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BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?

11 Jul 05 - 09:35 PM (#1520451)
Subject: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Well, some time ago, I started a thread about the fight our Community here in Maleny (SE Queensland, Australia) was putting up against the giant greedy grocery retailer, Woolworths.

(perhaps some kind LINK Pixie will do me one, here?!)

Whilst it was heartening to see another thread here recently, reporting Vancouver saying NO to yet another Walmart, I am sad to say that this morning, 150 police were mobilised to remove our Community protesters (of all ages), so that the Hutchinson's construction equipment could move in.

It is a very sad, dark day for us. It has been PROVEN that the site (on a lovely creek bank at the entrance to our town) is a PLATYPUS breeding ground. Woolworths plans to excavate the site to a depth of maybe 2 metres to build an underground carpark, with around 50 x 1 metre pylons to hold up its ugly Big Box building. They had already bulldozed many huge trees (including native species), some 18 months ago.

Strangely, the rare and ancient Duck-Billed PLATYPUS is being used as an Aussie Icon at the World Expo in Aichi, Japan and our Prime Minister has been photographed with an 11-metre long "mascot" Platypus (or, "paying lip service to the duckbill" as my partner, Poor Misery, describes this act).

The Expo's theme is Nature's Wisdom - about how we are looking after our world. Over in Japan the platypus is being revered as a beautiful animal whilst in its homeland, Australia, it is being destroyed.

Here is what some of the Expo website has to say :

" ..........visitors meet the star of the Australian pavilion, an 11-metre-long model of a platypus on a riverbank. The platypus was chosen because it existed 65,000 years ago and has remained largely unchanged since that time. It is a small, sensitive creature that requires a clean environment in order to survive. With the cleanup of our riverways, its numbers are starting to grow again. The message here is that by caring about all of our creatures we provide the environment for safe and sustainable development in the future...."

You can visit this site at and learn more.
a very saddened "Rich-Joy" ...

11 Jul 05 - 10:28 PM (#1520462)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?

Woolworth's went bankrupt a few years back. Or is this not the Five & Dime chain?

11 Jul 05 - 10:40 PM (#1520467)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

No, this is the very "UN-Australian" corporation in Australia, who places The Almighty Dollar above EVERY other factor in our lives.

Cheers! R-J

13 Jul 05 - 06:31 PM (#1521338)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

What, between Mudcat being down, and me having new ADSL connection teething problems, AND Woolworths taking over our town, Life is a tad frustrating at present!!!

Can a kind Mud Elf please link this thread and the "Supermarkets Destroying our Communities" one???

Please see for the story of our Maleny Community's (on-going) fight against the greedy grocery giant, Woolworths.

Cheers! R-J

13 Jul 05 - 08:08 PM (#1521429)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

(e.g. Woolworths, WalMart, Tescos et al)

Message from Jenny Fitzgibbon : feel free to add to or improve these parodies - and remember when Woolies tell you how great it's gonna be, they are just "wool words".

(There is also a parody of Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall" which I haven't located yet ... Cheers! R-J)

by Simon Wells, Paul Lawler, and others
(thanks to Freddie Mercury for "We Will, We Will Rock You")

Big developers comin' into town
Puttin' up a cash cow they'll tear the place down
They've got egg on their face, they're in disgrace
For the sake of a quid they're destroyin' the place.

Singin' We Won't, We Won't Shop There ( x2 …. of course)

Obi Obi Creek will be ripped to shreds
Platypus livin' there soon will be dead
They'll carve up the park, don't give a ….
Greedy corporations just out to make a buck.

Singin' We Won't, We Won't Shop There ( x2 …. of course)

Woolies are the big boys, we gotta make a noise
Show 'em we're not impressed by their boys toys
Challenge their might, we gotta fight the good fight
Let 'em know we're not just fly-by-night.

Singin' We Won't, We Won't Shop There ( x2 …. of course)

and We Will, We Will   STOP YOU !!!!

by Jenny Fitzgibbon
(with thanks to "The Wild Rover")

I've shopped in at Woolworths for many's a year
I spent all my money on whiskey and beer
But now I'm withholding my gold from their stores
No I never will shop at a Woolies no more.

and it's NO, NAY, NEVER! (Show what you think!)
        No nay never no more
        Will I shop at a Woolworths
        No never, no more

On the Obi there are platypi who like to frequent
The mud banks by the bridge where the cars came and went
But Woolworths are making it noisier still
Driving wildlife away with jack hammer and drill.

If I went to a farmer and gave a mere half
Of the veg price at Woolworths I'm sure he would laugh
"Why, that's five times the price that I prise from their fists!"
and that's why I won't shop from those capitalists.

by Howard Buckley
(thanks to Queen and Freddie Mercury for "We Will, We Will Rock You")

Woolies, you're a bully
Make a big noise eating towns
'Gonna be a big store someday
You've got mud on your face you big disgrace
Throwing your weight all over the place.

But,        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!
        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!

Woolies you're a bully
Playing hard ball shouting to the world
That its all fair
You've got blood on your face you big disgrace
Tellin' fresh food lies all over the place.

But,        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!
        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!

Woolies you're a bully,
Try to come in to Maleny
Killing creeks and trees
You've got egg on your face, you big disgrace
We're gonna put you back into your place.

Cause,        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!
        We won't, we won't
        Shop there!

13 Jul 05 - 09:45 PM (#1521487)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Bobert

Don't feel like yer the Lone Stranger there....

The US Supreme Court just ruled that if a community wants a Woolworths in it it can takle away a property owners land and build a gol danged Woolworth's, 'er Walmart, 'er whatever Boss Hog wants to build...

Use to be that we had somethin' called emminent domaine that allowed the governemnt to force you to sell yer property to build a road 'er somethin' like that but not friggin' grocery stores...

No more...

Welcome to corportization and privatization...

Welcome to Boss Hog's vision of the way the world should look....


13 Jul 05 - 10:44 PM (#1521528)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Money Talks!

The Golden Rule:
Those who have the Gold make the Rules...

13 Jul 05 - 11:05 PM (#1521539)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: khandu

Here is the link, since no Mud Elf has jumped in yet!


14 Jul 05 - 12:43 AM (#1521572)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

THANK YOU, one and all.

Another parody from my sister, Alex :

by Alex Bridge
(thanks to Manfred Mann)

" Go on : Get Out!
We don't want you in!
You're not welcome in Ma-leny, QUINN! "

(Quinn is the lie-through-his-teeth Boss Hog of Hutchinson's, the platypus destroying "Construction" company who are working on behalf of the Community destroyers, Woolworths.)

Cheers! R-J

14 Jul 05 - 01:43 AM (#1521579)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

that Pink Floyd parody I mentioned :

To the tune of Pink Floyd's Brick in the Wall....
by Henrietta,in Maleny

'Big trucks travelling through the night
They have caused us to stand and fight
We don't need your 'fresh food' adverts
We don't want you near our home.

Hey! Woolies : leave our town alone!
All in all you're just a corp'rate Al Capone.

An Aussie icon lives below
He can't save himself from you
Your money is your only focus
Platypus isn't in your view.

Hey! Woolies : leave our wildlife there!
All in all you've shown again you can't share.

Your supermarket is an eyesore
Your nasty carpark we deplore
Your traffic jam will be a danger
To the people in this town.

Hey! Woolies : remove yourself from there!
All in all you've shown again you don't care.

Cheers! R-J

14 Jul 05 - 02:10 AM (#1521591)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: CarolC

Bobert, that's actually not quite true. In the past, eminent domain was used to allow private development, but only in the inner cities where all of the poor people lived (remember "urban renewal"?). The only thing that has changed is that what was already being done only to the poor, can now be done to anyone.

I have to say that I really can't fault that decision. Maybe it will now inspire the middle and upper income people to get off their collective arses and finally fix the legislation that allows this to be done to the poor people. Sometimes you have to appeal to people's sense of enlightened self-interest in order to get them to do what's right.

Someone in another thread reported that back in the 1970s a whole lot of elderly and poor people lost their homes (through the use of eminent domain) so that a Safeway (grocery) store could be built in their place.

Having said all of that, rich-joy, you have my sympathy. I lost a really good ramping ground (ramps = wild leek) to loggers once. The area was filled with a whole lot of beautiful and hard to find wildflowers, and a crystal clear, clean enough to drink out of stream as well. It was completely ruined.

14 Jul 05 - 03:17 AM (#1521609)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Amergin

Rich, I have been seeing that on the news...and I am just flabbergasted...Australia prides itself immensely on it's beauty, culture and it's unique wildlife...and yet it strives to tear down the very things that make Australia Australia...I was just disgusted....all I can say is I hope the protesters continue their "disobedience".

14 Jul 05 - 04:31 AM (#1521628)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Clinton Hammond

"Australia prides itself immensely on it's beauty, culture and it's unique wildlife..."

That's why the aboriginal are, at best, 2nd class citizens and rabbits over-run all but the most inhospitable areas...


"things that make Australia Australia..."
Have NOTHING to do with white people...

"150 police were mobilised to remove our Community protesters"
Good... I woulda sent more... with water cannons and rubber bullets...

14 Jul 05 - 05:37 AM (#1521652)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Well Clinton, whilst not TOTALLY disagreeing with your first few statements - well, except for the "overun with Rabbits" bit, maybe!! - I fail to see why you, in your great wisdom, would advocate using water cannon and rubber bullets against local people standing up for their own Community and its values and its wildlife!
Does residing in Canada give you some unique perspective on us here in Australia?

Please, enlighten me!


15 Jul 05 - 12:42 AM (#1522097)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

No understanding forthcoming from Our Clint :~) so I'll add this special Michael Leunig poem which sums up the issue we are confronting. (Leunig is a famous Australian cartoonist / philosopher / social commentator) :


Every night and every day
The awfulisers work away,
Awfulising public places,
Favourite things and little graces;
Awfulising lovely treasures,
Common joys and simple pleasures;
Awfulising far and near
The parts of life we held so dear:
Democratic, clean and lawful,
Awful, afwul, awful, awful. "

... and this excerpt from an excellent commentary by Steve Swayne, at our Community's website at : :

" ... Perhaps we should consider calling upon like minded people in other areas to join us in our campaign here in Maleny. The issues are not just local:
• Protection of waterways
• The rights of native animals to have viable habitats
• The rights of local communities to determine their own destiny
• The vastly inappropriate and dangerous power wielded by large corporate entities
• The lack of resolve, will, and backbone of elected representitives at all levels of government
• The decimation of local econonies by large corporate shopping chains
• The complete lack of respect for right livelihood shown by national chains such as Coles and Woolworths to our primary producers.

So, when do we make a stand on these issues, when do we say 'enough is enough'? Why not right here in Maleny? ... "

Thoreau's "When Injustice is Law, Resistance is a Duty" has become a catchcry for our campaign.

And a cautionary quote from J.F. Kennedy, regarding Clinton's preference for "water cannon and rubber bullets" :
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable".

Sad but true ...

Cheers! R-J

17 Jul 05 - 02:41 AM (#1522743)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

by Jenny Fitzgibbon (to the tune of "South Australia" )
1. A new park for Maleny town
        All the day, Here we'll stay
The platypus will stick around
        We're bound to win the day-oh

The Bunya in the breeze will sway
        All the day, Here we'll stay
And children in this park will play
            We're bound to win the day-oh

2. In peace we will defend these banks
            All … Here ...
The good police may join our ranks
            We're bound ...

3. A Woolies in this town would fold
            All … Here ...
The people here are real gold!
            We're bound ...

4. A park for parents, walking prams
             All … Here ...
There will be no traffic jams
             We're bound ...

"The Power of Song" has been used to good effect by the Maleny Protestors (aka "Protectors") in their peaceful resistance campaign to keep their town clean of Woolworths' corporate greed.
Not only do they sing to keep their own spirits up, over the long, cold nights and days, but they sing to the Police and the Security Guards, who have been visibly affected by the gentle outpouring of emotion.
Cait Devlin (who also writes many of the pieces) and Ariah, lead the varying Community members with songs, peace chants and circle dances and even Construction Company employees have been witnessed singing along from inside the fence to : "We are one heart, We are one song"
You can bet too, that the Police find themselves singing it, on their way back to their barracks!!!
And then there's the Obi anthem, the chorus of which goes :
   "So cry me a river of rainbows
    Laugh me a river of dreams
    When Sacred Bunya speaks on the Obi-Obi Creek
    We'll all come together as one."
Maleny's newly-formed "Obi Choir" meets every Sunday afternoon at the site, to sing their support and encouragement for Peaceful People Power.
Why not form your own Community's People Power Choir and
Sing Out Proud and Sing Out Loud!

Cheers! R-J

LATE NEWS : despite The Friends of Maleny INCREDIBLY raising the required A$2million dollars in 24 hours, "Woolwords" and their company goons renigged on their offer to sell and laughed in our face.
Also despite the Media GROSSLY manipulating public perception about the Maleny Community Carers - WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP!!!

17 Jul 05 - 04:26 AM (#1522767)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: freda underhill

This is very sad news, because Maleny in Queensland is a particularly beautiful, self sufficient town. Located close to the Glasshouse Mountains,
Maleny started its own credit union, there is a beautiful permaculture village nearby Crystal Waters" ( hand built solar powered homes in the rainforest )and lots of people have moved there for a life away from the corruption, pollution and noise of the big cities. They have had a fantastic food co-op there for decades, that has served the locals very well.

last time i went there (in early 2000) I went walking at Mary Cairncross Reserve, which preserves 52 hectares of the natural rainforest which once covered the Blackall Range. There is a walking trail through the rainforest, and if you're lucky you can see .. pygmy mouse, bats, bush rats, possums, pademelons, wallabies, gliders, bandicoots, echidnae, geckos, goannas, skinks, bearded dragons, pythons and a plenitude of bird species such as brush turkeys, willie wagtails, the black-faced flycatcher, the eastern whipbird, the satin bowerbird, kookaburras, parrots, rosellas, owls, currawongs, pigeons, lorikeets, kestrels, kites, goshawks and the rifle bird. The holes which can be seen in the ground have probably been dug by spiders, giant earthworms, pademelons or bandicoots. A large, hollow strangler fig is 400-500 years old and there are two rose gums aged 350-400 years.

I myself had a wonderful encounter with the natives leeches while walking!!

This reserve was donated by the daughters of Mary Cairncross, in memory of their mother. Mary was a 19th-century conservationist who fought to protect important natural areas from development and destrucion. She would turn in her grave if she could see what is happening in Maleny today.

good luck with it all , Rich-Joy. in Newtown, close to where I live, we had a similar problem with McDonald's setting up. the locals didnt go there, and we were very pleased to see trhe business close down. it, however, was located on a busy city street, not in a platypus area.

17 Jul 05 - 04:39 AM (#1522773)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: JennyO

I myself had a wonderful encounter with the natives leeches while walking!!

Really? I've had a couple of encounters with leeches, and "wonderful" is not a word I would use to describe them.

On the other hand, maybe my irony detector isn't working....

17 Jul 05 - 05:20 AM (#1522785)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: freda underhill

maybe i should have said "wonderful":-) ... !!

17 Jul 05 - 08:08 AM (#1522850)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

I have now received a 'Stop Shop' Alert...

Basically, in brief
Who'd have thought it could happen in our country!

Media grossly manipulates public perception about the Maleny - Woolworths affair

Laws and regulations have been broken, cover-ups are rife

Council, Law, The Environment Minister, The Premier, Police ... support Corporate wealth whilst obliterating the wishes and values of people, community and environment

Police spot many platypus by night, while burrows are being penetrated by day

Earlier, Cornerstone announced property was not for sale when Maleny was able to buy. Soon after, they sold to Hutchinsons/Uniton.

Recently, Developers offer property for Sale, Woolworths agree to consider, Maleny produces $2,000,000 in 24 hours, then Woolworths Says "NO"

[rest snipped]

If you are willing to support, then no doubt rich-joy will be happy to send you the full pamplett text.

So - why should we continue shop at that chain and associated stores?


I am reminded of an old Bumper Sticker from the 'Uncle Joh' days - and don't forget that Beattie has often praised Joh....

On a blue and white checked background
(similar to the band around the Police Caps...)

Queensland Police State

17 Jul 05 - 08:11 AM (#1522851)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Oops missed

(We) ask you to speak the language of the corporate world $$$$$$$$$$$ - and vote with your feet ....

Please say NO to corporate domination

by refusing to shop at Woolworths now!

... this week Monday 18th July.

For further information you may contact

or for further action

Email Woolworths CEO Roger Corbett

and/or send a Woolworths Feedback Form

17 Jul 05 - 09:30 AM (#1522889)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy


Bill Eclairs
20 April 2004
Want to know why WOOLWORTHS is so successful? Look no further than the relationship with WALMART board member, Jack Shewmaker which is on display in Sydney this week. They may never appear together again after this week. The "Bib and Bub" of Australian retailing. Roger Corbett, still one of the most underestimated men in Australian business and his US mentor, Jack Shewmaker, a board member of Walmart, head of the company's Strategic Committee and a former President of the world's biggest retailer."


Cheers! R-J

18 Jul 05 - 08:26 PM (#1523753)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?

a potted history of our situation :

If you live in a pleasant area of Australia not already blighted by Big Box Retail – Beware! They have you in their sights!!!

Maleny : small town in the Blackall Range area of SE Qld – famous for it's natural beauty : rainforest, bunya pines, green hills and it's folk festival, arts&crafts and co-operative small businesses, etc. For some years now, the Community have been resisting the impending doom of Corporate Monopoly. However, due to a former loophole in the Caloundra Council's planning system, Woolworths, "the greedy grocery giant", has gained a foothold.
They are determined to build their big concrete box supermarket – unwanted and unwarranted - at the entrance to Maleny on a tiny, environmentally sensitive site. i.e. a lovely creek bank, with scientifically proven platypus breeding burrows under the land. (it's ironic that the Platypus is currently Australia's emblem at World Expo in Japan! Check it out at : )

The huge trees on the site (many of them native), were bulldozed early on April 14th, 2004, in a surprise attack reminiscent of the "Bad Old Joh Days" (indeed, the deed was done by the infamous Deen Brothers, much beloved by Joh Bjelke) and it left the Community reeling in shock.

The mobilised Community then attempted to purchase the site, with assistance from Indigenous Peoples' groups, but there were always reasons why Woolies would not accept these attempts. The "I Won't Shop There" campaign started (anti-Woolies, yes, but PRO-Small Business!), with distinctive yellow stickers being worn and posted around the town.
A small but dedicated band of "Protectors", camped on the site – with one actually camped up in the last remaining Bunya Pine!!!   But, on Tuesday July 12th, with a HUGE Police backing (around 150 were counted – see some at : at bottom of page), Woolworths' construction company, Hutchinsons, began in earnest to move on-site to dig the foundations for their underground carpark, with 50 or so concrete pylons, throughout the area of the platypus breeding burrows.

The Maleny Community – of all ages and persuasions - has reacted mightily and always maintains a presence at the site to keep account of the destruction and to protest this "development at any cost" intrusion. Then on Thursday last, at 12 noon, Hutchinsons/Uniton (the current owners) said : We'll sell if you find 2 million within 24 hrs. Well incredibly, by midnight the people and friends of Maleny had raised 1.9 million to buy back the land and at noon the next day, they presented a cheque for 2.2 Million to the Managing Director, Greg Quinn. Woolworths told him not to sell ...

Meanwhile, both the Media and the State Govt are siding with the "Might is Right" brigade, trying to minimise and belittle the town's resistance, intimating that it's just a small bunch of blow-ins; unemployed, uneducated hippies - "professional protestors". Nice try, but it's just not true. Clever though, just how many ways the truth can be twisted and distorted by those with vested interests ... sad that so many have sold out to the big-moneyed Corporations, who with their monopoly practices eventually screw everyone, but starting with the local growers, farmers and small business operators. Sad too, that they explain "innocently" that they are "just acting on behalf of their Shareholders".

But, Beware! This is happening world-wide : Will your favourite place be next???

Please go to the Maleny Community's website and leave your message of support :

Rich-Joy(co-convenor, ABOFOTS "A Bit of Folk on the Side", Maleny)

18 Jul 05 - 08:27 PM (#1523755)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?

Obviously that GUEST was me! (cookie must've crumbled)

Cheers! R-J

18 Jul 05 - 09:23 PM (#1523776)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: John O'L

Woolworths have just opened a new shop in Lithgow on a corner where a park used to be.

About 30 kilometers north of Lithgow another megawealthy corporate developer has just finished buying off the NSW government so it can build a 6-star "eco-resort" in the Wolgan Valley, which runs through the World Heritage listed Wollemi National Park.
We know they have just finished buying off the govt. because news of the project has just reached the public. Of course Lithgow (pop. 25,000) and the Blue Mountains (pop. 73,000) are to benefit from the development by the creation jobs. (How big is this resort going to be?)

Lawson, the oldest town in the Blue Mountains, is about to be completely bulldozed so the highway can be widened.

I wonder if there's a link between the two?
Do I seem paranoid?
I am.

19 Jul 05 - 10:07 AM (#1523936)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Alaska Mike

"And when the land is fully paved,
The tree huggers surely will scream.
But we shall satisfy our contract,
when we paint the asphalt green."

...from a song I haven't written yet.


20 Jul 05 - 08:01 PM (#1524658)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

good one, Mike - can't wait to hear the rest!!

I'm at present tinkering with a rewrite to Billy Bragg's "Power in a Union" (which of course came from G F Root's Civil War song/s : "Battle Cry of Freedom") :

" Ma-leny forever : defending our rights!
A-way with you Woolworths : The People Unite!
No they cannot defeat us when together we all stand
For there is Power in Our Union."

John - it has been estimated that Maleny already has SEVEN Woolworths supermarkets WITHIN a 40 minute drive, but their aim is to have one in every town in Australia (WW's Corbett the Crusher, trained with WalMart executives!) - and this is just ONE of the chains!!! (albeit the biggest one - Woolies and Coles already have a whopping 80% of the grocery market in Oz, according to industry stats ...)

Sorry to hear about The Blue Mountains ... David HAS to find new ways to fight Goliath!!!

Cheers! R-J

PS from the MalenyVoice website - July 18th :

Obi Obi Protest - Global Sychronised Protest Drumming

Tonight at 5.30 on the dot, get your percussion instrument out, go outdoors and play that drum for ten minutes.
Last night's drumming was amazing - reports have come back that they are synchronising with us on the drums in North Queensland and even Canada and the US!!

Drum the message into them folks!

5:30PM Eastern Australian Standard Time = 7:30AM Greenwich Mean Time = 3:30AM New York (Sorry Guys)

Hey, middle of the night in North America? No problem, beat those drums at 5:30 PM your local time.

Let us know you are doing it for us. Put a message on the soapbox or the website.

21 Jul 05 - 07:59 AM (#1525029)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Those alleged 'new' jobs in the Supermarkets are temporary. Technology is being demonstrated at the current time that obviates the need for 'check-out-chicks' entirely. RFID tags that respond with identifying material about the item code & price. These tags currently cost about 40c each in bulk, so they won;t be introduced until the price drops to about 4c each. About 10 years time, it is believed.

There are also less powerful technologies that allow the shopper to scan the items themselves using a 'smart trolley', These are capable of being introduced now, but the cost will fall with time.

It's all about making money for the shareholders folks - sod the customer!

22 Jul 05 - 07:33 PM (#1525807)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Just so you know who to avoid : it's not just groceries!!!

Woolworths Subsidiaries   

Woolworths Limited, or Woolies (as it is colloquially known) is a large Australian retail corporation. It operates several retail fascia in Australia and New Zealand only:

* The Woolworths chain of supermarkets in Australia, which trades as Safeway in Victoria and Food for Less in some locations, as well as attached liquor stores
* A range of liquor stores comprising Dan Murphy's - category killer liquor barns, First Estate - fine wine specialists, and BWS (Beer, Wine, Spirits) - neighbourhood liquor stores. The company has acquired additional stores as a result of the Australian Leisure & Hospitality Group acquisition which are expected to be rebranded
* Woolworths/Caltex petrol petrol stations (formerly Woolworths Plus Petrol) - chain of stations operated in association with Caltex Australia Limited, some owned by Woolworths, some by Caltex
* The BIG W discount store chain
* Dick Smith Electronics and Tandy Electronics consumer electronics chains in Australia
* Woolworths EzyBanking (a joint venture with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia)
* Two online retailers -, an online fruit and vegetable retailer and Woolworths Homeshop

Woolworths Limited is the second largest retail company in Australia by market capitalisation and the largest food and grocery retailer, and its Chief Executive Officer is Roger Corbett. Its main competitor in supermarkets and discount department stores is Coles Myer.

see for a list of email and other addresses

taken from SOAPBOX forum - posting invited :

REMEMBER - they don't just want your money - they want ALL your money : food, fuel, alcohol, pharmaceuticals ...
their stated aim is for YOU to be DEPENDENT on THEM!!!

The choice is ours ...

Cheers! R-J

22 Jul 05 - 07:50 PM (#1525824)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: DougR

I guess the Platipusses will just have to move to a new spot. Right?


22 Jul 05 - 07:57 PM (#1525831)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Ebbie

Being facetious, DougR? With you it's hard to tell.

22 Jul 05 - 09:49 PM (#1525904)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Sure, Doug.

Over in Japan, at the World Expo, the platypus is being revered as a beautiful animal, whilst in its homeland - Australia - it is being destroyed (i.e. at Maleny)
Here are some excerpts from the various W/E sites :

"The Platypus has existed in its current form for more than 65,000 years on Earth, and is an animal whose existence relies on its fragile eco-system being preserved."

" ... visitors meet the star of the Australian pavilion, an 11-meter-long model of a platypus on a riverbank. The platypus was chosen because it existed 65,000 years ago and has remained largely unchanged since that time. It is a small, sensitive creature that requires a clean environment in order to survive. With the cleanup of our riverways, its numbers are starting to grow again. The message here is that by caring about all of our creatures we provide the environment for safe and sustainable development in the future... "

Along with the Echidna, they are the only monotremes, or egg-laying mammals, on earth.

They can't just move along to any old creek or river bank. It has to be fresh water and relatively slow moving. The soil has to be the right type and consistency for their extensive system of burrows (the egg-carrying female also builds long, breeding burrows). Chances are that the suitable locations are already housing platypus. They also have a tendancy to being solitary, which further reduces their homesites (though several can live in close proximity).

So Doug, when your home is removed by "eminant domain", with little or no compensation, you'll just easy find somewhere else, right?

Cheers! R-J

23 Jul 05 - 01:56 PM (#1526349)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Tannywheeler

In our old (1928) prayerbook (I'm Episcopalean) there used to be a prayer that started:
"Almighty God, who desireth not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness and live..."
I can't do much more for y'all from here in Texas than dig out that old prayerbook and pray that prayer over Mr. Corbett.
Be Loud, be Proud. Complain to all levels of gov't, break down the different departments concerned and press them about the particular-to-them-each features of the situation. Is there a "class action suit" provision in Aussie law?
You'll have to look each other in the eyes and say, "This may take a while. We are in it for the long haul." And make plans to share the steady pressure at all levels. Give each other time off once in a while--slow response can engender depression. Keep tissue available for those moments of frustration when tears of anger/sorrow flow. Recognize you've taken on a lifetime battle--maybe have to pass it on to your kids. Keep each other encouraged.
I'm just a dumb Texan and know zip about your gov'tal structure. Besides the Prime Minister, you've got governors of each--um, state?--national departmental sec'ys, regional departmental heads--this is all guesswork. Don't be sneaky/nasty(energy waste), but STEADY, UBIQITOUS, PERVASIVE, PERSEVERING. And keep up the music.

But you already figured all this out and that's why you're feeling desparate, I guess. Wish I knew more to tell you. Keep praying. Tw

28 Jul 05 - 07:25 PM (#1530668)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

another parody (or "derivative"?) to a famous Oz footy song - not sure whose work this is, though :

Sung to Up there Cazaly (Maleny)

Up there Maleny, in there and fight
Out there and at 'em, show 'em your might
Up there Maleny, don't let 'em in
Fly like an angel, you're out there to win

Up there Maleny, in there and fight
Out there and at 'em, show 'em your might
Up there Maleny, don't let 'em in
Fly like an angel, you're out there to win

Up there Maleny, you're out there to win
In there and at 'em, don't let 'em in
Up there Maleny, show 'em you're high
Fight like the devil, the crowds on your side

Ahhh... Up there Maleny, in there and fight
Out there and at 'em, show 'em you're might
Up there Maleny, show 'em you're high
Fight like the devil, the crowd's on your side

Cheers! R-J

28 Jul 05 - 07:30 PM (#1530674)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

This just gets sillier - IS The Law an Ass (Arse)??!!

see the photos for both these articles on :

1. "Premier Peter Beattie Asked to Intervene - Free our Platty from 'custody':

The Maleny community platypus character suit / mascot 'Platty' has been confiscated by Queensland Police officers and is being held in 'custody' as evidence.

Platty was photographed soon before being arrested with some of the boys in blue who took exception to his presence.

What possible harm could a platypus suit have done to anyone? Why is the Queensland Police Force being so obstinate about our Platty? A favourite with the children of Maleny, many are openly upset at knowing their Platty is currently behind bars.

Have some compassion and show a bit of common sense Mr Beattie, please let our Platty go!"

and this one too :

2.   "Maleny Residents Banned From Half Their Town :

A 100 metre total exclusion zone has been imposed on Maleny residents arrested at the controversial development site in Maleny.
They are not allowed near the development site - fair enough.
However, they have also been banned from the following locations in our small one-street-town:
Banned from the Maleny Hotel (only pub in town)
Banned from the Maleny RSL Memorial Hall
Banned from the Maleny Library
Banned from the Maleny Post Office
Banned from the Riverside Shopping Centre (over one third of all shops in town)
Banned from Tesch Park (major recreational park and children's playground in town)
Banned from taking children to the primary school on foot.
Banned from driving out of town to the coast (other than using a 4km detour around the town centre)

Is this a fair and resonable thing to do to people in our small town? We ask Mr Beattie to do the right thing and amend these draconian conditions placed on Maleny citizens immediately."

Cheers! R-J

28 Jul 05 - 07:37 PM (#1530678)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

another version of Queen's "We Will Rock You", which is proving very popular for derivatives/parodies in this campaign (once again, not sure whose work it is) :

Roger you're a boy make a big noise
Playin' with the world gonna be a big man some day
You got mud on yo' face
You big disgrace
Throwin' your weight all over the place

We won't, we won't shop there
We won't, we won't shop there

Roger you're a bad man, hard man
Destroying Maleny gonna destroy the world some day
Platy blood on yo' face
You big disgrace
Wavin' your banner all over the place

We won't, we won't shop there
We won't, we won't shop there

Roger, you're an old man poor man
Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
You big disgrace
Maleny will put you back in your place.

We won't, we won't shop there
We won't we won't shop there

"Roger" refers to Roger "Crusher" Corbett, Woolworths' CEO who is best buddies with WalMart executives (see post further back) ...

Cheers! R-J

28 Jul 05 - 08:21 PM (#1530721)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe


In Australia, while we do have state Governors as well as a national one, none of the positions are elected, and none of them have the ability to exercise direct power on their own in the same way as US ones do. They are 'executive heads of state for ceremonial purposes' positions. The real control comes from the State Premiers & Prime Minister.

29 Jul 05 - 02:51 AM (#1530975)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Liz the Squeak

In my area in London, we now have to drive 2 miles to get to the nearest petrol station, in ANY direction. Until last summer, to get to that same supermarket petrol station, we would have passed at least 6 small independant stations, all offering a variety of prices and services. Seems the big stores have now got the petrol monopoly and soon the likes of BP, Shell, Tootal and Q will vanish into the sticks; London will be full of deserted cars because they ran out of petrol before they could find a Sainsburys or an Asda.

I've always tried to support local businesses, but prices and income do not keep pace with each other.


30 Jul 05 - 09:05 PM (#1531824)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

a song from local SE Qld singer/songwriter, Tommy Leonard :

Tommy Leonard - July 2005

Have you heard what happened in Maleny? It's enough to break your heart.
Maleny was raped in broad daylight and the police held her legs apart.

Some people blame the developers, some blame a supermarket chain.
Some people blame the police and the state, but we must never let it happen again.

Now I don't understand the politics, and I don't understand the law.
I don't understand the corruption and lies, but I do know what I saw.

One hundred and twenty or more police in this quiet little country town.
Forcing her to yield against her will while the gang rapists took their turns.

Just one more shameful misuse of the Queensland Police, policewomen and policemen.
Stopping the people from protecting the creek, the trees and the platypus underground.

The police were just acting on orders from above, they were doing as they were told.
Some people were arrested who could not stand by
And see their mother stripped, bleeding and cold.

Now perhaps I can begin to understand how indigenous Australians feel.
Their country has been ravaged by a man with a gun
For two hundred and thirty-five years.

He trespassed on their land without permission, with his gun and noose ignored their laws.
First he took the gold, today it's uranium, but it's been two hundred and thirty-five years.

Now as a general rule I am a peaceful man, I try to keep within the law of the land.
But when the law is ass I will raise my voice so the lawmakers understand.

Yes when the law is an ass I will question it. When the law is an ass I will challenge it.
When the law is an ass I will change it. To protect democracy in this land.

Yes, have you heard what happened in Maleny? It's enough to break your heart.
Maleny was raped in broad daylight and the police held her legs apart.

Maleny is being raped in broad daylight while the police hold her legs apart.

Tommy is a talented guitarist and a deep-thinking songwriter, possessed of a most beautiful voice and who has 2 CDs out - one of (the late) Don Henderson's songs ("A Gentle Breeze") and a recent one of his own compositions ("Spiral of Change"), which I couldn't get out of my player for days!! (highly recommended)

Cheers! R-J

30 Jul 05 - 09:17 PM (#1531829)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Bobert


Took me a while to get back here but emminent domaine was never used to build Walmarts... Yeah, "urban renewal" meant either roads, HUD sponsored housin' or governmental sopnsored community centers, but no Walmarts...

Sorry to break the thread creep and return to the orginal thread...


30 Jul 05 - 09:17 PM (#1531830)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

I thought I should also add the song written in April 2004, when the first physical destruction of the site occurred. Written by another talented local SE Qld singer/songwriter, Noel Gardner :

" Autumn in Maleny "








You can hear this song - and see a clip of it being performed at a Maleny rally - at this link :

As with Tommy Leonard in the last post, similar comments can apply to Noel Gardner too - and he also has 2 CDs available (the names of which - I admit with some embarrassment - have escaped me : blame The Great Mental Pause!!) and he is at present working on a third.

Cheers! R-J

31 Jul 05 - 08:51 PM (#1532322)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: GUEST,fish fanatic

hi all,

I am trying to further my understanding of this topic for a senior research assignment in which a natural resource issue had to be chosen and investigated. After hearing of the woolworths proposal for maleny and the impact it will have on the Obi Obi creek and its platypus inhabitants I decided to use it as my topic.

I have carried out a fair bit of research and have found alot of info on the impacts it will have on the environment, economy of the town, and the social well-being of residents, but have been unable to find any information regarding Woolworths actual plans. I would like to know information regarding the size and structure of the building that is to be built, how close it encroaches on the creek, parking, entrance to the centre, and any other relevant information.

I thank-you for your time and any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

31 Jul 05 - 10:10 PM (#1532351)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Hi fish fanatic - you'll have to checkout the Maleny Voice website :

I know there's a LOT of info and photos on there - but there are pages with the Woolies plans - and artist impressions (LOL!!!) of what their proposal will supposedly deliver ...

Cheers! R-J

01 Aug 05 - 04:28 AM (#1532456)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: GUEST,fish fanatic


I have had a look through the site now and have found it very useful.

fish fanatic

01 Aug 05 - 01:26 PM (#1532729)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: DougR

I assume there is no unemployment problem in your city, rich-joy, because the Woolworth store would probably provide a great deal of employment for your fellow citizens. Am I assuming correctly?


01 Aug 05 - 07:55 PM (#1533004)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

1) the local coop and other businesses such as fruit & vege shops will be pushed out of business - losing jobs. I have seen this happen at my local Woolie shopping centre.

2) current technology being demoed now and projected for use in the near future in supermarkets will totally dispose of the need for 'check out chicks' as the goods will be scanned automatically - when the current price of the tags drops from 40c to about 4c. Only shelf packing slaves will be needed - probably after hours at non-penalty rates, as Little Hitler Gnome Johnny is bringing in legislation to cut such conditions as unlawful dismissal and overtime payments, for out of normal hours and holidays, etc.

01 Aug 05 - 11:51 PM (#1533126)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

DougR, the retailing industry stats in Australia have demonstrated that for every 17 jobs that are "created" at a Corporation store like Woolworths, 10 are lost in the existing Community.

Some would suggest that well, at least that is 7 NEW jobs.
Thing is, perhaps not everyone likes being FORCED into a "career" as a check-out chick at Woolies (= a job with a very limited future, according to Foolestroupe's postings!)
Perhaps they preferred to work in small local businesses - perhaps they were even running their own business and preferred to have that control over their working life.
Perhaps these people were farming or growing food or producing goods that Woolworths won't buy, because the Corporation prefer to do all their purchasing from either cheap slave-labour markets in 3rd world countries or else obtain produce from a depot "down south" in either Melbourne or Sydney (Oz is a big country ...)
It has also been shown that with small business, the money tends to stay around the Community, where the families all live and go to school and shop. Once a Corporation has the monopoly, the money disappears out of the district, into Southern shareholders accounts or the CEO's (quite unbelievably large!) salary or overseas - our towns and Communities then start to die.

This is happening all over - Maleny is just one of many.
BUT! We have not given up the fight!

Cheers! R-J

02 Aug 05 - 07:56 PM (#1533739)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: DougR

Perhaps, R-J, but I believe you are fighting a losing battle. Progress you know.


02 Aug 05 - 08:19 PM (#1533766)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Progress _IS_ a losing battle!

04 Aug 05 - 05:45 AM (#1534677)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Good Grief Charlie Brown! is that rich-joy being dragged away at the Maleny Protest?

If you step back up to the top of the site, you can check out more of Leahy's Political Cartoons - he's probably one of the best of the Australian Newspaper Cartoonists we have. (You should look too Donuel!) :-)

04 Aug 05 - 08:53 AM (#1534793)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

People here are talking about "Queensland BECOMING a Police State".
Well as the good song says :

"... I never died, said Joh"

Cheers! R-J

04 Aug 05 - 09:07 AM (#1534805)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Excerpt from an interesting letter in our local newspaper ("The Range News") this week :

" ... Maleny means nothing to Woolies, nor its people, just our dollars. A company that can undercut business and run at a loss until the competition collapses is unethical and abominable. A company that makes its suppliers suffer indignation and substandard prices is a disgrace. Shareholders' demand for greater returns is no excuse for shameful practices. A company should make profits by offering a better product, (rather) than just lower prices ... "

It ends by quoting Nobel Peace Prize winner, Elie Wiesel :
"Take sides, neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

Cheers! R-J

04 Aug 05 - 02:15 PM (#1535006)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: DougR

Foolestroup: do you consider yourself a "progressive?"


04 Aug 05 - 08:15 PM (#1535259)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Ooooooooo, that used to be dangerous talk in the 'Uncle Joh' years, DougR...

I remember working on the concept of a board game involving the infamous 'three is a crowd and thus an illegal demonstration' law - you had to get a certain number of protestors down George St, (avoiding being distracted by the many pubs) past the fat police seargent and to the State Parliament building...

Interestingly, one of my mother's relatives was the Lutheran Pastor (later on he became head of the Lutheran Church) who first taught Joh the basics of Public Speaking as a young man interested in politics...

I also went to Uni and became friends with John Sinclair - son of the man involved in FIDO and a certain infamous court case...

I consider myself extremely conservative (if it ain't broken, why 'fix' it? - e.g. selling Telstra, privatising banks already publicly owned, water, electricity services, etc) - the problem is that I find many of the attitudes of the alleged 'Political Conservatives' extremely narrow minded, short sighted, and blatantly and greedily selfish.

05 Aug 05 - 02:58 AM (#1535442)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

Beware the Corporate Expansionist catch-cry :
(taken from Marcus Bussey's pieces at

" A Pilgrim's Progress
Whenever you hear the word "Progress" linked with development, as it has recently been in Maleny, you should become suspicious. The word is deceptively simple, yet it is a highly charged political weapon in the war on community, the environment and those who would resist the rampant expansion of big business and government into local contexts and environmentally sensitive areas.

Western society has had a passionate relationship with progress but it has been something of a poisoned chalice and we now weigh each gain in terms of physical comfort, personal wealth, convenience, increased speed, and technological capacity against, patent loss of individual meaning, erosion of rights and liberties, environmental degradation, social and personal stress, wide-spread cynicism and a loss of belief in the future. The future has in fact been colonized ahead of us by a toxic and aggressive form of progress that purports to serve community when it serves corporate capital and authoritarian forms of governance.

Progress as we (and others) have experienced it, has been a mixed blessing. It was progress that lead Europeans across the waves to new lands at great cost to their indigenous populations. Yet it was also progress that challenged the power of monarchs and brought about new forms of democratic government. It was progress that built factories and belched out pollution wrecking the lives of generations of people and degrading the environment. Yet again, it was progress that gave us electricity and a range of treatments to many of the world's ills.

At this level of analysis we can easily be distracted into point scoring, yet this litany misses the point. At all times when real advances have been made their has been a positioning by specific groups to maximize advantage and direct energy into forms of social organization that create passivity in the populace, a compulsive obsession with choice and change, and huge wealth for a privileged few. This preferred vision of 'progress' has been well marketed and many accept it unquestioningly, unaware that it effectively robs their children of a future we could feel proud of.

This brand of progress has been naturalized: many can think of no other form of development than increased commerce, increased expansion of the market globally and locally and an increased range of techno-toys to both amuse and facilitate commerce and globalisation. Many feel captive to this image of the future. This is an image that has direct implications for the present when groups, such as the one in Maleny resisting Woolworths, are marginalised by a combined rhetoric of progress and property rights and many who might join their ranks shrug their shoulders with a premature sense of defeat in the face of a triumphant progress.

Many such would-be supporters from middle-Maleny cannot see a way out. It is this socioeconomic group that a recent study lead by Dr Richard Eckersley, from the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the ANU in Canberra, found to be suffering great stress. A moral tension lies at the heart of their lives because they behave in ways contrary to their beliefs. Why? It seems that they feel caught – they believe they need to keep up with the pace of change which feels highly unstable and therefore they struggle to create their own safe haven to keep the unpredictable out. Interestingly, Eckersley also found that many were changing life-styles in an attempt to break the cycle they are caught in. I am one such individual, a pilgrim in search of a different, more inclusive 'progress' that flies in the face of the current logic implied in the catch-all of corporate expansionism "You can't stop progress!"

The point of this letter is that we may not be able to stop progress, but we can certainly choose what kind of progress we want. We in Maleny have the choice between a form of progress that degrades community and the environment while channeling profits out of the local area into huge corporations, or a form of progress that embraces the communal and builds local economic and social diversity and strength. The choice is ours, yet it is being taken away from us. We need to remember that we are ancestors of the future and that our legacy will one day be weighed and measured. As it stands, there is little doubt that many of us will be found wanting."

Cheers! R-J

05 Aug 05 - 07:42 PM (#1536040)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

... and remember a stroll through the stream of most people's souls will not wet your ankles...

from Deteroria... :-)

11 Aug 05 - 06:54 PM (#1540581)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

2005 - or 1984?
Obi Obi Development Site - First Slab Pouring Day, Wednesday, August 10th :   
It has been estimated that there were close on 100 police, once again from as far away as Bundaberg. Police escorted the concrete trucks from Conondale (30km away) and cordoned off the roads, the site - and the Pub, all to protect construction of an unwanted, unwarranted Woolworths ("the UN-Australian") corporation supermarket.

Trouble is, there were only 3 onlookers (and 1 pooch)!!!

Maleny people can be forgiven for now seriously considering that this whole (ongoing) debacle is being treated as a Terrorist/CrowdControl Training Exercise for the Police ...

Add to that the recent technical difficulties being experienced by many locals with regard to their phones and internet sites : rumours abound of either The Feds phone-tapping - or at least Woolworths Corporate Industrial Espionage - after all, ANYthing's possible nowadays, regardless of whether you're into Conspiracy Theories or not ...

A local chap who flew his helicopter over the site, with a photographer on board - keeping completely within the known, established laws, mind you - has literally been interrogated by senior police officials and also had complete lies about him and his activities (and his employment details) spread across the Sunshine Coast newspapers.

Anyone attending the weekly, weekend Community Rallies (held in Cooke Park and processing peacefully and lawfully down our main street to Tesch Park, opposite the Woolworthless site) gets their presence filmed and photographed by Police - so our visages are all on "police files" now!!!
In fact, anyone coming close to the site at other times is also photographed (this is our MAIN thoroughfare remember!!!) and it has been proven that they are using long-range listening devices , both at the site AND around the town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This whole affair started with the People of Maleny innocently assuming that they had a right to voice their opinions, even when different to Govt or Big Business. The longer that all this continues, the more evidence is being amassed to the contrary ...

BUT! remember, it's not only Maleny and its people at stake here - remember the original "Big Brother"*** ...
(and what about last week's penultimate episode of "Dr Who"??!!) :

So, Stay Alert! (yes, I know, the world needs more Lerts!)

"Coming Soon, to a town near You!"

Cheers! R-J

PS    and they still haven't returned our confiscated Community Platypus character suit!!!!

visit the site (new data all the time, and currently being revamped - also news of other Community's struggles around Oz - and the World) :


16 Aug 05 - 01:05 AM (#1542857)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: The Fooles Troupe

Well, I suppose it is alright for me to visit you them - I have had my mug videoed by the Boys in Blue in the past when I used to attend La Boite Theatre during the Joh Years.... wasn't the Special Branch supposed to be disbanded? Or is it now hiding under the guise of the Anti-Terrorist Squad - Orwell Style?

Of course, Beattie has publicly expressed his admiration for Joh, as did Joh for Der Feurer...

23 Aug 05 - 08:21 AM (#1547597)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

"WALMART personnel KILL shoplifter!!!

Remember that Woolworths and Walmart are buddies......

Eternal vigilance is a safeguard of liberty and a society that wishes to remain free should watch its government at all times with the intensity of a hawk that stalks its prey."

taken from Soapbox (

Cheers! R-J

23 Aug 05 - 08:56 PM (#1548172)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?

I'm sure the security guards were among the many who are grateful for the low paying jobs provided by WalMart. Lets wait and see how far they go to defend the actions of the security guards. My guess is that WalMart will do everything they can to distance themselves from the actions of their employees.

dianavan (left my cookies at home)

28 Oct 05 - 01:52 AM (#1592281)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: rich-joy

If you wish to show some support for the valiant Communities attempting to resist the Corporate Takeovers of their towns, please consider purchasing a CD from this website :

For every CD sold, a proportion will go to the Community fund in Maleny :

But that aside, the music is just plain good fun – and let's face it, we all need a bit of respite from the numerous negative impacts of Globalisation that bear down upon us nowadays ...

Cheers! R-J
Down Under

16 Jun 08 - 01:54 PM (#2367079)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: kendall

"When the last fish has been caught
When the last river is polluted
When the last tree has been cut down
Only then will you realize
You can't eat money."

(Chief Seattle) ???

16 Jun 08 - 02:03 PM (#2367091)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Peace

It is credited as "Cree Indian Prophecy", but who knows.

16 Jun 08 - 04:19 PM (#2367261)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: Liz the Squeak

Heard an apt and telling comment on the TV tonight. Scottish fishermen, questioned about failing fish stocks off the coast of Scotland looked at the evidence and stated:

"It took us 17 years to knacker the Clyde."


17 Jun 08 - 04:23 PM (#2368134)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
From: GUEST,Chief Chaos

It's sad to say that after all we have learned and experienced, the song remains the same...

"And daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry, my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away"

29 Jul 08 - 12:45 PM (#2400435)
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
From: Donuel

A Corporation has legislated for itself to have full and complete human rights equal to and superior to those enjoyed by a living human being.

A platypus doesn't enter into the equation for rights or fairness by the laws Corporations pay to have enacted.

If legal remedies can not be found or afforded for the Platypus, an ironic intervention might be the "accidental" poisoning of Woolworth owners by the poison that Platypus produce.

Yes among the bizare attributes of a Platypus is the fact that they produce a defensive toxin.