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Mudcat Addiction

22 Dec 98 - 11:32 AM (#50463)
Subject: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore

For those of us rapidly lapping up a return to our drug of choice (the Mudcat Forum) I offer the following recovery suggestions:


1.We admitted we were powerless over our addiction to the Mudcat - that our time on-line had become unmanageable.
2.Came to believe that a Max could restore us to sanity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of folk music as we understood folk music.
4.Made a searching and fearless modal inventory of our CD's, records, tapes, and songbooks.
5.Admitted to Max, to ourselves, and to another fellow Mudcatter the exact nature of our songs.
6.Were entirely ready to have Dick remove all these lyrics of character.
7.Humbly asked Max and Dick to remove our lyrics.
8.Made a list of all Mudcatters persons we had flamed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
9.Made direct amends to all people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others (especially ourselves).
10.Continued to take personal inventory of our CD's, records, tapes and songbooks and when we were wrong about lyrics or tunes promptly admitted it.
11.Sought through prayer and meditation and good humor to improve our conscious contact with our fellow Mudcatters as we understood them praying only for knowledge of their will for us and the power to carry that out (and maybe to beat Joe or Gene to a posting, now and then).
12.Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of our connection to all of these wonderful Mudcatters, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice this music in all our affairs.

Roger in Baltimore

22 Dec 98 - 11:42 AM (#50465)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

Roger, I started a support group to help overcome the lyrics/music addiction, but it turned into a session/song circle. (just teasing, alice)

22 Dec 98 - 12:38 PM (#50472)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bill D

here's the song for such occasions..but what's the rest of it? I'm sure I have it somewhere...

"Tranquil, tranquil, nothing bothers me,
Tranquil, tranquil, full of peace & Equanil
With my tranquil pills"

22 Dec 98 - 12:50 PM (#50476)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Steve Parkes

My name's Steve, I'm a folksinger ...

We all love to sing or play, we all love to listen to others singing or playing, we all love singers, musicians and people who listen to us/them. Just keep doing what you do and never apologise! (Sorry about that!)


22 Dec 98 - 12:53 PM (#50478)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore

Bill D.

Tranquil, tranquil, nothing bothers me,
Tranquil, tranquil, full of peace & Equanil.
I'm immune to fuss and flurry,
I've forgotten how to worry,
With my tranquil pills"

Somewhere in the depths of my music collection is the split album that is half Carol Hedin (sp?) and half Donal Leace.

Roger in Baltimore

22 Dec 98 - 01:36 PM (#50483)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: MMario

I'm NOT addicted to the Mudcat. I could stop reading these threads and looking up lyrics anytime I want to. I just don't see any reason to stop. It's not like I'm hurting anyone. So what if I spent 4 hours singing last saturday on the streets, then another 2 hours at the concert and an hour at the hotel and another hour in the bar and then went home and sang for three more? Hoarse, no, I'm not hoarse, I just have a touch of a cold, that's right, it's a cold....


22 Dec 98 - 01:40 PM (#50484)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

Mario, me too. It hasn't killed me yet. What a lovely way to go.

22 Dec 98 - 01:44 PM (#50486)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Barbara

Aaahhhhhhhh! Thank you, I feel SO much better now.
Jeanie Richardson, Bill? Tell me more.
After a while, I got tired of the rude noise this machine makes when I can't find a URL (or anything else) --you know, that dischordant wham sound?-- (and yes, I know I could change it) so I'd check the trouble and Help forum first.
Bless you all, I'm glad youre out there.

22 Dec 98 - 02:04 PM (#50490)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bert

Right with you guys. I'M NOT ADDICTED. I just enjoy it, why should I give up something that I enjoy.
The fact that I type in BREAK signs for carriage returns in every document, doesn't mean a thing.


22 Dec 98 - 02:41 PM (#50499)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: belter

High, my names Gary and I'm a mud cat addict, and I don't care. I like myself just fine and I like folk music and I hope I ain't ever going to recover.

22 Dec 98 - 02:47 PM (#50501)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Barbara

Ay-men, Bro!

22 Dec 98 - 02:58 PM (#50505)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bri

Bert, u know that the first sign of an addiction is denial? Ain't it great?

22 Dec 98 - 03:36 PM (#50511)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bill D

Barbara...I have replaced the default sounds the machine makes with ones of MY choosing! That's where "he's dead Jim" comes in! ;-)

and Jeanie ROBERTSON!...(I had to go look that I had typed it right!) of the most amazing voices ever, if you like old Scottish ballads.

22 Dec 98 - 04:20 PM (#50518)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Pete M

Of course the 'Cat isn't addictive, if it was the Government, would ban it wouldn't they. After all they have our best interests at heart. My mother has been singing songs all her life, sometimes twenty or thirty a day, and she's 87 (oops sorry Mum) so that proves it's harmless.

Pete M

22 Dec 98 - 05:04 PM (#50524)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bert

Yeah Pete, My old man too, He's 88 and still singing like a good 'un.

Bert. <BR>

22 Dec 98 - 05:06 PM (#50526)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bert

Well BOOF, see what a couple of days without a fix will do for you. I could have sworn it was 'ampersand lt'.


22 Dec 98 - 05:55 PM (#50535)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Animaterra

Sorry, hon, I can't fix dinner tonight, gotta go to my M.A. meeting. Hi, I'm Allison and I'm also a Mudcat addict... It was a tough 24 hours without y'all, but I'm relieved to think that I won't have to suffer from that cold front Alice has sent us here in the northeast without you! Last night it was in the upper 40's (quite balmy) and raining, but went to a solstice bonfire where we sang, and sang, and sang, and sang, and sang some more; so I was hoarser than usual at the school assembly today; but the kiddies sang, and sang, and sang some more- didn't need me atall, bless'em. You keep me going- thank you all!

22 Dec 98 - 06:16 PM (#50540)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore


Yes, here in Maryland it dropped from a balmy 64 degrees F to 36 degrees. And the wind blew at 35 to 40 miles per hour all day. I refused to subject myself to it since I am on vacation. I only went out when my Christmas lights started to blow around. I got them snugged away. BRRRR.

Roger in Baltimore

22 Dec 98 - 08:34 PM (#50561)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

Hmmm, Allison you made me stop and think.... ok, I forced my voice when I was practicing last Thursday (I knew better) and then tried to rest it all day Friday by not talking, practiced singing again Friday night, then woke up Saturday, croaking like a bullfrog when I tried to talk or sing. I sucked on anchovies (the salt and fish oil help) and then ventured out at 1pm in the well below zero cold to perform, since THE SHOW MUST GO ON .... and I am addicted to singing. If I stayed up in the high range, my voice didn't break, so I was having so much fun that I continued singing for everyone after the show, while we put away the folding chairs and cleaned up the room! Even went to the session Sunday night so I could play, even though I couldn't sing.
Sucking on anchovies just so I could sing???!!!..... I must be addicted. That was worse than going out in the cold. Gag me with an anchovy, but don't stop me from singing. (denial, what denial..... help)

It has now warmed up to 8 degrees f. above zero.

alice in montana

22 Dec 98 - 09:24 PM (#50572)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Susan A-R

And what's wrong with anchovies???? I guess I'm a newly hooked one. I work alone in a kitchen most of the day, and the neighbors get to hear a LOT of stuff, everything from Messiah fraggies to Oyster Band numbers. Addicted? who me?? (It was nice and toasty in the kitchen today, in spite of that - 11 wind chill factor.)

22 Dec 98 - 09:43 PM (#50577)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction

Sorry, I can't get into this group. Right now I'm in a 12-step group for people addicted to 12-step groups--called 12-step Groups Anonymous. Problem is that going to the meetings activates the compulsion. HELP!!!

No problem 'bout you singin' "hoarser"---I NEVER HEARD NO HOARSER SINGIN'!

All sing:

Back in the saddle again,
Out where a friend is a friend...

22 Dec 98 - 09:46 PM (#50578)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Art Thieme

That was me above in the last posting---name got deleted somehow.


22 Dec 98 - 10:27 PM (#50583)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

I refreshed the thread 'Computer Parodies', started by Shula awhile ago, with the song 'Happily Addicted To The Web'.

23 Dec 98 - 12:24 AM (#50604)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore


Perhaps the Forum is developing some taste and has begun by automatically deleting your name. When the program is perfected, it surely will delete all bad puns.

So, having insulted you, Art, (all in fun, you know) when do you move? Do you need any help? (Just kidding!). Hope all goes smoothly.

Loudon Wainwright III had a wonderful song about getting ready to move. Maybe I'll look it up for you.

Roger in Baltimore

23 Dec 98 - 01:04 AM (#50606)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Big Mick

I just realized that when you read the posts backwards at half speed, it says "Max is dead.......Max is dead" I think this is a right wing plot to take over my mind. TAKE IT, I AIN'T QUITTIN'.....DO YOU HEAR ME?.....Is this mic working?....hello...helloooooooooooo

23 Dec 98 - 01:15 AM (#50608)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore


Is it late at night where you are??????

Roger in Baltimore

23 Dec 98 - 01:22 AM (#50611)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: AndreasW

Hi, I am Andreas, and I am NOT addicted to Mudcat.
I just can't live without it for more than 3 days, then I need it again, but that's not addiction, is it?

23 Dec 98 - 01:24 AM (#50614)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Big Mick

Roger, hahahahahahaha! Yes it is , and I have just come in from a particularly taxing practice with the band. You made me laugh out loud. Thanks.

Best wishes to you and yours.

Slan go foill, Mick

23 Dec 98 - 01:27 AM (#50616)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore

Andreas, There are the three C's of addiction. Can you Control the amount or frequency of your time on the Mudcat? Do you continue to use the Mudcat despite negative Consequences? Do you use the Mudcat Compulsively?

Me, I'm on at 1:22 AM this morning, well past my bed time. And I'll probably log on first thing after I arise. Seems problematic to me, but then I have an addictive personality.

Roger in Baltimore

23 Dec 98 - 03:37 AM (#50632)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Webby

I'm sure i'm not addicted. I only look through the threads about 40 time a day, whilst at work. I can't understand why there's a pile of papers on my desk about 2 feet high. Has anyone got any idea why it's building up so much?

23 Dec 98 - 04:47 AM (#50637)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: AndreasW

Hi Roger,
I can definitely control the time I spend at Mudcat, it never exceeds 24 hours a day (even on those days when they insert a second to adjust time to earth rotation), it's never more than 31 days a month, and never more than 366 days a year.
What do you mean with negative consequences? I definitely like my rectangular (monitor-shaped) eyes, and I need the trembling of my hands if I am offline to remember me to get online again! Since a few years I don't have to argue anymore with any people as I locked myself into my computer-room - the only people allowed in are from various food-delivery services, so I got no social problems due to mudcatting
And I don't use mudcat compulsively, I use it permanently and consequently.

So you see, I am definitely no addict!

Cu, Andreas ;-)

23 Dec 98 - 09:47 AM (#50652)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: MMario

*grin* MMario

As the controversy regarding the addictive qualities of the MudCat rages on, recent studies of the users of the MudCat - often referred to as "MudCatters" reveal these frightening facts and inferences....the conclusion is that given the propensity of mudcatters to the behaviors described below that they are especially sensitive to the alleged addictive qualities of the MudCat.

Most, if not ALL "MudCatters" are known to inhale a mixture of gases with alarming constituents. Though proponents of the MudCat are quick to point out that over 50% of the mixture is harmless nitrogen, another major component is the so-called "oxygen" - which is so virulent a chemical that white phosphorus exposed to it will spontaneously burst into flame. Other studies show that many organic or inorganic materials when brought into contact with "oxygen" and heated will likewise burn. Other components of this gaseous mixture inhaled by MudCatters are the deadly gas "carbon dioxide" and significant proportions of "dihydrogen-oxide" [see below]. Also - as this substance has little to no qulaity control it is often adultarated with particulates and contaminates of both organic and inorganic sources, which can lead to allergic reactions in the user. MudCatters deprived of this substance undergo cyanosis, respitory failure and in extreme cases....damage or cessation of brain function.

Likewise, some Mudcatters are known to ingest a fluid solvent "dihidrogen-oxide" a corrosive substance that given enough time can desolve stone and metals! Some Mudcatters are known to BATHE in this substance - reseachers believe that some actually do this while nude, exposing their entire bodily surface to the effects of this solvent. Deprivation of dihidrogen-oxide, either straight or mixed with other chemicals, will in some cases lead to death, often preceded by delusions.

Thirdly, a significant portion of MudCatters find that stimulating their nervous systems with pulsed energy waves of specific frequencies primarily in the auditory range can bring pleasurable sensations. Mudcatters claim that properly applied, such pulsed vibrations can alter emotionns or convey information. Deprived of an external source of such vibrations many MudCatters will attempt to reproduce the oddly rhythmic pulses themselves.

23 Dec 98 - 12:18 PM (#50665)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bill Cameron

This thread just has me howling to myself. Please don't be alarmed. It's not a full moon.

Seriously, for a moment... I quit drinking alcohol eight weeks and two and a half days ago (yes I'm keeping track.) Which means I have just surpassed my previous record for abstinence. No 12-step, no group (except for another e-mail list which I mentioned it on), no counselling although I'm thinking about going for some. Just decided to take my own advice. Took up being sanctimonious instead. Then I wandered innocently into the Mudcat cause I was looking for the DT (not the DT's which I haven't got since I stopped indulging them) looking for some filthy kinky pun-ridden folksong I expect, but that was so many logins ago I really can't remember.

Now I spend half my days punching a keyboard, slurping cold coffee or that awful no-buzz-beer, and eating crackers or potato chips, only getting up to search for a songbook.

But I'm not addicted...its just a habit. I can check out any time...hey is that a new thread? Are there any new postings on "thread x?" Hey I know that song--wait it's in one of these books here. Somewhere. Wait, I know it's here. Hey, kids? Make some lunch for yourselves, would ya? I gotta refresh the 'Cat...

Bill "new man" Cameron

23 Dec 98 - 12:22 PM (#50667)
Subject: RE: Windows Sounds
From: Bill Cameron

When my computer fails to do something, Richard Thompson sings "you give me heart attack" (cajun style, song is "Valerie") WAV editors are wonderful toys.

This really annoys my family though.



23 Dec 98 - 12:49 PM (#50674)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

Hey, way to go, Bill, the 'new man'. Just think of all the time and money you can transfer over from your old addiction to your new one!


My Old Addiction
(David Wilcox, original
title: 'Chet Baker's Unsung
Swan Song')

My old addiction
Changed the wiring in my brain
So that when it turns the switches
Then I am not the same

So like the flowers toward the Sun
I will follow
Stretch myself out thin
Like there's a part of me that's already buried
That sends me out into this window

My old addiction
Is a flood upon the land
This tiny lifeboat
Can keep me dry
But my weight is all
That it can stand

So when I try to lean just a little
For just a splash to cool my face
Ahh that trickle
Turns out fickle
Fills my boat up
Five miles deep

My old addiction
Makes me crave only what is best
Like these just this morning song birds
Craving upward from the nest
These tiny birds outside my window
Take my hand to be their mom
These open mouths
Would trust and swallow
Anything that came along

Like my old addiction
Now the other side of Day
As the springtime
Of my life's time
Turns the other way

If a swan can have a song
I think I know that tune
But the page is only scrawled
And I am gone this afternoon
But the page is only scrawled
And I am gone this afternoon

recorded by k.d. Lang

23 Dec 98 - 01:13 PM (#50680)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: The Shambles

I am going away for Christmas and I will not be able to get to a PC.

But I am not worried, I am sure I can do it, I'm not addicted and I have got to be assertive some time, don't I?

23 Dec 98 - 01:31 PM (#50683)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bert


We don't care which other addictions you give up, just as long as you keep Mudcateering.

Seriously though, Well done, we're proud of ya.


23 Dec 98 - 02:41 PM (#50690)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: belter

re: MMario

I'm more concerned about some mudcaters who are alledged to avoid imersion in the universal salvent in lue of more computer time. Since dihidrogen-oxide is capable of desolving all maner of impurities and contaminents, this processes in fact is healthy and even neccessary. For all of us who really are so far into there addiction that they can't leave the terminal that long, I recomend an ocational sponge bath as a secondary alternitive.

23 Dec 98 - 03:26 PM (#50698)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Alice

and an occasional change of clothes, (at least get out of your bathrobe.... OH! it's after noon! better get dressed)

23 Dec 98 - 06:09 PM (#50721)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction

Roger in Ballamer,

Should be moving any day now. It's about time---I've used every kind of laxitive there is--every day for the the last 4 weeks! What I've learned is that those supositories TASTE TERRIBLE!!!


23 Dec 98 - 11:18 PM (#50771)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: MissMac

I'm not addicted I just can't seem to go more that 24 hours without checking in. I am always on the lookout for new lyrics, That it my job demands that I keep looking for new songs; Addicted not me!!?? Well at least it is a mild case I have only known of the Mudcatt for about two months. I now come on line to check out the cat then check my email


28 Dec 98 - 09:46 PM (#51197)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Duane D.

I don't go through Mudcat withdrawal....and I can get along fine without Mudcat for at least a couple of hours.....and I'm NOT addicted. I can turn my computer off at 3 am and still get 2 hours sleep.

29 Dec 98 - 06:19 PM (#51307)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Roger in Baltimore

Bill C.

Congratulations. Let me let you in on addiction counseling's best kept secret. The large majority of people who stop, stop without counseling or 12-step groups. If what you are doing works to keep you off the sauce, keep on doing it. If it doesn't work, then do seek some assistance.

Keep on 'Cattin'!!!

Roger in Baltimore

30 Dec 98 - 09:22 AM (#51416)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Addiction
From: Bert

And for what good they did you Art, you might just as well have shoved them up your ass.
