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Where the heck is Big Mick?

07 Jul 05 - 09:56 PM (#1517617)
Subject: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

As in, are you out there Mr Lane? I only have your old @accn e-mail address. Get in touch, or someone please put me through, pm me a current email addy or sumpin. Looks like I'll be passing through Grand Rapids in August.

I still have the same old email: bcameron at


07 Jul 05 - 10:08 PM (#1517621)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Clinton Hammond

He's not in Michigan anymore, IIRC...

07 Jul 05 - 10:11 PM (#1517624)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Ebbie

He's been here and there recently- I remember him on the Barry Finn in Hospital thread. Try a PM.

07 Jul 05 - 11:07 PM (#1517669)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Bill D

Mick is back East, working, and commuting home at times...PM him

07 Jul 05 - 11:14 PM (#1517672)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Peace

I sent him a PM to let him know about this thread. FYI

08 Jul 05 - 07:12 AM (#1517858)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Genie

Hey, Mick,
.. wherever you are!


08 Jul 05 - 11:41 AM (#1518087)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Peter T.

He's in New Jersey!!!


Peter T.

08 Jul 05 - 11:43 AM (#1518091)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: GUEST,MMario

try not to tease him about it. Mick is a sensative man.

08 Jul 05 - 11:47 AM (#1518094)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

maybe he;s gone fishing?

08 Jul 05 - 11:51 AM (#1518096)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: JedMarum

is that like, Where's Waldo?

08 Jul 05 - 01:36 PM (#1518168)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?

He is avoiding me re: a ring and poor KoKo who is with multiple childs. Shame on you, Mick! And you will dare to show your face at the Getaway? Better bring a banana or two.

08 Jul 05 - 02:22 PM (#1518207)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: katlaughing

WillieO, good to see you, too! He does get home once in awhile to Michigan. Hope it will be when you are there, too. He's a great one to meet and listen to/play/sing with. I'd love to hear the two of you together!


08 Jul 05 - 02:34 PM (#1518216)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Tinker

He actually did go fishing on Tuesday. Got tossed about the Jersey shore he did. Hopefully you two can co-ordinate your travels.


Some of us don't apoloigize for where we live.

08 Jul 05 - 04:16 PM (#1518293)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?

Eating a salad.

Yeah, sure.

08 Jul 05 - 04:53 PM (#1518334)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Little Hawk

I think he got depressed about Martin Gibson leaving. Yeah, that's it for sure. He's hiding out somewhere until he gets over it. Give the poor guy a break, eh?

08 Jul 05 - 05:20 PM (#1518355)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: gnu

LOL LH!!!! Sorry, Mick, but that WAS funny.

08 Jul 05 - 06:00 PM (#1518379)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: GUEST,Guest

About as funny as the first bite of the second pizza in a row he's now eating.

08 Jul 05 - 07:14 PM (#1518449)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

There you go, MMario-teasin my home state of New Jersey...

There's nothin wrong with New Jersey. It's the best state in the union.

And I like it so much that I moved to Pennsylvania.

08 Jul 05 - 07:51 PM (#1518491)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Ebbie

Like me, Azizi. I like Oregon and frequently brag on it. I prefer Alaska.

08 Jul 05 - 07:57 PM (#1518498)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: wysiwyg

Where the heck is Big Mick?
Waaaaay UP! To Alaska....

Free falling


08 Jul 05 - 08:10 PM (#1518511)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

"There's nothin wrong with New Jersey. It's the best state in the union."

Actually that was my weak attempt at a joke.


08 Jul 05 - 08:12 PM (#1518512)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

No offense to New Jerseyites {or whatever the heck they call themselves now].

and if Big Mick moved there, it's all good.

09 Jul 05 - 04:21 AM (#1518765)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: dianavan

What DO you call someone from New Jersey?

09 Jul 05 - 06:42 AM (#1518805)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: gnu

I've cousins in NJ and... nah, I don't think everyone is called asshole.

09 Jul 05 - 08:23 AM (#1518841)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Tinker

Hmmmmmm.......Come On guys, Dani's comin to the shore this month and at this rate you'all are gonna scare her away. Once you get off the highways and away from the industrial wasteland it's not all bad....

My daughter has a T shirt that reads....
New Jersey Only the Strong Survive


09 Jul 05 - 09:00 AM (#1518859)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

What ever you call folks who live in New Jersey, you'd better smile when you say it.

09 Jul 05 - 09:44 AM (#1518881)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?

wE hAve Mick.

IF yOu EveR WanT TO see yOUr Friend aGAIn, LEave A CasE of GUIness and a poTATO BY the LAMpost outside the muDCat TAveRN.

09 Jul 05 - 10:49 AM (#1518918)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

Right, Guest. We'll just trap him in a folding chair.

I know he's supposedly in New Jersey (and as I am married to someone from there, I have learned to stifle my opinions of the place. Some of it is pleasant).

I did PM him to no response, can anyone provide me with an up-to-date e-mail. PM That Please! (it's not @accn.whatever anymore since he changed jobs)


09 Jul 05 - 02:06 PM (#1519038)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: gnu

Would they be "Gardeners"?

09 Jul 05 - 05:44 PM (#1519160)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

For those who aren't in the know, New Jersey's motto is {was?}
"The Garden State". Hence, gnu's question whether residents of New Jersey are called 'Gardeners".

I was born and raised in Atlantic City, home of the Miss America pagent, the Boardwalk, and numerous gambling casinos.

Actually I don't think that folks living in New Jersey had a collective name for themselves. Maybe why Texans are known for their big egos and we have to put up with jokes about our state.

To correct this sin of omission, I hereby nominate the snooty sounding name "New Jerseyite". That should help us build up our self-esteem...

Hey, "New Jerseyite" is better than "New Jerseyian".

Of course, what all this has to do with the whereabouts of Big Mick is little or nothing..

So where the heck is Big Mick?

09 Jul 05 - 05:55 PM (#1519168)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?


sO whAt SHOulD We do WiTh hiM? WE doN'T wAnT hIm aNYmore.

...hOW's abOUT 1/2 A caSE of GuIneSS ?. HOld tHE sPUd.

09 Jul 05 - 05:58 PM (#1519170)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: jacqui.c

I'll pass the message on to Koko - she's sure to pay a ransome, so long as it isn't in bananas.

10 Jul 05 - 12:17 AM (#1519308)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Dani

Don't worry about me, Tinker: I've got plenty of Jersey girl in me. Spent some formative years in South- and Mid- Jersey, enough to know a beach from a damn shore. Of all the sand I love, LBI is at the top of the list. Surf City, here I come!

There's a lot to really love in NJ (should we start a BS:Love NJ thread?) and I do appreciate lots about it.

....that said, I don't claim it as home, and did run like hell when I had the chance...


10 Jul 05 - 12:28 AM (#1519311)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

Hi, Dani!

You wrote about New Jersey, "I don't claim it as home, and did run like hell when I had the chance."

I do claim it as home. And I agree that there is lots to like about it..I have some good memories of growing up in South Jersey and some good memories about going to college in North Jersey.

But I "moved when the spirit said move". *

* This is a line from an African American spiritual that probably is in the excellent Permathread that WYSIWYG, Q, and others have worked on.

Best wishes,


10 Jul 05 - 08:52 AM (#1519465)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

Tinker was good enough to send me an updated address for Mr Organize The Masses.

As for the raging question du jour, Molly (my inside connection) says they are either "New Jerseyites" or if from the south-central area, "Pineys".

10 Jul 05 - 06:15 PM (#1519538)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Tinker

Hmmm I even went so far as to email the big lug a link to the thread and still no response.... wondering what cause has him captured this time ???

10 Jul 05 - 08:38 PM (#1519621)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Seamus Kennedy

Mick moved from Michigan to New Jersey...thereby raising the IQ level in both states.


10 Jul 05 - 09:33 PM (#1519650)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Big Mick is alive and well, and living in Brazil with Elvis!

Dave Oesterreich

10 Jul 05 - 11:37 PM (#1519717)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Bill D

nonsense! Everyone knows Elvis has been on an alien spaceship, being bred with various forms of life--even humans from Arkansas...under contract to National Enquirer! He has 12 years to go, and then he will reappear...probably IN New Jersey.

11 Jul 05 - 12:11 AM (#1519731)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

I simply cannot believe that none of you thought of the completely obvious answer to this question.

But, first, given Mick's inclinations, passions, leanings, and proclivities--and certainly, His job--- Mick is definitely, as Joe Hill finally admonished, not mourning.

He is, as is his wont, organizing !!


11 Jul 05 - 04:14 PM (#1520202)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?

Who the heck is Big Mick?

11 Jul 05 - 04:20 PM (#1520206)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Janie

Art--if you see him tell him to head my way--my place badly needs some organizing;)


11 Jul 05 - 04:26 PM (#1520215)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Allan C.

Guest, you're new to these here parts, ain't ya!

11 Jul 05 - 04:28 PM (#1520218)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: skarpi

Halló all , he might be here or there, he will come to us when he´s ready and done ???? :o)))))

Last time I heard from Mick he´s was drowning In work, :o))
and he was likly singing :

It´s a working man I am ........

All the best Skarpi Iceland.

11 Jul 05 - 10:18 PM (#1520456)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

bless you skarpi, it's a better mudcat with you in it.

And the rest of youse likewise.

And I don't doubt he's organizing. If he would only get in touch I would get my better half to connect him to some of the local subversives...


12 Jul 05 - 04:17 PM (#1520758)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?


12 Jul 05 - 09:26 PM (#1520898)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Dani

YOUSE? As in YOUSE GUYS, Willie?

Y'all, I think Willie-O is a Jerseyite in disguise.

Azizi, I don't claim NJ as home only because I was born in California, not out of malice. As with other places I've lived, I found much to love and keep with me about NJ (including Bruce ;)

I'm going for a bit of vacation there in a few weeks, and actually looking forward to it.

The spirit moved ME to North Carolina from there, and I am in love with where I call home now.


13 Jul 05 - 12:20 AM (#1520974)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

Bite yer tongue Dani. I do whenever moved to comment on New Joisey. It is a sensitive subject in our family. I have a wonderful spouse from there, and some great friends...but (tongue biting here).

I have actually genuinely received an e-mail from Mr Lane. Some lame excuse about not having internet access in the strip of grass outside the walmart parking lot where he spends his time...

13 Jul 05 - 01:17 AM (#1520998)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Azizi

Hey Dani.

I believe in moving where and when the spirit says move. That's why I'm not in New Jersey now....

I think New Jersey is just one of those states that people like to make fun of.

This may not be a good thing-particularly if you work for the state's Public Relations department.

That said, some parts of New Jersey are great places to visit and to live. I had a good childhood and 'teenagehood' there.

Enjoy your vacation!


13 Jul 05 - 08:38 AM (#1521056)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Tinker

Willie, I'm glad you two finally connected. Of course here we have over 50 posts and none from the man himself.... Beginnning to think he's not getting enough music in his life....


13 Jul 05 - 10:10 AM (#1521095)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Amos

OR enough internet access....?


13 Jul 05 - 10:14 AM (#1521097)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Willie-O

Well Amos what he said in part was: "I have
been away from Internet access for quite a while. I got your PM, but
haven't been able to hook up to answer it. note: THIS I BELIEVE!!! As it is I am sitting beside
the road using someone else's wireless signal........hahahahaha, ain't
life great in the new millennium???"

One thing about the big fella, you don't have to make up stories about him...the truth is almost always odder and more interesting.

13 Jul 05 - 01:22 PM (#1521185)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Relax- he's found! He told me that he had bought a new guitar and has been sitting and playing it ever since.   Jean

13 Jul 05 - 02:04 PM (#1521231)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?

sO, I suPPose tHIs mEAns nO GUineSS ?

13 Jul 05 - 05:36 PM (#1521282)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Jeri

Guest, you can still send me the Guiness if you want. I'll even share it with you.

There are REASONS Mick doesn't reply to your messages, folks. (And it provides ample opportunity for for me to extract urine.)

5. What? You wanted an answer!?
4. Some people work, y'know! Yeah, some people get to relax once in a while, too. I've often wondered what that must be like...
3. I had a near death experience and Heaven isn't wired for cable
2. I had a near death expierience, and although Heaven's wired for cable, I fried their computer.
1.5 I'm just fine, but somebody made liquids come out my nose and my computer fried.
And the No. 1 reason:
Jeez...oh Jeez, yeah. I really meant to reply, but had to make dinner, and forgot. Then I remembered, but I forgot again. But I remembered the next day, then went to work and forgot. Sorry. I am so, SO sorry!

13 Jul 05 - 05:54 PM (#1521296)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Big Mick

Well, I have spent the better part of the last two weeks, including the holiday weekend, up to my rather considerable arse in alligators and scabs. I did take a respite to fly home for a weekend of music making at a gathering on beautiful Diamond Lake in Michigan. No internet access there, and I sang and played until my fingers and throat screamed at me to stop. Then back to the grind again. The problem has been that I am away from my internet for large amounts of time.

Willie, I do indeed live in your wife's hometown of Medford, NJ. Tell her I live right across the mill pond from Kirby's Mill and see it every morning out of my kitchen window. That is I see it every morning I am home. Lately it seems that I come and go in the dark. Some folks would call that a blessing.

Yep, Art, I am indeed organizing. And trying to fit in a little time for the guitar and uilleann pipes. I am very near the point of rebelling and saying to hell with all these demands on my music time.

Azizi, I love the folks in Jersey. They are polite, considerate drivers, and I have thoroughly enjoyed making new friends here. But they do talk funny ............ And for you Midwesterners, I want to warn you now. Never, I repeat, NEVER talk about drinking pop. They drink soda around these parts and will consider eliminating any cretin from the gene pool that doesn't understand that. Did I mention that they talk funny around here?

14 Jul 05 - 10:52 AM (#1521838)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: GUEST,MMario

well Mick - It's good to hear from you - we probably wouldn't worry except there was that little incident where you were due in Toronto and never showed up...

BTW- see how they feel about "tonic"

14 Jul 05 - 10:21 PM (#1522027)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Either one is just 1/2 the word- in KY it was sody-pop.

18 Jan 06 - 08:15 PM (#1651262)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: JedMarum


20 Jan 06 - 09:00 PM (#1652458)
Subject: RE: Where the heck is Big Mick?
From: Big Mick

Here I am, my friend. I have been on an assignment that has kept me out of touch and off the Internet. And I have several sets of contract negotiations going on. All adds up to me being out of touch.

Catspaw called me the other night, and he sounds so great. Just talking to him reminded me of our dear internet village, and my friends here. Time to stop and smell the roses a bit.

Thanks for asking, fellow Beef Bro.
