 08 - 06:32 PM (#2322026)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: GUEST,SteveGardham

It's my favourite Dave Townsend song!

23 Apr 08 - 10:42 PM (#2323835)
From: Jim Dixon

From the sheet music images at The Lester S. Levy Collection of Sheet Music:

Written and composed by Billy Merson.
New York: T.B. Harms, 1911.
'Introduced [by Al Jolson] in the Great Winter Garden Production "The Honeymoon Express." '

1. List to me while I tell you of the Spaniard that blighted my life.
List to me while I tell you of the man who pinched my future wife.
'Twas at the bull fight where we met him. We'd been watching his darling display,
And while I'd gone out for some nuts and a programme, the dirty dog stole her away.
Oh, yes! oh, yes! But I've sworn that I'll have my revenge!

CHORUS: If I catch Aphonso Spagoni, the Toreador,
With a mighty swipe I will dislocate his bally jaw!
I'll find this bullfighter, I will,
And when I catch the bounder, the blighter I'll kill.
He shall die! he shall die!
He shall die tiddly-i-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-ti!
He shall die! he shall die!
For I'll raise a bunion on his Spanish onion
If I catch him bending tonight!

2. Yes, when I catch Spagoni, he will wish that he'd never been born.
And for this special reason, my stiletto I've fetched out of pawn.
It cost me five shillings to fetch it. This expense it has caused me much pain,
But the pawnbroker's promised, when I've killed Spagoni, he'll take it in pawn once again.
Oh, yes! oh, yes! So tonight, there will be dirty work.

3. I tracked him to London, and he gave me the slip once again,
And they told me this morning that he'd doubled and gone back to Spain.
But whatever it costs me, I'll catch him. Then no more he will give me the slip.
With my last one-and-nine-pence, on Sunday I'm going to Spain by the Sunday League Trip.
Oh, yes! oh, yes! And then the dark deed will be done.

24 Apr 08 - 06:57 AM (#2324089)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: mayomick

Shouldn't that be "daring" rather than 'darling' display in the first verse Jim? Does anyone know what the 'Sunday League Trip' mentioned in the last verse was all about? It sounds a bit like the Edwardian equivalent of Ryanair .

24 Apr 08 - 08:27 AM (#2324164)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Mr Happy

Tyke does a cracking version too!!

24 Apr 08 - 08:54 AM (#2324185)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Jim Dixon

Mayomick: You're certainly right: It should be "daring display". It's just one of those "stealth typos" that the spell-checker, and my eyes, failed to detect. Good catch!

24 Apr 08 - 09:00 AM (#2324200)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: GUEST,LTS pretending to work

I've always understood that the Sunday League Trip was one of these early package deals that you paid in a certain amount weekly or monthly, like a Christmas club. You paid in your money and it was all arranged for you, you just turned up on the day with your promisory note and got whisked off to some exotic place for a week with all your mates.


25 Apr 08 - 07:22 AM (#2325177)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: mayomick

It was great to see the lyrics to this song .I used to work with an old cockney in about 1970 who used to sing it when it was his turn to get the teas in . He would accompany himself by ferociously whacking himself over the head with the metal tea tray – that was how he remembered it being performed at the music hall .Everybody had to join in the di tiddly i chorus or they'd get a whack too !

25 Apr 08 - 09:24 AM (#2325295)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Mr Happy

.........having just listened to the Al Johnson & Bing Crosby record, I find they missed out the last verse

25 Apr 08 - 01:10 PM (#2325545)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Snuffy

Lots of old songs were shortened so they could fit on a 78

26 Apr 08 - 01:27 AM (#2325963)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Liz the Squeak

Our own Ralphie here has recorded it, masquerading as a Hackney Martian, on 'Buddy can you spare a QueZog?' He promised me another copy of the tape ages ago but I'm still waiting.... my original is about to go floobies uppermost on me.


26 Apr 08 - 03:08 AM (#2326002)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Spaniard That Blighted My Life (Jolson)
From: Martin Graebe

If you want to hear Billy Merson's original 1911 recording you'll find it on 'Billy Merson - The Spaniard That Blighted My Life' (CDR24) from Windyridge Records - a great outfit specialising in Music hall and Variety recordings at sensible prices - very highly recommended

Details here


23 May 08 - 09:21 AM (#2347589)
Subject: RE: Jim..Spell checker
From: GUEST,Peter W

Off Topic but fun

Have you seen this ??

I have a little spell checker
It came with my PC
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot see

Eye ran this poem threw it
Your sure real glad two no
Its very polished in its own weigh
My chequer tolled me sew

A cheek or is a blessing
It freeze yew lodes of thyme
It helps me right awl stiles two reed
And aides me when aye rime

Now spilling does not phase me
It does knot bring a tier
My pay purrs awl due glad den
With wrapped words fare as hear

To rite with care is quite a feet
Of witch won should be proud
And wee mussed dew the best wee can
Sew flaws are knot aloud

So ewe can sea why aye dew prays
Such soft wear four pea seas
And why eye brake in two averse
Buy righting want to please