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Lyr Req: La Marcha Granadera (Spain Nat'l Anthem)

22 Jun 05 - 01:30 AM (#1506613)
Subject: Lyr Req: La Marcha Granadera (Spain Nat'l Anthem)
From: chico

Looking for Spain's national Anthem "La Marcha Granadera". Currently it is a song without words, which were removed during the Franco regime. I would like any or all editions of the lyrics to it especially the now "banned" earlier franco version.

Here are the versions according to web sources:

"King Alfonso XIII had lyrics written by the theatrical author Luis Marquina, but it didn't work out.

During the second republic 1931-1939 a different anthem, by Rafael del Riego, was in use.

During his dictatorship Franco had writer José María Pemán pen lyrics in agreement with the political policies of the time. They began: "Glory to Spain, raise your arms, children of Spain . . . ." These verses, although sung for a time in the schools, were abandoned when Franco's dictatorship left its Fascist past to try to come closer to United States and Europe. "

22 Jun 05 - 06:38 AM (#1506733)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: La Marcha Granadera (Spain Nat'l Anthem)
From: masato sakurai

From HERE (Versión cantada del Himno Nacional de España), also with mp3.


Alzad los brazos, hijos
del pueblo español,
que vuelve a resurgir.
Gloria a la Patria que supo seguir,
sobre el azul del mar el caminar del sol.

Los yunques y las ruedas
cantan al compás
del himno de la fe.

Juntos con ellos cantemos de pie
la vida nueva y fuerte de trabajo y paz.

22 Jun 05 - 07:04 AM (#1506762)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: La Marcha Granadera (Spain Nat'l Anthem)
From: GUEST,Bainbo

Try hitting the "translate" button at the bottom of the page, set at "Spanish to English", to get some idea of what a truly stirring anthem this song is.

My favourite line is: "Together with them we sing of foot."

Let's be honest. When your national team's doing well, or your country's won some minor skirmish, who hasn't, in their heart of hearts, sung of foot? In fact, I'm welling with so much emotion, I think I'll sing of foot now.

I suppose I can make a guess at the true translation. Something like: "Together with them, we sing while on our way to a new, strong life of work and peace." But I'm probably making a complete burro of myself. Anyone got any better ideas?

22 Jun 05 - 07:23 AM (#1506773)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: La Marcha Granadera (Spain Nat'l Anth
From: chico

Can someone who speaks spanish write lyrics to the chant ""España, Una, Grande y Libre..." I can't tell what he is saying when he speaks quickly. Thnx