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Looking for Farm Songs

25 Jun 05 - 10:19 AM (#1509442)
Subject: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Hyla

Over the years I have been collecting songs & singing songs about farms, farming, gardening, rural living and farmers markets. My buddy and I are putting together a set of songs to sing and play at our local farmers market in Emmaus, PA. I am sure a number of you mudcatters are aware of some great farm songs and I would love to hear about your favorites. Some of the farm songs I love to sing are as follows...

Field Behind the Plow - Stan Rogers
Houses in the Fields - John Gorka
Cows - John Gorka
Canned Goods - Greg Brown
People of the Fields and Farms - Clay Riness
Combine Boogie - Clay Riness
Oozy Farm Creek - Clay Riness
Grandma's Penny Sale - Larry Long
The People are Scratching - Pete Seeger
Pastures of Plenty - Woody Guthrie
The Garden Song - David Mallett

Any additional suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


P.S. I used to be "Hyla" in a former mudcat life and would be interested in hearing from some of my old mudcat friends. Hi to WYSIWIG, Margaret V and Dharmabum if you are still out there! I now live a small farm in Berks County, PA.

25 Jun 05 - 10:23 AM (#1509449)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Charmion

The Barnyards of Delgaty and a whole host of other bothy ballads.

Scotland is full of farm songs.

25 Jun 05 - 10:40 AM (#1509461)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Le Scaramouche

Charmion beat me to it. Barnyards is a great song about ploughboys whining after a hard day's work.
The Scranky Black Farmer.
The Working Chap.

25 Jun 05 - 10:43 AM (#1509466)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Mr Happy

Old McDonald?

25 Jun 05 - 10:46 AM (#1509469)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Richard Bridge

The Harvest of love

25 Jun 05 - 10:52 AM (#1509473)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: rumanci

"To Be A Farmer's Boy"
from the singing of George Belton in West Sussex
preceded by tales of his horse ploughing days
wonderful stuff :-D

25 Jun 05 - 10:53 AM (#1509475)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Charley Noble

Kitty Donohoe from Michigan composed "Farmers in Florida" and "Waiting for Rain." Sally Rogers and others have recorded the former. Kitty's recordings can be ordered from Elderly Instruments in Lansing.

There's also a number of songs about farm auctions.

For traditional UK recording you could do worse than do a web search for "The Painful Plough."

For southern tenant farming, there's the 1930's classic "Hard Times on Penny's Farm."

Australia has a wealth of agricultural songs.

Maybe you need to specify more clearly what you're after.

Happy to help!
Charley Noble

25 Jun 05 - 10:54 AM (#1509477)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Mary in Kentucky

I used "The Farmer in the Dell" for the famous Mack the Cat series. ;-)

25 Jun 05 - 11:02 AM (#1509482)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: bobad

"Farmers Song" by Murray McLauchlan is a good one.

25 Jun 05 - 11:16 AM (#1509499)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: An Englishman Abroad

Hi Farmsong

I have a copy of The Painful Plough, if you have problems getting it on the web contact me through here or go to my web site

and I will get the songs to you some way I am only one State over from you.

all the best    John

25 Jun 05 - 01:26 PM (#1509564)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Charley Noble

There is also a song Frank Warner collected called "Fod" which might be just the thing for the farmers' market. I'm sure it's in the DT or at least discussed in the threads but I'm too lazy to look. The first verse runs:

As I went down to the mowing field,
Tor-rih, tor-rih, foddy-dink-y-dy-do;
As I went down to the mowing field, fod!
As I went down to the mowing field,
Big black snake bit me on the heel,
Tor-rih, tor-rih, day!

Charley Noble

25 Jun 05 - 01:33 PM (#1509569)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Arkie

Guy Clark's Homegrown Tomatoes and Fred Eaglesmith's Thirty Years of Farming. Also 'Dame Durden' and 'Springfield Mountain' have connections to farming.

25 Jun 05 - 01:40 PM (#1509572)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Le Scaramouche

Oh, and Copshawholme Fair.

25 Jun 05 - 01:45 PM (#1509575)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Kitty

Judy Small's From the Lambing to the Wool
Pat Drummond's Laughter like a Shield

25 Jun 05 - 04:13 PM (#1509661)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,bfdk

Nick Keir's "Song of the Plough"

25 Jun 05 - 05:18 PM (#1509692)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Little Robyn

The Watersons sing one called (I think) "All the little chickens in the garden"

25 Jun 05 - 05:24 PM (#1509695)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: sixtieschick

Maggie's Farm. LOL

25 Jun 05 - 11:09 PM (#1509938)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Janie

How about Talkin' Harvest Time Blues by Stephanie Davis?


26 Jun 05 - 12:16 AM (#1509968)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: SharonA

"Thank God I'm a Country Boy", written by John Martin Sommers, recorded by John Denver among others.

"The Auctioneer" by Gordon Lightfoot.

"Don't Slay That Potato" by Tom Paxton.

"How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'em Down on the Farm (After They've Seen Paree)?"

"Don't Leave the Farm, Boys" by Clara F. Berry, 1871 -- see lyrics and link to sheet music on this page: Library of Congress page

Here's a recording that may be helpful, if you don't have it already: "An Almanac of New England Farm Songs" by Margaret McArthur. See this page: An Almanac of New England Farm Songs

Also, here's a page with lots and lots of farm-song titles and artists:

26 Jun 05 - 11:02 AM (#1510271)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Charley Noble

You'll also find this outrageous ditty discussed in the threads:

Pass The Udder Udder

1.Oh, we grow things mighty big down in Kentucky,
But there's nothing in that state that can compare
To a cow that we once had us,
And the name of her was Gladys,
Boy, you should have seen the neighbors stop and stare.
She stood 10 feet tall and had one purple eyeball;
It took eight of us to milk her, here is why:
She had 27 spigots,
And the tourists all bought tickets
Just to watch us milk and hear us loudly cry-y-y-y... (CHO)

"Oh, pass the udder udder over to me udder brudder
Pass the udder udder over dis-a-way;
Pass the udder udder over to me udder brudder."
Oh, we certainly had our hands full every day.

Utterly distasteful to anyone who actually grew up on a dairy farm. The tune, of course, is an all too familar dairy-air.

Charley Noble

26 Jun 05 - 11:31 AM (#1510289)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: kansan

I'm a neophyte on this forum, having only registered about 15 minutes ago. Have you heard the Allis Chalmers blues waltz? Don't know who wrote it, but heard it at Winfield about 20 years ago, and it sort of stuck.

26 Jun 05 - 12:26 PM (#1510326)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: pdq

"The Farmer Feeds Us All" -

"Lower Forty" -

Recent songs that might qualify:

       "Horsethief Moon" - Ian Tyson

       "Since the Rain" - Ian Tyson

       "Bakersfield Bound" - Chris Hillman

26 Jun 05 - 02:19 PM (#1510376)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,toenails John

You could always try this one......

Att. to Kevin Conneff/Mrs. Chrissie Cunningham

Come all you young lads and young lassies, who hanker to work on the farm,
Now, be careful when choosing a master, it might serve for to keep youse from harm.

When I was a strapping young fellow, aged about seventeen
I hired myself to a farmer at the horse fair in Ballinascreen.

Now, his farm was way up the mountains and it all only heather and bog,
And me job, well, I got to look after his donkey, his goat and his dog

Now me, the farmer and his mother, we lived in a tumble-down shack,
His mother was well over ninety with the bones sticking out from her back.

It was only a tumble-down ruin, held up with ould yellow clay
The roof it was past all repairin', for the goat had the thatch ate away.

His poor mother, she'd sleep by the fire, for the rain it came down on her bed
And when I'd get up every morning, she'd be sittin' there noddin' her head.

The master was an awful ould skinflint, his heart was as hard as a stone
He'd work me from daylight to darkness; in a month I was just skin and bone.

And he fed me on nothin' but sheeps eyes, he said they would make me a man;
Well, they damn near made me a dead one, eaten half raw off the pan!

Now, he had three ould hens and a rooster, one day they all died in the coop,
So he took them, he boiled them and salted them, we lived for a month on the soup!

Bad luck now, it never comes single, for the next day the nanny goat died:
So he skinned it, he boiled it and salted it, and made a bodhrán from the hide.

It was then poor ould Neddy, the donkey, he broke his hind leg and suffered great pain,
So he shot him, he skinned him and boiled him and called for the salt once again!

I thought, now, his mind was affected and myself I was going insane,
For when poor Fido died of distemper he called for the salt once again!

When I thought what happened, poor ould Fido, I couldn't sleep thinking that night;
And when I got up the next morning, I got a most horrible fright.

His poor mother was dead by the fire, when I ran for the door he cried "Halt!
Where are ye going so early? Come back here and help me to salt!"

Well, I went through the door like a rocket, says He "where are you going boy, HALT!,
I tripped in the yard with excitement and out he come runnin' with salt!

I took to me heels like a cowboy and over the hills like a hare,
I never stopped runnin' for a fortnight and I've never gone back to a fair!

26 Jun 05 - 09:51 PM (#1510655)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Hyla

Thank you to all for all the great suggestions!!


26 Jun 05 - 10:16 PM (#1510673)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Rapparee

Tom Paxton's "Who Will Feed The People?" but I can't find the lyrics for you. It's on "One Million Lawyers" and some other albums of his.

Words and Music by Tom Rowe

He was well into his sixties when I first heard Grampa's dream;
A farmhouse by the sea and some roots in the land,
He never got the farm, what he got was a machine,
In a factory at the edge of town and broken, calloused hands.
It stole away his years and the music from his ears;
And left him so he couldn't even hear the factory horn.
Still he said someday he knew he'd get his way,
And end up his days on a salt water farm.

        Salt water farm, salt water farm,
        A little bit of heaven, just a house and a barn.
        Mornins we'd go fishin', work the fields in the afternoon;
        And as the evening tide rolls in there'd be songs beneath the               moon
        And later I would take you in my arms,
        And listen to the sounds of our salt water farm.

He said he'd have a cow, some chickens and a hog;
A barn filled up with hay and a boat down in the cove.
Later in the fall he'd go hunting with the dog.
Winter nights he'd sit around and read beside the stove.
Well he was always kind of poor and he could have dreamed for more,
Than a place where he would still have to work with his hands.
But that never was his way and I can still hear him say,
"Son, a man is at his best between the sea and the land."

27 Jun 05 - 02:08 PM (#1511072)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Tradsinger

Dear Farmsong,

Is it so that the songs you list in your original posting are all composed songs? Shouldn't you be instead looking in the traditional reportoire for farming songs. There are shedloads of farming songs in England, often of the type that praises certain trades "We're all jolly fellows that follow the plough", "There's none can lead a jollier life than Jim the Carter's Lad", "We shepherds are the best of men", etc. I'm not sure how these songs would play in PA as they sound very "English" to me. You could have a look at "The Farmer's Toast" (tune - Eric Winter, words trad). Most of the Copper family reportoire is about farming. My favourite is "Season Round", a real epic of the farming year. "Overseas in India" is a very evocative song - tune by Sarah Morgan based on a poem by ....?

I will be in PA next April. Keep in touch and good luck.


27 Jun 05 - 02:17 PM (#1511082)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Clinton Hammond

"Fields Of Rock And Snow" By Tamarack
"Teamwork" by same...   
Couple of really good songs about farming in Ontario...

Last Of The Working Stetsons By Garmet Rogers
And it's sequel Blue Smoke

27 Jun 05 - 02:18 PM (#1511086)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Clinton Hammond

GAR-N-ET rogers....

Please, can we have the ability to edit our own posts like a decent message board?!?!?!

27 Jun 05 - 03:12 PM (#1511118)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Hyla

Good question Tradsinger, but even traditional songs were once composed by someone. You are right though, I need to add some traditional farm songs to my repertoire and that is exactly why I started this thread. I am looking forward to expanding my awareness of the vast catalog of songs that have been written about farming.

I started my farm song interest years ago, when I started my day job preserving farmland in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. We seem to be growing more houses these days in our farm fields than corn, soybeans and vegetables. Hence my particular love for John Gorka's "Houses in the Fields."

I wonder if there are any traditional songs addressing the issues of urban sprawl and the loss of farmland?

What part of PA are you visiting Gwilym? Maybe you can come for a visit and teach me some the traditional farm songs you know.

Thanks much for your post.


27 Jun 05 - 03:15 PM (#1511121)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs

The Haying Song - Dave Mallett

27 Jun 05 - 05:10 PM (#1511204)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Tradsinger

I'll be in Mansfield and then a couple of venues in NY in April. Watch Mudcat for further details. Hope to see you then.


27 Jun 05 - 05:22 PM (#1511216)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: katlaughing

Mudcat's Art Thieme does a great rendition of Charley Maguire's song, Gettin' in the cows. If the link doesn't work, it's in the DigiTrad.

Another one he does is Big Combine by Jock Coleman, also in the DT.

Sorry if either of these are repeats.:-)


27 Jun 05 - 05:28 PM (#1511223)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Dave Sutherland

"The Farm Servant"
"The Thrashing Machine"
"A Shepheard's Life"
"Bonny Shepheard Lad o'the Hills"
"Two Bretheren"
"The Old Farmer in Yorkshire"
"The Rocks of Bawn"
"Bogies Bonny Belle"

27 Jun 05 - 11:54 PM (#1511393)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Dani

My favorite 'farm' song, which I actually find myself singing sometimes in the pure joy of the beautiful morning-wet grass of a field awakening with life for the day, is De Colores (in the database).


28 Jun 05 - 12:15 AM (#1511400)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Fort Worth Guest

How about, "Trouble In Our Fields" - Nanci Griffith?
Also, you may stretch to includ Woody's, "Pretty Boy Floyd" a song about a man who tried to help out struggling farmers - albeit in a
none-too-healthy fashion. Cheers, y'all.

28 Jun 05 - 12:39 AM (#1511404)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Lyrics from a British school text. A song I sang in First Grade.

Oats, peas, beans, and barley grow.

Do you or I or anyone know???

How oats, peas, beans and barley grown.



Gotta clean the garage to find the good stuff.

28 Jun 05 - 05:56 PM (#1511980)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Ebbie

I think it's Ginny Hawker who sings a tear-jerkin' song about a mother and daughter having to sell the house and farm after years of struggle, something like 'It's hard to leave this land.'

It's been a long time and now I'm curious. I'll have to check my tapes and CDs.

28 Jun 05 - 10:17 PM (#1512157)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: SharonA

Tradsinger/Gwilym: Mansfield is in WYSIWYG's neck of the woods (Penn's Woods, that is!), in Tioga County in north-central PA. Berks County, where farmsong's farm is, is in the southeastern part of the state (my neck of the woods), and it's adjacent to Chester County -- home of Mudcat Central.

Here's a map of Pennsylvania's counties, for reference: Counties of PA

28 Jun 05 - 10:54 PM (#1512168)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Hyla

Thanks for the PA geography lesson SharonA. I wasn't quite sure where in PA Mansfield is located. I am originally from Western New York State. Maybe Gwilym would want to come further south to do some house concerts in our neck of Penn's Woods during her visit?


29 Jun 05 - 12:06 AM (#1512192)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: coldjam

"My Land is a Good Land" by Eric Andersen, and "When I first Came to This Land" by Oscar Brand. (We do them as a medley.)

29 Jun 05 - 12:43 PM (#1512548)
From: GUEST,Mad

Jolly Fellows that Follow the Plough is a good song. According to Cecil Sharp it is a song every folk singer should know.. unfortunately although I have found the lyrics various places, I know very few people who actually sing it! If you want some idea of the tune, Encarta has a version here

'Twas early one morning at the break of the day
The cocks were all crowing and the farmer did say
Come rise my good fellows, come rise with good will
Your horses want something their bellies to fill.

When four o'clock comes, then up we do rise
And off to our stable we merrily flies
With rubbing and scrubbing our horses I'll vow
That we're all jolly fellows that follow the plough.

When six o'clock comes, for breakfast we meet
With bread, beef and pud, boys, we heartily eat
With a piece in our pocket, I'll swear and I'll vow
That we're all jolly fellows that follow the plough.

We harness our horses and away we do go
We nip o'er the plains as nimbly as does
And when we get there so jolly and bold
To see which of us a straight furrow can hold.

Our master come to us and this he did say
What have you been doing boys, all this long day?
If you've not ploughed your acre, I'll swear and I'll vow
That you're damned idle fellows that follow the plough.

I stepped up to him and made this reply
We've all ploughed our acre, so you've told a damn lie
We've all ploughed our acre, I'll swear and I'll vow
we're all jolly fellows that follow the plough.

He turned himself round and laughed at the joke
It's past two o'clock, boys, it's time to unyoke
Unharness your horses and rub them down well
And I'll give you a jug of my very best ale.

So all you brave fellows whoever you be
Come take this advice and be ruled by me
Never fear your master then I'll swear and I'll vow
That you're all jolly fellows that follow the plough.

29 Jun 05 - 01:56 PM (#1512616)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Tradsinger

To Farmsong<,

Who's the 'her' in your 28 June posting? I can assure you of my masculinity, at least when I last looked! Gwilym is Welsh for William. PM me and we'll discuss house concerts in PA.


29 Jun 05 - 02:08 PM (#1512629)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: TheBigPinkLad

The Bonzo Dog Do-Dah Band did a cracking version of this, but here's the marvellous original:

Jollity Farm

29 Jun 05 - 09:13 PM (#1512917)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: SharonA

Farmsong/Jeff: You're welcome. I'm a PA native, currently in Montgomery County, and I grew up on the small farm that my father grew up on (by the time I was a kid it was no longer a working farm, but my dad kept a '30s-era John Deere tractor in the barn and grew an acre's worth of garden). Can't think of any farm songs that we sang, though! :^)

I've been to Mansfield, PA; it's about a 6-hour drive away, so I share your hope that Gwilym can make it down to our area to perform. Please keep me posted, Jeff and Gwilym, and let me know if you schedule a house concert in these parts!

29 Jun 05 - 10:16 PM (#1512950)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Beer

Jerry Jeff Walker does a song by Bill Stains titled "Quiet Faith of Man". Not all about farming but there is a verse in it that captures a picture in ones mind. Goes like this:

A tractor makes its way along the fence line,
And drops the seeds precisely in a row.
If the rains are kind and the winds don't take the topsoil,
Before too long the crops will start to show.
The farmer sees the fields around him growin'
He wispers something low beneath his breath.
Perhaps a little prayer to help the growin'
Perhaps a word of thanks for all the rest.
You trust the moon to move the mighty oceans,
You trust the sun to shine upon the land.
You take the little that you know,
And you do the best you can.
You see the rest with the quiet faith of man.


30 Jun 05 - 01:45 AM (#1513038)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

Pop Song - by Doug Walter

Movin' to the country
I'm gonna eat a lot of peaches
I'm movin' to the country
I'm gonna eat me a lot of peaches


30 Jun 05 - 05:10 AM (#1513100)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,AnneMC

A real farmer's song - shooting the rabbits that strip the grassland!

Jack's Song   
(Martin Curtis- www.               

Long before sunrise, we're out of the sack
Throw tea and flour in your battered old pack
Hang all your traps round your trusty old hack,
Away to the brown hills of Pisa

We eat rabbit curry, we eat rabbit stew
We've tried rabbit roasted, and rabbit pie too
Without us there wouldn't be one single ewe,   
Up in the brown hills of Pisa

Chorus:        And it's gut 'em and skin 'em,
                And five for a bob
                Some people say it's not much of a job
                But give me my freedom, Just me and me cob
                Up in the brown hills of Pisa

A rabbit has never done me any harm
His meat kept me fed and his fur kept me warm
He gave me my living, he earned me my farm,   
Under the brown hills of Pisa

We catch 'em by trapping, we kill 'em with shot,
We'll send down a ferret and bring up the lot
But now it's 1080 and leave them to rot,   
Up in the brown hills of Pisa

The rabbiter's life was the life that I knew
A horse and my traps and my old 22
But myx is the next thing they're going to use,   
Up in the brown hills of Pisa
* myxomatosis                                


30 Jun 05 - 07:42 AM (#1513191)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST, Jos

There is a 78 rpm Regal record of Albert Richardson with "Buttercup Joe" on one side and "Suzannah's a Funny 'Ole Man" on the other.

30 Jun 05 - 08:53 AM (#1513248)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Bob Coltman

"The Honest Farmer" and "Taxes on the Farmer Feeds Us All" by Fiddlin' John Carson.
"The Bell Cow" -- New Lost City Ramblers do this and others.
Check out any source of U.S. old time & folk music for great songs of the south and west. The Lomaxes collected such as "Starving to Death on a Government Claim," "Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn," "Whoa, Buck," Leadbelly's "Pick a Bale of Cotton," "State of Arkansas."
There's a great Irish farm-labor song, "Rocks of Baun" and many more about potato farming.
That's only scratching the surface, pardon the pun. There are just a slew of such songs! Consult any folk music collection.

30 Jun 05 - 11:10 AM (#1513321)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Mary in Kentucky

Farmsong, you mentioned urban sprawl and loss of farmland. How about the idea of farmers encroaching on the range, considering the cowman's (rancher's) historical viewpoint?

The Farmer and The Cowman
from the musical, Oklahoma

The farmer and the cowman should be friends,
Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends.
One man likes to push a plough, the other likes to chase a cow,
But that's no reason why they cain't be friends.
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cowboys dance with farmer's daughters,
Farmers dance with the ranchers' gals.
I'd like to say a word for the farmer,
He come out west and made a lot of changes
He come out west and built a lot of fences,
And built 'em right acrost our cattle ranges.
The farmer and the cowman should be friends,
Oh, the farmer and the cowman should be friends.
The cowman ropes a cow with ease, the farmer steals her butter and cheese,
But that's no reason why they cain't be friends
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cowboys dance with farmer's daughters,
Farmers dance with the ranchers' gals.
I'd like to teach you all a little sayin'
And learn the words by heart the way you should
I don't say I'm no better than anybody else,
But I'll be damned if I ain't jist as good!
I don't say I'm no better than anybody else,
But I'll be damned if I ain't jist as good!
Territory folks should stick together,
Territory folks should all be pals.
Cowboys dance with farmer's daughters,
Farmers dance with the ranchers' gals!

30 Jun 05 - 12:15 PM (#1513345)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Uncle DaveO

Two nominees come to mind:

The Farmer Is The Man is one. There are two references earlier in this thread that just might be referring to this song.


We're Up Against it Now This is a song, I think from about 1918 or so, bewailing what automobiles, trucks, and tractors--in sum, the internal combustion engine--has done to farming economics. I'll give two verses and the chorus:

Since the aut-to's come
Mules and horses won't sell
The farmer's land is mortgaged down
And the country's gone to hell!

Cho: We're up against it now
There's no need to raise a row
Of all the times I've ever seen
We're sure up against it now!

A farmer bought him a tractor
It raised quite an alarm
He only broke one little piece
And he had to sell his farm!

Cho. We're up against it now etc.

I think this was written by Uncle Dave Macon.

Dave Oesterreich

30 Jun 05 - 12:22 PM (#1513347)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Uncle DaveO

Then there's Springfield Mountain, and there's The Young Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn.

Dave Oesterreich

15 Jul 05 - 09:34 PM (#1522446)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Hyla

Thanks again for all the great farm song suggestions folks.


16 Jul 05 - 12:34 AM (#1522459)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Gene

found this oldie by Vernon Dalhart on a R-T-Reel awhile back

Farm Relief

16 Jul 05 - 12:55 AM (#1522461)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: open mike

farm workers: deportees
dirt made my lunch
watchin' the apples grow--about Ontario

15 Sep 10 - 10:47 AM (#2987236)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,FireweedFarm

Here are some more farm songs:

15 Sep 10 - 10:59 AM (#2987242)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs

I'm sorry, that was farm issues. Here's the specific link for farm songs I'm collecting.

Here are some not on YouTube:

Joe Kimmell (CDs? Seeds of Love, or? Rural Voices?) He has some great ones! I'm trying to get him on iTunes, etc.
The Village Board
Herbicide Man
BsT Baby
Hometown pride
Where the Farms Used to B
Dark Harvest                        

Glenn Lonsdale, "Artist in Overalls,"

Dan Hunter (Walkin Beans may be album title)
$15 beans
Walkin beans
the Futures Song
Corn beans rotation

15 Sep 10 - 11:12 AM (#2987248)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,fireweed Farm

That was me last time. I'm trying to be useful, but don't want to go over limit.

Here are some I like from Greg Brown, Iowa Waltz, (& title song)
3.        Counting Feedcaps             yea!
        5.        Out in the Country
        6.        Walking the Beans (compare Dan Hunter)
        7.        My Home in the Sky
        8.        King Corn
        10.        Four Wet Pigs

Another favorite, John Pitney   Farmchild Song          (Cargill issue song)
also Song for the Northern Plains (via Western Organization of Resource Councils)

P. Seeger, Equinoxial          also Parity   also A Hayseed Like Me   !!

Rosies (via Missouri Rural Crisis Center?)
Midwives in Overalls
also Cow Patty
          The Old Songs (not the one online?)

Joe Kimmell, Survivors, also What'll I do, etc. (via Wisconsin Rural Development Center)
Charlie Maguire   Gettin' in the Cows       yea!
Brad Wilson (Honoring a Heritage of Beauty unpublished collection, original) See:

15 Sep 10 - 11:17 AM (#2987252)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,Fireweed Farm

One last link:

Farm songs, songwriters, singers too. Relates to my previous posts.

15 Sep 10 - 11:41 AM (#2987261)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: open mike

this song writer has a few songs about farmers (and cowboys)

In his Farmer song he says
"Straw hat and old dirty hankie,
mopping his face like a shoe
thanks for the meal
here's a song that is real
from a kid from the city to you "

15 Sep 10 - 12:03 PM (#2987291)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: Bettynh

John McCutcheon sings (and recites):The Farmer is the Woman

Mending Fences
Water from Another Time
It's the Economy, Stupid
Ask Any Farmer
Family Garden

From William Elliot Whitmore:

Lee County Flood
Red Buds

23 Aug 11 - 02:46 PM (#3211561)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs

Another song inspired by love of land is the 1960s ballad by Jean Ritchie, "Cool of Day"

My Lord he said unto me
do you like my garden so fair?
you may live in this garden
if you keep the grasses green
and i'll return in the cool of day...


I heard a minor-sounding version, like the original, and I've also heard it with major chords and both sound good.

23 Aug 11 - 03:35 PM (#3211595)
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
From: GUEST,mg

I have a sad one about losing the can email me at and I can send an mp3. mg